
Module updates Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages

Information about the latest updates of modules on Bitrix. Learn about new features, improvements, and bug fixes in our modules. Stay up to date with the latest updates and improve your site with our products.


- Improved components catalog.section.list and
- Fixed a bug related to the facet index in
- Added recoding of language (lang) files to utf8 before submitting for translation



- Minor changes



- Fixed a bug when, when mass translating elements, the array of property translations was incorrectly substituted.



- Added a new method FCIBlockElement::GetElementGroups for conveniently obtaining groups of elements.
- Fixed an error in receiving translations in the FCIBlockSection::GetNavChain method. The $LID parameter has now been added to get the breadcrumbs in the desired language, regardless of the global language constant.
- Fixed a bug where writing translations of certain types of element properties would cause an error in the database.



- Fixed errors in language files related to an incorrect quota replenishment link in the quota expiration warning.



- Improved periodic checking for quota availability.
- Improved warnings about quota exhaustion.



- It is now possible to receive translations in a specific language for elements and sections of information blocks. The language can be specified in the parameters of functions such as FCIBlockElement::GetList, FCIBlockSection::GetList, FCIBlockSection::GetByID, FCIBlockElement::GetByID and others.
- You can also use language specification to obtain templates of calculated values and the values themselves from InheritedProperty\ElementTemplates, InheritedProperty\SectionTemplates, InheritedProperty\IblockTemplates.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect translation of calculated value templates in the admin panel.
- Fixed a bug when module styles were not connected on the administrative pages for editing elements, sections and information blocks in translation mode.
- Improved functionality for displaying translations for elements and sections in shared viewing list mode.
- Now the multilingual module is compatible with the module "Proger: Core - Core of basic functions", which requires installation on the system.
- Added methods FCIBlockSection::GetTreeList and FCIBlockSection::GetMixedList.
- Fixed a bug when translated properties were not displayed in the list of information block elements in the administrative part.
- The principle of checking the translation mode has been changed, now you can check not only globally, but also for a specific language in the CFanTranslator::isTranslateMode() method by passing it the language code in the first parameter.
- Translation of administrative files has been completed.
- Other bugs have been fixed.



- Added support for the module "Localization Assistant: automatic translation of language files"



- Добавлены параметры 'orderMl' и 'filterMl' в метод GetList мультиязычных Highload-блоков. Эти параметры предоставляют возможность сортировки и фильтрации по уже переведенным полям. Также добавлена функциональность получения UF_ полей на оригинальном языке, если в массив select указать префикс ORIG_, например, ORIG_UF_NAME.
- Исправлены ошибки, связанные с работой с мультиязычными Highload-блоками. В частности, устранены проблемы, возникающие при использовании '*' в массиве select.
- Обновлена функция getList, чтобы поля возвращались с нужными названиями, улучшая читаемость кода.
- Метод RenameRowKeys теперь является устаревшим (deprecated) и будет удален в будущих версиях. Все вызовы этого метода в коде заменены на использование полей с наименованиями по умолчанию из базы данных.
- Обеспечена совместимость с последними обновлениями Битрикс, включая метод GetUserFields.
- Добавлены языковые фразы для улучшения локализации и удобства использования модуля.



- Fixed some errors in administrative files.
- Fixed a bug in the component, in which the values of properties of the "string" type were not displayed in translation mode.
- In the component, work with facet index values has been improved.
- Updated component
- Fixed errors when recording translations of element properties.



- Updated administrative page iblock_element_edit.php
- Added parameter FCIBlockElement::GetList, now you can explicitly specify LANGUAGE_ID
- Moved some language phrases to language files
- Added an error message in the settings when connecting to the translation server fails
- Fixed an error in auto-translation of the description of the “Picture” field of the infoblock section
- SEO fields for sections and elements have been added to auto-translations



- Fixed an error when properties were not translated for the first time on the property list page
- Added functionality for mass translation of infoblock sections, infoblock elements and their properties
- Auto-translation now handles HTML/text type infoblock element property
- Added Translate method to FCIBlockElement and FCIBlockSection class



- Added the ability to perform translations using Deepl
- Fixed a bug when parent was not translated in SEO templates for infoblock elements



- Removed the ability to determine the site language using the "lang" parameter in the "constant_definer.php" file.
- Fixed a bug related to writing the "HINT" property field for a smart filter.
- Fixed authorization of the module on the site for automatic translation.
- The adapted component "bitrix:sale.order.ajax" has been removed, and now all translations are performed on events.



- Adding translations on the module settings page in the admin panel
- Exclusion of interface languages without installed code
- Added GetProperties method of the FCIBlock class
- Added output of string properties in the component in different languages
- Added periodic checking of the auto-transfer quota balance.
- Added FCIBlockSectionPropertyLink::GetArray to display the "Hint in the smart filter for visitors" field in different languages.
- Translation of property values of string type has been added to the smart filter



- Error correction
- Added the ability to automatically translate the custom field of the HTML/Text infoblock element



- Minor edits made



- Changed the names of the translation tables in the database to shorter ones
- Fixed detection of the language version of the site, when when changing languages the first time it would display a page in the language of the page from which it came.



- Fixed a bug where the module could not be installed in demo mode



- Added display of translations of section fields in the administrative part (/bitrix/admin/iblock_list_admin.php).
- Fixed a bug with authorization when saving settings without changing the password.
- Fixed an error installing the module after the end of the demo period.

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