Multilingual: Lite - Unified catalog of the Bitrix website in two languages!

In a world of modern technology and global connectivity, creating and maintaining multilingual websites has become an integral part of a successful online presence. In this context, the " Multilingual: Lite " module for the Bitrix content management system represents an innovative solution that makes this process more accessible and convenient for a wide range of users.

The main advantages of "Multilingual: Lite":

One site, one catalog - two languages. Simple and effective.

The Multilingual Lite module opens up new horizons for managing bilingual catalogs on a website. This incredibly efficient solution makes it easy to maintain a bilingual product catalog, including detailed descriptions, specifications and SEO optimization. Thanks to this module, users can maintain full control even over directories with large amounts of data.

Availability and cost-effectiveness.

" Multilingual: Lite " not only provides a wide range of functionality, but also lives up to its name in terms of accessibility. Compared to other similar solutions, Lite becomes an ideal option for those who are just starting to implement multilingualism on their website. This is a more economical solution that maintains high efficiency.

Limitations of translation - pros and cons.

It should be noted that " Multilingual: Lite " has certain limitations. It only provides translation into one additional language. This means that your directory will be bilingual, which may be quite sufficient for certain types of sites. However, if your multilingual requirements are broader, it's worth considering more powerful options.

" Multilingualism: Infoblocks in different languages" - Transition to a new level of multilingualism

In turn, the module “Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages” provides more advanced capabilities for those who strive for maximum content localization.

One site, one information block - many languages. Goodbye duplication!

This powerful tool allows you to effectively manage multilingual information blocks in Bitrix. Now website sections, product catalogs, as well as their properties and SEO fields can be translated into several languages, and all this is managed in one information block. Forget about duplicating information and cluttering the administrative interface.

Automatic translations and ease of management.

The main feature of "Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages" is the possibility of automatic translations. Switch between languages, enter translations manually, or trust the autopilot. The autopilot module easily copes with translations on the fly, be it creating news or unloading goods from 1C. This gives complete flexibility and comfort in content management.

Autopilot is your reliable pilot!

When uploading goods from 1C or creating content manually, you just need to configure the necessary languages for translation, and everything else will be done automatically. The module interacts with popular services such as Google Translator and Deepl , providing accurate and high-quality translations. Even HTML fields are translated, preserving markup, styles, and other important elements, making your content compelling in all languages.

Conclusion: Lite is a step into the future of multilingualism

As a result, the Multilingualism: Lite module is distinguished by its accessibility and ease of use, which makes it an ideal choice for those who are just starting their journey into the world of multilingual websites. It provides basic functionality, allowing support for bilingual directories, which may be quite sufficient for certain projects.

On the other hand, the module "Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages" provides more advanced tools for those who strive for maximum content localization and ease of management. Automatic translations, a single information block for all languages - all this makes it a powerful solution for sites with varied and extensive content.

Depending on your needs and budget, choosing between Lite and more advanced solutions will determine how effectively your site will perform in the global online space. In any case, "Multilingual: Lite" and "Multilingual: Infoblocks in different languages" provide reliable tools to turn your ideas into reality.

25 November 2023 (Boudybuilder) Виталий Фантич

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