Performance improvements: How PHP 8 improves the performance of Bitrix applications with a JIT compiler, improved memory optimization and faster serialization.

The new version of PHP 8, which includes a JIT compiler tool, improved memory optimization, and faster data serialization, will bring some incredibly useful changes in application performance for programmers. Specifically, the changes apply to any application, but in this article we will consider direct application to the Bitrix platform. The Bitrix platform is widely used by programmers and web developers around the world, as it provides great opportunities for fast and easy development of web applications. However, it is precisely these features that can lead to errors if the programmer does not optimize his performance. These problems will no longer be a problem thanks to PHP 8, which offers the tools you need to speed up code execution and achieve peak performance. The JIT compiler is very important for Bitrix applications. It is used to compile source code and convert it to machine code. This execution is necessary for streaming execution more quickly - the speed of execution depends on the speed of code execution. Thus, with the help of a JIT compiler, you can optimize the source code, increasing the speed of its execution and improving the performance of applications. The JIT compiler is not the only tool that will offer PHP 8 to improve the performance of Bitrix applications. Other tools such as improved memory optimization and faster serialization will also improve performance. Improved memory optimization will significantly reduce the memory consumption of applications, and faster serialization will avoid a long process of data conversion. As a result, PHP 8 offers powerful tools that are directly applicable to the Bitrix platform, helping programmers increase the speed of code execution and achieve maximum performance. Developers can use the JIT compiler to compile source code and produce native code for faster execution, better memory optimization, and faster data serialization. All this will help increase the performance and speed of your applications, especially for the Bitrix platform.

29 December 2022 (Boudybuilder) Виталий Фантич

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