Acquiring module in Monobank for the Bitrix platform

The module Acquiring in Monobank was created to accept payments on sites on the Bitrix platform

Monobank offers its customers convenient solutions for accepting online payments, including on the popular content management and e-commerce platform - Bitrix. Thanks to joint efforts, a special Acquiring module was created in Monobank, which facilitates the integration of acquiring on websites running on the Bitrix platform.

This module provides an opportunity to instantly connect to Monobank's acquiring services and start accepting online payments from customers directly on your website. It ensures the security and reliability of transaction processing, and provides detailed information about each transaction for accounting and analysis.

Benefits of the module Acquiring to Monobank for Bitrix:

  • Easy integration: The module is developed taking into account the specifics of the Bitrix platform, which ensures simple and fast integration with your website.
  • Convenient payment management: The module allows you to manage payments directly through the Bitrix administrative panel.
  • Security: All transactions are processed through a secure communication channel, ensuring the protection of clients' personal data and preventing fraud.
  • Flexible settings: The module offers flexible settings to adapt to the specifics of your business. You can set currencies, commissions, payment options and other options according to your requirements.

30 June 2023 (Boudybuilder) Виталий Фантич

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