Bitrix: How PHP 8 improves compatibility with previous versions of the language and facilitates the transition from older versions.

The update of Bitrix Web Creation to PHP 8 brought improved compatibility with previous versions of the PHP language, facilitating the transition from the old version to the new one. At the same time, the process of updating to PHP 8 is greatly simplified: new language features and utilities used to support previous versions will help not only achieve the desired result, but also significantly reduce the time spent on updating. Depending on your system configuration, using PHP 8 for Bitrix can bring many benefits, namely: • The PHP 8 language allows developers to more effectively use older versions to solve various problems. The range of acceptable technologies for data processing is expanding significantly. • Improved compatibility of the new version with older versions makes it easy to migrate to PHP 8. Thanks to the new features of the language and special adaptation utilities, the migration process can be carried out very quickly. In many cases, it only takes a couple of steps. • With PHP 8 it becomes possible to use the project for fast and cheap scalability. This allows users to significantly reduce development costs and achieve high performance on large projects. • With the release of PHP 8, users can access Bitrix Web Creation on new platforms such as Windows and Android. In addition, with the new version, they will get more features and improvements, allowing them to use their work more quickly and efficiently. While PHP 8 contains many features that improve performance through improved compatibility, all potential risks must be considered. For those who want their project to be fully compatible with all browsers, migrating to a new version of PHP can be a bit of a challenge. In turn, Bitrix Web Creation, in order to provide users with the most secure environment for working, constantly adapts to changes in system requirements. With new advanced features provided by PHP 8, Bitrix Web Creation makes the system upgrade process as safe and simple as possible. Ultimately, users can be confident that Bitrix Web Creation will continue to be operational and up to date.

29 December 2022 (Boudybuilder) Виталий Фантич

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