2.7.2 (09.09.2024)Незначительные изменения
Для компонента "Таблица 2.0" добавлен блок настройки заголовков, цены теперь отображаются с приставкой "от"
Для компонента "Преимущества" добавлен шаблон "Плитка"
1.0.2 (09.06.2018)Bug fixes for lpcomponents.sections component
If an anchor is not specified in the component settings, it is now generated randomly. This is necessary so that there are no conflicts between identical components on the page.
1.0.3 (09.06.2018)Bug fixes for components: lpcomponents.countdown
Minor changes in the module's operation
1.0.4 (13.06.2018)The floating menu no longer overlaps the page or component editing window in the public part of the site
Bug fixes for components: lpcomponents.breadcrumbs, lpcomponents.button
1.0.7 (14.06.2018)Minor component fixes
Added the ability to open videos using Fancybox for the Action Button component
fancyBox updated to version 3.3.5
1.0.15 (15.06.2018)FontAwesome icon sets update: no set
Bug fixes for lpcomponents.images component
Added new pills template for components: lpcomponents.images, lpcomponents.items
For all pills templates you can now specify the background color of the active item and the text color of inactive switches (appearance)
Minor changes to tabs templates
Added the ability to design table rows for the lpcomponents.table component
In components that use infoblocks, if the element property has the value Y or N, then it will be replaced with the check-circle or times-circle icon, respectively
Added a new set (Files) for Font Awesome icons
1.0.18 (20.06.2018)Improved product label settings
Fixing errors in the component: lpcomponents.images
When opening the "Simple Form" through the action button, an overlay with loading is added
1.0.21 (20.06.2018)Improvement: the component lpcomponents.countdown can display a separate phrase after the end of the countdown
Improvement: lpcomponents.countdown component can use correct word endings
Improvement: for components that use an information block, you can install a placeholder if the element/section does not have an image
Bug fixes for style sheets
1.0.27 (22.06.2018)Added a new set (Logistics) for Font Awesome icons
Bug fixes for style sheets
Fixing errors in the component: lpcomponents.product
Update of FontAwesome icon sets: Transport, Sports
FontAwesome updated to version 5.1.0
1.0.29 (25.06.2018)Bug fixes for components: lpcomponents.sections, lpcomponents.items, lpcomponents.products, lpcomponents.table, lpcomponents.product
Bug fixes for style sheets
Updated Owl Carousel to version 2.3.4
1.0.31 (28.06.2018)Bug fixes for components: lpcomponents.products, lpcomponents.product
Added the ability to specify text before and after the price
Added the ability to specify a video (Youtube, Vimeo) for the product card
Bug fixes for style sheets
1.0.32 (03.07.2018)Added the ability to display a block for certain devices (Appearance)
Added the ability to hide or show a block in page print mode (Appearance)
1.0.33 (30.07.2018)Minor changes
The "Illustration" component has added several background positions, now you can specify whether the image should be stretched or not
FontAwesome icon sets update: no set
The lpcomponents.button component now has the ability to use FancyBox in link opening mode
Now you can add a Button component to a text block
The lpcomponents.countdown component now has a check for elapsed time. If the time has initially already expired, then the phrase, if specified, will be displayed immediately.
1.0.34 (29.10.2018)The template installation wizard has been updated to 1.0.1
Fixing html errors for components
Improved integration with the "Simple Forms" module
Correcting module errors
Bootstrap updated to version 4.1.3
1.0.35 (29.10.2018)Added a setting for displaying the address for the components lpcomponents.header and lpcomponents.footer
Error correction
1.0.36 (29.10.2018)Added the ability to display a search form for the lpcomponents.menu component
1.1.0 (20.11.2018)Font Awesome updated to version 5.4.2
Added class CWebprostorLPComponentsFontAwesome
In the "Add icon" parameter you can now specify the value manually
Completely updated icon sets
Module settings for connecting scripts have been moved to each site separately
In the module settings, the functionality of the "Icons" section has been expanded
Error correction
Elements in component settings have added padding in all directions
In component settings -> Appearance -> added settings "Background color (Class)" and "Text color (Class)"
Added the "Text block location" setting for the text block
The Basic Template Installation Wizard has been updated. Now you can specify whether the added template is activated for the site. Improved validation for existing templates. You can specify a unique name and description for the template.
For the lpcomponents.numbers component, the value of the Number parameters is automatically equal to the number via IntVal
Added fullPage plugin
Added component lpcomponents.fullpage "Page Section Switcher" to work with the fullPage plugin
1.1.1 (27.11.2018)Error correction
Updated lpcomponents.fullpage component settings
Added a section for settings for the fullPage add-on in the module settings
1.1.2 (11.01.2019)Improved processing of discounts for products
Added "modal" template for lpcomponents.items component
The "Operation mode" parameter has been added for the lpcomponents.map component
1.1.4 (18.01.2019)Added integration of the lpcomponents.button component with the "Web Forms" module
Added lpcomponents.form component
1.1.6 (12.02.2019)A new block "Forms" has appeared in the module settings
Improved integration with the "Web Forms" module
1.1.8 (11.03.2019)Adding parameters
Added parameter "Show mark (required)" for the lpcomponents.form component
1.2.0 (02.04.2019)Minor fixes
To customize the modal window for the "Action Button" you can specify a wrapper in the Iframe
2.0.0 (15.05.2020)Error correction
Module settings have been moved to webprotor.core
Added V2 Documents component
Added V2 Photo Gallery component
Added V2 Video Gallery component
Added component V2 Reviews
Added component V2 Employees
Added V2 component FAQ
Added component V2 Brands
Added V2 component Benefits
Added component V2 Tariffs
Added V2 Banner component
Added V2 Slider component
Added V2 component Steps
Added V2 Services component
Added component V2 Promotions
Complete rework of module settings
Meta tags have been added to the module settings
A favicon setting has been added to the module settings
Metric settings have been added to the module settings
The settings for the Bitrix24 module have been removed. Integration with CRM can be configured via Web Forms
Appearance settings have been added to the module settings
Added Site Header 2.0 component
Added Site Footer 2.0 component
Added Map 2.0 component
Added Numbers 2.0 component
Added Products 2.0 component
Update Bootstrap 4.1.3 -> 4.4.1
2.0.2 (17.05.2020)php edits
css edits
The "Text Color" property has been added to the Slider component
For the Site Header 2.0 component, a check of conditions for displaying menu items has been added
The operating mode in the parameters of the Map 2.0 component has been moved to a separate group
The metric is enabled only for users who are not members of the Administrators group
For the Promotions component, the ability to specify the end date of the promotion for the counter through the Time Report property has been added
The Position property has been added for the Employees component
2.0.3 (20.05.2020)css edits
Added Video 2.0 component
Added animation for component elements
Added the ability to select the appearance of carousel buttons in website settings
Added Quick View for the Products 2.0 component
Added Quick View for the Services component
2.0.4 (21.05.2020)css edits
Added the ability to specify Text Color in some components
The Site Footer 2.0 component now has the ability to specify a Background image
The ability to specify a Yandex API key has been added to site settings
Added component V2 Branches
Added the ability for the corresponding components to specify a link to the Odnoklassniki social network
2.0.5 (22.05.2020)css edits
Update Jquery 3.3.1 -> 3.5.1
Links to applications have been added for the Site Header 2.0 and Site Footer 2.0 components
2.0.6 (25.05.2020)css edits
Rating display has been added for the Reviews 2.0 component
In the front part for administrators, a “Gear” has been added for quickly setting up visual parameters
Update FontAwesome 5.4.2 -> 5.13.0
Added FontAwesome Light
2.0.7 (16.06.2020)Added button style option to site settings
For the Site Footer 2.0 component, a Payment systems parameter section has been added
The ability to clear the cache has been added to Gear
Added V2 component About the company
css edits
2.1.0 (26.06.2020)Minor improvements
Added V2 Table component
css edits
Pennies have been removed from the cost of services
2.1.2 (13.07.2020)Minor improvements
A link to an Instagram account has been added for the Employees component.
2.1.6 (03.09.2020)For the Site Header component, the ability to specify the Site Name has been added
For the Services and Tariffs components, the ability to specify your own headers has been added
2.1.7 (06.10.2020)Added a "Background Darkening" property setting for the Slider component
For the Video Gallery and Video 2.0 component, the "Thumbnail Quality" setting has been added.
A tabs template has been added for the Photo Gallery component
2.2.1 (26.11.2021)The module has been moved from the Services section to the WebSpace section
2.2.2 (20.01.2022)The "Support" item has been moved to the "WebSpace/Technical support for solutions" section
Error correction
For the "Services" component, the "Additional Images Property" parameter has been added.
A "Cookie Notification" block has been added to website settings.
2.2.3 (24.01.2022)For the “Branches” component, if the “Coordinates” property is multiple, then a rectangle is drawn instead of a label
Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0
2.2.4 (01.03.2022)Improved compatibility with PHP 8.0
Minor component improvements
css update
2.2.7 (12.05.2022)Bootstrap library updated to version 4.6.1
css update
js update
Updating components
2.2.8 (20.07.2022)For the "Services" and "Table 2.0" components, the "Discount Amount Property" parameter has been added.
For the "Promotions" component, the "Monthly promotion property" parameter has been added
2.3.0 (06.10.2022)Minor improvements
Bootstrap updated to version 4.6.2
The ability to specify paths to favicon files in .svg and .png format has been added to the module settings
For the Site Header 2.0 and Map 2.0 components, the ability to display a Yandex badge with the organization’s rating has been added
Added the ability to choose icon colors in website settings
Added the ability to specify upper case for block and element titles in site settings
2.3.1 (09.11.2022)For V2 components with a selection of elements from the infoblock, the "Global filter name" parameter has been added
2.3.2 (15.12.2022)Minor improvements
Added the "Image property for mobile version" parameter for the Slider component
Added V2 component "Icon Panel"
2.3.5 (29.03.2023)Added integration with the module "Online registration button for the website from YCLIENTS", module selection is available in the "Lead generation" parameter group
2.3.6 (29.03.2023)Добавлена возможность указывать ссылку на приложение в Huawei AppGallery
Исправлена ошибка отображения уведомления о cookie
2.3.8 (10.04.2023)Для компонента V2 Сотрудники в настройка компонента добавлен параметр "Свойство "Телеграм-канал""
Для компонентов V2 Сотрудники и Отзывы добавлена обрезка фотографии до квадрата
2.3.9 (13.04.2023)Для компонента V2 Отзывы в настройки компонента добавлен параметр "Свойство Благодарственное письмо"
Для компонента V2 Фотогалерея добавлено масштабирование изображения до 1080p
Для компонента V2 О компании в настройки компонента добавлен параметр "Свойство Видео"
Компоненты V2 адаптированы для режима правки
Теперь кнопка Вверх и шестеренка скрываются в режиме правки во фронтальной части
2.4.0 (14.04.2023)Для компонента V2 Отзывы в настройки компонента добавлен параметр "Свойство Должность"
Для блоков добавлены параметры: "Граница блока" и "Цвет границы"
В компонент "Подвал сайта 2.0" добавлена возможность указывать реквизиты
2.4.1 (16.04.2023)Добавлена возможность редактировать пункты меню в режиме правки
В компонент "Подвал сайта 2.0" добавлено отображение меню
2.4.2 (17.04.2023)Добавлена интеграция с модулем "Кнопка онлайн-записи на сайт от DIKIDI", выбор модуля доступен в группе параметров "Лидогенерация"
Добавлена интеграция с модулем "Виджеты на сайт от Marquiz: конструктор маркетинговых квизов", выбор модуля доступен в группе параметров "Лидогенерация"
Добавлена интеграция с модулем "Виджеты на сайт от Envybox", выбор модуля доступен в группе параметров "Лидогенерация"
В список приложений добавлена ссылка на RuStore
В компоненте "Подвал сайта 2.0" полностью обновлена группа настроек "Платежные системы"
2.4.3 (19.04.2023)В "Шестеренку" добавлена ссылка на все настройки текущего сайта
Для компонента "Тарифы" добавлена возможность заменять заголовки
Добавлен компонент V2 "События"
В настройки внешнего вида компонентов добавлен параметр "Цвет фона элемента"
2.4.4 (19.04.2023)The "Tripadvisor" parameter has been added to the component settings in the "Social networks and links" group
2.4.5 (25.04.2023)Error correction
For the "Header 2.0" component, the "Site Switcher" parameter has been added
2.5.0 (02.06.2023)Added display and header size options for the "About" component. Added image scaling up to 1080p
2.5.2 (05.06.2023)Version 1.0 is no longer available in the Basic Template Wizard
Error correction
2.5.3 (06.06.2023)Carousel settings have been added to the lpcomponents.photo component for the carousel template
For the carousel template, the lpcomponents.products2 component has added carousel settings
For the carousel template, the lpcomponents.reviews component has added carousel settings
Carousel settings have been added to the lpcomponents.videos component for the carousel template
Carousel settings have been added to the lpcomponents.brands component for the carousel template
Added Quick View for lpcomponents.team component
2.5.4 (08.06.2023)Minor improvements
Error correction
For the components lpcomponents.header2 and lpcomponents.map, the setting “Link to the organization’s page on the ProDoctors website” has been added to the “Badges” block
2.5.5 (09.06.2023)Added integration with the module “Online registration button for a clinic website from MedFlex”; module selection is available in the “Lead generation” parameter group. The module itself must use a unique design
2.5.6 (10.06.2023)Changed appearance for component templates lpcomponents.files
In the settings of the component lpcomponents.footer2, the parameter "License No." has been added to the "Details" block
2.6.2 (05.09.2023)Added “Link” interaction type to lead generation settings
Added the "Simple Form Property" parameter to the slider settings
2.6.3 (08.09.2023)For the "Promotions" component, the ability to replace standard headers has been added
2.6.5 (01.03.2024)Error correction
Minor improvements
Added V2 component Before/After Image
2.6.8 (04.03.2024)Yandex has been added to the "Social networks and links" block in the component settings
2.7.0 (23.04.2024)Minor changes
Image compression settings have been added for the "Benefits" and "Photo Gallery" components