3.0.1 (11.11.2024)Please note: B2BShop is a complex of solutions included in it and does not have its own updates.
For correct operation, it is necessary to update the following solutions and modules included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: Retail 1.1.1 (sotbit.b2c);
Sotbit: Captcha – website protection from spam and bots: Google reCAPTCHA, Yandex SmartCaptcha 1.0.2 (sotbit.captcha);
Sotbit: Extended Reviews 2.1.0 (sotbit.reviews).
2.5.4 (03.04.2024)Please note: B2BShop is a complex of solutions included in it and does not have its own updates.
For correct operation, it is necessary to update the following solutions and modules included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B Cabinet 2.0.5 (sotbit.b2bcabinet)
Sotbit: B2B Cabinet 2.0.4 (sotbit.b2bcabinet)
Sotbit: B2B Cabinet 2.0.3 (sotbit.b2bcabinet)
Sotbit: Extended Registration and Authorization 1.4.8 (sotbit.auth)
Sotbit: Extended Registration and Authorization 1.4.7 (sotbit.auth)
Sotbit: Extended Registration and Authorization 1.4.6 (sotbit.auth)
Sotbit: Invoice to mail in PDF 2.1.4 (sotbit.bill)
Sotbit: Invoice to mail in PDF 2.1.3 (sotbit.bill)
Sotbit: Multibasket 1.1.7 (sotbit.multibasket)
Sotbit: Multibasket 1.1.6 (sotbit.multibasket)
Sotbit: Multibasket 1.1.5 (sotbit.multibasket)
Sotbit: Commercial offers 1.1.4 (sotbit.offerlist)
Sotbit: Commercial offers 1.1.3 (sotbit.offerlist)
Sotbit: SEO Smart Filter 2.4.0 (sotbit.seometa)
Sotbit: SEO Smart Filter 2.3.6 (sotbit.seometa)
Sotbit: SEO Smart Filter 2.3.5 (sotbit.seometa)
Sotbit: Multiregionality 1.8.2 (sotbit.regions)
Sotbit: Multiregionality 1.8.1 (sotbit.regions)
2.6.0 (09.09.2024)Please note: B2BShop is a complex of solutions included in it and does not have its own updates.
For correct operation, it is necessary to update the following solutions and modules included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B Cabinet 2.1.0 (sotbit.b2bcabinet)
Sotbit: Extended Registration and Authorization 1.4.10 (sotbit.auth)
Sotbit: Extended Registration and Authorization 1.4.9 (sotbit.auth)
Sotbit: Invoice to mail in PDF 2.1.5 (sotbit.bill)
Sotbit: Multibasket 1.1.8 (sotbit.multibasket)
Sotbit: Commercial offers 1.1.5 (sotbit.offerlist)
Sotbit: SEO Smart Filter 2.4.1 (sotbit.seometa)
Sotbit: Multiregionality 1.8.4 (sotbit.regions)
Sotbit: Multiregionality 1.8.3 (sotbit.regions)
3.0.0 (07.10.2024)Please note: B2BShop is a complex of solutions included in it and does not have its own updates.
The composition of modules included in the solution delivery has been changed and now includes:
Sotbit: B2B Cabinet (sotbit.b2bcabinet)
Sotbit: Retail Pro (sotbit.b2cpro);
Sotbit: Counterparty check (sotbit.checkcompany);
Sotbit: Multibasket (sotbit.multibasket);
Sotbit: Invoice by email in PDF (sotbit.bill);
Sotbit: Commercial offers (sotbit.offerlist);
Sotbit: SEO smart filter (sotbit.seometa);
Sotbit: Cross-selling – similar products, collections, accessories (sotbit.crosssell);
Sotbit: Schema.org micro-markup. Increasing clickability in search engines (sotbit.schemaorg);
Sotbit: OpenGraph. Increasing clickability of posts in social networks (sotbit.opengraph);
Sotbit: Smart Search - Error Correction, Search Scope, Prioritization, Exceptions (sotbit.smartsearch);
Sotbit: Multiregionality (sotbit.regions);
Sotbit: Captcha – website protection from spam and bots: Google reCAPTCHA, Yandex SmartCaptcha (sotbit.captcha);
Sotbit: Authorization via SMS and Email (sotbit.smsauth);
Sotbit: Extended reviews (sotbit.reviews).
1.0.1 (10.11.2017)- The delivery includes the “Smart Personal Account” module,
- Fixed a bug where the wrong question template was displayed.
1.0.2 (18.11.2017)- The delivery includes the "Invoice by mail in PDF" module,
- Fixed horizontal scrolling,
- Fixed filtering on the search page,
- Improved mail template,
- Redesigned checkout and cart pages,
- Improved view of your personal account.
1.0.3 (04.12.2017)- The list of user orders has been redesigned,
- The list of organizations has been reworked,
- Added a new type of product list,
- Fixed authorization error in IE11,
- Fixed quick order bug in IE11,
- Fixed the work of the composite in the header,
- Improved top menu styling.
1.0.4 (14.12.2017)- Fixed an error in displaying images,
- Improved performance.
1.0.5 (09.01.2018)- The site header has been redesigned,
- Added the ability to add new organizations,
- Fixed errors when combining products,
- Added a new enable area for displaying the store address in the site header
- Fixed a bug with deferred goods.
1.0.6 (20.01.2018)- The delivery includes the “Counterparty Check” module,
- The delivery includes the "Sothebit Technical Support" module,
- Fixed errors in store styling.
1.0.7 (16.02.2018)- The delivery includes the module "Integration with CRM Bitrix24",
- The delivery includes the "Multi-Regionality" module,
- The package includes the "Yandex.Market Content API" module,
- Fixed errors in the order form,
- Fixed errors when combining products.
1.0.8 (06.03.2018)- Reworked the detailed order page,
- Fixed errors when combining products.
1.0.9 (02.04.2018)- Added the ability to change the number of products on a section page,
- Fixed errors in styling.
1.1.0 (28.04.2018)- The detailed page of the organization has been redesigned,
- Fixed errors in the user's shopping cart.
1.1.1 (21.05.2018)- User technical support has been added to the personal account,
- Fixed errors in news.
1.1.2 (01.06.2018)- The delivery includes the module “CRM Bitrix24 Lead Generator”,
- Added the ability to download documents in your personal account,
- Added support service to the user's order.
1.1.3 (15.06.2018)- Added the ability to display a selection of trade offers in the form of pictures.
1.1.4 (29.06.2018)- Added checkboxes to confirm the privacy policy in the subscription and order form by phone.
1.1.5 (16.07.2018)- Added the ability to place an order in your personal account,
- Added the ability to select the default organization,
- Added the ability to disable registration of individuals,
- Fixed errors with prices.
1.1.6 (03.08.2018)- Improved multi-region support,
- Added the ability to filter orders by counterparties.
1.1.7 (27.08.2018)- Fixed errors with prices.
1.1.8 (27.08.2018)- Bugs with prices have been fixed.
1.1.9 (03.10.2018)- Bugs with prices have been fixed.
1.1.10 (15.10.2018)- Bugs with prices have been fixed.
1.1.11 (25.10.2018)- added a personal manager block. It is enabled in the general settings of the solution (the "site settings" tab), and is displayed in your personal account.
- fixed authorization error using social networks
- improved display of products in the catalog if they do not contain trade offers
- minor corrections to the display of the order form and personal account
- fixed error in deleting and transferring items from cart and favorites
1.1.12 (03.11.2018)- Fixed a bug in deleting and transferring items from the cart and favorites.
1.1.13 (27.12.2018)- Changed the filter step in the catalog when prices change,
- Fixed sorting error in the catalogue,
- Fixed a bug due to which the wrong information block with documents was selected in the personal account settings.
1.1.14 (28.01.2019)- The keyboard layout in search does not switch automatically;
- Fixed the incorrect message “The privacy policy field is not filled in” when placing an order by an unregistered user;
- Fixed errors of incorrect file encoding;
- Fixed errors in switching colors in the product preview window;
- Fixed a bug where it was impossible to remove items from the cart;
- Fixed errors in uploading the order form to internet explorer;
- The smart filter now displays the exact number of products matching the filter;
- Fixed errors in the operation of price sliders in internet explorer;
- Fixed errors in site micro-markup when working with https;
- Other minor errors have been fixed, page code has been optimized.
1.1.15 (27.09.2019)Visual improvements:
- Visually improved adaptation for apple;
- The block with a filter in the detailed product card has been visually improved. Added folding;
- Visually improved order form in adaptive;
- Visually improved side menu (active states changed).
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed visual errors in the mobile menu;
- Fixed visual errors in the site header;
- Fixed visual errors in the detailed product card on mobile devices;
- Fixed visual errors in the Catalog in the List view;
- Fixed visual errors in the Catalog in the List view on mobile devices;
- Fixed visual errors in the Personal Account;
- Fixed an error in displaying prices in the detailed product card when the Request a call block is disabled;
- Fixed visual errors in the News block on the Home page;
- Fixed visual errors in the slider Now they buy on the main page in an adaptive way;
- Fixed recalculation of the cost of goods in the Cart in the site header;
- Fixed errors when sending a web form on the Contacts page;
- Fixed display of the Detailed picture in the product card;
- Fixed sorting in the Catalog;
- Fixed the logic of the link All models in the detailed product card;
- Canonical is displayed on the pages of the section and the detailed product card;
- Fixed a vulnerability in the /include/ajax/blank_ids.php file. Now it doesn’t hurt to go through the quality monitor;
- We fixed the display setting of the Order by phone block from the administrative part. Now it works;
- Fixed display of quick view on mobile devices;
- Fixed visual errors in Quick Order in Cart;
- Bugs on the Contacts page have been fixed. Added work with markers on the map;
- Fixed filtering errors in the catalogue;
- Fixed Sorting errors in the catalogue;
- Fixed errors in deleting items from the cart;
- Fixed display of product images in the Personal Account (Widgets Deferred Products and My Cart);
- Added validation for the TIN field during registration;
- Fixed an empty component description sotbit:main.lookup.input, which prevented the quality monitor from passing through;
- Fixed a bug with displaying the currency of the product when placing an order;
- Fixed an error in displaying subsections in the table view of the catalogue;
- Security scanner bug fixed;
- Fixed visual errors in the Order Detail page;
- Fixed the display of the product card in the Tile mode in the Catalog with different proportions of additional images;
- Fixed visual errors on the detailed News page;
- Fixed visual errors in the location selection modal window.
2.0.0 (28.12.2020)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office
1.5.0 (10/29/2020)
New functionality:
- An additional “Orders” tab has been added to the organization’s detailed page, which displays all orders placed for the organization.
Visual improvements:
- A mechanism for remembering the state of widgets has been implemented;
- A mechanism for storing the state of the left panel has been implemented.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Quick view display errors have been fixed;
- Fixed links to order and organization;
- Fixed grid component filters;
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
1.4.0 (09.18.2020)
New functionality:
- The solution integrates an individual pricing module.
1.3.1 (07/27/2020)
New functionality:
- The order form filter now filters properties according to the selected section;
- When uploaded to Excel, products are sorted by name.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed an error in exporting fractional price values to Excel;
- Fixed an error in accessing the account when installing on one domain.
1.3.0 (06/02/2020)
Update Note:
In the current update, the document storage format in the solution has been redesigned. To avoid data loss, we strongly recommend that you back up your site before upgrading.
Due to changes in the document storage format, a problem with document menu items may arise. To configure document menu items in administrative settings, the ability to select information blocks responsible for storage has been added
documents. The selected information blocks will form the required menu items. Creating a menu from sections of the information block used previously is no longer available.
Also, with the current update, changes have been made to the parameters of the catalog component, and therefore it will need to be reconfigured after the update.
New functionality:
- Added advanced quick product viewing;
- The document storage format is optimized for working with managed lists and working with robots in CRM. Each separate type of document now belongs to a separate information block;
- Added search by property values in the filter;
- The solution includes work with multiple quantities of goods.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed errors that appeared when enabling the functionality of combining scripts, styles and moving scripts to the end of the page;
- Fixed an error in uploading an order form in Excel, in which price types that were unavailable for viewing were uploaded for the user;
- Fixed display of unavailable price types in the order form;
- Fixed a pagination navigation error on the organizations page.
1.2.0 (02/21/2020)
New functionality:
- The order form has been redesigned. For products with trade offers, an internal filter has been added to quickly search for offers;
- Detailed order information now displays all shipments and payments for the order.
Optimizations and fixes:
- The privacy policy output has been redesigned. The standard Bitrix functionality is used with styling for the current solution;
- Fixed the ability to download documents;
- Fixed a style error in the "Replace file" button in the order form.
Sotbit: Origami – online store
1.10.2 (21.05.2020)
Optimization and fixes
- Fixed a critical error in the authorization form that caused the site to break for unregistered users.
1.10.1 (04/22/2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed an error in displaying the Simple News block (right navigation) on the Home page;
- Fixed an error in displaying the Popular Categories Tile - Simplified block on the Home page;
- Fixed an issue with switching the cart display template in Header 4.
1.10.0 (04/20/2020)
Important information:
- Starting from the current version, support for Internet Explorer browsers has been discontinued. The ability to enable "stub" for unsupported browsers has been added to the administrative settings.
New functionality:
- Added the ability to change the appearance of slider arrows throughout the solution;
Added an alternative option for displaying the cart block and personal account. The new view is displayed in the right panel on all pages and includes an authorization and registration block, a cart block and deferred items. also in
the right panel includes the ability to place an order directly from the cart panel;
- Added authorization and registration via AJAX;
- Added a 4th version of the site header with 3 types of drop-down menus. The new site header includes a customizable banner slider;
- Added a 3rd option for the benefits block on the main page;
- Added an alternative version of the blog root page;
- Added an alternative option for the stock root page;
- Added an alternative version of the news root page;
- Customizable display of phone input mask has been implemented on ordering pages;
- A customizable display of the phone input mask has been introduced into the capture form block on the main page;
- Added a custom "stub" when opening a site from the Internet Explorer browser;
- The settings for the integrated module "Order by phone" have been expanded. For correct operation, update to version 1.3.0.
Visual improvements:
- The behavior of tabs in a detailed product card has been redesigned to fit the Material Design format in both desktop and mobile versions;
- The appearance of the detailed brand pages has been redesigned. Now you can use a brand banner on the detail page;
- Other style edits and improvements;
Optimizations and fixes:
- All sliders in the solution have been redesigned to use the swiper plugin;
- When using the functionality of the right panel, the number of requests to display the cart status has been reduced;
- The number of general purpose style files has been significantly reduced. Now the required styles are connected strictly in accordance with the components connected on the page.
- Other minor fixes and improvements.
Update note: To display banners in the new header (type 4), you must:
- In the Advertising information block (sotbit.origami)->Banners, create a Banners section for the header;
- For the Banner Type property of this infoblock, create the value HEADER;
- In the catalog information block, create a multiple property IMAGES_WEBP (images in webp format);
- In the catalog information block, create the TEXT_COLOR (text color) property;
- Add two files to the “Pictures in webp format” property: for the mobile version - mobile.webp, for the desktop version - desktop.webp.
1.9.1 (03/20/2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Image positioning has been reworked (the object-fit function has been introduced);
- Fixed display of the sorting block on service pages in the mobile version.
1.8.3 (03/03/2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed the size of the content area when turning on the 3rd header option.
1.8.2 (02/25/2020)
Fixes and optimizations:
- Fixed an error in sending letters in the “I want as a gift” form;
- Fixed an error in the "Make an appointment" form in types 4 and 5 of contact pages.
1.8.1 (02/18/2020)
New functionality:
- A separate section nesting setting has been added for the directory root page;
- Added a setting to enable or disable quick navigation to the next or previous product.
Visual improvements:
- The display of the Bitrix upsell block slider on the detailed product page has been redesigned.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed the work of gifts on the detailed product page;
- Fixed errors in setting up quick view elements (Found cheaper, I want it as a gift);
- Fixed errors in the layout of units of measurement in the shopping cart;
- Fixed errors in the layout of adding items to the cart from deferred items on the cart page;
- Fixed errors in displaying flags in phone input fields displayed in modal windows;
- Fixed visual errors on the product detail page when the mini-cart window appears;
- Fixed a bug with the appearance of 4 header options on top of public component settings;
- Fixed an error in connecting the styles of the catalog sorting block when filtering;
- In the quick transition to the next and previous product, a detailed picture has been added in the absence of an announcement;
- Fixed an error in displaying the "Buy in 1 click" button when there is no product;
- Fixed an issue where the gift block and the site footer were stuck together on the cart page;
- Other fixes and improvements.
1.8.0 (10.02.2020)
New functionality:
- Implemented customization for displaying phone masks (with/without flags);
- The capture form has been moved to the main page constructor;
- Added a new site header option;
- Added "Vlog" page;
- Added 3 types of catalog display - Brief view.
Visual improvements:
- Inputs in pop-up forms have been redesigned;
- The banner “Combined with additional pictures on the right” has been redesigned;
- The brands root page has been redesigned.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed AJAX catalog filtering errors;
- Fixed an error with scrolling the slider in the "News: Slider" block when going to the news;
- Fixed a bug with hover effects in the "Promotions: Slider" block;
- Fixed errors when sending web forms when the user did not fill in any fields;
- Fixed an issue with the product detail page when deferred products were disabled.
Update Note
- To display a video on a vlog page, specify the id of the video from YouTube in the "Video ID" field (VIDEO_LINK);
- To display a link to a brand website, you need to create and fill in the BRAND_LINK property;
- To display custom icons in the menu of the new site header option, follow the instructions:
Sotbit: SEO smart filter - meta tags, headings, sitemap
2.1.1 (03.12.2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed operation of the module without the mbstring.func_overload directive;
- Fixed an error in saving filter type from administrative settings;
- Fixed an error in generating CNC with the element binding type;
- Fixed a bug with emoji.
2.1.0 (11/17/2020)
New functionality:
- Implemented individual settings of meta information for each CNC;
A mechanism for creating individual tags for individual CNCs has been implemented. Tags are formed from already created CNCs by binding. Tags have the ability to redefine the name. Tags have the ability to attach an image;
Added component for displaying custom CNC tags (sotbit:seo.meta.custom.tags). The component displays tags with and without images separately.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed an error in indexing search terms on the site.
2.0.5 (10/22/2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed error generating CNC for a specific price value;
- Optimization of the logic of operation of range values;
- Optimization of operating logic and/or conditions.
2.0.4 (09/08/2020)
New functionality:
- Added search in the list of properties when creating a condition;
2.0.3 (08/19/2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed errors in determining the link status in the site map;
- Fixed errors in the site map generation button;
- Fixed an error displaying the tag name if the morphology functionality worked with an error.
2.0.2 (07/24/2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed CNC generation error;
- Fixed a number of errors that occurred when the module was running on version PHP 7.4;
- Fixed errors caused by replacing the page URL, in particular adding products to the cart on landing pages. Link substitution does not occur if the add2basket parameter is present;
- Fixed a bug where the first capital letter was not displayed correctly in tags.
2.0.1 (07/20/2020)
New functionality:
A setting for switching operating modes, with and without regeneration of conditions, has been added to the tag cloud component. Attention! This modification applies only to the standard tag cloud component.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed a generation error for the "Bitrix without CNC" filter;
- Fixed an error in substituting placeholders in the metadata of conditions;
- Fixed an error in determining the location of the CNC in the site map;
- Fixed an error in counting products via links.
Attention!: Before installing the beta version, perform a full backup of the site. If changes have been made to the module previously, keep a backup copy of the module folder. If problems arise, please contact our technical service.
2.0.0 (05/16/2020)
- The logic of the main generation methods (CNC / Sitemap, Tags) has been completely redesigned;
- The number of database calls has been significantly reduced;
- CNC/Tag generation time has been accelerated by 2.5-5 times. The generation speed directly depends on the product of the number of property values in the condition.
Attention!: Before installing the beta version, perform a full backup of the site. If changes have been made to the module previously, keep a backup copy of the module folder. If problems arise, please contact our technical service.
1.6.4 (01/15/2020)
Optimization and fixes
- Fixed a sitemap generation error;
- Fixed critical errors caused by the lack of required classes in earlier versions of the BUS.
Sotbit: Multi-regional
1.5.3 (05/16/2020)
Optimization and fixes
- Fixed an error connecting a dynamic sitemap in the dynamic robots.php file;
- Fixed the loaction template in the mobile version;
- Fixed map display error caused by missing bcmath extension.
1.5.2 (01/13/2020)
Optimization and fixes
- Fixed a bug with substituting the main domain.
Sotbit: Content parser – websites, excel, xml, yml, csv, rss\
5.8.5 (01/21/2020)
Optimization and fixes
- Fixed a critical error in the operation of the "catalog" type parser with unloading into a highload block;
- Fixed errors in the operation of the "catalog" type parser in the "offers with one characteristic" mode;
- Fixed errors in determining the encoding of the donor site;
- Parsers that are left without reference to an existing category are now moved to the root of the list;
- Added support for loading gzip-compressed images;
- Other minor fixes.
5.8.4 (01/13/2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Added "UTF-8 (fix)" encoding for sites with non-standard UTF-8 encoding;
- Fixed a bug in processing links with uppercase characters;
- The date of the last parser change is now saved correctly;
- Properties in the lists are now sorted alphabetically, their symbol code is indicated in brackets;
- Improved processing of relative links to product detail pages;
- If the product price selector contains a line with two or more dots (“22.58. rub./3pcs.”), all characters starting from the second dot will be ignored (the result will be “22.58”);
- Improved cleaning of the directory with temporary parser files.
Sotbit: Russian Post/EMS - calculation and tracking
2.6.0 (04/16/2020)
Refactoring and optimization:
- An API key was included in the request, which can be obtained in your personal account at postcalc.ru. The key in the online store is added in the module settings
- The module has been rewritten for API 2.0
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization
1.2.6 (11.03.2020)
New functionality:
- Added setting to enable file linking during registration;
- Added the ability to configure required fields during registration;
- After entering incorrect data during registration, all fields are no longer cleared.
Visual improvements:
- Fixed layout in Microsoft Edge.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Added validation check for the number of entered characters for organization registration fields. Validation is configured in the order properties parameters on the website;
- Moderation errors for new users and organizations have been fixed;
- The mechanism for renaming attached files has been fixed. The files are now loaded with their original names;
- Fixed display of a list of documents (attached when registering files) in the administrative part;
- Removed the ability to go to detailed information about the user during moderation;
- Other fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Schema.org micro markup. Increased click-through rates in search engines
1.2.1 (01/13/2020)
New functionality:
- Added micro markup for the frequently asked questions page (FAQPage);
- Added micro markup for site search (WebSite);
- Added micro markup for video materials on the page (VideoObject).
1.2.0 (01/03/2020)
New functionality:
- Added micro markup for the detailed news page (NewsArticle);
- Added micro markup for the detailed blog page (BlogPosting);
- Added micro markup for the list of publications (ListItem).
Sotbit: Checking the counterparty
1.0.6 (03/27/2020)
New functionality:
- Now in the administrative settings you can specify page templates on which you want to receive TIN data.
Sothebyt: Invoice by mail in PDF
1.1.0 (07/22/2020)
Optimizations and fixes:
- Fixed file name formation;
- Fixed substitution of user data into the account.
Order by phone
1.3.0 (31.03.2020)
New functionality:
- Implemented module operation settings for unregistered users (create a new user or use a previously created one);
- Added web form settings for displayed and required fields;
- Implemented order comment setting. Now you can create a comment template using placeholders from the form data;
- Implemented settings for order confirmation via SMS. Note: the settings are only relevant for the phone.registration template;
- Implemented settings for creating a new user (filling out user fields from form data).
2.1.0 (15.02.2021)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office: Update 1.6.0
New functionality:
Implemented seamless integration of the extended organization model of the advanced authorization and registration module (sotbit.auth 1.3.0);
Added functionality for saving the user's current product list as a draft;
Added functionality for saving a draft as an order template;
Added functionality that allows you to create an order template for an organization with the ability to edit it by a specific user;
Added functionality for loading/uploading an order template in Excel;
Added the ability to limit editable fields in the order form;
Automatic substitution of organization data into the order form has been implemented.
Optimizations and fixes:
Fixed errors in displaying detailed order information;
Security policy display errors have been fixed.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization: Update 1.3.0
New functionality:
An expanded model of organizations is implemented within the module;
Added the ability to switch between a simplified and a full organization model;
The functionality of registration and moderation of a full-fledged organization has been implemented;
Added an extended registration component for the extended version of organizations;
The ability to distribute roles in the organization and moderate employees has been implemented;
The ability to moderate organizations created from the public part has been implemented;
The ability to moderate changes in organization details has been implemented;
Added a component for selecting the current user organization;
Added a component for displaying employees of organizations;
Added component for adding organizational employees;
Added organization list component;
Added organization detail page component;
Added organization order list component.
Sotbit: Invoice by mail in PDF: Update 1.3.0
Optimizations and fixes:
Fixed substitution of buyer data into the invoice.
2.1.1 (15.03.2021)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: Origami – online store: Update 1.13.1
Optimizations and fixes:
Fixed the layout of the subscription in the footer of the main page;
The operation of the horizontal filter has been optimized;
Fixed an error when placing an order by an unauthorized user when combining scripts in a classic template;
Fixed display of the "Sale" label on the detailed card and in the quick view of the product;
Fixed the ability to quickly order goods when the “one-click purchase” setting is disabled;
Fixed an error in overlaying text on an image when hovering the cursor in the Services block;
Fixed filter operation in the Brands section;
Fixed reflection of the Employees block slider button;
Other minor edits.
To exclude the duplicate “Exit” button from the menu, you need to remove the code from the .origami_profile.menu.php file:
Array (
"Go out",
To add a "Sale" tag, you need to set the parameter value in the catalog/index.php file according to the example below:
"LABEL_PROP" => unserialize(Config::get("LABEL_PROPS")) ?: [],
Sotbit: Comprehensive reviews, comments, questions: Update 1.3.0
New functionality:
The solution implements work with cart rules.
Optimizations and fixes:
Other minor bugs have been fixed.
2.1.2 (26.07.2021)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are systemic and reflect changes in the modules included in it. List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office 1.8.0 (06/28/2021)
New functionality:
Added new sections "Delivery", "Payment", "Contacts";
Added an extended personal page model;
It is now possible to configure a price filter in the component parameters;
Added the ability to remove the tag block in News;
Added the ability to customize the logo from the admin panel;
Added sorting by fields in the Acts section.
Optimizations and fixes:
Fixed the operation of the "Only selected products" checkbox;
Optimized sorting in the "Order Form";
Other visual improvements and minor fixes.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization 1.3.2 (06/28/2021)
Optimizations and fixes:
On the "Password Request" page, an "Authorization" button has been added;
Added sorting of fields with extended authorization for sorting order properties;
Added a button to authorization when sending for confirmation of moderation;
Other minor edits.
2.2.0 (03.11.2021)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office 1.9.0 (07.10.2021)
Public directory and trash files will be replaced. After installation, you may need to reconfigure these components.
We recommend that you make a backup copy and save the old catalog/index.php file before upgrading
New functionality:
Implemented the display of information messages when interacting with the shopping cart;
Added the ability to display warehouse balances;
The shopping cart has an upsell component;
When loading products, multiple file selection is implemented;
Added the ability to customize the type of catalog file for uploading.
Optimizations and fixes:
Redesigned catalog.section;
Redesigned catalog.element;
Adding items to cart has been reworked;
Implemented sorting of products by table headings;
Redesigned cart;
Optimized file upload/download;
Fixed display for Safari;
The names of menu items have been optimized;
A new pack of icons for the menu has been selected;
Added field validation when creating drafts;
The display of news has been optimized when filtering, search and tag blocks are disabled;
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization 1.3.3 (04.10.2021)
New functionality:
Added custom fields to public interfaces;
Added the ability to display multiple values for a property of type "string".
Optimizations and fixes:
Optimized display of order properties by groups;
Sorting by property groups has been optimized;
The choice of payer types when setting up the module has been optimized;
The component for sending letters has been optimized;
Optimized display of location during registration;
Optimized display of properties of the "file" type in Organizations;
The logic for selecting user agreements has been redesigned;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: Counterparty verification 1.0.9 (08/31/2021)
Optimizations and fixes:
Fixed an error that occurred when changing the mnemonic code for the TIN order property;
The choice of payer types when setting up the module has been optimized.
2.3.0 (06.12.2021)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office 1.10.0 (11/15/2021)
New functionality:
Seamless integration of the module "Sothebit: Multicart - several carts in an online store" has been implemented;
Optimizations and fixes:
Fixed an issue with resetting selected categories when clearing the filter;
Fixed a bug with news activity when the current period expires;
Fixed an error in the lack of display of additional fields filled in the user profile and specified in the component;
Fixed an error in counting the number of created templates;
Fixed minor errors when working with documents;
The work of the module "Sothebit: Complaints - working with claims" has been optimized for different catalog templates;
Optimized display of information about the product in the warehouse for the last product in the list;
Optimized sorting in orders;
The catalog upload and download block on the templates page has been optimized;
Other minor fixes and visual improvements.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization 1.3.4 (11/15/2021)
New functionality:
Added the ability to select a group of users when moderating a specific user.
Optimizations and fixes:
Optimized work with user agreements;
The display of the list of companies for the "Join an organization" block is hidden;
Information about the affiliation of payer types to a specific site has been added to the “general settings”;
Fixed a bug where there was no scroll bar in the organization selection drop-down list.
2.3.1 (03.01.2022)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: Origami - online store 1.13.3(12/15/2021)
Optimizations and fixes:
The work of the "Multi-Regionality" module templates has been optimized;
Fixed the vertical filter;
Fixed display of shipping prices for non-integrated services;
Added display of properties of trade offers in the characteristics block if the "Property Grouper" is not used;
Fixed the display of multiple property values for trade offers in the "Product Prices" block;
Optimized display of the registration form;
Optimized display of the “Item in cart” button on the mobile version in the third and fourth headers;
Fixed changing the display of the "Add to Cart" button to "In Cart" when the list of modifications is enabled;
Fixed an error in sending a feedback form without consent to the processing of personal data;
The mechanism for saving administrative settings has been optimized;
Fixed display of the total amount if there is no discount;
Fixed an error in the encoding of YouTube video titles;
Fixed script errors on various pages;
Fixed region display when multi-region is disabled;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: Multiregional 1.7.0 (12/23/2021)
New functionality:
Added a new method for determining location using the local SypexGeo Local database;
Added the ability to translate city names.
Optimizations and fixes:
Optimized the appearance of the site map for different links;
Fixed output of Host and Sitemap tags in robots.php;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: Comprehensive reviews, comments, questions 1.3.1 (10/28/2021)
Optimizations and fixes:
Fixed output of information messages;
Other minor bugs have been fixed.
Sotbit: Order by phone 1.3.2 (12/17/2021)
Optimizations and fixes:
The work of email templates for quick orders has been fixed.
2.4.0 (01.06.2022)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office 1.10.1 (12/30/2021)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added the ability to configure the type of price that will be displayed in the "Add additional products" block;
Added the ability for the template to work with the new functionality of the "Invoice by mail pdf" module;
Added the ability for the template to work with the new functionality of the "Counterparty Check" module.
Optimized work with templates;
Fixed display of order number in documents;
Fixed a bug where the pdf document was not downloaded;
Fixed a bug in changing document names when downloading;
Fixed restoration of previously deleted items from the cart;
Fixed an error in displaying a symbolic code instead of a name in the values of properties of the directory type;
Fixed display of a list of company orders for a company employee;
Fixed display of the "Catalogue" widget when the screen resolution is reduced;
Fixed cancellation of organization creation;
Fixed the operation of the "select all" checkbox in the cart;
Fixed an error in recalculating the total amount in the "Cart" block after changing the delivery method;
Fixed display of pagination in the "List of Requests";
The user agreement form in the registration form has been corrected;
Fixed a sorting error when changing pagination;
We optimized the display of discounted prices for items in the cart;
Optimized display of order properties when selecting payment and delivery type;
Optimized display of order property values of type "ENUM";
Fixed display of inactive news;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: B2B office 1.10.2 (01/27/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added the ability to customize the catalog menu with nesting up to four levels;
Added the ability to display the menu block on the right or left;
Fixed the displacement of the action block in the block of additional products after searching;
Fixed a bug where the "Section" field was not cleared after confirming the selection of the desired section;
The display of navigation arrows to the right or left in the catalog has been corrected;
Fixed an error in duplicating an item in the cart after it was restored from deleted items;
Fixed a bug where it was impossible to select the “select all” checkbox in the shopping cart;
Fixed a bug in working with facet indexes;
The logic of sorting by product price has been fixed;
Fixed display of prices without discounts for trade offers;
Fixed the display of cents with a discount in the block of additional products;
Fixed display of the preloader in the cart after placing an order;
The downloadable documents from the order have been reduced to one type;
The minimum price now takes into account the discount on the product;
In the product card, the click area has been optimized for information about balances;
Fixed display of the selected quantity of a product when it is changed from the product card;
Product names are centered to the left;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: B2B office 1.11.0 (02/22/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added a light template theme;
Added "Personal Manager" widget;
It is now possible to set an email for the “Personal Manager”;
Added the ability for users to set a city for the "Weather" and "Traffic" widgets (more details about setting in the solution documentation);
Added the ability to take into account product activity when unloading.
The work of widgets has been optimized and fixed;
Redesigned 404 page;
The design of modal windows has been redesigned;
The form for creating a new template has been optimized;
Fixed display of price type in the card for products with one trade offer;
Fixed a bug where the "Cancel" button is displayed for an order with the status "Completed";
Fixed display of the list of payer types;
Fixed display of the "Article" field in the file when uploading;
Fixed display of the quantity of a product in the site header when adding it from the product card;
Fixed display of buttons in the product card;
In the documents, the link to an order that was inaccessible to the user was removed;
Fixed an error in changing the time and date in sent technical support messages;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: B2B office 1.11.1 (03/26/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added a hint when searching for products;
For advanced authorization, the ability to assign a group with managers and a default manager for the organization has been added;
Added the ability to customize the order of order properties when placing an order;
Added the ability to customize the display of a block with goods in the checkout process;
Added the ability to access without authorization;
Scripts for filtering products in the catalog have been optimized;
Fixed an error in displaying the catalog when there was a small number of selected properties;
Fixed a bug with missing properties in the filter if facet indexes are configured;
Fixed display of elements in the "Personal Account" widget;
The display of payment system icons in a personal account has been optimized;
Fixed display of tooltips in the "Add additional products" block;
Fixed the display of the submenu when switching the information block with products in the administrative part;
Fixed search by order number in the list of orders on the organization’s detailed page;
Fixed search functionality in orders;
Fixed display of the menu "on the right" in all themes;
The minimum price field now takes into account the price of trade offers;
The design of the feedback form has been redesigned;
Fixed an error in displaying the number of product items in the cart when adding a product from the product card;
Added search to the list of organizations in the extended version;
The display of the product list has been optimized if the “full screen” mode is enabled;
Added output of the manager's e-mail in the "Personal Manager" widget;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: B2B office 1.11.2 (04/26/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Implemented seamless integration of the Sotbit: Multiregional module (sotbit.regions);
Implemented display of categories at the root of the directory;
Added display of information about partial shipment of goods in detailed order information;
Added the ability to configure the display of product balances for unauthorized users;
Implemented standard CNC support functionality in the catalog and filter;
For the components included in the solution, the catalog information block is configured through administrative settings;
Fixed reflection of arrows on the product detail page;
Added a scroll bar in the list of companies on the main page;
Fixed the display of information about stock in warehouses when the product is out of stock;
Fixed display of individual prices in the product card;
Fixed display of properties in the filter when faceted indexes are enabled in the root sections of the directory;
Implemented clearing of data in the form after clicking on the “Cancel” button in order templates;
Optimized display of text prompts in the additional sales cart;
Fixed the ability to add an item from the additional sales cart when the available quantity is zero, but purchasing is allowed when the item is unavailable;
Optimized display of buttons in widgets;
Fixed the display of purchase information in the search tip when there is no product available or for unauthorized users;
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization 1.3.5 (12/30/2021)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added the ability for the template to work with the new functionality of the "Counterparty Check" module;
Added the ability to configure the display of custom company properties;
Optimized work with templates;
Optimized display of order property values of type "ENUM";
Fixed a bug where the “default” manager was not assigned to new users;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization 1.3.6 (01/27/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Fixed the error of erasing the company name when the location is not filled in in the simple version of working with organizations;
Fixed a bug where there was no list of companies when trying to join an organization;
Fixed an error in counting the number of all employees in the presence of pagination;
Fixed an error in counting the number of all organizations in the presence of pagination;
Optimized the transition to the detailed order page for a company employee when transitioning from the detailed page of the organization;
A number of interface errors have been fixed.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization 1.3.7 (02/14/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
The module's operation has been adapted to the light theme of the "Sotbit: B2B office" template;
The design of modal windows has been redesigned;
Fixed filtering of organizations in orders;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization 1.3.8 (03/26/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added placeholders for user fields specified in the "User data when registering an organization" setting;
Fixed file output through custom fields when viewing an organization;
Fixed search functionality on the "Organizations" and "My Orders" pages;
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Advanced registration and authorization 1.3.9 (04/18/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added the ability to specify the "Article" property in the component parameters sotbit:auth.company.order;
In the registration form for the photo field, the field type has been changed to file;
Fixed registration error when using a custom field of the “Date” type;
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Counterparty check 1.1.1 (01/26/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added display of organization statuses for dadata.ru.
Optimized the time spent searching for organizations;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: Counterparty check 1.1.2 (03/23/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Fixed operation of the component when using ajax on the page;
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Counterparty check 1.1.3 (04/26/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Fixed module shutdown;
Fixed error sending request;
Fixed operation of the component when using ajax on the page;
Other minor edits.
2.4.1 (11.07.2022)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office 1.11.3 (06/12/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Seamless integration of the "Sothebyt: Commercial Offers" module has been implemented;
Added the ability to customize the display of categories in the directory root;
Added the ability to adjust the CNC link template when using one catalog information block on different templates;
Fixed the absence of the "Quantity of goods in stock" block if the remaining goods are displayed with the quantity replaced by text;
Fixed display of available prices for user groups in the "Add additional products" block;
Fixed the output of order markers during "CSS Optimization";
Fixed display of the menu after selecting a directory section in a dark theme;
Fixed an error in adding more quantities of goods than are in stock when quantity accounting is disabled from the "Add additional goods" block;
Fixed information about the shipment of goods on the orders page;
The outdated “Output directory partitions” setting has been removed from the administrative part;
Fixed the title of the template deletion form;
Fixed the path to the product card from the "Add additional products" block if the account is expanded in a subfolder;
Fixed a bug where the individual price for a product was incorrectly displayed to users;
Added individual price display to the search tooltip;
Fixed a bug where the "Cancel" button for a template did not work immediately after loading it;
Fixed display of the "Quantity of goods in stock" block for the last product in the catalog;
Fixed display of product properties and properties of trade offers;
Fixed unloading of products into excel from subsections;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: Advanced authorization and registration 1.3.10 (07/01/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Fixed an error in changing the payment system for orders in certain statuses;
Fixed an error in displaying an empty group of order properties if the group is not filled;
Fixed an error prohibiting order cancellation;
Fixed validation for the "Zode" and "Delivery Address" fields;
Fixed display of required fields;
Other minor edits.
2.4.2 (08.08.2022)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office 1.11.4 (08/04/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
The work of the template has been adapted to the new functionality of the Sotbit: Commercial Offers module.
The module "Sothebyt: Commercial offers" is placed as a separate menu item;
Added the ability to adjust the CNC link template when using one catalog information block on different templates;
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Commercial offers 1.0.1 (08/08/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added the ability to “request” your commercial offer;
Added the ability to create your own price list;
The functionality of the module is placed in a separate menu item;
The display of discounts on goods in the “CP List” has been optimized.
Origami 1.13.4 (07/29/22)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
The logic for working with included areas through multi-regionality has been implemented;
Implemented the ability to add capcha in the web form “Did you like our offer?”;
Fixed the operation of the youtube block;
Fixed a bug in editing blocks on the main page;
Fixed an error in expanding values in the filter;
Fixed an error in selecting trade offers when the offer price was not specified;
Fixed display of the magnifying glass for trade offers;
Fixed a bug with displaying markers on maps in the "Shop Addresses" block on the main page;
Fixed broken encoding in the "content.php" file of the first header;
Fixed an error in displaying flags in the "Order a call" form;
Fixed date display on blog banner;
Fixed an error in displaying “in cart” after deleting a product without a trade offer from the cart;
Added a calendar in the "Make an appointment" form;
Fixed an error with endless loading when trying to add more items to the cart than available;
Fixed layout when the "Show delivery calculation preview" setting is enabled;
Fixed reflection of the form “Did you like our offer?” after it has been sent;
Fixed the location and size of registration and authorization forms;
Fixed display of placeholders on capture forms;
The name of the product is inserted into the form to check availability.
2.4.3 (29.09.2022)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office 1.11.5(07/01/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Optimized display of basic information about the product in the order form;
Optimized display of the bottom action menu on all pages of the template;
Menu items expand on hover in a light theme;
Fixed a bug where access restrictions in the additional block of cart products did not work;
Fixed an error in forming links in sitemap.xml when using the "Directory directory" parameter;
All properties for filtering are available at the directory root;
Fixed an error when adding a product more than is in stock, but less than is in stock;
Fixed a bug with displaying warehouse availability in full screen mode;
Fixed display of order properties with the "List" type during registration;
Fixed the appearance of the order form when clicking on the magnifying glass in the search bar;
Fixed an error displaying the invoice without taking into account the order status for payment;
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Extended authorization and registration 1.3.11(07/01/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added the ability to register users by phone number;
Fixed an error in joining an organization due to capcha;
Other minor edits.
2.4.4 (04.01.2023)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
List of the latest updates included in B2BShop:
Sotbit: B2B office 1.11.6 (12/12/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Optimized display of the mobile version;
Added units of measurement to the product card;
Added the ability to specify an article for trade offers through catalog parameters;
Optimized disclosure of trade offers;
Fixed the filter by price types in the catalogue;
Fixed capch in the password change form;
Fixed display of the long name of the price type in the product card;
Fixed order display after payment from "Personal Account";
The color of the open catalog menu item changes;
Fixed search by name in the filter;
Fixed display of an empty property group block in an order;
Fixed the operation of the "Unavailable trade offers" parameter;
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Advanced authorization and registration 1.3.12 (12/12/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added the ability to register users by phone number;
Fixed an error in joining an organization due to capcha;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: B2B office 1.11.0 (02.22.2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Added a button to change capcha when logging in;
The work of the module with the link substitution functionality for the b2bcabinet template has been optimized;
The operation of the module for the b2bcabinet template in the mobile version has been optimized;
Other minor edits.
Sotbit: Commercial offers 1.0.2 (12/12/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Fixed the formation of links to products in the b2bcabinet template.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
Sotbit: Origami 1.13.5 (10/26/2022)
New functionality, optimizations and fixes:
Fixed reset of property values in the horizontal filter;
Fixed resizing of pictures on the detail page;
Fixed product multiplicity in the “list of modifications”;
Fixed the operation of the magnifying glass when viewing images;
Fixed a style error for displaying icons;
Fixed missing page content after submitting the "Request a call" web form in the footer;
Fixed a bug with switching the property of trade offers when the purchase option is disabled;
Added icons for the number of products with trade offers in quick view, when the remaining product is displayed in text;
Fixed an error in restoring items from deferred items;
Fixed an error in setting up the employee information block;
Fixed an error in setting directory parameters;
Other minor edits and stylistic improvements.
2.5.0 (01.02.2023)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
Optimizations and fixes:
- Compatibility with PHP 8.1 has been implemented.
For correct operation, it is necessary to update the following solutions and modules included in B2BShop:
- sotbit.origami: Update 1.14.0;
- sotbit.regions: Update 1.8.0;
- sotbit.reviews: Update 1.4.0;
- sotbit.crosssell: Update 1.3.0;
- sotbit.seometa: Updates 2.3.0;
- shs.parser: Check for update 5.10.0.
- sotbit.seoserch: Updates 1.1.0;
- sotbit.orderphone: Update 1.4.0;
- sotbit.opengraph: Update 1.1.0;
- sotbit.schemaorg: Update 1.3.0;
- sotbit.htmleditoraddition: Updates 1.1.0;
- sotbit.b2bcabinet: Update 1.12.0;
- sotbit.auth: Update 1.4.0;
- sotbit.checkcompany: Update 1.2.0;
- sotbit.bill: Update 2.1.0;
- sotbit.multibasket: Update 1.1.0;
- sns.tools1c: Updates 3.9.0;
2.5.1 (10.04.2023)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
For correct operation, it is necessary to update the following solutions and modules included in B2BShop:
- sotbit.b2bcabinet: Update 1.12.1;
- sotbit.auth: Update 1.4.1;
- sotbit.checkcompany: Update 1.2.1;
- sotbit.privateprice: Update 1.1.1;
- sotbit.bill: Update 2.1.1;
- sotbit.multibasket: Update 1.1.1.
2.5.2 (05.06.2023)Attention: Starting from version 2.0.0, the B2BShop solution is a complex of solutions included in it and will not have its own updates. This section will display descriptions of updates to the solutions included in it. All subsequent updates to the solution are system updates and reflect changes to the modules included in it.
For correct operation, it is necessary to update the following solutions and modules included in B2BShop:
- sotbit.b2bcabinet: Update 2.0.0;
- sotbit.auth: Update 1.4.3;
- sotbit.offerlist: Update 1.1.1;
2.5.3 (17.08.2023)Attention: B2BShop is a complex of solutions included in it and does not have its own updates.
For correct operation, it is necessary to update the following solutions and modules included in B2BShop:
- sotbit.b2bcabinet: Update 2.0.2;
- sotbit.b2bcabinet: Update 2.0.1;
- sotbit.auth: Update 1.4.5;
- sotbit.auth: Update 1.4.4;
- sotbit.bill 2.1.2;
- sotbit.multibasket 1.1.4;
- sotbit.multibasket 1.1.3;
- sotbit.offerlist 1.1.2;
- sotbit.schemaorg 1.3.2;
- sotbit.seometa 2.3.4;
- sotbit.seometa 2.3.3.