OfficePRO: printer consumables, stationery, office furniture. Ready online store
OfficePRO: printer consumables, stationery, office furniture. Ready online store
"Пополните свой офис в одно касание! Модуль OfficePRO предлагает готовый интернет-магазин с широким ассортиментом расходных материалов для принтеров, канцтоваров и офисной мебели. Гарантированное удобство и качество!"
С помощью решения вы сможете открыть свой интернет магазин всего за пару часов. Все что нужно сделать – это запустить мастер установки и наполнить магазин товарами. Ваш магазин готов!
Управляйте содержимым вашего магазина, работайте с товарами и ценами, принимайте и обрабатывайте заказы, гибко настраивайте SEO сайта, платежные системы, способы доставки.
Уже сегодня вы сможете создать свой новый:
интернет магазин канцелярских товаров;
интернет магазин техники для офиса;
интернет магазин хозтоваров;
магазин расходных материалов для печати.
Запустите магазин уже сегодня и начните обгонять конкурентов!
1. Профессиональный функционал, минимальный бюджет Быстрый старт!
В среднем стоимость создания интернет магазина с подобным функционалом в хорошей студии составит от 300 000 рублей. Стоимость готового интернет-магазина - в несколько раз ниже. При этом вам не нужно составлять техническое задание, согласовывать дизайн сайта, тратить месяцы на его создание и нести огромные риски.
Установка решения займет несколько минут, а сэкономленную сумму вы можете потратить на рекламу магазина или на его оптимизацию под вашу бизнес-модель.
2. Доступность везде На компьютерах, ноутбуках, планшетах, на телефонах, дома, в пробке, в метро…
Адаптивный дизайн магазина обеспечивает оптимальное отображение сайта на различных устройствах и динамически подстраивается под заданные размеры окна. Покупки в вашем магазине будет одинаково удобно делать как со стационарного компьютера или ноутбука, так и с мобильного телефона. Ваш сайт будет доступен абсолютно везде.
3. Еще больше продаж Наборы и комплекты
Помогите вашим покупателям получить максимальное удовольствие от покупки при помощи модулей «Наборы и Комплекты».
Согласитесь, в интернет магазине нет ничего более увлекательного, чем собрать набор из нужных товаров и получить за это скидку.
Наборы могут быть не только фиксированные, но и настраиваемые, то есть покупатель сможет сам заменить любой товар в наборе на другой из списка, который вы ему разрешите (например, выбрать черный ремень вместо серого). Посмотреть пример наборов и комплектов
4. Умный фильтр Поможет подобрать нужный товар
Умный фильтр – это самый эффективный менеджер по продажам в вашем интернет магазине. Он задаст нужные вопросы, а пользователи на нах ответят и получат нужные им товары.
Фильтр легко настраивается по свойствам товарам в любой категории магазина. Это могут быть - бренд, характеристики, цвет, пол, возраст, цена, диапазон цен и т.д.) – все то, что поможет ваши покупателям сделать правильный выбор. Логика работы фильтра повторяет функционал фильтра Яндекс.Маркет, а также ряда популярных интернет магазинов. Попробовать умный фильтр
5. Маркетинговые модули Товар дня, Успей купить, Купить в 1 клик, Сопутствующие товары, Старая и новая цена
Добавьте на сайт таймер убегающей халявы, мотивируйте покупателей на покупку и увеличьте продажи. Психология работает безотказно!
6. Полная поддержка SKU Торговые предложения
У каждого товара может быть несколько размеров, цветов, фасовок и ряда других переменных. Меняя каждую из них, ваши покупатели смогут видеть изменение фотографии, цены на товар и остатки по складам, не уходя из карточки товара. Пример товара с торговыми предложениями
7. Все популярные способы оплаты Visa, MasterCard , Paypal
В ваш магазин встроены все самые популярные платежные системы. Теперь вы сможете принимать к оплате кредитные карты, электронные платежи и даже формировать счета на оплату. Также предусмотрена возможность автоматизировать процедуру получения статусов оплаты от платежных систем для быстрой отгрузки товаров
8. Быстрее, чем у конкурентов Быстрее в 100 раз – значит лучше!
Уникальная технология производства сайтов - «Композитный сайт» - объединяет в себе высокую скорость загрузки статического сайта и все возможности динамического сайта.
С помощью новой технологии время ответа вашего сайта будет в сотни раз меньше, чем обычных магазинов. Быстрый ответ страниц сайта влияет на индексацию поисковыми роботами и повышает место сайта в поисковой выдаче, что помогает привлекать покупателей на сайт и выделиться среди конкурентов.
9. Easy Cart - виджет корзины Работайте с товарами в корзине с любой страницы сайта. Поле корзины может тянуться по всему сайту: клиент добавляет товары в корзину и сразу видит корзину (реализован принцип заказа, аналогичный в 1С). Кроме того, виджет содержит разделы: «Помощь», «Сравнение», «Недавно просмотренные товары», «Избранное» для быстрого доступа к ним.
10. Профессиональная навигация Доступ к любой точке сайта за 3 клика
Организация и структура каждого магазина продумана до мелочей. На главной странице собраны все главные навигационные узлы – каталог, производители, акции и многое другое. Теперь ваши покупатели не смогу уйти без покупки.
Каталог по брендам сделает покупки более удобными для тех, кто предпочитает товары определенных марок. Такая опция будет удобна менеджерам по закупкам или почитателям конкретных торговых марок.
11. Три вида каталога Список, витрина, галерея
Кто-то любит крупные карточки товара, кто-то лаконичные списки, а кто-то выбирает золотую середину. Ваш магазин содержит все три.
12. Каталог по брендам сделает покупки более удобными для тех, кто предпочитает товары определенных марок. Также опция будет удобна менеджерам по закупкам или любителям конкретных торговых марок.
13. Типы цен: возможность отображать определенный тип цены или их группы определенным группам пользователей. Например: золотой клиент видит цены уже со своими скидками (редакция 1С-Битрикс «Бизнес» и выше).
14. Полная интеграция с 1С в режиме реального времени (включая характеристики).
Избавьте себя от рутинных задач, связанных с поддержанием актуального каталога. Интеграция магазина с 1С позволяет существенно снизить временные затраты на обновлении важной информации, такой как: цены, наличие, элементы каталога и т.д. Теперь не нужно при изменении, например, цен в учетной системе, вручную менять их на сайте. Это будет происходить в автоматическом режиме.
15. Складской учёт и управление остатками
Для ведения склада и формирования минимального набора документов вам не нужно приобретать дополнительные программы. В вашем новом магазине все для этого есть. Ведите складской количественный учет, ведите складские документы, управляйте списком поставщиков, приходуйте товары по штрих-коду. Покажите покупателям наличие или отсутствие товара на складе и многое другое.
16. Единицы измерений Шт., кг., л, м., и т.д.
Открывайте интернет-магазин: продуктов питания, лекарственных средств, стройматериалов и т.д. Продавайте любые товары - в любых единицах измерения. Для каждого магазина вы можете задать индивидуальные настройки единиц измерения. Причем встроены еще и делители, чтобы товар можно было купить порциями / фасовками (например, продавать товар в расфасовке 50, 100, 150 или 200 грамм, если делитель =50).
17. Несколько способов доставки от самовывоза до голубиной почты :)
У ваших покупателей большой выбор вариантов доставки. При заказе товара они могут воспользоваться самыми современными и быстрыми почтовыми сервисами: Почта России, EMS, DHL, UPS, курьерская служба СПСР, доставка курьером, национальная почта стран СНГ и мн. др.
Теперь вы сможете настроить автоматический калькулятор стоимости доставки в зависимости от выбранного способа доставки, габаритов посылки и географии.
18. Ajax Загрузка на лету без перезагрузки страницы
Благодаря использованию Ajax подгрузка страниц каталога и работа умного фильтра происходят более мягко и менее заметно для пользователя. Также значительно снижается нагрузка на сервер при внушительной номенклатуре товаров и увеличивается скорость загрузки страницы.
19. Интерфейс «Эрмитаж» Легкое и понятное управление магазином
Управлять магазином сможет любой человек без глубоких знаний внутреннего устройства платформы. Благодаря специальному интерфейсу «Эрмитаж» большинство операцией с содержимым сайта и каталогом можно осуществлять без входа в административную панель сайта. Работа с торговым каталогом простая, логичная и удобная. А ручная рутинная работа по настройке SEO в вашем магазине заменяется автоматическими операциями.
1. Получайте скидки согласно вашему партнерскому статусу 1С-Битрикс. 2. Используйте готовые сайты или магазины в своих проектах. Это огромная экономия времени на разработку и гарантия хорошего результата. 3. Не теряйте клиентов с небольшими бюджетами. Добавьте в ваше коммерческое предложение альтернативный вариант с использованием готовых решений, будете приятно удивлены результатом. 4. Обращайтесь к нам с любыми вопросами: как продать или как доработать функционал. Мы поможем. 5. Интеграция с 1С нужна каждому второму интернет магазину. Но не в каждой студии есть специалисты, чтобы ее выполнить. Наши интеграторы к вашим услугам. 6. Получите приглашение в клуб «Золотых партнеров» и дополнительные привилегии. Правда, нужно немного постараться, но мы в этом всегда поможем.
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List of updates
4.6.3 (28.08.2024)
Что нового:
Добавлена поддержка опций api ключей модуля управления структурой для карт
Каталог, подмена остатка значением из свойства. Добавлена возможность указания HTML разметки в поле свойства
Бренды, умный фильтр. Устранены ошибки, добавлены значения параметров шаблона по-умолчанию
Меню (вертикальное, вид 2). Исправлена ошибка не позволяющая отображать подменю при наведении
Каталог. Исправлена проблема отображения списков товаров и разделов
Меню. исправлена проблема кешерования шаблонов меню
Исправлена ошибка в шаблоне списка разделов main
Каталог, детальная. Исправлена ошибка отображения складов не выбранных в настройках компонента
Исправление других мелких ошибок
1.1.0 (04.12.2014)
* Added banner support for the main "Product" type.
* Added a second template for displaying banners on the main page - can be switched in the component settings.
* Added the ability to disable the display of units. change goods.
* Added the ability to change the name of a block with modifications through the component settings.
* Names of types have been moved to the settings of the complex component.
* The EasyCart widget template has been redesigned, now tabs are always displayed, even if they have no content.
* Basic settings of simple components called in the EasyCart template are moved to the EasyCart component settings to simplify editing.
* Correction of minor errors.
* Updated the color scheme of the solution.
* Fixed the size of the solution icon in the installation wizard selection.
1.2.0 (18.02.2015)
* Added support for the 1C-Bitrix BigData service (version 1C-Bitrix 15.0). This block will be located in the product card and can be turned on and off through the settings of the “Catalogue” component. Also, through the settings, you can change the name of this block to your own. The site administrator can independently display this block on any page of his site.
* Added support for facet index for the "Smart Filter" component.
* Added 2 types of brand list display:
- List of brands with line-by-line images;
- List of brands with images in an adaptive scrolling slider;
* Added a new template for the "Smart Filter" component; the new template can be selected in the settings of the "Catalogue" component. The new template supports the functionality of the 1C-Bitrix 15.0 platform:
- Selecting the type of display of properties in the filter (8 types in total);
- Display the property collapsed/expanded when loading the page;
* Added a new template for displaying warehouses in the product card; the new template can be selected in the settings of the "Catalog" component. The new template supports the functionality of the 1C-Bitrix 15.0 platform, and it also has the ability to select fields to be displayed along with the name of the warehouse.
* Added the function of counting down timers for the Hurry Up and Product of the Day promotions in real time.
* Added the ability to display tabs in the product card as anchors.
* In the settings of the "Catalog" component, you can now specify the default type (template) of the product list.
* Added automatic recalculation of the number of selected products in the site header when adding a product to favorites.
* In the settings of the checkout component, it is now possible to specify the properties in which the phone number is entered; formatting for the phone number will be used for such fields.
* On the page with comparison results, a display of ungrouped product properties has been added.
* Added currency conversion in sets .
* Fixed scrolling to a tab when clicking on the tab title in the product card.
* The link to the product has been removed from the block with product modifications so as not to mislead site customers.
* Now news without images are also displayed correctly in the news list.
* Now the “first” image is searched correctly in the product list.
* Fixed an error in displaying large images in the list of product catalog sections.
* Fixed an error limiting the nesting level in the templates of the section list component.
* Errors in the color scheme of the solution have been fixed.
* Other minor fixes.
1.2.1 (29.05.2015)
* Fixed a bug in importing 2.0 locations when installing the solution
1.3.0 (15.06.2015)
* Convenient entry of a phone number has been added to the “Order a call” and “Buy in 1 click” forms
* The ability to display tooltips for properties has been added to the smart filter
* Micro markup support has been added to the breadcrumb template
* A second main menu template has appeared
* Support for properties of the "Date/Time" type has been added to the smart filter; such properties can be displayed in the filter as a field with a calendar
* The EasyCart widget now allows you to enter a discount coupon
* Multisite support has been added to the EasyCart widget
* Now in descriptions it is possible to use standard lists added through visas. editor
* Now tabs in the product card are remembered in the browser history and switch when you press the "Back" button
* Now in tabular views of product lists, a product appears with a tick if at least one trade offer is in the cart
* Updated ordering functionality and user personal account due to location update 2.0
* Fixed incorrect operation of the product comparison page. The error was caused by updating the product comparison results component
* Fixed all currently known bugs
* Other minor fixes
1.3.1 (17.06.2015)
* Some of the sorter settings have been moved to the complex catalog component
1.3.2 (17.06.2015)
* Minor bug fixes
1.3.3 (18.06.2015)
* Minor bug fixes
1.4.0 (26.11.2015)
* Added a new type of display of SKU switching buttons in the product card
* Added CNC support in smart filter
* Added support for canonical URLs
* Added display of characteristics of trade offers
* Added the ability to specify the main section of an element
* Added display of the number of products near property values in the smart filter
* Added support for currency conversion in the smart filter
* Changed the logic for scaling images of highload blocks in the smart filter
* Minor bug fixes
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
2.1.0 (29.07.2016)
The solution structure has been completely redesigned
The solution installation wizard has been completely rewritten, now it runs on the D7 platform
With the new solution structure, the template has become completely updatable
Simplified site content management
The website template has begun the transition to the 1C-Bitrix D7 core
ATTENTION! Since the structure of the solution files has completely changed, this update and all subsequent ones will only be relevant for new installations.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
2.2.0 (02.09.2016)
Restructuring the solution
PHP7 support
Significant increase in site performance
Optimizing style files and website template scripts
Added the ability to select social media. networks for sharing materials.
Removed outdated templates for smart filter and warehouse list components.
Changes to the color scheme of the solution
Minor bug fixes
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
2.3.0 (17.09.2016)
Added support for working with price ranges
Added functionality for subscribing to missing products
Added functionality for working with furniture collections
Added a setting to turn on the shadow when hovering over a product in the product list (Gallery view)
Added setting to enable rounded design (buttons, fields, etc.)
Added an effect when hovering over additional product images in the product card
Changed the effect of buttons when hovering the mouse cursor over them
Changes in the color scheme of the solution
In the product card, tabs are now located above modifications and personal recommendations
Timer progress bars are now flat
The slider for prices and other numeric values in the filter is now flat
Unification of GoPro color schemes as part of the task of integrating the recolor widget
Minor changes to the solution interface
Fixed an error connecting style and script files; incorrect file paths were specified
Fixing bugs in the smart filter
Fixed a bug with the wrong name of the solution installation wizard
Minor bug fixes
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
2.3.5 (22.09.2016)
The following include areas have been added for inserting Yandex.metrics, Google Analytics and other similar scripts:
--- /include/header/head_end.php - to add various metrics between tags and
--- /include/header/body_start.php - to add various metrics immediately after the opening tag
--- /include/header/body_end.php - to add various metrics before the closing tag
Fixed an error involving incorrect connection of the component displaying the availability of goods in warehouses in the product card
Fixed a bug with double location display in checkout
Minor bug fixes
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
2.3.6 (22.09.2016)
Minor bug fixes
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
2.4.0 (14.10.2016)
Added the ability to display the number of elements in a section in the list of sections on the main page of the site.
Added the ability to hide the number of products by characteristic in the filter.
Added the ability to specify a mask for entering phone numbers (in the module settings).
Added display of product availability in the list of products in the "Showcase" view.
Now the magnifying glass icon in the site header is clickable.
Easily change the presentation of product characteristics with trade offers.
Component settings have been moved to the appropriate logical settings groups.
Fixed errors in displaying the popup window when purchasing a product with SKU from a table view, from the list of products.
Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to remove a product from comparison from the site widget (EasyCart).
Fixed an issue with displaying social icons. networks.
Correction of minor errors.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
2.5.0 (21.11.2016)
New design of the checkout page.
Full support for D7 ordering functionality.
Added a block for displaying brand products on the brand description page.
Optimization of pages with a list of products (catalog sections). The extra component has been removed.
The sorter component settings have been removed from the catalog component.
The sorter component is now configured separately from the catalog, which makes it possible to use the full range of its settings. ATTENTION! After installing the update, you will need to reconfigure the sorter component on your site.
Minor visual improvements.
EasyCart component templates have been moved to the site template.
Fixed a bug due to which the block with the presence of a product in the product card was shifted to the left.
Fixed a bug due to which the availability value in the product list did not change when switching a trade offer.
Fixed a bug where the smart filter did not work correctly on mobile devices when AJAX was disabled in the filter.
Correction of minor errors.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
2.7.0 (29.12.2016)
Correction of minor errors.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
2.8.0 (31.01.2017)
Added a block for calculating the cost and delivery time to the product card.
New personal account for user D7.
Added a setting that allows you to change the position of the section description in the product list.
The empty cart page has been redesigned.
Now the "Showcase" template is the default template for all product lists that do not use the sorter component.
Fixed an error in filtering products when following a category link from a catalog by brand.
Fixed a bug due to which the sorter in the catalog by brand did not work.
Correction of minor errors.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.0.0 (20.03.2017)
Added widget for customizing and repainting the site (beta).
All site icons are now in high definition SVG format.
A new module redsign.tuning is integrated into the solution.
Checkboxes and Radio buttons have received a new animated design.
Added support for stickers (hit, new, promotion). You can also create any stickers yourself.
Optimization of displaying alt and title images in the product card for images of the product itself, sales offers, etc. images.
The widget component at the bottom of all site pages has been redesigned; now the information in it is loaded not on every hit, but upon request.
Added image size optimization for the list of sections on the main page and in the product catalog.
Social icons have been updated. networks in the footer of the site + new ones have been added.
Optimizing site component requests.
The ability to disable the adaptability of the solution has been removed. Now the solution is always adaptive.
Correction of color scheme errors.
Correction of minor errors.
Correction of errors caused by updating the 1C-Bitrix platform to version 17.x
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.0.1 (21.10.2016)
The images of sections on the main page on screens smaller than 480px have been reduced.
Fixed an error in displaying products in the catalog by brand when the settings were not set correctly.
Fixed an error in table styling in tab properties in the product card.
Fixed display of an empty image (if absent) in the news list on the main page.
A bug with AJAX requests has been fixed.
Fixed a bug in displaying the section description in full width.
Fixed a bug where the location name was doubled in the checkout process.
Correction of minor errors.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.0.2 (29.03.2017)
Added an option to hide the display of availability in the product list.
Added the ability to display the number of reviews in the product card next to the name of the reviews tab.
Added the ability to display availability values from a property instead of the standard product availability. Thus, for individual products you can display the lines “On order” and the like.
Added support for custom style files and scripts for specific sites. The files must be located in the include directory. More detailed information is provided in our documentation section.
The menu interface in your personal account has been updated.
Minor interface changes for the site footer on mobile devices.
Fixed problem with Yandex Sharilka initialization.
An error in displaying an article in the catalog by brand has been fixed (in the catalog by brand a setting has appeared in the component for selecting a property with an article).
Fixed an error updating the widget when adding a product to the cart from personal recommendations.
Fixed a bug with hiding unavailable for purchasing trade offers.
Fixed an error in displaying the cart icon in the personal account and on the cart page.
Fixed a bug with displaying the second main menu template
An error in AJAX requests that occurred due to the update to 1C-Bitrix 17 has been fixed.
Fixed problem with displaying stickers.
Fixed an issue with displaying characteristics in the smart filter on low-resolution screens.
Fixed display of tables in tabs in the product card.
Correction of minor errors.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.1.0 (03.05.2017)
Attention! Main banners now use the new "gopro_banners" template. You need to switch to this template. Old templates are no longer supported.
The new site header is a horizontal menu.
A new block with portal features has been added.
A new block with an image gallery has been added.
A new block has been added with a list of store points or warehouses.
The main banner display template has been redesigned; the new template for banners is called "gopro_banners". You need to switch to this template. Old templates will soon be removed from the solution.
New options have been added to the site settings widget.
The main page of the site has been redesigned (to update your main page, refer to the solution documentation).
The solution now uses the jQuery 3 library.
All popup forms have been redesigned, now the solution uses FancyBox 3.
Added scroll to the selection of characteristics. Now no more than 7 characteristics are displayed simultaneously (for the view with a drop-down list).
Corrections in the operation of price ranges.
Integration of the site repainting module (redsign.tuning): without this module the solution no longer functions.
Fixed an error in displaying a small popup window with a product.
Fixed display of social icons. sharing networks in a small popup window with a product.
Fixed subscription errors for missing products with trade offers.
Correction of minor errors.
For partners:
The template includes source style files in sass format.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.1.1 (18.05.2017)
Easy changes to the appearance of the block with the advantages of the site.
Fixed the problem of purchasing goods in 1 click.
Fixed a bug with extra code appearing in popup windows when editing mode is enabled.
Fixed a bug in moving from the main banner.
Fixed a bug with price ranges.
Minor bugs fixed.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.1.2 (19.05.2017)
Fixed problem connecting the personal section template.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.2.0 (27.06.2017)
The solution integrates an updated component for purchasing goods in 1 click. The new component creates orders. At the same time, the templates for the corresponding website components have been redesigned; the old component is no longer supported. For the new version to work correctly, it is necessary to reconfigure the component.
Information about consent to the processing of personal data has been added to all forms (compliance with the Law “On Personal Data” dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ). After installing the update, a sample page with the terms of the agreement will be added to your website. You need to change the page content to suit your site.
Fixed an error in opening the main menu component settings.
Minor bug fixes
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.3.1 (28.08.2017)
A checkbox has been added to disable Yandex Services in the module settings.
A field for specifying Google Api Key has been added in the module settings. Necessary for using Google maps instead of Yandex Maps in the solution.
Minor interface improvements to the list of sections for the main page.
Fixed an issue with the checkout page in IE.
Fixed an issue with purchasing products with trade offers through the 1-click purchase form.
Minor bugs fixed.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.3.2 (28.08.2017)
Minor bugs fixed.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
3.3.3 (31.08.2017)
The standard authorization template via social media has been replaced. networks on the flat template.
The checkout component template from the solution is deprecated and no longer used. You need to select the standard (.default) checkout component template.
For the ordering component, you now need to use the standard functionality of agreements for the processing of personal data.
Fixed the problem of selecting a city from a popup-con called from the site header.
Minor bugs fixed.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.0.0 (20.12.2017)
ATTENTION! With this update, your site design will change. It will be impossible to return to the old interface.
A new type of site header has been added; you can switch to it through the site settings widget.
New types of product lists.
New type of detailed product card.
New solution design.
New image gallery in the product card.
New block with products for the main page of the solution. Now, instead of one block, tabs are used, so you can create any number of blocks with a list of products for the main page. The first tab loads instantly, the rest
loaded using AJAX.
Added a setting for selecting a property with an article for the modification block in the product card.
As part of the solution, the fancybox library has been updated to the latest version.
Fixed a bug in displaying checkbox and radio in checkout.
Fixed an error in duplicating the notification about sending a confirmation email in the site registration form.
Fixed a bug in the photo gallery template, when the gallery did not work correctly with one loaded image.
The solution replaced the jScrollPane library with jquery.scrollbar.
Now the solution uses flex boxes to form columns. These styles are only supported by the latest modern browsers and may experience display issues in IE. Most likely, Microsoft is not going to fix flex display problems in Internet Explorer; there is no problem in Edge.
Minor bugs fixed.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.0.1 (21.12.2017)
Added the ability to display a description and image of the information block in the "/catalog/" section.
Fixed critical catalog display error.
Fixed an error connecting custom site template styles.
Fixed a bug in displaying the scroll for product image previews in the product card.
Fixed a problem with displaying a block with sets.
Minor bugs fixed.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.0.2 (21.12.2017)
Added the ability to display a description and image of the information block in the "/catalog/" section.
Fixed critical catalog display error.
Fixed an error connecting custom site template styles.
Fixed a bug in displaying the scroll for product image previews in the product card.
Fixed a problem with displaying a block with sets.
Minor bugs fixed.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.0.3 (27.12.2017)
Added a tab with information about product availability to the detailed product page.
Added a setting that allows you to hide the button for loading goods.
Added auto-closing of popup forms after successful submission.
Stylized page navigation in the checkout component.
The authorization block in the checkout component has been styled.
The block with personal recommendations in the product card has been converted to a standard product list component bitrix:catalog.section.
Fixed an error in column formation on iOS.
Outdated options have been removed from the module settings.
Fixed an issue with displaying an empty article.
Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to add goods from the modification block to the cart.
Fixed problem with displaying the characteristics tab.
Fixed an error displaying the list of products on the brand page.
Fixed a problem with displaying sorting in a simplified form.
Repainting errors have been fixed.
Fixed the character switching block in the cart.
Fixed the problem of images being duplicated in the product card.
Fixed an error in changing images when changing the SKU of a product.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.0.4 (22.01.2018)
Modules included in the solution have been updated in the distribution
Added a setting for selecting the type of characteristics (selected in the settings of the Catalog component). Feature switches can be in the form of buttons or drop-down lists.
The styles of all main menus when hovering over menu items with the mouse have been changed.
Changed the default color of links.
Minor style changes throughout the site.
Fixed an error in changing the image when changing SKU in the product list.
Minor repainting errors have been fixed.
Fixed errors of incorrect encoding of menu component settings in the site footer.
Fixed an error in resetting the filter when pressing the apply filter button in mode without AJAX filtering.
Fixed a bug due to which changing the number of products in the cart in the widget did not work.
Fixed a bug with the logo on the flying cap.
Fixed a bug in opening the image gallery in the product card.
Fixed a bug due to which, when opening an image gallery, the first image was always displayed in the product card.
Fixed a bug with the search query input field in headers with a vertical menu on the Firefox browser.
Fixed a bug due to which the flying header covered the top panel when using the first header of the site.
Now the images in the product card will not scroll when changing the SKU if not necessary.
Fixed display of the scrollbar in the smart filter.
Fixed a bug with searching by titles.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.1.0 (23.03.2018)
Multi-regional functionality has been added (the ability for individual regions to display different contact details, prices and other information).
Added the possibility of flexible customization of the solution without refusing updates (for detailed information, see the documentation for the solution).
Added catalog search page. To reconfigure search components to a page with products, in the component settings, instead of the directory with the "search" results, specify the "catalog" directory.
Added new component "redsign:location.main". This component now replaces the old "redsign:autodetect.location". The new component supports multi-region.
Added automatic generation of Open Graph page tags (page properties are used, if you need to interrupt automatically added tags, then you also need to add them through page properties).
Added an option that allows you to disable the 1-click purchase button.
Added the ability to disable the product card from dropping out in the product list when hovering the mouse.
Added lazy loading functionality. This functionality is available for the product list, image gallery and brand list. Lazy loading is activated in the settings of the corresponding components.
New cart component template has been styled.
The color of the registration button in the authorization form has been changed.
Fixed an error loading tabs on the main page, even if the tab had already been loaded before.
Fixed a bug due to which the main photo in the product card could be displayed in a smaller version.
Fixed an error in going to the subscription page from the subscription form in the footer of the site.
Fixed the problem of displaying warehouses in the tab in the product card.
Fixed the problem of recalculating delivery in the product card when changing the quantity and trade offer.
For Yandex maps (Our Stores block), an updated library is now connected from Yandex servers, which corrects the problem of scripts on the Yandex side.
For Yandex.Share, an explicit link to the product image has been added.
Fixed the problem of gaps appearing between vertical main menu items.
Fixed a bug in going to search results by clicking on the magnifying glass in the search bar.
Fixed minor bugs in the installer.
Problems with the functionality of sets have been fixed.
Fixed a bug due to which the search field in the flying header on mobile phones was closed.
Fixed a bug due to which the 1-click product purchase form "forgot" about the product after unsuccessful submission of the form (Error "Product not linked").
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.1.1 (06.06.2018)
Support for 1C-Bitrix 18.0.
Added a placeholder icon for lazy loading of images.
The component template for displaying personal recommendations has been updated.
In the list of products, in the "Showcase" view, a display of the old price has been added (only for single-price display).
The zoom effect when hovering the mouse has been removed from the list of sections.
Added triggers for js events (see all events in the source files of the solution, in the site template /assets/js/).
The display of the cart on screens with a resolution of 1200px and lower has been changed.
The problem with displaying the location on the second version of the site header has been fixed.
Fixed an issue due to which, after scrolling the page with a shopping cart, the block with the checkout button could disappear.
Fixed the problem of substituting the wrong location in the delivery calculator in the product card.
Fixed a captcha display error in the password recovery request form.
Fixed an error loading images after using a smart filter with ajax mode enabled.
Fixed the problem with displaying alt and title in the product card.
Minor fixes in working with price ranges.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.1.2 (13.06.2018)
Fixed errors in displaying the checkout page
Minor fixes
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.2.0 (13.08.2018)
Now in the list of products, in the “Showcase” view, product cards that are reduced in height are displayed if only 1 type of price is selected in the settings (to remove the empty space above the price).
Improving solution performance in Google PageSpeed Insights.
Optimization of styles and scripts.
Scripts and styles are now collected in a minified and cleaned form (source files for scripts and styles can be found in the site template, in the /source/ directory).
Added the ability to display a brand logo in the product card instead of the brand name (configurable in the parameters of the Catalog component).
Added search settings to the parameters of the Catalog component.
The brands_owl and brands_img templates have been improved; links to detailed item pages can be disabled.
New documentation on the solution has been published -
Easy changes to the appearance of the page basket.
Added error message when adding a product to cart.
Added additional areas for developers to finalize the solution.
The appearance of the list of sections in the product catalog has been restyled. Now the appearance of this block is similar to the list of sections on the main page.
Added the ability to specify the number of displayed elements in the personal recommendations block in the product card.
Added the ability to specify the number of elements to be displayed in a block with modifications in the product card.
Added a version for printing a detailed product page.
Fixed problem with prices working with price ranges when switching trade offers.
Repainting bug fixes.
Fixing solution installer errors (catalog4.php).
Fixed a bug where the image was incorrectly substituted in the product list when switching trade offers.
Minor fixes.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.2.1 (16.08.2018)
Fix solution recolor problem
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.3.0 (19.12.2018)
Happy New Year 2019!
Added the ability to link products to promotions, news and any other sections that you create based on them.
A block with important characteristics has been added to the product card; the block is displayed to the right of the block with prices. The block is enabled in the component settings (see the solution documentation).
A block for sharing materials has been added to the brand catalog, to the detailed brand page, as well as to news and promotions.
Added the ability to display product ID as an article.
Added a setting that allows you to specify the size of the brand logo for the product card.
Added the ability to go to the brand page from the product card.
Added "Up" button.
Stylized output of files in tabs, in the product card.
Changes in the solution interface.
Added a button to apply a filter when applying an ajax request.
Improved print version for product card.
Improved print version for the page shopping cart.
The problem with displaying color characteristics in the block with personal recommendations has been fixed.
Fixed a bug with the inability to select the type of characteristics in the catalog.section component.
Fixed the operation of the 1-click purchase form in sets.
Fixed a bug with currencies in sets.
Fixing the problem of unsubscribing from products with trade offers.
Fixed incorrect positioning of the "Selected" panel in the smart filter when ajax filtering is disabled.
Fixed a bug with page navigation appearing when it is disabled.
Minor fixes.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.4.0 (10.04.2019)
Thank you for using our products! In order to improve our solution, we regularly upload updates to the 1C-Bitrix Marketplace application store. To update a solution, go to the Administrative section on your site > Marketplace > Installed Solutions, find the solution in the list of available ones and click Update.
Each update to our solution includes improvements to improve speed, reliability and new features.
What's new:
New structure of the Brands section
Collections functionality support
Added support for micro markup of news pages
Added support for hCard markup to the contacts page
Added the ability to specify a custom site font from Google Fonts
Added the ability to specify size tables on the detailed product page
Functionality for replacing availability text when there is no product from the property/li>
Visual improvements:
Added page scrolling animation
Added indentation between groups of characteristics on the product detail page
Displaying captcha in redsign forms
Fixed errors in micro-marking of product cards
Added the ability to specify a custom site font from Google Fonts
Removed the display of the "Price" signature if there are no prices available for viewing on the detailed product page
Added styles for message about not found location
Fixed a bug with repainting the map button on the main page
Fixed a bug with repainting buttons when editing a delivery profile
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
4.5.0 (30.07.2019)
Compatible with 1C-Bitrix 19.
Added the ability to set captions for gallery images in the product card.
Added a short view of the list of products in the Showcase view (enabled in the component settings).
SEO optimization: internal linking.
Optimizing page loading speed.
Optimizing page loading on mobile phones.
Bug fixes in the collections section (GOPRO-257).
Fixed display of the image gallery in the product card (GOPRO-252).
Fixed repainting error in the block with collections (GOPRO-249).
Fixed display of product subscriptions (GOPRO-244).
Minor fixes.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site.
4.5.1 (26.07.2021)
Every day we try to make our solution even better! Meet the new update package.
The solution’s operation has been adapted to the new requirements of the 1C-Bitrix platform
To update a solution, go to the Administrative section on your site > Marketplace > Installed Solutions, find the solution in the list of available ones and click Update.
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
4.5.2 (05.04.2023)
Thank you for using our products! In order to improve our solution, we regularly upload updates to the 1C-Bitrix Marketplace application store. To update a solution, go to the Administrative section on your site > Marketplace > Installed Solutions, find the solution in the list of available ones and click Update.
Each update to our solution includes improvements to improve speed and reliability and new features.
Technical update
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
4.6.0 (17.04.2023)
Thank you for using our products! In order to improve our solution, we regularly upload updates to the 1C-Bitrix Marketplace application store. To update a solution, go to the Administrative section on your site > Marketplace > Installed Solutions, find the solution in the list of available ones and click Update.
Each update to our solution includes improvements to improve speed, reliability and new features.
Improved compatibility with PHP 8
Catalog. Added the option to display either sections or products in the root section of the catalog
Catalog, products. Fixed the problem with displaying the article number for products with TP from the product field
Selecting a city. Fixed an error in displaying the input field
Site template. Fixed problem with footer sticking when there is no content in the footer column
Catalog, products. Fixed an error that occurred when changing the quantity added to the cart
Catalog, sets. Fixed an issue that allowed items that were not available for purchase to be marked for adding to cart.
Catalog, trade offers. Fixed problem with displaying prices with Cyrillic symbolic code of price type
Brands, list of products. Fixed an error when products from another brand were included in the list
Shopping cart, product search. Fixed an error when adding found products to the cart
Placing an order. Fixed bug loading locations
Menu. Support for CSRF protection option
Authorization, password recovery. Fixed problems with captcha output
Authorization, password recovery. Added the ability to restore by phone number
Minor bugs fixed
Before installing the update, perform a full backup of your site. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing improvements or changes to the site. Please check with technical support about saving changes BEFORE updating your solution.
4.6.1 (11.09.2023)
Improved compatibility with PHP 8
Optimized page loading speed
Improved stability and performance
Fixing other minor bugs
4.6.2 (11.09.2023)
Technical update
OfficePRO: printer consumables, stationery, office furniture. Ready online store