2.1.5 (19.09.2024)- Оптимизирована работа быстрых остатков, теперь модуль будет удалять устаревшие записи остатков в кеш-таблице.
- Оптимизирована работа очистки управляемого кеша инфоблока после обмена остатками. Теперь управляемый кеш сбрасывается только если произошли изменения по остаткам.
2.1.4 (04.09.2024)- Функционал пошаговости полного обмена быстрыми остатками поддерживает профили обмена
- Изменена страница логов, теперь есть возможность выбрать логи от конкретной даты (поддерживается максимум 50 последних файлов лога)
- Улучшена работа логов для профилей обмена
- Теперь при включении профилей обмена есть возможность переключаться между профилями и добавлять новые профили в выпадающем списке в настройках модуля
- Добавлена ссылка на документацию модуля в левом меню
- Улучшена работа левого меню настроек модуля
2.1.3 (14.08.2024)- Добавлена возможность импортировать остатки комплектов через быстрые остатки.
- Полный импорт быстрых остатков теперь проходит пошагово. Если у вас большое количество данных об остатках, к примеру 100 000 строк информации. Модуль будет разделять все строки по 10 000 в каждом шаге и импортировать остатки в кеш-таблицу. Этот параметр можно настроить во вкладке "Быстрые остатки".
- Полностью обновлена документация модуля и обновлены ссылки на неё в настройках модуля для упрощения поиска нужной информации.
- Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой мог быть установлен лишний агент при включении импорта остатков комплектов.
1.0.1 (15.06.2020)- added the ability to record the available quantity of goods (the amount for all warehouses or from a specific warehouse)
1.0.3 (22.06.2020)- added logging of module operation
- added an “import” tab, in which you can configure the import of goods / kits / services
- fixed bug with adding a new price
1.0.4 (29.06.2020)- added the ability to import dimensions and multiple images into the property
- added export of some parameters from BUS to MS
1.0.5 (01.07.2020)- the logic for calculating the available quantity of goods has been changed, now the field is calculated as follows: Remaining + Pending - Reserve = Available quantity
1.0.6 (07.07.2020)- added the ability to import properties of the "string" type
- module settings page optimized
- added the ability to specify what data will change for existing products
- when saving data via a webhook, you can replace product images
- fixed error in calculating the quantity of goods
1.2.0 (24.07.2020)- all module code is optimized
- added import of properties of trade offers
- added the ability to create a product using a webhook directly in the BUS
- fixed errors in importing and updating products
1.2.1 (27.07.2020)- optimized work of webhooks
- to import modifications, you can now set the properties to match
- added a user ID input field, under which all changes will occur
1.2.3 (29.07.2020)- added the ability to activate / deactivate a product based on the archiving mark in MS
1.2.4 (31.08.2020)- added the ability not to synchronize certain properties of trade offers
1.2.6 (01.09.2020)- fixed an error in recording the total quantity of goods from a specific warehouse
- added the ability to change parameters changed in modifications during a webhook
1.2.7 (02.09.2020)- fixed error in creating a property variant for modification in BUS
- added demo version of the module
1.2.9 (09.09.2020)- added the ability to create a unique symbolic code
- added detailed output of errors importing goods: https://yadi.sk/i/ukPeuAM7fD1sLQ
1.2.10 (10.09.2020)- fixed an error in unloading goods into a specific section without taking into account MS sections
1.2.12 (14.09.2020)- updated mechanism for saving pictures
- fixed error in unloading goods without taking into account sections in MS
1.2.14 (20.09.2020)- optimized partition import logic
- added the ability to import the selected MS group as a non-root partition (it was always the root partition by default)
1.2.15 (25.09.2020)- loading of images from port 8080 has been fixed (the port has been removed from the download path)
- added the ability to update the facet index when creating/updating products
1.2.17 (29.09.2020)- added support for two types of synchronization of balances (the second type is needed for large catalogs where the MoySklad API cannot cope with the standard method).
1.2.19 (26.10.2020)- added the ability to generate names for uploaded images
- fixed an error in creating a product with trade offers when changing a simple product
- added the ability to change the section in which the product is located (name, code, tree)
1.2.20 (27.10.2020)- 2 events were introduced (details: https://support.rbs-b2b.ru/help-center/articles/2/5/sobytiya)
- fixed bug with one-time import
1.3.0 (28.10.2020)- added a “groups” tab to configure the import of sections into the desired information block using a webhook
- added log when importing prices
1.3.1 (29.10.2020)- added support for changing the product section when changing and using a webhook (enabled separately)
- now the search for elements on the BUS side is carried out taking into account the selected information block of the entity (before this there was simply binding by external code)
1.3.2 (29.10.2020)- added an option to deactivate/activate an entity when it goes beyond the MS group upload (only when changed by a webhook)
1.3.3 (02.11.2020)- support for unloading balances separately for each warehouse has been removed (you need to resave the module settings)
1.3.4 (05.11.2020)- linking to the information block for balances and prices has been moved to a separate setting for each entity
1.4.0 (19.11.2020)- added support for importing most types of properties (more details https://support.rbs-b2b.ru/help-center/articles/2/6/obmen-svojstvami)
- the entity sampling limit has been changed (from 10 to 100 in increments of 10 and then from 100 to 1000 in increments of 100)
1.4.1 (27.11.2020)- added product update event via webhook (more details: https://support.rbs-b2b.ru/help-center/articles/2/5/sobytiya#onwebhookupdate)
- added support for synchronization of units of measurement (except for modifications) (more details: https://support.rbs-b2b.ru/help-center/articles/2/9/sootvetstvie-edinic-izmereniya)
- added the ability to apply character code transliteration rules from the infoblock settings
1.4.2 (06.01.2021)- fixed error in saving logs when multi-sited
- now errors when creating cache tables are displayed in the logs
- added the ability to download changed products at a certain interval
- added the ability to remove extra spaces from product entities in symbolic code
- added the ability to filter imported elements by property
- prices are now imported taking into account the selected MS group and filter by property
- Limit and execution interval settings have been added for the price import agent
1.4.3 (09.01.2021)- fixed a bug when filtering modifications in MS
- fixed bug with activating/deactivating entities on the agent
1.4.5 (04.02.2021)- fixed error in saving the price import agent (you need to resave the module settings)
- added support for cp-1251 encoding
1.4.6 (18.02.2021)- Fixed an error in calculating the available quantity for kits
- Added the ability to import the weight of the parent product into offers (Modifications tab). Sample cache of parent product 60 sec.
- Added the ability to summarize the balances of subsidiary warehouses (Warehouses tab).
1.5.0 (24.02.2021)- added functionality for importing kits from MS (MC kits can now be imported as BUS kits)
1.5.1 (02.03.2021)- fixed functionality for importing kits on the demo version
- now when installing the module, the HL cache tables will have fields that can be displayed in the filter
1.5.3 (21.03.2021)- added the ability to ignore # when building external modification code
- a new type of exchange of balances has been added: “Available quantity in warehouse” is Remains - Reserve (excluding goods on hold)
1.5.4 (25.03.2021)- fixed barcode import bug
- edits when exchanging properties of the "flag" type
1.5.5 (04.04.2021)- when importing archived products, they are immediately imported deactivated (if the option for accounting for archived products is enabled)
- added the ability to import purchase and minimum prices into MS
- added the ability to upload BUS to the purchase price
1.5.6 (08.04.2021)- fixed an error in unloading a new type of balance (available quantity in warehouse)
- improved mechanism for generating image file names
1.5.7 (25.04.2021)- the logic for updating webhooks has been changed, now you can manually update / delete webhooks needed by the module
1.5.8 (04.05.2021)New functionality added:
- The module can work using a token
- Backup module settings
- Module permissions
- Resetting the managed cache of information blocks after exchanging balances. It is enabled separately in the "Cache" tab.
- Import empty prices into BUS (instead of zero). It is enabled separately in the "Prices" tab for each entity.
- Ability to change the name of imported files as desired. "Files and Pictures" tab.
Added new fields for exchange:
- Files (standard MS field). Imported into multiple property file in BUS.
- Provider. Imported into all string and list properties of the BUS.
- Unit of measurement for modifications (from parent).
New features in working with symbolic code:
- Checking the uniqueness of the section code, taking into account its nesting.
- Reading parameters for importing partition codes from information security settings.
- Automatic settings for code import depending on the selected entity infoblock.
- Webhooks are placed in a separate tab.
- Optimization of the module settings page code.
- Before creating logs, the presence of a log folder is checked.
- When selecting properties for synchronization, the default value is now "Do not synchronize"
- Optimized loading of images and files.
- Spelling errors in the module settings have been corrected.
- Omission of archived goods upon import.
- Export of parameters to the MS is enabled separately (optimization of requests to the MS).
1.5.9 (12.05.2021)New functionality added:
- Uploading prices to the first range from 1 piece.
- In logs, a scroll button has been added to the end of the log.
- The modifications added the "Properties" option for uploading by agent.
1.5.13 (27.05.2021)- fixed error in importing element symbolic code
- when importing properties into a directory or binding to elements, the value is searched by name, case insensitive
1.5.14 (09.06.2021)- added the ability to delete an entity using a webhook (enabled separately)
- added exchange of empty properties (enabled separately)
- added the ability to import LxWxH from properties of the "string" and "text" types
- fixed error in importing modification properties during initial import
- fixed error importing description as HTML type
- optimized operation of residual cache tables
- property exchange is optimized (properties are compared with the current ones without loss of performance)
- optimized loading of product photos
1.5.15 (03.07.2021)- added the ability to cache a webhook from MS
- fixed import agent for kit components
- improved import of kits from MS via webhook
1.5.16 (13.07.2021)- added the ability to link modifications to kits when importing into BUS
- fixed the error in importing a group from the MS into the BUS section (if the option “the group in the MS is root” is selected)
1.5.17 (25.07.2021)- when importing announcement images\the image resize settings are taken into account in detail (infoblock settings)
- added a new type of import of the total quantity of balances "Sum of all available warehouses in MS".
1.5.18 (01.08.2021)- added a new type of import of the total quantity of balances "Sum of all available warehouses in BUS".
- optimized work of webhooks. Now an entity is created only by the CREATE event
- when creating a product, the module takes into account the setting of the trade catalog module to include VAT in the price or not.
1.6.1 (27.08.2021)- updated request caching logic
- added the ability to delete the module request cache folder
- added the ability to cache requests for sections from MS (saving API requests)
- information about the number of requests in the API and the import execution time has been added to the element import log
- agents are called according to the new logic, thus the agent’s step is not lost when saving the module. Added agent step information to agent information
- It is recommended to resave the module settings.
1.6.2 (31.08.2021)- some fixes for PHP 8
- changes in how the webhook works. The webhook only processes 1 saved entity (does not take into account bulk editing, the agent must be running for this).
1.6.3 (07.09.2021)- correction of a critical error, which is that the products on the agent might not be updated
- changing the text for logging prices and balances
1.6.4 (22.09.2021)- for the webhook, the problem with instantly changing modifications has been fixed
- support for importing the same price types. You can select the same MS price types for different types of Bitrix prices
- added the “weight coefficient” parameter, which allows you to flexibly configure weight import
- the option for changing properties on the agent and webhook is now open for services.
1.7.0 (09.11.2021)- added the ability to import discounts from MS
- added the ability to defer modifications via a webhook via an agent
- fixed error in opening the module page when the MoySklad API is not available
1.7.1 (26.11.2021)- added an import agent for groups (sections). Sections can now be imported by agent.
- added partition caching table
- the structure of the module settings has been completely changed: links to the documentation of each section have been added.
- now you can select the information block in which you need to look for the components of the kit
- added the ability to import fixed prices to discounts
- optimized (10 times) work with HL cache tables when writing leftovers
- the functionality for recording the date of change of elements works according to a different logic. Now, if you keep records of changed goods from MyWarehouse, much less resources are spent, because the selection of items from MyWarehouse is equal to those items that have changed in MyWarehouse.
- added the ability to take into account the date of change of an element when importing prices.
- fixed one-time import
- added the ability to delete sections using a webhook (you need to create a table for caching in the "Settings" tab).
- added an event for developers to import properties.
1.7.2 (23.12.2021)- added the ability to import dimensions (LxWxH) for modifications from the parent product
- added the ability to select information blocks for selecting products for discounts
- fixed weight import bug
1.7.3 (17.02.2022)New functionality
- Product filter for importing leftovers. In the "residues" tab of the module settings, you can select a group and a flag property for filtering imported balances. For example, you need to upload balances only from a certain group to MyWarehouse, now in the module you can select this group and the rest of the goods will not fall into the module’s field of view, thereby speeding up the exchange of balances.
- The number of elements participating in the exchange. In the module settings, where there are options for filtering items, you can see how many products will be imported after applying this filter.
- One service agent has been added that automatically checks other module agents and activates them if deactivated (the agent will start automatically after resaving the module settings).
- Calls to the MySklad API when importing goods decreased tenfold if you exchanged pictures on the agent (taken into account the pictures when changing the product on the agent).
- All files and product images are no longer overwritten on the site with each step of the agent, but are checked before they are loaded, thus saving time for importing goods.
- If you use the module only for exchanging balances, now the module automatically uploads external product codes to the cache table.
- The import of kit contents has been optimized. Previously, due to the nature of the API, it was possible to exchange 5-10 kits for importing a composition; now it is possible to exchange 100 kits at a time without increasing the load on the API.
Module settings interface
- A search string has been added to the "Import properties" section of each entity tab to find the desired property.
- The moment with switching the type of logs has accelerated.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an error when using the option "Summarize balances and reserves of subsidiary warehouses". It did not affect the exchange of the residues themselves.
- Fixed an error in setting the price currency if the price was created for the first time.
- Fixed an error when importing sections through a separate agent in the "Groups" tab.
1.7.5 (31.03.2022)- Optimized operation of module settings. Now, when changing the login\password\token, the module settings will not be reset
- Added the ability to delete partitions if partitions are imported on the agent
- The mechanism for loading pictures and files has been completely redesigned (after the update, all pictures and files from MoySklad will be reloaded once if you upload them on an agent)
- Added the ability to delete pictures on the site side if these pictures are not available in MyWarehouse
- Minor fixes in the import of goods
- When importing kits, it is now possible to select several information blocks to search for the composition of kits
1.7.6 (07.04.2022)- Correction in the demo version of the module
- ATTENTION! APPLIES TO THOSE WHO USE IMPORTATION OF IMAGES! In this version of the module, all image files will be completely reloaded from MoySklad. The old folder with pictures /upload/msfiles_images/ can be manually deleted, the new folder for uploading pictures is now /upload/rbs.moyskladstocks/
1.7.7 (13.07.2022)- Optimized loading images from MoySklad. Now the original uploaded image is automatically deleted.
- The logic for working with archival goods has been reworked.
- When importing archived partitions, they are immediately created deactivated.
- Added the ability to transfer the "Sorting" field from the add-on. MS product fields into the standard BUS product field.
- Added the ability to import barcodes individually. Previously, it was possible to import only the first barcode value from an MS product; now you can select which specific barcode to import (ean8, ean13, gtin, upc).
- Now a bunch of warehouses may not be unique. When selecting warehouse matching, you can unload the same MS warehouse into several BUS warehouses.
- Added the ability to transfer the binding of an information block element from an MS product. If the product has MS extra. the field is of the “Product” type, then on the BUS side the module will try to find this product by external code and bind it to a property.
- Fixed an error when changing the directory value on the MS side.
- When mass deleting modifications, the module processes these deletions up to 10 at a time.
1.7.9 (01.08.2022)- Fixed a bug in importing jfif files. The module converts them to jpeg by default
- Optimized the import of discounts
- Added 2 webhooks for creating and updating discounts
- When importing discounts, the section is taken into account
1.8.0 (24.08.2022)- For one-time import of goods, one-time import of prices has also been added. To do this, in the “Prices” tab, check the corresponding entity for importing prices.
- Added one-time import of balances
- Added an option that works in conjunction with the filtering option by flag. Now you can select which products to unload by flag: those who have a flag or those who do not have a flag on the MS side.
- The module settings page has been optimized.
1.9.0 (11.02.2023)- PHP8 support
- Added a new type of balance import “quick balances”. Now you can work with large catalogs in MS without delays
- Import of balances and prices has been optimized.
- Logs have been redone. More information in a convenient form.
- Error notifications are temporarily disabled.
- New users no longer need to create and fill cache tables. Everything is done automatically during the module setup process.
- To import balances and prices, you can select actions with duplicates.
- Added options for working with pictures (for rare exceptions)
- Minor bugs fixed
1.9.1 (04.03.2023)- Fixes for the stable version of the module
- Added discount import log
- Fixed a bug in importing modifications in discounts
- The logic for importing kit balances has been changed; now the kit composition import agent is combined with the import of kit balances
- Optimization of kit import
- Fixes in importing images for PHP 8
1.9.2 (11.05.2023)- Optimized operation of quick balances
- If the MS is unavailable, the module will make several attempts to access
- Added the ability to delete announcements\details if they are not on the MS side (optional)
- Added the ability to choose what type of announcement \ upload detailed text or html to the site (optional).
- Optimization of the work of importing prices, if the module does not import goods, but only works with prices
- Added the ability to deactivate products on the site side if the product is not filtered (optional)
- Added the ability to load all images from a product in MS to the selected property on the site (optional). By default, the functionality loaded all images except the first one.
- Added the ability to install agents that the module itself will process. Instructions: https://docs.despi.ru/ms-modules/rbs-moyskladstocks/devs/module-agent
- External log improvements. Now each log message is displayed in collapsed form. Added a collapse/expand button for all log messages.
1.9.3 (20.05.2023)- Fixes when exchanging balances with subsidiary warehouses
- Improvements in working with JSON API 1.2
1.9.4 (08.06.2023)- Fixed import of quick balances
- Correction of agents using the module. Automatic unlocking of module agents now works.
- Correction in loading images into the property for new versions of the infoblocks module.
1.9.5 (26.06.2023)- Added function for importing VAT from MS goods
- Added the ability to process duplicates when importing leftover kits
- Improved PHP8 support
- Fix related to selection of changes by quick balances
1.9.6 (23.07.2023)- Added functionality for importing prices into all ranges.
- Fixed an issue with importing groups in rare cases.
- In case of import errors, the external codes of the goods for which the error occurred will be visible in the logs.
1.9.7 (30.07.2023)- Updated logic for importing external codes in the background
- The logic for importing only changed items by prices and entities has been reworked; now changes can be taken into account using one checkbox, while the selection will be made as efficiently as possible, which reduces the load on the site itself
- Updated documentation for the "other" tab
1.9.9 (08.08.2023)- Fixed a bug in importing prices (there were omissions in the import steps)
1.9.10 (11.08.2023)- Added the ability to import the unit of measurement coefficient for products and modifications from the selected add-on. MS fields
- Fixed a bug in importing leftover kits
- Improved module settings
1.9.12 (03.09.2023)- Fixed VAT processing error
- Added detailed logging of kit import; if kit creation errors occur on the site side, you can see a specific error in the log.
1.9.14 (30.10.2023)- Fixed a bug in importing external codes for exchange profiles.
- Fixed a bug when importing discounts with a price from 0 to 1.
- Optimized work with changed products.
- Added the option "Do not change product type when importing."
2.0.0 (19.11.2023)- ATTENTION! After updating, the module needs to reload all cache tables (due to the transition to a new API domain). The update will happen automatically, but everything will depend on how often you run agents on the crown. You can manually load the table of external codes in the module settings to speed up the process.
- Transition to a new JSON API domain (api.moysklad.ru).
- Information about module service agents has appeared in the module settings (Other tab). There you can also configure the time when the external code agent will completely update the cache table.
- Optimization of work with MS.
2.0.1 (20.11.2023)- Fixed an error in deactivating sections when moving to a new API domain.
2.0.2 (01.03.2024)- Fixed global work with filtering products by sections. There are also restrictions for this option in the documentation: https://docs.despi.ru/ms-modules/rbs-moyskladstocks/settings/product/base/pathnamerules
- Fixed minor errors and warnings in the module
- Added utility capabilities for creating custom one-time import processes
- Fixed an error in deleting a section using a webhook
2.1.0 (05.05.2024)All functionality related to the module agent mechanism has been redesigned
- The appearance of the module agent settings output has been changed; all agent settings are unified
- It is now possible to select the time interval when the module will carry out a complete exchange
- Even when exchanging only changed elements, you can force a complete exchange of elements once
The one-time exchange mechanism has been redesigned
- Added one-time exchange of new entities (prices, discounts, groups (sections), remaining kits)
- The one-time import mechanism itself is unified and works as an imitation of agent launch
- One-time import is logged as a regular agent; after the one-time exchange is completed, the module transfers to the logs tab
Lots of small changes
- The error “MyWarehouse Service is unavailable” will now appear less frequently (before it always worked correctly, now there are tolerances for the frequency of this error)
- Work with the change date of elements on the MS side has been unified. In the module, you can check the box to use the Moscow time zone to track changed elements.
- Added items to the left menu of the module for easier navigation
- Buttons in the logs tab do not disappear, even if the logs are empty
- The dependence on the HL table of kit components has been completely removed, now kits work without a cache table
- The delete partition function has been redesigned. Now the module does not delete, but deactivates the section if there are elements in it.
- Added detailed logging of some module agents: discounts, groups (sections)
Important fixes in balance exchange
- Fixed a critical error in the "Quick balance" exchange. It was due to the fact that the process of updating balances could freeze at a certain step if the module could not find a product to import on the site side.
- Fixed a bug in the "Remains" exchange where, under certain conditions, the exchange of balances could also stop at a certain step
- Fixed errors in module settings
2.1.1 (14.05.2024)- The option "Import only changed elements" has been removed; now this function can be enabled in the management of a specific agent
- Minor changes in warning output
2.1.2 (24.05.2024)- Corrections in settings for working with agents
- Removed unnecessary options in the "Other" tab
- The "Run agents using a module" checkbox is now automatically disabled and can only be checked if you configure the corresponding cron script
- Added the ability to upload the sum of balances from all MS warehouses to one specific BUS warehouse.
- Added a convenient interface for matching imported properties
- The module informs you when you need to resave the settings to continue working.