2.1.6 (17.09.2024)- Исправлена ошибка работы фонового агента модуля
- Исправлена ошибка расчета НДС при сохранении заказа из МС
- Исправлена ошибки при которой заказ не выгружался, если включена выгрузка по статусу заказа и статус заказа выбран "[N] Принят"
- Оптимизирована работа веб-хуков
2.1.4 (02.09.2024)- Интеграция с модулем "МойСклад: Обмен контрагентами по API"
- Добавлена ссылка на документацию в меню модуля
- Исправления в настройках модуля
- Удалена возможность проставить веб-хук customerorder \ DELETE
2.1.3 (05.06.2024)- Fix for the inability to create an order if the warehouse for the order is not selected
1.0.3 (30.11.2019)- Added exchange of properties such as "string" and "text" from BUS to MoySklad
1.0.7 (03.12.2019)- the logic for updating an order on the MyWarehouse side when changing an order in BUS has been changed
1.0.8 (05.12.2019)- the process of saving an order from MoySklad has been optimized
- added functionality for downloading data from the BUS Order to the fields of the counterparty MyWarehouse
1.0.12 (12.12.2019)- added the ability to force save data from the BUS order to the MS counterparty (separate option)
- exchange of properties can now be done both one-way from BUS to MS, and two-way from MS to BUS
1.0.15 (03.01.2020)- added option to globally enable/disable module
- added the ability to search for orders by external code
1.0.17 (06.01.2020)- when exchanging with the cart, the ability to synchronize discounts and modifications has been added
1.0.18 (07.01.2020)- added the ability to recalculate shipments when changing the cart (optional)
- when adding a product from MyWarehouse to the cart, the weight of the product is indicated
1.1.0 (08.01.2020)- added the ability to add a warehouse from a BUS order to an MS order using an external code
1.1.1 (09.01.2020)- display of properties in the module settings is divided by payer type for convenience
- when canceling an order from the MS, a flag is placed in the BUS that stops further unloading of this order into the MS (until the order is re-saved in the BUS)
1.1.3 (17.01.2020)- Fixed an error displaying the organization's invoice in payment settings
1.1.4 (19.01.2020)- added a temporary option for setting a delay between the webhook and changing the BUS order (valid when changing the cart in the BUS)
- fixed an error when placing an order when the contents of the cart were changed
1.1.5 (21.01.2020)- added the ability to change the delivery method from the order property in MS to the first BUS shipment
- added exchange of user comments in two-way mode
- added the ability to stop order exchange by flag from MS
1.1.6 (23.01.2020)- fixed display of delivery services in the module settings
- when the delivery changes, its name changes
1.1.9 (31.01.2020)-added the ability to synchronize delivery costs from BUS to MS in real time
- fixed minor errors in the module settings
1.2.2 (17.02.2020)- Added cart synchronization Website -> MyWarehouse (experimental function)
1.2.4 (14.03.2020)- added agent lifetime setting
- added the ability to log all outgoing API requests
- improved module performance
- improved order creation via API (experimental feature)
- when creating a counterparty using the API, the ability to flexibly configure the counterparty search fields in the MS before creation has been added (experimental function)
1.2.5 (17.03.2020)- fixed error in creating a counterparty via API
- added the ability to reserve an order when creating it on the API
- added the ability to select the default warehouse when creating an order using the API
1.2.6 (19.03.2020)- added the ability to search for a counterparty’s phone number using contextual search
- fixed an error in reserving goods when updating the cart in BUS
1.2.7 (19.03.2020)- location from BUS to MS is now transmitted by location name
- fixed error updating external code for new users
1.2.8 (22.03.2020)- the process of updating order properties from BUS to MS has been optimized
1.3.0 (24.03.2020)- fixed error in installing webhooks
- fixed bug with two-way payment synchronization
- video instructions for setting up the module have been updated on the module page
1.3.1 (25.03.2020)- agent creation bug fixed
- the process of creating a counterparty using API has been optimized
1.3.2 (28.03.2020)- fixed an error when writing an external counterparty code
- added a new section in the settings for caching individual requests
- improved work of webhooks
1.3.3 (29.03.2020)- for exchange via API, the ability to transfer the BUS order ID to the MS property has been added for further convenient order search in the MS
1.3.5 (05.04.2020)- fixed condition for checking payments on the MS side
- service updates in the module core
1.3.6 (09.04.2020)- added the ability to upload the order name to MS from the BUS order
- added exchange of the "planned shipment date" MS field through properties of the "date" type in the BUS
1.3.9 (21.04.2020)- fixed minor errors in the core of the module
- the mechanism for checking payments MS -> BUS with full exchange of payments has been improved. Split payment in MS can be linked to each order in BUS.
1.3.10 (25.04.2020)- fixed a bug when distributing the payment amount (only for full payment synchronization)
- added removal of redistributed payment from MS to BUS
1.3.13 (25.05.2020)- experimental setting: the ability to recalculate the cart cost in MS if the order value does not match
1.3.15 (26.05.2020)- added a search for the counterparty number in the order property if it was not found in the BUS user properties
1.3.16 (28.05.2020)- added the ability to set the payment status in MS when creating it (from the module settings)
1.3.17 (28.05.2020)- added an option to force an item to be added to the cart on the BUS side from the MS cart, provided: the item is out of stock (quantitative accounting is enabled) and purchase is prohibited if the item is not available (setting in the "Cart" tab)
1.3.18 (31.05.2020)- optimized module settings for the B24 box
- fixed the work of agents when creating an order using the API
1.3.19 (01.06.2020)- the class provider has been removed when adding a product to the cart from the MS (there may be a BUS bug in which the product is not added from the MS)
1.4.0 (07.06.2020)- added functionality for extended logging of exchange via API. More details in the video: https://youtu.be/IJ2ChdD9xXk
1.4.1 (10.06.2020)- added the ability to manage VAT when creating an order in MS
- the search for counterparties can be divided by payer type and different search fields can be specified (TIN field for search has been added)
- added fields for synchronizing counterparty data
- added the ability to upload the BUS order number to the MS order property
- payment synchronization has been fixed if the synchronization type was based on payment amount
1.4.2 (11.06.2020)- fixed error determining external order code from MS to BUS
- the functionality of saving and changing the cart in MS has been improved if it contains more than 100 items (step-by-step saving of the cart)
1.4.3 (11.06.2020)- added the ability to exchange the BUS kit to the MS cart. Each item of the BUS set will be added to the MS cart separately.
- disabling the class provider in the cart is now a separate option (by default the provider is enabled)
1.4.4 (30.06.2020)- fixed the bug of forcing a product to be added to the cart (when the option is enabled)
- added an option to reverse synchronize the shipping warehouse from the MS order to the first BUS shipment
1.4.5 (01.07.2020)- added a function for recalculating the cost of goods in a set when transferring it to MS
1.4.6 (07.07.2020)- added two events "OnBeforeOrderApiCreate" - called before creating an order via the API and "OnAfterOrderApiCreateHandler" - called after the successful creation of an order via the API
1.4.7 (22.07.2020)- added the ability to reset the query cache to the MS
- added detailed logging of search for cart products in MS
1.4.9 (04.08.2020)- added the ability to create a shipment on the MS side once when changing the shipment status in BUS
1.4.10 (10.08.2020)- added the ability to upload a property of the "file" type to the MS side
- added the ability to indicate the owner of the order MS from the "responsible" field in the BUS
1.4.12 (26.08.2020)- fixed module operation on cp-1251 encoding
- added the ability to upload a public link for a BUS order to the MS property
1.4.16 (25.09.2020)- added the option to read the external product code from the information block element
1.4.17 (05.10.2020)- added the ability to create goods on the MS side (similar to standard exchange)
1.4.18 (07.10.2020)- added the ability to search for counterparty fields (phone and mail) from order fields of a specific payer type (necessary for an accurate search for individuals and legal entities on the MS side)
1.4.19 (20.10.2020)- fixes in demo version
- added the ability to specify mandatory order properties by default when creating in MS (line, employee, project and directory).
1.5.1 (27.10.2020)- added the ability to import an order from MS to BUS while maintaining the logic for searching for a counterparty on the BUS side
- added the ability to specify the user under whom changes will be made in the BUS
- added descriptions for some options
- added the ability to upload VAT from the BUS cart to the MS cart for each item
- ATTENTION! If your goods are ALWAYS reserved from BUS to MS: now, when you save the BUS cart again, goods are not reserved each time based on the settings for creating an order using the API. In order for the products to be reserved in MS every time you save a BUS order, you need to enable this option in the cart settings "Reserve cart items when changed in BUS"
1.5.3 (21.12.2020)- fixed error in writing to the log file when multisite
- added a new type of logs (more details: https://support.rbs-b2b.ru/help-center/articles/1/10/otladka-modulya)
1.5.4 (12.01.2021)- added the ability to combine the search for legal entities. persons and individual entrepreneurs in MS
- added the ability to specify a default project for new orders (API)
- added the ability to select a field for the external order code in MS when creating using the API (similarly, in reverse order, an order is searched in BUS using the selected field)
- added a button "go to the end of the log" (File log)
- fixed error in saving standard messages in the HL log (you need to resave the settings and select “Messages” in the log message types)
- added protection against repeated webhook when forced recalculation of the cart from BUS to MS
1.5.5 (27.01.2021)- corrections in order search in BUS
- the selection of the directory for deliveries has been increased to 100
- added the ability to use the order currency in BUS and MS
- for the “Online store + CRM” edition, the ability to create contacts when importing an order from MS to BUS has been added
- when creating an order from MS in BUS, the order properties are filled in in accordance with the counterparty settings (the profile is filled in)
1.5.6 (10.02.2021)- added the ability to recalculate order payments
- added the ability to synchronize properties of the List (BUS) and Directory (MS) types
- when importing an order into BUS, you can select a property for entering the order number from MS
1.5.7 (11.02.2021)- added the ability to synchronize properties of the List type (BUS) and properties of the Directory type (MS) using standard directories (project and employee)
1.5.8 (25.02.2021)- added removal of the first payment when recalculating payments (function works from version 1.5.6)
- the priority of properties has been changed. The required properties are entered first, then the standard properties.
1.5.9 (04.04.2021)- added the ability to upload modifications of the BUS kit as separate modifications to the MS
- the module checks for duplicates by order name before creating it
- unloading of attributes when creating an order using the API has been improved (attributes are no longer duplicated when unloading)
- fixes in installing the module from scratch
1.5.10 (11.05.2021)New functionality:
- Added the function of unloading an order only for a specific status
- For delivery to MS (item in cart) you can specify VAT
- For created shipments in MS, you can specify VAT parameters
- When exchanging tax items in the cart, the tax is now taken into account in both directions
- Added the ability not to synchronize individual statuses
- Before creating logs, the presence of a log folder is checked
- Fixed spelling errors and typos in the module settings
1.5.11 (05.07.2021)- added webhook cache
- the logic of cart formation when importing an order from MS has been changed
1.5.12 (12.07.2021)- fixed the cart with more than 100 items
- the mechanism for caching requests to the MS has been improved
- functions for creating and changing orders from BUS have been optimized. Now the reverse webhook, which goes immediately after creating / saving an order in the BUS, is skipped by the module (the webhook caching mechanism is used)
1.6.0 (21.07.2021)- fixed the cart operation when exporting a set of individual products
- HL log removed
- removed cart exchange option for certain orders
- deleted log of all requests in MS
- the detailed cart log was removed (replaced with error output when working with the cart)
- the logging system has been redesigned (it is necessary to resave the module with the “Debug” tab settings)
- added webhook log
- all messages are combined in the logs (the log is not divided into two tabs)
- added text search by log
- the log is now clickable. When you click on a log line, detailed actions open.
- log files are saved in the same folder. The new log is written to a new file.
1.6.2 (06.08.2021)- fixed error in displaying API messages in module settings
- added a filter for errors and warnings in the log
1.6.3 (09.09.2021)- the error in the logs when searching for a BUS order has been replaced with a warning
- added a filter for orders by site (you can process orders from a specific site)
- when creating an order from MS to BUS, the module sets the BUS order number in the MS order according to the settings (if there are no settings, then a comment with the number of the created order is transmitted)
- optimization of basket synchronization from BUS to MS (technical improvements)
- the option to delay cart changes has been removed (this function is taken over by webhook caching)
- added the ability to search for archived cart items on the MS side
- the module itself creates a delivery service on the MS side if it does not exist or is not set up correctly
1.6.4 (07.10.2021)- fixed error in transferring payment from BUS to MS on the agent
- new events have been added at key points in the module’s operation (more details: https://docs.despi.ru/ms-modules/rbs-moysklad/dlya-razrabotchikov/sobytiya-modulya)
1.7.0 (29.10.2021)- Transition to the new version of API 1.2. Attention! Read the instructions for checking the correctness of the update: https://docs.despi.ru/ms-modules/rbs-moysklad/faq/obnovlenie-1.7.0
- Added a function for recalculating payment when the cost of an order changes from MS to BUS. Payment recalculation takes place in MS.
- Added the ability to log order updates
- Added the ability to set the shipment number in MS from the BUS shipment ID
- Fixed errors when working with the webhook (not critical)
- Improved log work
- In the module settings, an open tab is saved when the page is refreshed.
1.7.1 (16.12.2021)- the shipping cost synchronization checkbox now affects the export/import of shipping costs when changing the cart on the webhook
- fixed errors in importing orders from MS to BUS
- import of orders from MS to BUS is optimized
- optimization of interaction with API 1.2
1.7.2 (26.01.2022)Very important information for those who use the module in STANDARD EXCHANGE mode: starting from this version, the module will work only in the "API Exchange" mode and the order search will be carried out only using external code.
Added new fields for unloading from a website order to a MyWarehouse order:
- Department
- Employee (order owner)
- General access
- Sales channel
- Site ID
- Coupons
The mechanism for exchanging properties has been redesigned, support for exchanging new types of properties has been added:
- The location of an order from Bitrix can now be uploaded separately into different line fields of the MyWarehouse order (Country, Region, City can be uploaded separately)
- You can upload the “Delivery Address” field separately to your MyWarehouse order. The upload itself is also carried out separately (1 line field in Bitrix = 1 field in the Delivery Address). In the options you can now see properties with square brackets [Address].
- Added support for exchanging properties of the "Date" type in both directions
- Added support for exchanging properties type "Yes\No" ("flag" in MoySklad) in both directions
- Added support for exchanging properties of the "Number" type ("integer number" and "fractional number" in MoySklad) in both directions
- The exchange of properties of the "List" type has been optimized.
A new order reserve mechanism has been added to MyWarehouse:
- You can tell the module to remove the order reserve in MyWarehouse when canceling an order in Bitrix.
- You can withdraw reserves in MyWarehouse when the order status in Bitrix is reached (reserves are not forcibly taken into account when exchanging a cart)
- Added the ability to instantly create an order in MyWarehouse after registration. The functionality requires intervention in the checkout component template, but is designed so as not to interfere with the checkout process as much as possible. Instructions: https://docs.despi.ru/rbs-moysklad/faq/sozdanie-zakazov-v-ms/momentalnoe-sozdanie-zakaza-v-moisklad
- The operation of payments for full exchange has been optimized.
- Added protection against duplicate payments
- The option "Flag property for stopping exchange" affects whether the order will be imported from MyWarehouse into Bitrix or not.
- When creating an order (just once during creation), the cart from Bitrix will be forced to be sent regardless of the checkboxes. It works the same way in the opposite direction. The cart exchange checkboxes are now only needed if you want to exchange the cart when changing the order on the corresponding side.
- The module settings page has been optimized.
- Improved work of the webhook and creation of a backup of module settings.
1.7.3 (27.03.2022)- added an event that allows you to create your own module settings
- improved module stability when importing an order from MoySklad
- fixed webhooks caching errors
1.7.5 (08.04.2022)- Important update! Correction of the previous update (there were problems with downloading some files)
1.7.6 (02.07.2022)- Improvements in module settings
- Added the ability to exchange the payment method from the first payment of the BUS order with the MS order property (directory, similar to the delivery method)
- The order reserve is taken into account by default from the MS order. Now when you remove a reserve in MS, when you change the BUS order, the reserve will not be forced (if the appropriate settings are not in place)
- To remove a reserve by status, you can now select multiple statuses
- Improved order import
- For all standard MS order fields, you can select the "Do not synchronize" option
- Added the ability to exchange duplicate items in the order basket using an external code (separate option)
- Buyer’s comment from the BUS order can be transferred to the “Address Comment” field of the MS order
- If 1 track number is specified, then the module will not record the shipment ID for it in the MS order
- Now the date of creation of the BUS order is uploaded to the MS order
- Fixed an error when searching for an order from BUS in MS (it appeared very rarely and did not affect the exchange)
1.7.7 (14.07.2022)- Fixed a bug in searching for payment using an external code if the payment ID was specified as the code.
1.7.8 (23.10.2022)- Technical update (new events added)
- Fixed the authorization problem if the JQuery event does not process
1.8.0 (17.11.2022)- The stability of the module has been improved; now you can configure the number of attempts to access the MS when a request fails.
- Added the ability to ignore some errors from the MS, because they may appear regularly when updating the MS service itself.
- The tabs in the module settings "Cache", "Agent" and "Debugging" have been merged.
- When importing an order from MS into BUS, you now need to separately configure the transfer of the created BUS order number back to MS (you can transfer it to an additional field and force the MS order number itself to be set after importing it into BUS).
- Added the ability to specify processing limits for webhooks.
- Added the ability to force an order to be imported from MS to BUS by additional charge. the “checkbox” field in the MS order (if you check this box, the order will be forcibly imported into the BUS if it is not there according to the external code).
- Improvements in module settings and webhooks processing.
1.9.0 (06.04.2023)- Improved support for PHP 8.
- Added the ability to set default values for all required MS fields.
- Optimization of order creation in MS (some cases in which duplicate orders could appear have been excluded).
- When adding a set to the MS order basket for individual goods, identical items of goods are summed up in quantity.
- If the “Reserve order” checkbox is not checked when creating, then the module forcibly removes the reserve (before this, the reserve was taken from the positions of the BUS basket).
- Now you can choose what creation time the order will have in MS (creation time on the website or actual creation time in MS).
- Added the ability to transfer the sales channel in both directions. From the BUS side, this is a property of the "Enumeration (ENUM)" type.
- Added the ability to transfer the standard "Address" field in the MS to the lowercase properties of the BUS.
- Optimization of work with counterparties. Added the ability to set a default counterparty if the module cannot find or create a new counterparty.
- Added the ability to separately set the property of the BUS order for its use as the name of the MS counterparty when creating / changing. In practice, it becomes possible to transfer the company name both to the name of the counterparty and to a separate MS counterparty field.
- If a product does not exist in the BUS, then the module forces it to be added to the BUS cart if the cart was updated earlier from the MS. In this way, cases of goods not being included in the basket from the MS in the BUS are excluded.
- Added an option to update the shipment document from BUS to MS when updating the cart.
- Errors in payment exchange have been fixed.
- Added error logging when searching/creating a counterparty.
- Added the ability to select the direction of exchange of order statuses.
- Added an option that allows you to ignore changes in order status if a certain status is selected in the MS order. This way, important statuses will not be transferred from BUS to MS when an order is changed in BUS.
- Module settings have been optimized.
1.9.1 (01.05.2023)- Added a function to ignore cart changes from BUS to MS for selected order statuses in MS
- Added the ability to create an order not posted in MS (optional)
- Beta version bugs fixed
- When creating a user from MS in BUS, a phone number is automatically imported for registration if available
- Added the ability to select a default user when importing an order (applied in case of user creation error).
1.9.2 (06.05.2023)- Optimization of the exchange of properties from MS to BUS
- Added the ability to import properties of the "File" type from MS to BUS
- Added the ability to format the phone when creating an account
- The ability to add non-existent cart items from MS to BUS has been made a separate option.
1.9.4 (08.07.2023)- Now, if errors occur when searching for goods for the cart, the module will try to upload the entire order again (previously, the unloading was independent of errors in the search for goods in the cart)
- Improvements in module settings
- Added service events
1.9.5 (24.07.2023)- Added the ability to import a location from MS to a BUS order.
- Fixed errors in exporting a location from a BUS order to the standard "Address" field of an MS order.
- Fixed errors in searching for a user on the BUS side when creating an order in MS.
1.9.8 (23.08.2023)- Added functionality for two-way exchange of shipment documents (exchange of all shipment fields)
- The functionality of working with the cart has been redesigned, now optimization for exchange with the cart allows you to record only changed cart positions without the need to rewrite the entire cart in both directions each time
- Added functionality for transferring comments from BUS to MS after the order has been imported from MS. The comment contains the number of the created order in the BUS.
- Work with events has been optimized, now the module accesses the MS via API less often
- The log system has been redesigned. At the moment, only log messages with errors and warnings, as well as order export/import logs will be displayed. To enable detailed logging of all events, just select one checkbox in the module settings. The remaining checkboxes with logging of individual entities have been removed.
- The option to recalculate payments when the order value changes has been removed. Now this function works automatically.
1.9.10 (09.09.2023)- Fixed an error in accounting for discounts when exchanging a cart from MS to BUS
- Fixed an error in creating an order delivery service
- Fixed errors when generating shipments
- Fixed a bug where payments could be imported into BUS even if the functionality was disabled
- Fixes for windows-1251 encoding
1.9.11 (11.09.2023)- Correction of work with items in shipment
- The department and employee for shipment are now taken from the order
2.0.0 (29.10.2023)New:
An agent has been added that checks orders from the MS. Now, when massively changing orders in MS, the module will automatically pull up all the data on the site without unnecessary load. This function will also be useful for additional checking the status of the order from MS to BUS.
The search for a counterparty has been improved; now the counterparty is searched not only by the properties of the order, but also by the properties of the buyer’s profile.
Added the ability to search for a counterparty in MS without reference to type.
The operation of all agents and module events has been optimized.
Faster loading of logs when updating.
On the left side of the menu, specific module settings are now displayed.
Improved module settings in the "Shipments" and "Payments" tabs
Shipments are created with the same owner as the order in MS.
When working with the cart, the module takes into account the packages that were placed in the MC cart.
Errors when working with shipments have been fixed.
Fixed a bug where numbers (incorrect data) were received in the “City” field of an MS order.
2.0.1 (08.11.2023)- Corrections in the work of the agent for checking orders from MS to BUS.
- Fix when importing properties of the "file" type.
- Added the ability to upload a property of the "Yes\No" type from the BUS to a property of the "string" type in the MS.
- When unloading an order by agent, an additional check for the status of the order occurs (if the corresponding option is installed).
2.0.2 (09.11.2023)- Transition of the module to a new Json API domain (api.moysklad.ru).
- Improved operation of the left module settings menu.
2.0.4 (24.12.2023)- Corrections in the work of standard agents
- Now it is indicated who changed the order if it was changed through the module agent.
- Settings related to statuses are placed in a separate settings tab of the “statuses” module.
- The logic for unloading an order by status has been changed. Now you can choose how to unload an order by status, either when the status matches exactly, or when the selected status is reached.
- Corrections in module events.
- If shipment or payment is made on the website, then changes to them do not come from MS.
- Added support for exchanging properties of the "directory" and "string" types. The module can exchange these two types of properties in both directions in different combinations. The module also automatically creates directory values on the website and in the MS.
- The module settings now display the names of property types.
2.0.5 (11.01.2024)- Correction in the functionality of uploading by status
- Fixed a scenario where the reserve was not removed if the "remove reserve by status" option was selected.
2.0.7 (23.01.2024)- Correction of a bug where the delivery cost might not be transferred when it was changed in the shipment from BUS to MS.
2.0.8 (01.03.2024)- Added checking for duplicate document names for shipments (default exchange type)
- Fixed problems when creating an order on an agent if the order had certain conditions: order cancellation, shipment completed, paid order. The module takes into account all these conditions when creating an order.
- Fixed the problem of determining the city in the location. The module takes into account the location type "Rural" and uploads it as a city, respectively. MS field.
2.0.9 (15.03.2024)- Optimization of module event processing
- The error “MyWarehouse Service is unavailable” will now appear less frequently
- Fixed typos in the module settings
- Added option to force the Moscow time zone
- Added the option to change the date of shipment in MS based on the date of shipment in BUS
- Added the ability to select the default warehouse for shipment to MS if it is empty in the MS order
- Now, if there is an empty external code for an order item in the cart, it is forcibly read from the information block
2.0.10 (12.04.2024)- Correction of errors when sending payment documents from BUS to MS
- Minor changes to the module configuration
2.1.0 (19.05.2024)- Added a function for bulk import of orders from MS to BUS ("Order Import" tab)
- The mechanism for exchanging the "Address" field in the MS and the "Location" field in the BUS has been redesigned, now you can search for a location from the MS to the BUS more accurately
- Added the ability to transfer the payment document number to MS from the BUS payment document
- Added the ability to transfer the document number from the BUS to the comment of a payment or shipment document
- Added the ability to change the date of the payment document in MS based on the payment being made in BUS
- The order verification agent from MS to BUS now checks payment documents
- Fixed an error in setting the default warehouse for shipments from BUS to MS (under certain conditions)
- Fixed errors in searching for payment by ID
- Fixed an error in exchanging properties of the "Employee" type from MS to BUS
- Fixed a conflict in scenarios for removing a reserve when canceling an order and by status
2.1.1 (02.06.2024)- Optimized import of location from MS to BUS property
- Added exception handling by the module in case of an emergency
- Optimized module settings
- Added the ability not to generate the “code” field when creating a counterparty in MS