0.9.1 (17.09.2024)1) Исправлены ошибки в работе модуля на последнем ядре Битрикса.
2) Доработан алгоритм расчёта цены комплекта как суммы цен комплектующих при использовании разных валют.
0.9.0 (09.07.2024)Added a check for the ability to automatically add a job to cron.
0.1.1 (24.02.2018)Added the ability to set multiple values for a multiple property.
0.1.2 (27.02.2018)Implemented the ability to add new values for multiple properties while preserving the old ones.
0.1.3 (19.03.2018)1) Added the ability to mass edit sections.
2) Fixed a bug in changing Boolean values.
3) Fixed a filtering error when displaying elements and sections together.
0.1.4 (30.03.2018)1) An error in step-by-step processing has been fixed if the field of the element for which filtering is set changes during the update process.
2) Fixed an error in the module’s operation when extra output appears during Ajax requests to the site.
3) Added the ability to delete images of elements and sections of the information block.
0.1.5 (06.05.2018)1) Added a new mode for changing multiple properties to convert existing values.
2) Added the ability to replace by conditions for properties such as "List", "Directory" and "Binding to elements".
3) Fixed an error when changing the price of a product.
4) Fixed an error when saving a product if the wrong OnBeforeIBlockElementUpdate handler is defined.
0.1.6 (17.06.2018)Added the ability to apply actions to all trade offers of processed goods.
0.1.7 (17.07.2018)1) Added the ability to set selection conditions for updated trade offers.
2) Added the ability to change the link to sections, unlink from sections, as well as specify the main section.
3) Added the ability to trim a specified number of characters at the beginning or end of a line.
4) Fixed an error when using the current product barcode.
0.1.8 (19.07.2018)Added the ability to replace a substring using a mask (* - any sequence of characters, _ - any one character).
0.1.9 (19.07.2018)The display of the section structure has been improved for ease of quick search.
0.2.0 (17.09.2018)1) Improvements for display in the iblock module version 18.0.0.
2) Added the ability to continue processing when an erroneous server response is returned.
3) Added the ability to copy properties of the File type.
4) Added the ability to delete some files from the File type property.
5) Fixed an error in forming the partition structure.
6) Fixed a bug in adding new values to multiple properties.
0.2.1 (20.09.2018)Compatibility with the iblock module version 18.0.4 has been improved.
0.2.2 (08.10.2018)Fixed an error in saving partition bindings.
0.2.3 (25.10.2018)JS file conflicts have been fixed.
0.2.4 (08.12.2018)1) Added the ability to configure default parameters for certain types of operations on elements and sections of the information block.
2) Added action templates for elements and sections.
3) Added profiles for execution in the crown.
4) Added automatic data update on the page where the mass processing window is open.
5) Improved display of properties of the "Binding to elements" type in the presence of a large number of elements of the associated information block.
6) Fixed a bug in working with the directory when the UF_NAME field is missing in it.
7) Fixed an error in changing the fields “Enable quantitative accounting”, “Allow purchase if there is no product”, “Allow subscription if there is no product”.
8) Fixed an error in changing the currency for the specified price type.
9) Added the ability to change the parent section for a section.
0.2.5 (14.01.2018)1) The display of mass processing buttons has been changed when sections and information block elements are displayed together.
2) The ability to add conditions for changing any of the fields has been implemented.
3) Added the ability to change the creation date and reserved quantity of an item.
0.2.6 (21.01.2018)1) Added the ability to set a condition by date for the last n days.
2) Added the ability to filter by weight when setting up a profile for crowns.
0.2.7 (23.01.2018)1) Исправлено отображение кнопок массовой обработки при совместном показе разделов и элементов инфоблока.
2) Доработан функицонал перемещения значений из одного поля в другое в случае с множественными свойствами.
0.2.8 (03.03.2019)1) Добавлена возможность делать из товара торговое предложение с привязкой к другому товару.
2) Работа с товарами и ценами переведена на D7.
3) Добавлен режим удаления значений множественных свойств.
4) Добавлена возможность копировать в свойства типа "Список", "Справочник", "Привязка к элементам" значения из других свойств.
5) Оптимизирован процесс обновления элементов инфоблока.
6) Добавлена возможность задавать описания картинок при их загрузке.
7) Исправлена ошибка обновления разделов.
0.2.9 (07.03.2019)1) Исправлена ошибка изменения доступности при изменении любого поля каталога товаров.
2) Доработан перенос свойств типа "Список", "Справочник", "Привязка к элементам" при переносе товара в торговые преложения.
0.3.0 (08.03.2019)1) Исправлено обновление фасетного индекса при изменении свойств.
2) Исправлено обновление поискового индекса при изменении свойств.
0.3.1 (24.03.2019)1) Добавлена поддержка пользовательских типов свойств.
2) Доработана фильтрация по дате в настройках крона.
3) Добавлена возможность фильтрации по типу товара в настройках крона.
0.3.2 (30.03.2019)1) Доработан запуск по крону.
2) Доработано отображение пользовательских свойств.
0.3.3 (30.05.2019)1) Добавлена возможность массового редактирования торговых предложений из карточки товара.
2) Добавлена возможность использовать php-преобразования.
0.3.4 (05.06.2019)Добавлена возможность управления наборами и комплектами.
0.3.5 (10.06.2019)Добавлена возможность прикреплять к набору все поля из выбранного раздела.
0.3.6 (24.06.2019)1) Добавлена возможность управления активностью элементов инфоблоков по событиям.
2) Добавлена возможность задавать условия применения действий при определенном типе товара.
0.3.7 (04.07.2019)Добавлена возможность загрузки файлов из медиабиблиотеки.
0.3.8 (25.07.2019)1) Добавлена возможность включать поиск по подразделам в настройках фильтра для крона.
2) Доработано сохранение имен старых файлов при добавлении новых файлов в множественное свойство.
3) Доработаны действия над множественными значениями.
0.3.9 (08.08.2019)Исправлена загрузка файлов во множественные совйтсва в режиме добавления новых значений.
0.4.0 (17.09.2019)1) Added execution of an epilogue after actions to process information block elements.
2) Improved display of the processing window on older versions of the Bitrix core.
3) Added support for working with properties of the "Yandex.Market Category" type.
4) Improved file loading.
5) Fixed a bug in barcode processing.
0.4.1 (25.09.2019)1) Fixed error returning processing status.
2) Added the ability to delete barcodes.
0.4.2 (18.12.2019)1) Execution of agents on module pages is disabled.
2) Added the ability to change the order of processed fields.
3) Added actions for changing the case of a string.
4) Added the ability to use trade offer fields when the field is changed.
5) Fixed an error in getting the price to change it.
6) Improved conversion of module tables to the required encoding.
7) Improved transfer of goods to trade offers.
8) The algorithm for applying several treatments to one field has been improved.
0.4.3 (23.12.2019)Added the ability to specify regular expressions in the conditions for applying actions on fields.
0.4.4 (13.02.2020)1) Added error output when problems arise with transferring goods to trade offers.
2) Errors in loading customized template fields have been fixed.
3) Added the ability to set property descriptions.
0.4.5 (22.02.2020)Added the ability to set the description type for properties of the HTML/Text type
0.4.6 (02.03.2020)Fixed an error in changing properties of the File type.
0.4.7 (04.03.2020)Added the ability to change marking codes through the "Product group" field.
0.4.8 (07.03.2020)Added the ability to load an empty value in the "Product group" field.
0.4.9 (01.04.2020)1) Added the ability to apply actions to all nested sections.
2) Fixed an error in applying conditions for sections.
0.5.0 (02.07.2020)1) An option has been added to recalculate the price of a kit as the sum of the prices of its components.
2) Added an option to force update of the change date of an information block element.
3) Added the ability to mass link and unlink properties of elements to sections of the information block.
4) Errors in updating the properties of information block elements have been fixed.
0.5.1 (22.07.2020)1) Template loading error has been fixed.
2) Added the ability to load descriptions for properties of the List type.
3) Improved display of sections for properties of the type Binding to sections.
4) Fixed an error in recording a barcode when transferring a product to a sales offer.
5) Improved consideration of the “Including subsections” parameter when selecting a list of processed elements.
0.5.2 (24.07.2020)Fixed a bug in the module's operation on php7.4.
0.5.3 (12.08.2020)Fixed jquery connection error.
0.5.4 (07.09.2020)1) Fixed jquery connection error.
2) The option “Calculate the price of a set as the sum of the prices of components” has been improved.
3) The "Add new values to old" mode when changing multiple properties has been improved.
0.5.5 (04.11.2020)1) Improved saving and loading of templates.
2) Added the ability to specify sections with subsections in the conditions.
3) Added the ability to delete sets and kits.
4) Fixed an error in deleting the purchase price.
5) Improved display of the mass processing button for trade offers.
6) Fixed an error in the operation of conditions for trade offer fields.
0.5.6 (12.11.2020)1) Added the ability to use a discounted price in conditions and actions for other fields.
2) Calculation of the cost of the kit as the sum of the prices of components is carried out taking into account discounts on components.
0.5.7 (23.11.2020)1) The mbstring parameter has been removed from the cron settings.
2) Fixed errors in the operation of string operations.
0.5.8 (29.11.2020)Added the ability to process events for the creation/change of an element.
0.5.9 (17.12.2020)1) Improved display of custom property values when loading templates.
2) Added the ability to select a field for comparing properties when transferring products to sales offers.
3) Added additional options for checking prices and activity of components when calculating the price of a set.
4) Improved settings for launching processing via cron or using an agent.
5) Added the ability to change the product type.
6) Fixed an error in recording prices when transferring goods to trade offers.
0.6.0 (04.03.2021)1) Fixed jquery connection error.
2) Added the ability to trigger processing on the event of adding or changing a product catalog item.
3) Fixed errors in the filter operation in profiles for cron.
4) Improved calculation of prices for sets when using several types of prices.
0.6.1 (25.04.2021)1) Added the ability to set access rights to use the module.
2) Fixed an error in deleting a markup on a product.
3) Added the ability to use the "Availability" field in the conditions for applying field processing.
4) The sequential change of one field in several actions with different conditions has been improved.
5) Added the ability to set a discount on a set when calculating the price of a set as the sum of the prices of components.
0.6.2 (18.06.2021)1) Added the ability to download pictures from a link.
2) Implemented greater/less comparison for string values.
3) Added the ability to use the fields of the parent section when processing the fields of an information block element.
4) Added the ability to use parent product fields when processing trade offer fields.
5) Improved loading of new values into properties of the "List" type from other fields of the element.
6) Fixed errors in running the template on agents.
7) The calculation of the price of the kit as the sum of the prices of components has been improved.
0.6.3 (02.07.2021)1) Fixed an error in writing fields of related entities (section or parent product) to the fields of the product catalog.
2) Fixed an error loading the list of valid values for fields of related entities.
3) Added the ability to write section fields to trade offers when processing goods together with offers.
0.6.4 (10.08.2021)1) Added display of product IDs when searching in the main product selection window for trade offers.
2) Fixed errors in working with processing templates for trade offers.
3) Added the ability to quickly search through lists in custom fields.
4) Added the ability to filter by greater/less than conditions in processing conditions for string and numeric properties.
0.6.5 (05.09.2021)Errors in transferring goods to trade offers have been fixed.
0.6.6 (05.10.2021)Memory leaks when running templates based on events have been fixed.
0.6.7 (17.12.2021)1) Added the ability to specify rounding rules (up or down).
2) In multiple lists, buttons have been added for mass selection and deleting all values.
3) When changing/adding property bindings to sections, the ability to set the options “Show in smart filter” and “Show expanded” has been added.
4) Fixed an error in updating the facet index when changing the properties of trade offers.
5) Fixed a bug in filtering by empty property values in profile settings for cron.
0.6.8 (06.02.2022)1) The filtering capabilities in profiles for crowns have been expanded.
2) Fixed a bug in changing the linking of products to sections.
3) Improved auto-detection of database table encoding.
0.6.9 (21.02.2022)1) Added the ability to use any field of an element of a linked infoblock when replacing it with a value from a property of the "Binding to elements" type
2) Added additional settings for transferring products to trade offers.
3) Added the ability to launch templates based on events of creating, changing or deleting the price of a product.
0.7.0 (19.03.2022)1) The wording of some mass processing actions has been corrected.
2) Added an action for trimming a line, which allows you to leave the first n words in the line.
0.7.1 (11.07.2022)1) Fixed errors in processing a large number of trade offers within one product.
2) Improved automatic detection of the current php version when setting up cron.
3) Added the ability to convert pictures to another format.
4) Improved sequential processing of fields.
0.7.2 (20.09.2022)Changes to custom property types have been improved.
0.7.3 (18.11.2022)1) Added the ability to specify the required price types when calculating the price of a set.
2) Errors in calculating kit prices have been fixed.
3) Fixed errors in transferring goods to trade offers.
0.7.4 (30.11.2022)1) Fixed an error in calculating discount prices.
2) Fixed a bug in creating templates.
0.7.5 (27.01.2023)1) The functionality of the conditions for applying processing to fields has been improved.
2) Added checking of template activity when processing by events.
3) Improved filtering of elements by available quantity and unit of measurement.
0.7.6 (15.02.2023)1) Added the ability to use the fields “Date of modification”, “Created by” and “Changed by” in the conditions.
2) Fixed a bug when deleting multiple values of a multiple property.
0.7.7 (05.03.2023)1) Fixed an error in mass editing of element properties using standard Bitrix tools when using event-based processing.
2) Copying multiple files from one property to another has been improved.
0.7.8 (21.06.2023)Improvements to pass verification using the bitrix.xscan module.
0.7.9 (22.09.2023)1) Work with properties has been optimized.
2) Errors in transferring values from elements of linked infoblocks have been fixed.
3) Improved bringing the encoding of database tables to the required form when installing the module.
0.8.0 (23.09.2023)Fixed a bug in adding field change conditions.
0.8.1 (12.10.2023)1) Fixed errors in loading conditions in processing templates.
2) Fixed an error in applying the “last n days” condition for fields of the Date type (Date and time).
0.8.2 (31.10.2023)1) New events have been added for the creation/change of sections and balances in warehouses.
2) The use of regular expressions in field processing conditions has been improved.
3) Added the ability to change the properties of trade offers when starting processing from the product list page.
0.8.3 (20.12.2023)1) Added the ability to copy currency from another field.
2) Fixed an error in fulfilling the conditions for selecting trade offers.
0.8.4 (13.03.2024)1) Improved loading of parameters of previously created mass processing templates.
2) Fixed an error in displaying the mass processing button on the page of the list of product offers when changing the number of displayed records.
0.8.5 (14.03.2024)The error in creating new values for properties of the List, Directory and Element Binding types has been fixed.
0.8.6 (27.03.2024)Implemented the ability to add a mass processing button on custom pages with a list of elements or sections of the information block by defining the following constants:
define('IBLOCK_LIST_PAGE', 'Y') - for a page with a combined list of elements and sections
define('IBLOCK_ELEMENT_LIST_PAGE', 'Y') - for a page with a list of only elements
define('IBLOCK_SECTION_LIST_PAGE', 'Y') - for a page with a list of sections only
0.8.7 (29.03.2024)A button has been added for mass processing of trade offers in the product editing window in the public part of the site.
0.8.8 (19.05.2024)1) Added the ability to apply PHP transformations for fields of the Date type.
2) Improved display of custom property types.
3) Fixed errors in displaying a filter with several nested groups of conditions.
0.8.9 (13.06.2024)Fixed a bug in opening the bulk processing window when the demo mode has expired.