0.2.9 (07.08.2024)1) Добавлены настройки для обработки картинок (ресайз, наложение авторского знака, конвертация в другой формат).
2) Доработан алгоритv загрузки разделов при сопоставлении с верхним уровнем инфоблока.
0.2.8 (26.07.2024)1) Added the ability to map a section to the top level of an information block so that its subsections are loaded as root.
2) Fixed an error loading a non-existent value of the List type.
3) Added the ability to change the Reserved quantity field.
4) Added the ability to link sections and properties with products using temporary IDs, when products, sections and properties come from 1C with different files.
0.1.1 (26.05.2020)1) Improved display of information about the downloaded file.
2) Fixed a bug in working with the dav module.
3) Fixed an error in loading xml files in parts.
4) Improved saving of settings when changing the information block for data import.
5) Added the ability to load properties using external codes.
0.1.2 (07.07.2020)1) Added the ability to record statistics on the import of goods and offers.
2) Added an alternative way for omen using symbolic integration code.
3) Implemented saving copies of all downloaded files during the last integration to build a common structure of xml files.
4) Added recording of exchange logs.
5) Added choice of accounting system when creating integration to use different exchange logic.
6) Improved initial settings for import profiles.
7) Added control of RAM consumption.
8) Improved functionality for importing goods and sections.
0.1.3 (24.07.2020)1) Improved saving of identification fields when changing the information block in the profile settings.
2) Improved display of the import error block.
3) Fixed errors in performing conversions for existing products.
4) The standard storage interval for exchange logs has been reduced to 1 day.
5) Improved activation/deactivation of partitions.
6) Fixed an error in resetting balances for old products.
7) Fixed an error in loading the list of properties.
8) Optimized loading of images for new products.
9) Fixed an error in loading properties of the Binding to sections type.
10) Fixed an error in loading the file structure in the profile settings.
0.1.4 (06.12.2020)1) Fixed jquery connection error.
2) Implemented the exchange of orders through a module with the ability to set filtering by order properties and by properties of items in the cart.
3) Added the ability to download pictures from the MyWarehouse service via API.
4) Improved recording of exchange logs.
5) Improved application of actions for missing goods in different exchange scenarios.
6) Added the ability to import a catalog via crown for older versions of 1C.
7) Fixed errors in operation without the mbstring.func_overload directive.
8) The initial import settings from 1C have been improved, taking into account the splitting of the upload into several files.
9) Fixed error loading unit of measurement.
10) Improved loading of pictures.
0.1.5 (19.12.2020)1) The minimum amount of transmitted data has been increased to speed up the exchange.
2) Added exchange log.
3) Fixed identification of products by property of the "List" type.
4) The transformation functionality has been improved.
0.1.6 (19.09.2021)1) Errors in order exchange have been fixed.
2) Added display of section IDs from a file in the comparison window.
3) The ability to separately set the creation/updating mode for products and offers has been implemented.
4) Added a checkbox to correct errors in the import file.
5) Added display of the number of loaded properties and directory values.
6) Added the ability to import the options “Show on element list page” and “Show on element detail page” for infoblock properties.
7) Fixed errors in loading sections when setting up mapping.
8) Fixed errors in rewriting barcodes.
0.1.7 (06.05.2022)1) An error when exchanging orders has been fixed.
2) The use of actions on missing goods has been improved.
3) Errors when working under php8 have been fixed.
0.1.8 (27.06.2022)1) Processing of the files goods.xml, groups.xml, propertiesGoods.xml, priceLists.xml, storages.xml has been implemented within the main profile with goods.
2) Added the ability to download weight and volume via API from the My Warehouse service.
0.1.9 (23.07.2022)1) Added the ability to save zip files and 1C for later analysis.
2) Fixed an error in changing properties of the Directory type.
0.2.0 (25.08.2022)1) Adaptation of module files to pass all checks by the bitrix.xscan module.
2) Added the ability to select the main section when adding new bindings to sections while preserving the old bindings.
3) The transformation functionality has been improved.
0.2.1 (11.02.2023)1) Optimized RAM consumption when the XMLReader extension is disabled.
2) Fixed an error in reading xml files on php8.2.
3) Added the ability to load additional fields for properties of the Binding to elements type.
4) Fixed an error in loading properties from a separate file.
5) Added the ability to download descriptions and barcodes from My Warehouse via API.
0.2.3 (29.07.2023)1) Warnings from the bitrix.xscan module have been eliminated.
2) Added a complete update of the end-to-end sorting of sections after the exchange.
3) In a release, transformation is carried out for existing elements when creating new products.
4) Added rewriting of List type property values by XML_ID.
5) Improved bringing the encoding of tables to the desired form when installing the module.
0.2.4 (12.10.2023)1) The exchange algorithm with My Warehouse has been improved.
2) Fixed a bug in sorting records on statistics pages.
3) Added information on activating the module from demo mode.
4) Improved deletion of old exchange files.
5) Added the ability to supply the current date and time in transformations.
0.2.5 (31.01.2024)1) The archive unpacking algorithm has been improved.
2) Added display of the date of download of the last file in the import profile and a link to download this file.
3) Optimized loading data from My warehouse via API.
4) Improved removal of old temporary files.
5) Added the ability to download pictures of modifications from My warehouse via API.
0.2.7 (06.05.2024)1) Improved loading of properties of trade offers.
2) Improved loading of properties of the "Directory" type.
3) Fixed an error in performing actions for goods that are not in the exchange files.