3.0.5 (03.07.2024)- Added a number of technical checks
1.0.1 (16.10.2018)- Added the ability to purchase a PRO account
- Layout fixes
1.0.2 (17.10.2018)- Added the option to search and display search results without taking into account the city
1.0.3 (18.10.2018)- Fixed breadcrumbs in the catalog
- Fixed display of vertical images in the ad card
- Fixed display of the registration/login window for small screens
- Added password recovery function
- Added include file for statistics counters
- Added the ability to set a personal limit on the number of free ads for a specific user, which will take precedence over the default limit set for the entire platform
1.0.4 (18.10.2018)- Added support for placing advertising blocks. If the project is based on 1C-Bitrix Business, the built-in advertising module will be used,
if the project is working on an edition that does not have an advertising module (Start, Standard, etc.) - advertising can be placed using special include files.
1.0.5 (22.10.2018)- Fixed a bug related to adding a company
1.0.6 (24.10.2018)- Added Real-Time chat between seller and buyer
- This functionality is only available for projects that run on a VPS or dedicated server
- Installation of additional free software (MongoDB, NodeJS) is required, all instructions are in the admin panel on the solution settings page
1.0.7 (25.10.2018)- Added error message when authorization fails
- Fixed name encoding during registration
- Added the ability to delete an advertisement by the user
- Added the ability to activate your ad for free
- Added a filter to the second level directory
- Added sorting options to the second-level catalog
1.0.8 (25.10.2018)- Interface bug fixed
1.0.9 (26.10.2018)- Improved layout
1.1.0 (26.10.2018)- Added the “Only with photos” option to the filter
- Now in the ad card, buttons for using paid services are displayed for the owner only if the cost for the service is specified in the settings
1.1.1 (28.10.2018)- Added the ability to use the catalog without taking into account the city
- API: added authorization method
- API: added method for selecting an ad card
1.1.2 (29.10.2018)- API: Added method for getting filtering parameters
1.1.3 (31.10.2018)- Added support for Google ReCaptcha
- Fixed date encoding in the ad card template
- A handler for filling in required fields has been added to the ad placement template. Now, if the user skips required fields, an error message will be displayed and the user will be redirected to the block with characteristics
- In the ad edit card in the user’s personal account, a notification about the deadline for posting the ad has been added
- Fixed a bug related to checking required properties when adding an ad
- Redesigned display of photos in the ad card
- Added processing of line breaks in the description in the ad card
1.1.4 (31.10.2018)- A component with the display of new advertisements has been added to the main page (when applying this update to an existing project,
the main page will not be overwritten in order to ensure the safety of possible individual changes,
if necessary, you can take a new main page in the folder /bitrix/modules/democontent2.board/install/public/ or contact support)
- Improved handler for changing parameters of product-related information blocks
1.1.6 (31.10.2018)- Reworked the order of selecting a city
- Added option to define a city as large
- Added the ability to sort cities by region
- Fixed accounting for deselecting a city for a catalog
- Added consideration of properties of the "Binding to elements" type when adding an ad
- Fixed conversion of symbolic code for infoblock type
1.1.7 (31.10.2018)- Service update
1.1.8 (01.11.2018)- Layout improvements
1.1.9 (01.11.2018)- Service update
1.2.1 (01.11.2018)- Service update
1.2.3 (01.11.2018)- Added help information to product settings
- Added scrolling to the filter, with a large number of values
- Added support for Yandex.Maps
- Added the option to select default maps for the site (Google Maps, Yandex.Maps) to the product settings
- Added "Favorites" for the first level of the directory
- Fixed darkening of pictures in the catalog
- Similar advertisements have been added to the advertisement card, if any
- Added BASH script for automatic optimization of images according to schedule (crowns)
- Added a list of commands for cron (queue TOP, VIP, Premium, etc.)
1.2.4 (01.11.2018)- Service update
1.2.5 (02.11.2018)- Fixed Yandex.Maps connection
1.2.6 (04.11.2018)- Added a combined section for ad moderation (available only to the administrator)
- Fixed processing of line breaks when adding and saving an ad
- Added support for ad editing interfaces in the visual editor for all catalog components
1.2.7 (08.11.2018)- Service update
1.2.8 (08.11.2018)- Improved support for composite mode
1.2.9 (13.11.2018)- Added the ability to edit SMS message templates
- Minor layout changes
1.3.0 (14.11.2018)- Documentation and answers to the most frequently asked questions have been added to the product settings
- Service changes
1.3.1 (15.11.2018)- API: Added method for getting categories
- API: Added method for getting a list of sections
- API: Added method for receiving advertisements
- Added a number of service methods for integration with a future native application
1.3.2 (16.11.2018)- API: added method for receiving new advertisements
- API: added method for getting premium ads
1.3.3 (06.12.2018)- Fixed message error in the registration window
- Fixed an error displaying actions above the list of advertisements in the user’s personal account
- API: added registration method
- API: added method for selecting a list of cities
- API: added method for selecting a list of user chats
- API: added method for fetching chat messages
- API: added method to initialize chat between two users
- API: added method for sending a message to chat
- API: added method for changing message status
- API: added method for sampling the number of unread messages
- API: added a method for sampling the number of unread messages with grouping by chats
- API: added method for selecting user ads
- API: added method for selecting category characteristics
- API: added ad placement method
- API: added method for editing profile
- API: added method for editing ad parameters
- API: added method to deactivate an ad
- API: added method for deleting an advertisement
1.3.4 (12.12.2018)- Added the ability to leave feedback to the seller
- Added the ability to reply to a review
- When adding a review, you can set a rating (max. 5 stars)
- Added the ability to edit a review, as well as edit a response to a review
- Current rating has been added to the user or company profile
- Reviews have been added to the user or company profile
- Added an indicator for the presence of unread messages when a chat is connected
- A button “Available on Google Play” has been added to the footer if there is an integrated mobile application
- Added a promotional block for the main page with advertising for a mobile application, if available
- API: Current seller rating has been added to a number of methods
1.3.5 (14.12.2018)- Fixed an error in changing the marker position on the map when changing the city while adding an advertisement
1.3.6 (17.12.2018)- Minor changes
1.3.7 (17.12.2018)- Minor changes
1.3.8 (17.12.2018)- Buttons for sharing content on social media have been added to the ad card. networks
1.3.9 (19.12.2018)- Added display of advertisements on the map to the catalogue, as well as filtering with viewing on the map (relevant for advertisements for which the location is specified)
1.4.0 (20.12.2018)- Added the ability to automatically post ads to a VK group (the number of groups is unlimited, CRON)
1.4.1 (20.12.2018)- Service update
1.4.2 (21.12.2018)- Fixed display of pictures on the map
- Fixed display of long characteristics values in the ad card
- Added category menu for the third level of the catalog
1.4.3 (24.12.2018)- Improved messaging
1.4.4 (27.12.2018)- Service update
1.4.5 (11.01.2019)- Corrected VAT amount
- Fixed a bug in canceling city selection for a catalog section
- Other minor changes
1.4.6 (11.01.2019)- Minor changes
1.4.7 (15.01.2019)- Fixed sorting in the catalog
1.4.8 (10.02.2019)- Improved main menu template to correctly display a large number of categories
- Improved installation wizard
- Improved removal wizard
- Layout improvements
- Fixed the use of paid services for advertisements
- Fixed filtering of objects with zero property values
1.4.9 (10.02.2019)- Service update
1.5.0 (11.02.2019)- Service update
Attention: If you are using NOT modified components and templates, after this update you will need to delete the /local/components/democontent2.board folder
1.5.1 (13.02.2019)- Fixed checking for filling in required properties when placing an ad
1.5.2 (24.02.2019)- Added functionality for the user’s internal account (balance)
- Added functionality for replenishing the user’s internal account through payment systems supported by the product
- Added functionality for manual replenishment of internal user accounts by the administrator
1.5.3 (17.03.2019)- Added the ability to redefine bread crumbs
- Fixed a bug with reactivating the ad
- Improved user balance replenishment
1.5.4 (25.03.2019)ATTENTION: Before installing this version, you must make a full backup of your site(s)!
After the update, you need to adjust the title for the main page, because... the index.php file will be overwritten. (its backup copy will be available in /upload/1.5.4_backup_XXX_index.php)
The update will affect absolutely all standard components of the product, as well as the standard template and its CSS styles. So if you have modified the main template or components,
make sure you do this in accordance with the rules for modifying solutions (move it into your own namespace, etc.)
- Added the ability to add an unlimited number of languages for the interface
- Added a unified interface for translating language files
- Added a unified interface for translating information block data (characteristics, values, names, etc.)
- Added the ability to select the interface language
- Added the ability to redefine included areas depending on the selected language
- Added integration with Google Translate (Google Translator) for mass or single machine translation of language phrases in a single interface
- Added the ability to disable the selection of a specific language while saving translation data
- Fixed an error in processing payment for publishing an ad
1.5.5 (26.03.2019)- Added integration with the Paytrail payment system
1.5.6 (26.03.2019)- Added integration with the Skrill payment system
1.5.7 (27.03.2019)- Added integration with PayPal payment system
1.5.8 (28.03.2019)- Service update
1.5.9 (29.03.2019)- Service update
1.6.0 (29.03.2019)- Fixed layout of the ad card
1.6.2 (02.04.2019)- Added English language support for maps
- Fixed loading the list of components for translation
1.6.3 (04.04.2019)- Layout adjustments
1.6.4 (08.04.2019)- Added the ability to override the default language (see documentation)
- Added the ability to specify the length of the phone number with the country code for validation
- Added the ability to specify a phone number mask to enter
- Changed the header of the main template in the mobile version
1.6.5 (08.04.2019)- Added support for the custom.css file to override or supplement the styles of the main template
1.6.6 (09.04.2019)- Service update
1.6.7 (11.04.2019)- Fixed a bug with paid ad activation
- Yandex.Checkout and MongoDB autoloaders have been removed from the module connection
1.6.8 (11.04.2019)- Changed selection of chat lists
1.6.9 (11.04.2019)- Fixed region selection
1.7.0 (12.04.2019)- Correction of the layout of the main template
1.7.1 (13.04.2019)- Adjusting the layout of the announcement card template
1.7.2 (18.04.2019)- A number of interface fixes
1.7.3 (22.04.2019)- Added a “View on website” link in the ad card in your personal account
- Modification of multilingual functionality
- The option to use the Turbo package has been added to the list of advertisements in your personal account
- Redesigned city selection template
- Improved collection of ad view statistics
- Region selection has been added to the ad placement template
- Redesigned user/company public page template
1.7.4 (23.04.2019)- Error correction
1.7.5 (29.04.2019)- Information about the city to which the ad is attached has been added to the ad card
- Changed implementation of chat connection
- Added handling of the situation with the absence of bread crumbs
- Fixed switching back to Russian if the default language is overridden for the system
- Added information about the maximum number of images for an ad to the ad placement component
1.7.6 (29.04.2019)- Service update
1.7.7 (13.05.2019)- Added language construct
- Minor bug fixes
1.7.8 (15.05.2019)- Fixed processing of expiration of paid services
1.7.9 (17.05.2019)- Improved connection of Yandex.Checkout in a situation where the Notice Board is installed together with the Artist Search Service in multi-site mode
1.8.0 (30.05.2019)- Fixed a bug related to saving a company account
1.8.1 (01.06.2019)- Service update
1.8.2 (18.06.2019)- Changes in the installation wizard
- Added an option to redefine the MongoDB collection name in the settings
- Added support for the custom.js file for the main template
1.8.3 (19.06.2019)- For the PRO account, the ability to specify a link to the company’s website has been added
1.8.4 (21.06.2019)- Added recording of the activity of using paid options in the list of user advertisements
1.8.5 (21.06.2019)- Layout fixes
1.8.6 (28.06.2019)- Improved company card (PRO account)
1.8.7 (30.06.2019)- Added support for MongoDB Atlas (MongoDB cloud service with clustering support and a free plan)
1.8.8 (01.07.2019)- Service update
1.8.9 (02.07.2019)- Fixed connection to MongoDB
1.9.0 (09.07.2019)- Interface changes
1.9.1 (02.08.2019)- Added support for parameters for connecting to MongoDB from environment variables
1.9.2 (15.08.2019)- Several fixes
1.9.3 (16.08.2019)- Refactoring
1.9.4 (28.08.2019)- Fix pack
1.9.5 (08.10.2019)- Redesigned the root section of the category
- A number of fixes and improvements
1.9.6 (15.10.2019)- Fix pack
1.9.7 (20.11.2019)- New API (preparing for the release of iOS and Android applications)
- A parameter for the API key from Yandex.Maps has been added to the module settings (this parameter is strictly required if the project uses Yandex.Maps)
- Fixed navigation chain construction
- Fix pack
1.9.8 (21.11.2019)- Technical update
1.9.9 (25.11.2019)- Improved and simplified the process of moderating new ads
2.0.0 (29.12.2019)- Added payment system CLICK.UZ (Uzbekistan)
2.0.1 (20.01.2020)- Corrections in the registration process
2.0.3 (10.02.2020)- Fix pack
2.0.5 (28.02.2020)- Fix pack
2.0.6 (06.03.2020)- Improved handler for adding infoblocks
2.0.7 (30.03.2020)- Added additional header processing
2.0.8 (05.05.2020)Attention: Before upgrading to this version, be sure to carefully read the instructions for migrating to version 2.0.8, which is available in the documentation at http://docs.democontent.ru
- Completely new bulletin board template
- Added a number of new mail events
- Improved moderation tools
- Improved user management of ads
- Many improvements and improvements in all system components
- Added the ability to notify the administrator in Telegram
2.0.9 (05.05.2020)- Fix pack
2.1.0 (06.05.2020)- Fix pack
2.1.1 (25.05.2020)- Improved installation wizard
- Added a base class for future integration with the LiqPay payment service
2.1.2 (25.05.2020)- Improved installation wizard
2.1.3 (25.05.2020)- Improved template layout
2.1.4 (25.05.2020)- Added option for connecting the main template styles (inline/file)
2.1.5 (25.05.2020)- Layout adjustments for some screen resolutions
2.1.6 (25.05.2020)- Added integration with the Qiwi payment service
- In the module settings, parameters for connecting to accepting payments via Qiwi are available
2.1.7 (25.05.2020)- Added reset of selected city
- Improved logic for selecting premium and vip ads
2.1.8 (25.05.2020)- Fix pack
2.1.9 (25.05.2020)- Added integration with the payment service BePaid.by
- In the module settings, parameters for connecting to accepting payments via BePaid.by are available
2.2.0 (25.05.2020)- In the ad card, for the authorized owner, information about the end of the ad publication period has been added
- In the ad card, a direct link to edit the ad has been added for the authorized owner
- Added a tool for resending for moderation if the ad was previously rejected
- Improved algorithm for displaying VIP ads
- Layout improvements
2.2.1 (25.05.2020)- Added selection of the default display type for ads in the catalog (tile/list)
- In the public part of the site, an option has been added for the user to change the display type (tile/list)
2.2.2 (25.05.2020)- Fixed adding to favorites
- An additional ad marker has been added to the ad catalog, which is displayed if the user has an active PRO account
2.2.3 (25.05.2020)- The ability to preview several photos of an ad (up to 4 pieces) when hovering the mouse cursor has been added to the advertisement catalog (tile).
2.2.4 (25.05.2020)- Navigation for an authorized user has been added to the main catalog menu
- Added preview of pictures in the "Similar ads" block in the ad card
- Added preview of pictures in the list of user advertisements
2.2.5 (25.05.2020)- A section has been added for the administrator with complaints about ads received from users
2.2.6 (25.05.2020)- Layout adjustments
2.2.7 (25.05.2020)- Layout adjustments
2.2.8 (22.05.2020)- Added a base class for the functionality of applying promo codes for ads
2.2.9 (25.05.2020)- Changes in the product settings panel
- Fix pack
2.3.0 (27.05.2020)- Fixed language connection in multilingual configuration
2.3.1 (27.05.2020)- Added functionality for creating promotional codes
2.3.2 (27.05.2020)- Added quick filtering of sections by name in the category menu
2.3.3 (28.05.2020)- For the user who is the author of the ad, the ability to apply a promotional code to a specific ad has been added
2.3.4 (28.05.2020)- Layout adjustments
- A field for filtering categories by name, now available if the total number of categories in a section is more than seven
- Added the "One-time raise" option when creating a promotional code
2.3.5 (29.05.2020)- Added the ability to specify a link to a YouTube video for an ad
- Video output from YouTube has been added to the ad card (if available)
2.3.6 (17.07.2020)Attention: before upgrading to this version, be sure to make a full backup of your site.
- Correction of the layout of the main template and a number of components
2.3.7 (17.07.2020)Attention: before upgrading to this version, be sure to make a full backup of your site.
- Fix pack
2.3.8 (17.07.2020)- Added error logging when uploading to VK
2.3.9 (20.07.2020)- Improved display of tile ads
- Added a new format for the posting date in the list of advertisements
2.4.0 (24.07.2020)- Improved cache handling
2.4.1 (28.07.2020)- In the settings, an option has been added to enable phone number verification and account activation via SMS during registration
- In the settings, an option has been added to specify the length of the confirmation code to activate the account
- Added sending a notification to Telegram if the SMS gateway returned an error sending a message
2.4.2 (29.07.2020)- Added the ability to send SMS via intistele.com
2.4.3 (30.07.2020)- Improved html layout of the company page template
2.4.4 (03.08.2020)- Improved navigation chain display on mobile devices
2.4.5 (05.08.2020)- Service update
2.4.6 (06.08.2020)- Improved layout of messages inside the dialog window
- Improved layout of the VIP and Premium ads block
- Added city name display to VIP and Premium ad blocks
2.4.7 (06.08.2020)- Service update
2.4.8 (12.08.2020)- Fixed a bug when forming a navigation chain
2.4.9 (13.08.2020)- Service update
2.5.0 (21.08.2020)- Improved display of the sorting menu, as well as the main category menu on mobile devices
- Fixed old price calculation
2.5.1 (25.08.2020)- Improved catalog view (tile). When you hover over the last photo in the preview, the “N more photos” stub is displayed.
2.5.2 (26.08.2020)- For the “Similar Ads” component, a new display template has been added in the form of a list
- Added a price reduction icon to the list of advertisements
2.5.3 (27.08.2020)- Service update
2.5.4 (01.09.2020)- In the "Moderation" section only paid advertisements are displayed
2.5.5 (21.10.2020)- Layout fixes
2.5.6 (26.10.2020)- Fixed an error in saving the city selection when working on the base on the current version of the 1C-Bitrix platform
- Correction of layout for mobile
2.5.7 (28.10.2020)- Fix pack
2.5.8 (29.10.2020)- Improved work with the search index of elements
2.5.9 (05.11.2020)- Service update
2.6.0 (09.11.2020)- Added processing of multiple values for some types of ad characteristics
2.6.1 (11.11.2020)- Fix pack
2.6.2 (17.11.2020)- Refactoring
2.6.3 (23.11.2020)- Improved catalog layout (view: tile)
2.6.4 (24.11.2020)- New platform requirements: mbstring.func_overload=0
2.6.5 (24.11.2020)- Service update
2.6.6 (09.12.2020)- The "Favorites" icon is displayed only for authorized users
- Various layout improvements
- Changes in user profile settings
2.6.7 (11.12.2020)- Fixed an error adding to favorites from a block with similar ads
2.6.8 (02.02.2021)- When using paid options, the active period of the ad is automatically extended
2.6.9 (02.02.2021)- Fixed sorting of cities when adding an advertisement
- If there are no advertisements in the city selected by the user, advertisements from other cities are displayed on the main page
- Added display of the cost of posting an ad, if the placement is paid
- Improved ad filter
2.7.0 (19.02.2021)- Fixed sorting of cities when adding an advertisement
- Fixed user profile layout when viewing ads
- Fixed a bug related to filter parameters
2.7.1 (25.02.2021)- Added an option to display prices for advertisements in the catalog in the module settings
2.7.2 (15.03.2021)- Added integration with the ASSIST payment service
2.7.3 (05.04.2021)- Service update
2.7.4 (08.04.2021)- Fixed display of multiple property values in the ad card
- Layout adjustments
2.7.5 (11.06.2021)- Fixed a syntax error in the upload module to VK
- Added an additional ad sorting option
2.7.6 (25.06.2021)- Added the ability to rate when posting a review
- Improved processing of module settings
2.7.7 (09.07.2021)- Added the ability to reply to a review from the list of reviews in the user’s personal account
- An indicator has been added to the user’s personal account menu indicating the presence of unanswered reviews
2.7.8 (13.07.2021)- Added page navigation to the section of the list of transactions by user account (receipts, debits)
2.7.9 (20.07.2021)- ATTENTION: Starting from this version, the minimum PHP version must be 7.4 and higher! More details: http://docs.democontent.ru
- Be sure to make a full backup before updating
- Part of the kernel has been rewritten for PHP 7.4
- Starting from this release, in each subsequent version the old code will be gradually rewritten for PHP 7.4
- The classes Democontent2\Board\Iblock\Items and Democontent2\Board\Iblock\Item have been significantly changed
- A number of key methods for working with a catalog now return models instead of arrays
- Changes in the kernel directly affect a number of components: list, iblock.code, iblock.type, last.items, user.public.profile, user.public.company, etc.
- Package of various optimizations
2.8.0 (20.07.2021)- Improved ad card in search results
2.8.1 (21.07.2021)- Added user balance model
- Component refactoring
2.8.2 (22.07.2021)- Fixed a potential vulnerability in the user.complains component
- An indicator has been added to the menu for the administrator if there are pending complaints about ads from users in the system
2.8.3 (23.07.2021)- Improved templates for the user.public.profile and user.public.company components
2.8.4 (28.07.2021)- Improved component template similar (Similar ads)
2.8.5 (29.07.2021)- Improved all templates of the user.balance component
- Now all methods related to the user’s balance, as well as transactions, return models instead of masses
2.8.6 (30.07.2021)- Improved templates for various components
- Fixed a syntax error in the component template
2.8.7 (03.08.2021)- Improved user.feedback component
2.8.8 (04.08.2021)- Improved user.promo component
- Refactoring of the module core
2.8.9 (04.08.2021)- Improved user.favorites component
- Refactoring of the module core
2.9.0 (05.08.2021)- Improved filter component
- A number of methods for working with properties now return models instead of arrays
- Refactoring of the module core
- Templates for a number of components have been redesigned
2.9.1 (09.08.2021)- The get method of the User class has been deprecated and will be removed in version 2.9.5
- Changed many components of the module and kernel classes where the outdated get method of the User class was used
2.9.2 (18.08.2021)- Completely rewritten classes and interfaces that implement initialization and payment processing
2.9.3 (27.08.2021)- Package of improvements
2.9.4 (31.08.2021)- Package of improvements
- Added the ability to accept payments through Alfa-Bank
2.9.5 (01.09.2021)- Fix pack
2.9.6 (20.09.2021)- Minor improvements
2.9.7 (23.09.2021)- Fixed currency selection for PayPal
2.9.8 (29.10.2021)- In the module settings, added the ability to allow users not to specify a price
- Fixed a bug with city selection
- Many small improvements
2.9.9 (08.12.2021)- Corrections in template layout
- Fixed a bug related to entering the activation code
- Improved SMS sending class
3.0.0 (08.12.2021)- Fixed a bug related to the choice of activation template
3.0.1 (25.02.2022)- Fixed highload block identifier
3.0.2 (20.07.2022)- Fixed city change (in some cases)
3.0.3 (15.03.2024)- Fixed event handler signatures
3.0.4 (18.03.2024)- Minor fixes