1.7.14 (14.11.2024)Improvements:
- Added video preloader (OPTIMUS-924)
- Fixed the error of incorrect switching of trade offers in the list of goods, when there is a limit on the number of displayed TP (OPTIMUS-850)
- Optimized the cache collection mechanism when there are GET parameters on the product list page and the product detail page (OPTIMUS-923)
- Fixed reCaptcha v2 and v3 errors (OPTIMUS-909)
- Fixed an error when installing a ready-made solution if the user has a large number of rules for working with the basket (OPTIMUS-919)
- Optimized cache generation for the detail page (OPTIMUS-920)
- Fixed an error with incorrect calculation in the deferred goods header (OPTIMUS-910)
- The contents of the tabs in the product detail card were shifted if the description was not filled in (OPTIMUS-907)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, you MUST perform a full backup of the site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.13 (03.10.2024)Corrections:
- Fixed an error when installing the solution on version 1C-Bitrix 24.100.0 (OPTIMUS-921)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, you MUST perform a full backup of the site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.12 (02.09.2024)Исправления:
- Некорректно отображалась кнопка заказа у подарков в детальной карточке товара (OPTIMUS-880)
- Исчезала цена при переключении торгового предложения с диапазоном цен (OPTIMUS-883)
- Некорректно отображалась кнопка корзины в разделе «Обзоры» при включенном типе корзины «Летающая» (OPTIMUS-887)
- Исправлено отображение карточки товара в блоке «Персональные рекомендации» при наведении на товар (OPTIMUS-891)
- При включенном высоком уровне логирования появлялась ошибка типа E_DEPRECATED в разделах, где выводятся товары, доступные для покупки (OPTIMUS-902)
- Скорректировано отображение карточки товара в списке каталога на мобильных устройствах (OPTIMUS-904)
Внимание!!! Перед установкой обновления ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО выполните полное резервное копирование сайта. Если вы вносили изменения в шаблон решения, то дополнительно скопируйте всю папку шаблона!
1.0.1 (09.08.2016)New in version and improvements:
- Added setting “Paint the side parts of the footer in the background color” (OPTIMUS-1)
- The work of Autocomposite (OPTIMUS-2) has been configured
- Added support for minimum price for ordering and quick purchase (OPTIMUS-3)
- On resolution screens of 769 px – 950 px, the display of the smart filter (OPTIMUS-8) has been adjusted
- Improved operation of the vertical smart filter display button in the mobile version (OPTIMUS-4)
- When going to a detailed product card from the catalog, the smart filter was displayed in the left block if AJAX mode was enabled (OPTIMUS-5)
- Removed the 2nd type of price in the installer, and also fixed errors in its operation on version PHP 7 (OPTIMUS-7)
- When selecting the “Light” menu type in the solution settings, the text color merged with the background (on the mobile version) (OPTIMUS-10)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.2 (20.08.2016)New in version and improvements:
- A new component “Previously Viewed Products” has been added, which ensures the fastest page loading without accessing the database. Connect it in the module settings after installing the update.
- Optimized the size of site style files and scripts
- Speed up the operation of the flying basket
- Added the #EMAIL_BUYER# tag for sending emails to the buyer from the “1-click purchase” form
- The #ACCOUNT_NUMBER# label (ID of the order generated using the template) has been added to the email from the “1-Click Purchase” form.
- Added Schema.org markup with the Product type on the product detail page
- Added filling of the side parts of the footer in the background color of the image if a background image is specified for the page (OPTIMUS-19)
- Increased close button for pop-ups (OPTIMUS-23)
- On the catalog section list page, it is now possible to transfer long section names (OPTIMUS-13)
- Incorrect display of the cart and top menu in edit mode (OPTIMUS-15)
- Incorrect display of the missing image icon for a product when selecting the “Table” list display type (OPTIMUS-17)
- Incorrect alignment of multi-line items in the top catalog menu (OPTIMUS-22)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.3 (31.08.2016)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to limit the display of trade offer values (SKU) on the product list page to speed up loading
- Added accounting for the Google maps API key set through the component parameters in the public part
- Added the ability to change the parameters of the “1-Click Purchase” component from the solution module.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.4 (22.09.2016)New in version and improvements:
- Added new 1C-Bitrix “Personal section of user D7”
- Added the ability to manage buyer profiles in your personal account
- Added the ability to use element settings for floating banners
- The link to the last item with sections in breadcrumbs in the catalog has been replaced with a block element
- When selecting a property in a smart filter, the “Show” button is displayed opposite the selected characteristic for user convenience
- Added page navigation to the “Stores” section when selecting the “Display stores from information block” setting (OPTIMUS-25)
- The “Ask a question” button on the “Q&A” page is filled with the color of the selected site theme or a custom color (OPTIMUS-27)
- A “Google+” icon has been added to the social networks block in the site footer (OPTIMUS-30)
- Added block restriction with a list of property values in the smart filter (OPTIMUS-39)
- A setting to enable/disable quick purchase has been added to the solution module (OPTIMUS-40)
- Added phone mask to the Contacts page (OPTIMUS-46)
- Added positioning of the “1-click purchase” form on mobile devices relative to the pressed button (OPTIMUS-47)
- Drop-down sections were not displayed in breadcrumbs on the product detail page (OPTIMUS-31)
- Incorrect calculation of the number of reviews on the detailed product page (OPTIMUS-32)
- Fixed the operation of the “Show prices in one currency” parameter in the catalog component (OPTIMUS-33)
- The layout of property values on the “Characteristics” tab on the detailed product page has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-38)
- Replaced the Instagram icon for the social networks block in the site footer (OPTIMUS-44)
- Incorrect recompression of the announcement image in the “Background Images” information block (OPTIMUS-48)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.5 (18.10.2016)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to specify multiple values in the phone field in the “Stores” information block (OPTIMUS-53)
- Added the ability to simultaneously display two description fields (SEO and detailed) in the list of sections (OPTIMUS-58)
- The solution template is configured to comply with the W3C standard (OPTIMUS-60)
- Added filling in the user's phone number after placing an order in case of absence (OPTIMUS-62)
- An announcement image was displayed on the detailed page of the store (OPTIMUS-56)
- An empty block was displayed when there was no detailed description on the store's detailed page (OPTIMUS-57)
- Incorrect operation of the “Page addresses to exclude display” property in the “Background pictures” information block (OPTIMUS-61)
- Incorrect setting of the “Number of banners per page” parameter for banners on the main page (OPTIMUS-63)
- Incorrect calculation of the minimum price on the product list page with the selected type SKU1 (OPTIMUS-64)
- The parameter “URL leading to the page with the contents of the section element” was not taken into account for tabs on the main page (OPTIMUS-67)
- 1px offset in the top banner of the main page on MAC devices (OPTIMUS-68)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.6 (19.10.2016)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to customize the display order of two description fields (SEO and detailed) in the list of sections (OPTIMUS-71)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.7 (25.11.2016)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to hide/show the left catalog menu throughout the site
- Added display of properties of trade offers on the product page for type SKU1
- Added conversion of values of additional fields in the “1-click purchase” form
- Added switching of card types (Yandex or Google) in the section with information about stores
- Configured to work with the “Reference” property in the highload block AsproOptimusTizerReference (OPTIMUS-85)
- Added accounting for values of properties of trade offers that are not available for purchase with the ability to leave them translucent or hide (OPTIMUS-87)
- When editing mode was enabled, the layout of the shopping cart on mobile devices was broken (OPTIMUS-54)
- The names of brands were hidden if they did not have a picture in the product card (OPTIMUS-72)
- Incorrect transmission of the product name to the “Ask a Question” form on the product card (OPTIMUS-75)
- Incorrect layout of the order payment page in your personal account on the list and detailed order page (OPTIMUS-78)
- Adjusted styles for bulleted list (OPTIMUS-82)
- Fixed W3C banners component validation error (OPTIMUS-83)
- Fixed site footer displacement when there are a large number of catalog menu sub-items (OPTIMUS-86)
- The layout of the large image in the product card has been adjusted when the screen resolution is less than 600px (OPTIMUS-92)
- Image captions were not displayed in the popup window for trading offers (OPTIMUS-91)
- Duplicate names of warehouses in the product card have been eliminated when setting “Show total balance by warehouses” (OPTIMUS-94)
- The alignment of sub-items of the 3rd nesting level in the catalog menu has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-97)
- Minor installer errors (OPTIMUS-112)
- The phone mask was missing on the registration page (OPTIMUS-115)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.8 (30.01.2017)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to disable the display of units of measurement in the “You looked before” block (OPTIMUS-123)
- Added the ability to place multiple videos from Youtube on the “Video” tab (OPTIMUS-135)
- Added a custom description for the quick order form with a notification that the shipping price is included (OPTIMUS-118).
- Incorrect display of product rating in composite mode on the list page after voting (OPTIMUS-108)
- Rating stars do not work in composite mode on the detailed product page (OPTIMUS-88)
- Fixed drop-down menu layout (OPTIMUS-132)
- Error with displaying properties of trade offers for products with empty properties. If a product did not have any properties filled in, the properties of trade offers were not displayed on the detailed page in the list of properties in the description or on a separate tab (OPTIMUS-121)
- The operation of the smart filter slider has been fixed in the mobile version (OPTIMUS-141)
- Buttons in the reviews block on the detailed product page do not work (OPTIMUS-144)
- Restored sending of the Google Tag Manager event about the successful completion of an order on the checkout page with a standard template (OPTIMUS-166)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.9 (04.02.2017)Corrections:
- Doesn't take you to the successful order confirmation page
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.10 (02.03.2017)New in version and improvements:
- New settings for SEO: the “Build breadcrumb trail in a catalog from” option has been added to the Control Center with the ability to select section/item headings or section/item names (OPTIMUS-196)
- Invalid SITE_ID in quick order with multisite (OPTIMUS-183)
- On a section page with subsections, a notification about unfound products was displayed if the component parameter “Show elements of section subsections” was set to “Do not show” (OPTIMUS-195)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.11 (29.03.2017)New in version and improvements:
- Added Schema.org micro markup with the AggregateRating type for rating products (OPTIMUS-157)
- Added Schema.org micro markup with Review type for product reviews (OPTIMUS-145)
- Related products are not displayed on the news/promotions detail page (OPTIMUS-199)
- In the list of section products and on the detailed product page, trade offers that are not available for purchase are displayed, despite the fact that the catalog component parameter “Trade offers that are not available for purchase” is set to “Do not display” (OPTIMUS-201)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.12 (10.04.2017)New in version and improvements:
- Added Open Graph markup (OPTIMUS-41)
- Added display of several types of prices for products with trade offers in the list and product card when setting up SKU TYPE 1 (OPTIMUS-176)
- Added the ability to change the color of the navigation points for each banner in the top slider on the main page depending on the color scheme of the banner - light or dark (OPTIMUS-198)
- The functionality of subscriptions has been expanded. Now the corresponding section of the user’s personal account displays the products to which he is subscribed
- Added a “Share” button on social networks on the pages of news, promotions, articles, services (OPTIMUS-223)
- Added installation of the current trade offer after filtering in the catalog (OPTIMUS-221)
- The number of subscriptions for a product was not updated (OPTIMUS-130)
- The cart with deferred items was not displayed when printing (OPTIMUS-139)
- Settings for product headers were not applied in the product list (OPTIMUS-180)
- On the order list and order detail pages in your personal account, the “Pay” button did not work via Yandex.Money (OPTIMUS-182)
- In the smart filter, images near property values were cropped (OPTIMUS-212)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.0 (17.04.2017)New in version and improvements:
- In the Control Center, a setting for expanded integration with Yandex.Metrica has been added. Now you can use a variety of web form, cart, and checkout goals - individual and general for detailed analytics.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.1 (15.05.2017)New in version and improvements:
- Added the “Personal Data Processing” option to all forms, including 1-click purchase and checkout with a custom agreement page and standard text.
- The value in the “Last name first name patronymic” field in personal data was duplicated when there was an error in saving the values.
- The functionality of products with SKUs has been adjusted: if a trade offer had two properties and the first one was not filled in, it could not be selected (OPTIMUS-243)
- Incorrect display of the form in the “Contacts” section when adding new form fields (OPTIMUS-249)
- The pagination block contained hidden links indexed by the search robot to non-existent list pages (OPTIMUS-237)
- Google Analytics/Google Tag Manager and Yandex.Metrica counter codes were incorrectly inserted onto the page, which resulted in some standard 1C-Bitrix functions not working correctly (OPTIMUS-167)
- The value of the catalog parameter “Take description from” was not passed to the list of catalog subsections to display the description of subsections (OPTIMUS-235)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.2 (19.05.2017)Corrections:
- Fixed the operation of the Personal Data Processing option in the 1-click purchase form
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.3 (22.05.2017)Corrections:
- The captcha was not displayed on the password recovery page when the main module option “Use CAPTCHA when recovering the password” was enabled (OPTIMUS-253)
- The parameters for the 404 error were not passed to the news detail page component template (OPTIMUS-253)
- In the list of section products, when displayed as a table, the price of the product was displayed without a discount, even with the option disabled for the complex catalog component (OPTIMUS-257)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.4 (24.05.2017)Corrections:
- Incorrect amount for the forgotten cart in the small cart email template (OPTIMUS-233)
- Incorrect layout of the Delete/Save in Trash buttons if any of them is disabled for display in the component parameters (OPTIMUS-260)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.5 (09.08.2017)New in version and improvements:
- Added a checkbox for consent to the processing of personal data to the subscription page (OPTIMUS-299)
- Added phone mask to the checkout page (OPTIMUS-330)
- When you change the quantity of a purchased product, the total price in the product card and the list of items changes (OPTIMUS-341)
- Added consideration of the unit of measurement coefficient when setting the maximum value in the “Quantity” field for a product
- Added a setting to the Control Center that allows you to remove/install automatic consent to the processing of personal data (MSHOP-307)
- An incorrect picture was displayed in the product card when the “Magnifier” setting was installed in the detailed picture display mode (OPTIMUS-234)
- The title of the browser window in the product card was reset (OPTIMUS-268)
- The discount price was not displayed if the “Display old price” option for the component was disabled (OPTIMUS-272)
- The section description was not displayed if in the parameters of the complex catalog component the option “Show elements of section subsections” was set to “Do not show” (OPTIMUS-276)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.6 (22.08.2017)New in version and improvements:
- Added a setting to the Control Center that allows you to remove/set the display of the total amount when changing the quantity of a purchased product in the product card and list of items
- Added display of a drop-down menu with catalog subsections in the navigation chain when linking an element to several sections
- In the adaptive version, pictures in the gallery in the product card were scrolling incorrectly (OPTIMUS-149)
- Pictures were not scrolling through the pop-up window in the gallery in the product card (OPTIMUS-355)
- The discount expiration date was not displayed for products with trade offers (OPTIMUS-282)
- The state of consent to the processing of personal data was not saved on the ordering page when changing payment, delivery, city, payer type (OPTIMUS-352)
- The price and the “Buy” button were not displayed for products with trade offers when the composite mode was turned on (OPTIMUS-356)
- The store name was incorrectly transferred in the list of elements (OPTIMUS-245)
- After submitting the “Ask a Question” form, the product name in the form field was reset in the product card (OPTIMUS-277)
- In the adaptive version, when displaying a list of elements with the “List” option, the name of the element was displayed without taking into account the SEO settings for the title (OPTIMUS-343)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.7 (28.08.2017)New in version and improvements:
- A setting has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component, which allows you to remove/set the display of the product article if it is not in the product card for trade offers (OPTIMUS-347)
- A setting has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component, which allows you to remove/set the display of units of measurement together with the coefficient when displaying the minimum price of a product with trade offers in the product card and list (OPTIMUS-353)
- Added display of extended prices for products (OPTIMUS-354)
- Added placeholder for properties with the “number” type to the smart filter (OPTIMUS-345)
- Changed default page type from article to websit for Open Graph markup (OPTIMUS-342)
- Added a setting to the parameters of the complex catalog component that allows you to remove/set the display of savings and discount amount (OPTIMUS-188)
- Added support for canonical links in news, articles, promotions (OPTIMUS-312)
- The adaptive version did not display the announcement description for the product card (OPTIMUS-323)
- Incorrect layout of tooltips for properties in the product card (OPTIMUS-311)
- The bulleted list was not displayed in edit mode (OPTIMUS-350)
- The minimum price warning was not displayed in the cart if the currency's "Decimal point for withdrawal" setting was "," (OPTIMUS-333)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.8 (12.09.2017)New in version and improvements:
- Added a setting to the Control Center that allows you to remove/install replacement of the standard captcha with Google reCaptcha (OPTIMUS-313)
- The “Old price for products” setting has been added to the Control Center. It allows you to display a certain type of price (for example, used for a discount in 1C) as crossed out. If you use this setting, disable discounts to correctly display prices in the product card (OPTIMUS-373)
- Added events that allow you to customize the display of prices, buy buttons, and availability. Description and example of the call - in include.php of the solution module
- Added additional social network icons to the “Share” block, registration/authorization and site footer (OPTIMUS-326)
- For more convenient setup of the search page, the parameters “Search without taking into account morphology (if there is no search result)”, “Enable auto-detection of keyboard layout)”, “Disable processing of words as logical operators” for the product search page (OPTIMUS-290) have been added to the complex catalog component.
- In the adaptive version, the “More details” button on the main page in the tabs was cut off (OPTIMUS-332)
- W3C validator errors were thrown when checking the main page (OPTIMUS-284)
- The phone mask was not displayed when editing an order profile in your personal account (OPTIMUS-360)
- In AJAX mode, the discount expiration date was not displayed in the catalog and the “More details” button was not navigated (OPTIMUS-370)
- The total price in the cart was calculated incorrectly if the currency had a “,” sign as a separator (OPTIMUS-362)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.9 (06.12.2017)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to subscribe to a product without authorization. For the functionality to work correctly, it is necessary that the “Use notifications about the arrival of goods” option is enabled in the online store module settings.
- Added a parameter to the complex catalog component that allows you to enable/disable the display of a discount counter in the list of items
- Added display of tooltips for the properties of trade offers in the product card (OPTIMUS-65)
- A setting has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component that allows you to clear/set the display of the number of values in filter properties (OPTIMUS-154)
- Added the ability to search by properties of trade offers. To do this, you need to enable the “Property values are included in the search” option in the property settings and re-index the site (OPTIMUS-171)
- A setting “Display savings for products in a flying cart” has been added to the Control Center, allowing you to enable/disable the display of savings in a flying cart (OPTIMUS-165)
- Added the ability to hide the description of subsections and sections on the item list page. Section description is now displayed only on the first page of the list (OPTIMUS-437)
- The password in the password recovery form was not changed when the “Use CAPTCHA when recovering password” setting was enabled (OPTIMUS-447)
- The remaining quantity of the product in the block with the expiration date of the discount was not hidden when changing the setting in the Control Center “Display product availability for groups” (OPTIMUS-366)
- In the shopping cart on the adaptive version, the selected size of the trade offer was displayed as an empty square (OPTIMUS-392)
- The output of discounts for products with trade offers was duplicated (OPTIMUS-383)
- When the magnifying glass mode was turned on and the transition to the second or next picture was performed, the lower slider switched to the first image. It was impossible to select other items in the photo gallery (OPTIMUS-382)
- The wrong value was displayed for placeholder in the filter on the element list page (OPTIMUS-379)
- When opening a deactivated section in the directory, status 200 was displayed (OPTIMUS-427)
- When Yandex E-commerce, Google E-commerce was enabled, or when services were enabled at the same time, the order was placed without going to the notification page that the order had been completed (OPTIMUS-446)
- When quickly pressing the “Submit” button in the “Buy in 1 click” form, duplicate orders occurred (OPTIMUS-408)
- Errors in micro-marking of bread crumbs (OPTIMUS-420)
- The word “Article” was missing when the option “Display product article if TP does not have its own article value” was enabled in the settings of the “Catalogue” component (OPTIMUS-385)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.10 (27.12.2017)New in version and improvements:
- A parameter has been added to the complex catalog component that allows you to enable/disable the calculation of the discount validity period for each sales offer (OPTIMUS-377)
- Added output of the quantity of each item from a set if the number of at least one item in the set is greater than one (OPTIMUS-462)
- Added display of prices for products on the comparison page (OPTIMUS-376)
- The “Login equals email address” setting has been added to the Control Center, which allows you to enable/disable setting the login to the email address value (OPTIMUS-387)
- The defer/compare buttons were not displayed in the product card on the phone (OPTIMUS-150)
- SKU icons were displayed incorrectly in the cart if the product had many sales offers (OPTIMUS-457)
- An incorrect image was displayed for a product with trade offers on the item list page in the absence of properties for selecting trade offers (OPTIMUS-458)
- The wrong image was displayed for trade offers on the comparison page (OPTIMUS-303)
- The “Postpone” button was not displayed when comparison was turned off for products with trade offers (OPTIMUS-193)
- The drop-down block in the top menu was not displayed if the menu item was marked with an ellipsis (OPTIMUS-465)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.11 (26.01.2018)New in version and improvements:
- Added a second type of display of catalog subsections in the left menu. Configured in the Control Center (OPTIMUS-116)
- Added the ability to display Captcha in the quick order form (OPTIMUS-153)
- Improved functionality for authorization on the site via social networks. If a user logs in/registers via social networks and there is already a user with the same email address on the site, a single profile will be created without duplicates
- Added scrolling of viewed products on the phone (OPTIMUS-229)
- Added the ability to configure the order of social networks in the site footer through the component parameters (OPTIMUS-475)
- Added a new “Block” display type for related products in the “Manufacturers”, “Promotions”, “News”, “Articles” sections. Configurable via component parameters (OPTIMUS-293)
- Added price output in the “Services” section from the “Price” property
- Added the ability to set the SKU display type separately for each section (NEXT-412)
- The order amount was not recalculated when changing the payment system (OPTIMUS-459)
- A quick order from a detailed product card was not processed correctly if items had previously been added to the cart (OPTIMUS-471)
- The "All" link was not displayed in the pagination navigation
- Page navigation was not displayed for reviews on the catalog item detail page (OPTIMUS-452)
- On Mac devices in the Chrome browser a stripe appeared near the main banner (OPTIMUS-289)
- The quantity of products for related products was not displayed when the setting was installed in the Control Center (OPTIMUS-470)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.12 (22.02.2018)New in version and improvements:
- Support for the new standard cart template from 1C-Bitrix has been implemented. The new template is enabled by default when updating the platform and solution
- In the product card, sorting for trade offers did not work when the oid parameter was not specified (OPTIMUS-477)
- The product card did not display pictures for properties for trade offers if one of the values did not have a picture (OPTIMUS-435)
- The product card incorrectly displayed the price and discount for products in the “Gifts” block (OPTIMUS-227)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.2.0 (18.04.2018)New in version and improvements:
- Added landing pages for SEO and advertising. You can create an unlimited number of pages in the catalog and as separate landing pages, collected in the “Reviews” section
- Added the ability to edit custom customization files custom.css and custom.js from the module settings in a separate section “For Developers”
- Added the ability to display properties with the “File” type in the “1-Click Purchase” form (OPTIMUS-220)
- For products, the discount amount was not rounded as a percentage in the “Savings” block (OPTIMUS-490)
- SEO values were not set for the “Stores” section if stores were displayed from the information block (OPTIMUS-444)
- The purchased quantity was rounded incorrectly with a fractional coefficient of the unit of measurement for goods (OPTIMUS-286)
- Flipping through products in the “Personal Recommendations”, “Accessories”, “Similar Products” blocks did not work correctly on mobile devices (OPTIMUS-404)
- The price of products in the list of items was displayed incorrectly when selecting the “Tile” template type in composite mode (OPTIMUS-489)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.3.0 (10.08.2018)New in version and improvements:
- Added “Quick View” to display a detailed product card from the list (OPTIMUS-242)
- Added a new display type “without tabs” for the detailed product card
- Added the ability to connect any font from the Google Fonts library in the solution settings
- Added the “always display” option to the “Show product total amount in the list and on the detail page” setting in the Control Center (OPTIMUS-525)
- Added the ability to display related sections for linked products on pages: brands, news, articles. To do this, you need to enable/disable the option “Display sections of related products” in the parameters of the complex news component (OPTIMUS-496)
- Added the ability to change filtering by year in news/articles - either through a “$_GET” request or through a regular address. To do this, you need to enable/disable the option “Filter elements by year via $_GET request” in the parameters of the complex news component (OPTIMUS-505)
- The height of blocks for products with trade offers on the page with a list of items was incorrectly recalculated (OPTIMUS-504)
- If an inactive product was added to similar products/accessories, then the accessories/similar products and the block with personal recommendations stopped appearing (OPTIMUS-511)
- When uploading a logo file through the Control Center, the meta tag “og:image” was set to an incorrect value (OPTIMUS-509)
- The incorrect price was displayed in composite mode for products with trade offers on the detailed page of the catalog (OPTIMUS-503)
- When replacing standard captcha with Google recaptcha was enabled and captcha was enabled on the forum, when trying to send a message, a message was displayed indicating an incorrect verification code (OPTIMUS-515)
- When the SEO values were set for detailed alt and title images of an element on the detailed page of a catalog product, the images of sales offers displayed incorrect alt and title (OPTIMUS-517)
- When using an ajax filter on the catalog item list page, subsections were duplicated after the filtering results (OPTIMUS-513)
- If the “Login is equal to email” checkbox is not checked in the Control Center, then when recovering the password there is no way to recover it using the login (OPTIMUS-500)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.3.1 (27.12.2018)New in version and improvements:
- Added integration with AmoCRM and Flowlu
- Added page navigation to related products in brands, articles, news in block display (OPTIMUS-499)
- Improved metrics for Google PageSpeed Insights (OPTIMUS-555)
- Added display of units of measurement in the flying basket
- Partition images were displayed incorrectly on a slow Internet connection (OPTIMUS-538)
- Fixed display of the ruble sign in the total cost block (OPTIMUS-543)
- Incorrect layout in quick view if you remove the 1-click purchase (OPTIMUS-536)
- Purchase rights for price types were not taken into account when placing an order in 1 click (OPTIMUS-545)
- Missing values in trade offers were not hidden (OPTIMUS-542)
- The wrong unit of measurement was displayed for the products included in the kit (OPTIMUS-388)
- Incorrect operation of the gallery slider for products with trade offers on the detail page (OPTIMUS-548)
- The text color of the banner description on landing pages was not set (OPTIMUS-535)
- In page navigation, the link to the first page was prefixed with “PAGEN_” (OPTIMUS-549)
- Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica counters were connected to third-party website templates if the solution module was installed
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.0 (14.03.2019)New in version and improvements:
- Added a new ordering template “v1” with open blocks for filling. The template is selected in the settings of the checkout component
- Added an Instagram block to the main page. The block is connected in the solution module settings
- Added feedback form “Found cheaper”. The parameters “Show the form “Found cheaper”” and “Link text “Found cheaper”” are located in the settings of the catalog component (OPTIMUS-493)
- Added options “Display filter for related products”, “Use ajax filter”, “Display sections of related products on the left side” to the parameters of the news component to configure the appearance of the manufacturers page
- Added options “Display a filter for found products” and “Display sections of found products on the left side” to the catalog component to customize the look of the search page
- The wrong price was displayed for items that must be purchased to receive a gift (OPTIMUS-559)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.1 (10.07.2019)New in version and improvements:
- In the vacancy section, the Salary property can output a string value (OPTIMUS-483)
- Tabs on the detailed card have been adjusted for the mobile version (OPTIMUS-177)
- The Instagram block on the main page is hidden if there are no posts or an incorrect API Token is entered (OPTIMUS-589)
- Added the ability to sort categories in the “Q&A” section (OPTIMUS-389)
- Error in canonical links when using multisite (OPTIMUS-587)
- Incorrect operation of quick order in a detailed product card when using hidden Google reCAPTCHA (OPTIMUS-571)
- When ajax mode is enabled, the slider in the product card does not load (OPTIMUS-552)
- Typos in the public part of the site (OPTIMUS-532)
- Fixed an error in selecting a trade offer property that is only available for subscription (OPTIMUS-508, OPTIMUS-522)
- In the quick view, the display of product properties has been adjusted, the values are shown in full (OPTIMUS-570)
- Corrected output of directory subsections in IE (OPTIMUS-557)
- Corrected menu display in the mobile version in IE (OPTIMUS-541)
- Generating a product link in the list taking into account the child section (OPTIMUS-507)
- Transferring the “Product” field from the “Ask a question” form in a detailed product card without tabs (OPTIMUS-576)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.2 (06.08.2019)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to hide the “Popular Categories” section in the catalog component settings (OPTIMUS-546)
- Added the ability to disable pictures in the menu in the module settings (OPTIMUS-530)
- For types of displaying products in tiles and tables, the ability to display the article has been added (OPTIMUS-122, OPTIMUS-421)
- Now the zero price is not displayed. In the module settings, the ability to specify text to replace the zero price has been added (OPTIMUS-401, OPTIMUS-502)
- The button to go to cart did not work in landscape orientation on mobile devices (OPTIMUS-574)
- The phone number in the quick order form was not always automatically filled in from the user profile (OPTIMUS-169)
- The “Show more” button did not work correctly on the brand page (OPTIMUS-583)
- Google e-commerce operation has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-577, OPTIMUS-591)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.3 (12.12.2019)New in version and improvements:
- The logic of operation in the mobile menu has been changed. Now items are revealed only by clicking on the arrows, otherwise the link will be followed. (OPTIMUS-110)
- The Instagram widget has been adjusted for the new Instagram API conditions (OPTIMUS-614)
- In the solution settings, the ability to configure the display of tabs has been added (OPTIMUS-609)
- The installation of the solution has been adapted for version 20 of “1C-Bitrix: Site Management” (OPTIMUS-617)
- Improved adaptability of floating banners on the main page (OPTIMUS-339)
- Under certain conditions, the banner link overlapped the button links (OPTIMUS-595)
- The operation of the “In stock” property has been adjusted to display information about missing products in the smart filter (OPTIMUS-600)
- To go back from a trade offer to the list of products, you had to double-click the back button in the browser (OPTIMUS-575)
- Under certain conditions, registration did not occur when ordering in 1 click (OPTIMUS-613)
- Fixed display of the trade offer property without a picture (OPTIMUS-534)
- The #SALE_EMAIL# marker did not work in the quick order email template (OPTIMUS-463)
- Minor fixes (OPTIMUS-274, OPTIMUS-413, OPTIMUS-601, OPTIMUS-620)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.4 (30.12.2019)Corrections:
- The addition of a simple product and a product with a trade offer through the public part of the site has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-625)
- Adding a kit to cart did not work correctly (OPTIMUS-624)
- The image size was displayed incorrectly in delivery services when placing an order (OPTIMUS-556)
- On the product comparison page, the layout of the block with the name of the characteristics was moving (OPTIMUS-604)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.5.0 (28.01.2020)New in version and improvements:
- Added a new way to configure products for cross-selling (OPTIMUS-608)
- Implemented a compact view of displaying a smart filter in the catalog (OPTIMUS-607)
- Added a convenient smart filter in the mobile version (OPTIMUS-626)
- Implemented support for reCaptcha v3 (OPTIMUS-558)
- Improved Yandex.Map: styles of controls have been updated; when you click on a point, the address, contact information and store operating hours are displayed (OPTIMUS-294)
- Some raster icons have been replaced with vector SVG ones
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.5.1 (14.04.2020)New in version and improvements:
- Added display of product comparison page and personal account with a flying cart to the shopping cart and checkout page (OPTIMUS-619)
- To the list of social networks added Pinterest (OPTIMUS-628)
- The identifier of trade offers did not work, except for oid (OPTIMUS-584)
- The search page did not take into account the properties of trade offers if the information block of the catalog and trade offers were placed in different types of information block (OPTIMUS-630)
- Version of document icons has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-627)
- The preview image for the video on Instagram was not loaded (OPTIMUS-637)
- On the features page, tabs behaved incorrectly in adaptive mode (OPTIMUS-615)
- Gifts were displayed incorrectly on the detailed product page with tabs (OPTIMUS-622)
- The “First Name” and “Last Name” fields of the client were not filled in via quick order (OPTIMUS-623)
- If the product name had quotation marks, it was displayed incorrectly in the “Found cheaper” form (OPTIMUS-598)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.5.2 (16.06.2020)New in version and improvements:
- The algorithm for how trade offers work in the list of products, on the main page, and in brands has been changed. Now the source code of the page is much smaller, the page loading speed will increase. On the main page in the “Our offers” block a button “Add to cart” has been added (OPTIMUS-415)
- Popular categories (related landing pages) can now be moved to the top (OPTIMUS-633)
- Added/supplemented headings when hovering over cart, comparison and pending items (OPTIMUS-645)
- Improved display of product detail page for SKU 2 on mobile devices (OPTIMUS-564)
- Added the ability to attach a logo in svg format (OPTIMUS-461)
- The option “Load the mobile menu only when first displayed” has been added to the solution settings. The enabled option allows you to avoid duplicating menu items in the source code of each page of the site, thereby reducing the size of the composite cache on projects with a large number of directory sections. On mobile devices, the contents of the mobile menu will be loaded with a separate Ajax request when it is first opened (OPTIMUS-422)
- Improved usability of the drop-down menu in the header: now you can hover diagonally over sub-items thanks to a slight delay (OPTIMUS-375)
- Fixed warning in navigation chain markup (OPTIMUS-585)
- The article was not displayed if it was multiple (OPTIMUS-640)
- If two sites are open in two different tabs, then the links and cart counters were shared between them (OPTIMUS-491)
- When registering via quick order, the first and last names were reversed (OPTIMUS-514)
- Substituting the browser title from the section property did not work if there were no products in the section (OPTIMUS-418)
- Fixed the logic of the directory component parameter “Show elements of section subsections” (OPTIMUS-581)
- The buttons in the set were displayed incorrectly (OPTIMUS-643)
- Required fields during registration did not have asterisks in checkout (OPTIMUS-642)
- When using a vertical and horizontal ajax smart filter, if the name or value of the property was in Russian, the link was displayed with a broken encoding (OPTIMUS-644)
- Added consideration of the “Login equals email” option when registering during checkout (OPTIMUS-641)
- Fixed layout of the total cost in quick view if the buy in 1 click button is disabled (OPTIMUS-639)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.0 (02.07.2020)New in version and improvements:
- Added a function to display only visible images: “Use LazyLoad loading images.” The setting is enabled in the module parameters (OPTIMUS-634)
- Implemented the ability to display discount predictions in the product card and quick view (OPTIMUS-331, OPTIMUS-567)
- Added navigation chain display on mobile devices (OPTIMUS-568)
- Implemented the ability to install compact breadcrumbs in the catalog on mobile devices (OPTIMUS-650)
- On mobile devices, search functionality by titles has been added. The search line appears by clicking on the search icon (OPTIMUS-580, OPTIMUS-285)
- Added the ability to display pictures in the left menu of the catalog (OPTIMUS-529)
- Implemented the ability to display svg icons in the left and drop-down menus of the catalog. Sections now have a property for loading an svg icon
- The option “Display an announcement image of an offer in the properties for selection” has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component, which allows you to display an announcement image of a separate offer in a detailed card and list of products instead of an image from the directory (OPTIMUS-592)
- Corrected display of the list of sections on the catalog index page (OPTIMUS-646)
- Corrected the formation of a link to the detailed page of a trade offer without the oid parameter (OPTIMUS-649)
- When there were a large number of sections in the drop-down menu, the scrolling option did not appear (OPTIMUS-652)
- When resizing the browser window, the width of products in the “You looked before” block was not recalculated (OPTIMUS-629)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.1 (11.08.2020)New in version and improvements:
- For tabs on the main page, the functionality of loading goods using the “Show more” button has been implemented (OPTIMUS-474)
- The option “Show the first available offer image if the product image is not filled in” has been added to the solution settings (OPTIMUS-663)
- Implemented the ability to enable/disable the “Delay” button in the solution settings for the entire online store (OPTIMUS-664)
- Added the ability to download a separate logo for a mail template (OPTIMUS-665)
- The gallery of supported formats for downloaded documents has been expanded (OPTIMUS-631)
- Added brand markup to micro markup in the detailed product card (OPTIMUS-443)
- Added a quick purchase button in the cart in the header (OPTIMUS-419)
- The solution has been tested to work on PHP 7.4
- The display of product sales offers has been adjusted if the property had an image loaded into the directory and the setting was used to display the announcement image in the selection property (OPTIMUS-656)
- If more than one video was placed in the product card, then an empty tab with characteristics appeared (OPTIMUS-653)
- If the type of a trading offer property was selected in the smart filter “Drop-down list”, then switching of trading offers did not occur (OPTIMUS-655)
- The properties of trade offers were not displayed in the product card without tabs (OPTIMUS-657)
- Fixed errors in micro markup (OPTIMUS-662, OPTIMUS-635)
- An incorrect link was generated to the first page in pagination navigation in search (OPTIMUS-659)
- The layout of products with out-of-stock trade offers has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-658)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.2 (06.10.2020)Technical update
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.3 (11.11.2020)New in version and improvements:
- The option “Compact view of the product list when displayed as tiles” for mobile devices has been added to the solution settings (OPTIMUS-691)
- Support for the SVG format has been implemented for the favicon (OPTIMUS-686)
- Added the “Display product comparison” setting to the solution module, which allows you to disable product comparison on the entire site (OPTIMUS-178)
- Improved display of your personal account on mobile devices: icons are now displayed in two columns (OPTIMUS-692)
- In the Tile view product list on mobile devices, the purchase button is now immediately visible (OPTIMUS-677)
- Fixed validation errors on the main page of the site (OPTIMUS-690)
- Fixed micro markup errors on the product page (OPTIMUS-679, OPTIMUS-673)
- In the “Services” section, the price and the “More details” button were not displayed for related products when displayed in a block (OPTIMUS-683)
- In the “Promotions” section, a link to a product with a trade offer was not generated if the block display option was selected (OPTIMUS-670)
- In the list of products, when displaying some types of properties, switching of trade offers did not occur (OPTIMUS-685)
- On the brand detail page on mobile devices, the scroll bar did not appear for the filter (OPTIMUS-693)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.4 (18.11.2020)Corrections:
- The solution’s operation has been adapted to the new platform requirements from the 1C-Bitrix update version 20.100.0 - remove the value “mbstring.func_overload” (OPTIMUS-709)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.5 (01.09.2021)New in version and improvements:
- The option “Does your online store operate under a public offer?” has been added to the solution settings. When activated, on the checkout page and the 1-click purchase form, a check mark of agreement with the offer will be displayed (OPTIMUS-696)
- Added a note about required fields in feedback forms (OPTIMUS-724)
- Improved display of characteristics on the detailed product page - reduced block width (OPTIMUS-701)
- Payment system icons in the site footer have been updated (OPTIMUS-718)
- Removed the unused option “Text of the expression “Delivery 0 rubles”” from the solution settings (OPTIMUS-533)
- The “You must change your password at next login” setting did not work (OPTIMUS-739)
- When the “Protect user logout from CSRF” option was enabled in the main module settings, the “Logout” button in the personal account did not work (OPTIMUS-713)
- Fixed resetting some composite site parameters to default values when saving solution settings (OPTIMUS-736)
- Fixed an error in displaying the main page when entering the special character "(double quote) in the solution installer (OPTIMUS-741)
- The display of comparison icons in personal recommendations on the detailed product page has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-704)
- The display of the “Compare product” and “Save product” buttons on mobile devices has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-705)
- Fixed check for consent to the processing of personal data on sites where the Aspro solution is not installed (OPTIMUS-731)
- Removed page navigation on the detailed services page of the related products block (OPTIMUS-682)
- The “Text with promotion” sticker was displayed incorrectly on the product card if it contained long text (OPTIMUS-712)
- SKU 2 did not open when clicking on the “More details” button on the product detail page (OPTIMUS-725)
- Fixed “jumps” on product detail page when hovering over the edge of a linked product (OPTIMUS-702)
- When displaying a catalog dropdown menu at the bottom, the items were expanded, causing the menu to be too long (OPTIMUS-710)
- The link from the main banner did not work when the text position “Image Only” was enabled (OPTIMUS-719)
- The article did not change when switching trade offers in the product list (OPTIMUS-742)
- Fixed W3C validation errors on product detail page (OPTIMUS-718)
- The accounting of the minimum order amount in the cart in the header has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-711)
- Fixed an error when registering using Google reCaptcha v3 (OPTIMUS-733)
- The display of the ruble sign in the letter when placing a quick order has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-734)
- Fixed title for SEO on landing page in reviews (OPTIMUS-743)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.6 (26.10.2021)New in version and improvements:
- Added fixed header for desktop and mobile devices (OPTIMUS-729, OPTIMUS-751)
- The search page now has the ability to sort by relevance (OPTIMUS-134)
- The width has been increased to 500 px, from which the flying basket and personal account will be transferred to the mobile header (OPTIMUS-732)
- The message about successful submission of the “Ask a Question” form on the product detail page is highlighted in a green frame (OPTIMUS-748)
- In the news list, the effect of increasing the brightness of the picture when hovering over a news item has been removed (OPTIMUS-737)
- There was no notification about review pre-moderation for a user without administrative rights (OPTIMUS-678)
- When activating the setting “Allow adding products to the cart that do not have all the characteristics filled in” and adding to the cart a product with a sales offer that did not have one of the characteristics filled in, an error occurred (OPTIMUS-747)
- In Safari, autofocus on the "Phone" field when changing the value in the "Location" field on the checkout page has been fixed (OPTIMUS-602)
- Adjusted switching the availability of fields with the names of the “To order” and “Subscribe” buttons for a missing product when changing the values for this field (OPTIMUS-699)
- Fixed validation of required fields in the “1-click purchase” form (OPTIMUS-752)
- Corrected closing the “Buy in 1 click” form and calling it on the page (OPTIMUS-707)
- The “Save” button was displayed for unavailable products (OPTIMUS-708)
- Products were not added to the deferred list in the “List” product display type (OPTIMUS-745)
- The display of the “mail.ru” icon on the registration and authorization pages has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-716)
- Fixed a typo in the caption for an element in the “Employees” information block (OPTIMUS-717)
- Reviews on the product detail page were not deleted (OPTIMUS-723)
- The price display in the “Choose one of the products to receive a gift” block has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-727)
- Fixed display of total cost when switching trade offers (OPTIMUS-728)
- In product reviews, image loading when clicked with the “Lazyload” solution setting enabled has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-735)
- Removed unused "Display product comparison" option from component settings (OPTIMUS-746)
- The width of the characteristics block has been adjusted for the “Without tabs” catalog view (OPTIMUS-750)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.7 (20.12.2021)New in version and improvements:
- Added new types of displaying sections and subsections of the catalog (OPTIMUS-730, OPTIMUS-764, OPTIMUS-765)
- Implemented output of services in sections (OPTIMUS-648)
- Added choice of connected maps for the entire site - Google or Yandex (OPTIMUS-593)
- For trade offers, the ability to display the names of properties of the “Directory” type instead of the missing image has been added (OPTIMUS-761)
- The list of icons for attached files in rar, zip, ppt, pptx formats has been expanded (OPTIMUS-721)
- Updated VKontakte icon in the site footer (OPTIMUS-756)
- Font-awesome icons were not displayed in the personal account (OPTIMUS-558)
- The compact filter did not hide sorting by price if the cost of the goods was not filled in (OPTIMUS-722)
- The ruble sign was displayed incorrectly on the product detail page if the product cost was 8 (OPTIMUS-754)
- Corrected display of the “Save” button for unavailable products (OPTIMUS-757)
- The quantity of goods added to the cart was not taken into account when manually entered into the field (OPTIMUS-759)
- Changing the password did not work when the “Login is equal to email address” option was inactive (OPTIMUS-760)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.8 (30.12.2021)Corrections:
- When placing an order, checkboxes for consent to the processing of personal data and a public offer have been stabilized when switching payment and delivery methods (OPTIMUS-770)
- Elements were not displayed in news and articles when switching to the tab with the year of publication (OPTIMUS-772)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.0 (03.03.2022)New in version and improvements:
- Added delivery cost calculation to the product card (OPTIMUS-605)
- Improved speed of opening web forms in popup windows: added use of flexbox (OPTIMUS-776)
- The position of the “Load more” button in the tabs on the main page has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-773)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.1 (16.03.2022)Corrections:
- Fixed work of the “Buy in one click” form on mobile devices (OPTIMUS-780)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.2 (19.05.2022)New in version and improvements:
- In the detailed product card, a link to a detailed description has been added for the arrow next to the text “More details” (OPTIMUS-784)
- If a site was already installed before installing the solution, the solution overwrote the site name in the main module (OPTIMUS-771)
- Corrected display of gift properties in the cart (OPTIMUS-767)
- The option “Hide link if there is no detailed description” did not work for brands (OPTIMUS-782)
- When Ajax mode was enabled in brands, the filter was reset when switching pages with products (OPTIMUS-769)
- Corrected processing of fonts from the Google Fonts library with the display=swap property (OPTIMUS-783)
- Fixed the search icon in the cart on mobile devices (OPTIMUS-781)
- The logo from the site structure and media library did not load (OPTIMUS-768)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.3 (06.07.2022)Corrections:
- For products, a bug in the discount block has been fixed - the outdated CAllCurrencyLang class has been updated (OPTIMUS-795)
- In the block of catalog elements on the main page, the display of products has been corrected if there are less than three of them (OPTIMUS-793)
- When installing the solution, the ID of the catalog information block was incorrectly entered into the files that are necessary for the correct display of the product comparison counter (OPTIMUS-794)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.4 (20.07.2022)Corrections:
- The operation of the solution has been adjusted taking into account the latest update 1C-Bitrix 22.100.0: the code has been updated for JQuery version 1.12.4 (OPTIMUS-800)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.5 (21.09.2022)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to add related products to the cart (OPTIMUS-668)
- The display of products in the catalog has been accelerated when the “Use display of prices with ranges” option is enabled (OPTIMUS-788)
- Added rel=alternative tag to link between desktop and mobile versions (OPTIMUS-798)
- Added note for Instagram (OPTIMUS-799)
- Adjusted the calculation of the height of related products in the list and in tabs on the main page (OPTIMUS-714)
- The text of the “trade offer” value did not change when switching in the list (OPTIMUS-789)
- Corrected the link to the “deferred items” page in the mobile version when the “flying basket” is enabled (OPTIMUS-791)
- Switching to the “Description” tab did not work when clicking on the “Details” button on the detailed product page (OPTIMUS-792)
- The “Found cheaper” form was not created during a clean installation of the solution (OPTIMUS-803)
- Fixed JS cart error in console when compositing is enabled (OPTIMUS-804)
- Unavailable trade offers were not hidden in the search when the “Unavailable trade offers: do not display” option was enabled (OPTIMUS-805)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.6 (01.03.2023)New in version and improvements:
- The solution and installer have been tested on PHP 8.1 (OPTIMUS-815, OPTIMUS-816)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.7 (05.06.2023)Corrections:
- The menu cache was formed incorrectly (OPTIMUS-835)
- The display of prices in the list of products has been adjusted after updating 1C-Bitrix 23.300.0 (OPTIMUS-833)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you contributed
changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.8 (28.06.2023)Corrections:
- Fixed a bug with displaying the preposition “From” (OPTIMUS-818)
- Fixed a bug where the username was not displayed when quoting in comments (OPTIMUS-840)
- Changed the title display for the social media block in the footer (OPTIMUS-820)
- Removed rel="alternate" attribute for communication with the mobile version (OPTIMUS-827)
- Fixed error 500 when loading a list of stores (OPTIMUS-832)
- Fixed cart behavior when adding a product again (OPTIMUS-839)
- Changed the display logic of related products (OPTIMUS-830)
- Fixed layout of the currency symbol in the personal account (OPTIMUS-843)
- Fixed a number of bugs and warnings related to PHP 8 version (OPTIMUS-819)
- Corrected payment and delivery images on the order detail page (OPTIMUS-842)
- Added a link to a detailed description of the product in the detailed card (OPTIMUS-823)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.9 (15.08.2023)New in version and improvements:
- Updated product comparison component template (OPTIMUS-824)
- Fixed a bug where the filter by price in the catalog was selected by default (OPTIMUS-856)
- Fixed a bug where the address of warehouses was duplicated in the availability block on the detailed product page (OPTIMUS-854)
- Fixed a bug where the card and list of products would no longer be displayed if the product’s “Number of Voters” and “Sum of Ratings” properties were not filled in (OPTIMUS-855)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.10 (29.01.2023)New in version and improvements:
- Added loading animation (preloader) for 1-click purchase (OPTIMUS-809)
- When using extended prices other than 1, the minimum value was not set in the product quantity field (OPTIMUS-875)
- Fixed saving changes in the cross-selling information block (OPTIMUS-872)
- Fixed product linking in cross-selling (OPTIMUS-869)
- The deferred item was added to the cart only when the “Add to cart” button was clicked again (OPTIMUS-867)
- Corrected centering of the map in the “Contacts” section (OPTIMUS-871)
- Corrected display of long product names in the catalog list (OPTIMUS-873)
- The display of the catalog drop-down menu in the side column has been adjusted. Depending on the proximity of the menu to the footer, the items will be pressed to the top or remain at the level of the active link (OPTIMUS-853)
- Corrected display of the top drop-down menu in the header (OPTIMUS-848)
- Corrected display of the “Close” button in the feedback form (OPTIMUS-868)
- On new installations, the description of the “Last name, first name, middle name” field in your personal account has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-869)
- Fixed a typo in the options.php file (OPTIMUS-870)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.11 (03.05.2024)New in version and improvements:
- Added the ability to move blocks and tabs on the detailed product card (OPTIMUS-797)
- Fixed map centering in the "Shops" section (OPTIMUS-879)
- Accounting for password requirements for unauthorized users has been adjusted (OPTIMUS-885)
- Fixed incorrect style of the “Ask a Question” button (OPTIMUS-886)
- Fixed cross-selling with infoblocks 2.0 (OPTIMUS-889)
- Fixed disabling the comparison button in the mobile header (OPTIMUS-888)
- Focus has been adjusted when opening search on mobile devices (OPTIMUS-892)
- The menu style has been adjusted when displaying 4 levels of menu nesting and a significant list of subsections (OPTIMUS-890)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!