Анонс модуля "Аспро: Next" - новое слово в создании интернет-магазинов на платформе Битрикс. Уникальный функционал, современный дизайн и высокая производительность для эффективного онлайн-бизнеса.
Аспро: Next – это универсальный интернет-магазин для товаров любой тематики с полноценной мультирегиональностью и посадочными страницами в каталоге, обзорах и поиске. Создан с учетом особых потребностей проектов, которые планируют развиваться и масштабироваться. Используйте безграничные возможности, чтобы создать свой уникальный интернет-магазин на основе готового решения!
Ваш уникальный интернет-магазин на готовом решении. Легко и быстро изменяйте внешний вид главной страницы, каталога, разделов и отдельных элементов благодаря новым настройкам оформления.
Заряжен на высокие продажи. Интеграция с 1С, службами доставки, системами оплаты, Яндекс.Метрикой, Google Analytics и набор инструментов для повышения конверсии – все для того, чтобы продажи стартовали с первого дня запуска.
Улучшенная адаптивность для идеального отображения на любых устройствах. Отдельные настройки для мобильной версии со свайп-меню и вариантами отображения шапки сайта.
Расширенные возможности для SEO-продвижения. Настраиваемые блоки для SEO-текста, чистая микроразметка, автоматическая генерация метатегов, дополнительные возможности в виде посадочных страниц и мультирегиональности с отдельными метками для наименований и настройками для каждого региона. Выйти в топ будет легко!
Инструменты для роста и масштабирования. Встроенная мультирегиональность и новая технологическая платформа позволят вам быстро и с минимальными затратами внедрять новый функционал и открывать новые представительства.
Удобство для разработчиков. Аспро: Next станет отличной основой для разработки интернет-магазина. Благодаря новой технологической платформе и архитектуре вы сможете дорабатывать решение без костылей и страха потерять изменения при очередном обновлении.
Впервые в решениях Аспро! Мультирегиональность и конструктор посадочных страниц Функционал, доступный на крупных проектах и в виде индивидуальных доработок, теперь есть и в готовом решении.
Конструктор посадочных страниц для SEO и рекламы. Создавайте неограниченное количество лендингов без программиста! Повышайте эффективность рекламы и получайте бонус в виде экономии на SEO-продвижении.
Продвинутая мультирегиональность для интернет-магазинов с представительствами в нескольких городах и регионах. Ваши посетители увидят не только актуальные контакты – в зависимости от их местоположения могут изменяться заголовки страниц, разделов, цены и остатки товаров! А благодаря автогенерации файлов robots.txt и sitemap.xml для региональных поддоменов ручной работы будет в разы меньше.
Защитите себя от штрафов Роскомнадзора!
В Аспро: Next решена проблема соответствия интернет-магазина 152-ФЗ. Опция «Я согласен на обработку персональных данных» есть везде, где пользователь оставляет свои данные. Текст типового соглашения включен в поставку и расположен на отдельной странице.
Аспро: Next – универсальный интернет-магазин нового поколения. Адаптируется под любую тематику:
Гаджеты и электроника
Строительные материалы
Одежда, обувь и аксессуары
Детские товары и игрушки
Косметика и парфюмерия
Бижутерия и ювелирные изделия
Дизайнерские товары
Красота и здоровье
Продукты питания
Бытовая техника
Мягкая и корпусная мебель
Товары для активного отдыха и спорта
Промышленные товары и запчасти
Садовая техника
Цветы, подарки, сувениры
Фото и видео
Климатическая техника
Канцтовары, расходные материалы, хозтовары
и многое другое.
Хотите узнать, как будет выглядеть ваш интернет-магазин на основе Аспро: Next? Получите демо-доступ к тестовой версии решения и примерьте свой контент!
У каждого интернет-магазина – свои потребности. Одни делают акцент на лучшие предложения в каталоге товаров, другие хотят донести свои преимущества до покупателя, а третьи планируют привлечь трафик через статейное продвижение. С Аспро: Next вы сможете легко адаптировать интернет-магазин под свои задачи. Настраивается все: разделы, блоки, элементы. Просто соберите свою уникальную комбинацию настроек!
17 базовых цветовых схем и возможность выбрать свой собственный цвет
18 конфигураций шапки сайта и 7 вариантов подвала
Типы бокового меню, стили заголовков и хлебных крошек
Уровень вложенности меню, цвет заднего фона и возможность загрузки пользовательского фонового баннера
Различное отображение контентных разделов и разделов каталога
Отдельные настройки для элементов каталога: тип SKU, детальной страницы, режима показа просмотренных товаров и блока «Ранее вы смотрели», детальной картинки и навигационной цепочки, быстрый просмотр товара
Положение, цвет и сценарии взаимодействия с корзиной
Настраиваемое меню и шапка для мобильной версии.
Главная страница Аспро: Next состоит из блоков, которыми легко управлять: включать и отключать, выбирать вид отображения. Небольшим интернет-магазинам одной тематики подойдет страница с традиционным блоком больших баннеров и плавающими баннерами. А крупным проектам – баннерная область в виде плитки, на которой можно расположить предложения по направлениям. Разместите на центральном баннере видео, а на остальных – ключевые разделы или акции. Количество вариантов бесконечно!
И это только часть возможностей! Создайте свою уникальную комбинацию с помощью виджета настроек на нашей демо-версии и сохраните их в 1 клик.
С выходом Аспро: Next запустить крупный федеральный ecommerce-проект стало проще. Если вы имеете сеть представительств по миру или стране, настройте мультирегиональность с возможностью выбора округа, региона, города и связкой сервисом геолокации Geo IP. Ваши посетители увидят не только актуальные контакты для их местоположения. Может меняться все: остатки, цены и даже каталоги!
Пошаговая настройка Настраивайте мультирегиональность самостоятельно, без привлечения специалистов. Подробная инструкция в документации поможет разобраться с функционалом и проведет вас по каждому шагу настройки.
Автоматическая генерация robots.txt и sitemap.xml Файлы robots.txt и sitemap.xml с разрешениями и исключениями для поисковых роботов генерируются автоматически. Вам не нужно будет создавать их для каждого поддомена вручную – лишь добавить несколько своих строк в готовые инструкции.
Для регионов предусмотрена генерация тегов с наименованием – например, «холодильники в Челябинске» и «холодильники в Москве». Также вы сможете создавать индивидуальные файлы robots.txt и sitemap для каждого региона.
Аспро: Next поддерживает работу тегов и событий, чтобы вы смогли легко и быстро размещать уникальную информацию и медиаконтент для каждого региона.
Изменяйте условия доставки, адреса пунктов самовывоза, условия возврата товаров и другую информацию в автоматическом режиме с помощью тега REGION_TAG.
Все, что вам нужно – создать свои уникальные теги для фрагментов информации и заполнить их значения для каждого региона в виде кода для встраивания или текста. Разместите теги в заголовки, описания товаров, интернет-магазина, статьи, новости или акции. Информация будет заменена автоматически.
С помощью специальных событий можно создавать свои уникальные теги. В одном теге поместятся несколько факторов — например, и срок годности товара, и удаленность точки доставки. Или вы сможете подстраивать контент под рекламные кампании и источники перехода – вариантов использования нового функционала масса! Подробнее о работе с событиями читайте в документации 1С-Битрикс для разработчиков.
Адаптивная верстка, которая является полноценной мобильной версией. Функционал, который можно было встретить только на крупных и дорогих проектах, доступен пользователям готового решения.
Свайп-меню и специальные настройки: белая или цветная мобильная шапка, подробное или краткое мобильное меню с настраиваемым способом отображения выдвигается слева или сверху. Управляйте фиксированной шапкой и отображением элементов корзины. Используйте все возможности, чтобы увеличить продажи с мобильных устройств.
Простая навигация и быстрый доступ ко всем разделам каталога с любой страницы
Популярные категории товаров выводятся на главной
3 вида отображения товаров: плиткой, списком, таблицей. Для каждой категории можно задать свой вид отображения по умолчанию
3 вида информера наличия товара: в наличии/нет в наличии, остаток числом, много/мало/достаточно
Возможность включения AJAX-режима для мгновенной загрузки результатов
Поддерживает свойства-справочники (highload-инфоблоки) с иконками
Возможность сравнивать товары и отложить товар
Карточки товаров разных типов: простые, с торговыми предложениями (SKU), наборы и комплекты
Стикеры на превью товара «Хит», «Новинка», «Акция», «Советуем» и стикер со своим текстом
Фоновое изображение для разных страниц/разделов сайта
Дополнительные элементы — «Старая цена», «Рейтинг», тизеры
Экспорт и импорт существующего списка товаров.
Быстрый просмотр с возможностью предварительного просмотра товаров с главной и списка разделов и подразделов.
3 вида умного фильтра для улучшения юзабилити — горизонтальный, вертикальный и компактный.
Разместите как можно больше информации о товаре, чтобы посетитель не ушел на сайты конкурентов. Страница спроектирована так, чтобы повысить вовлеченность пользователя и обеспечить максимальную конверсию.
Крупное изображение с фотогалереей
Тизеры преимуществ
Блок покупки с ценами и отметкой о количестве и наличии товара
Отметка «Нашли дешевле?» для тех, кто борется за покупателя до последнего
Отображение наличия по складам для каждого торгового предложения
Подробная информация о товаре на вкладках (описание, характеристики, отзывы, наличие, задать вопрос, дополнительно)
Возможность поделиться товаром в социальных сетях, Viber или WhatsApp
Блоки «Персональные рекомендации» и «Ранее вы смотрели»
Возможность прикреплять файлы для скачивания (руководства пользователя, гарантийные документы и т. д.)
Лупа для увеличения фотографии
Возможность отображения карточки товара с табами и без.
Хотите адаптировать решение под вашу тематику еще сильнее? Используйте дополнительные шаблоны карточек товара, чтобы повысить конверсию интернет-магазина и сэкономить на доработках шаблона:
Для каждого раздела может быть подключена своя детальная карточка. Продаете вечерние платья и бижутерию? Подключите карточку «Одежда и обувь» для платьев, а для раздела аксессуаров — карточку «Дизайнерские товары».
Какую карточку применить для разделов на сайте — решать вам. Тестируйте и оставляйте ту, которая идеально подойдет под вашу тематику интернет-магазина!
Расширенное отображение цен на карточке товара. Показывайте посетителям скидки, размер экономии, общую стоимость при покупке нескольких товаров и диапазоны цен, при которых изменяется стоимость за штуку.
Торговые предложения (SKU) — модели одного товара, отличающиеся одним или несколькими свойствами. Функционал подходит интернет-магазинам с широким ассортиментом. Создавайте торговые предложения, чтобы избежать множества похожих товаров в каталоге и вести рекламный трафик на конкретное SKU.
В решении доступно 2 типа отображения: на карточке с товаром в виде превью или таблицы с характеристиками. Первый тип представляет торговые предложения наглядно рядом с изображением, заголовком, ценой и другими элементами. А второй тип подходит для тех товаров, у которых большое количество SKU, они выводятся ниже в таблице.
Используйте автогенерацию, чтобы сократить затраты на создание торговых предложений.
Задавайте разное отображение SKU для разделов. Например, для категории одежды используйте первый тип SKU, чтобы отображать размеры футболок в один ряд. А для косметики подключайте тип SKU 2, чтобы все цвета лаков для ногтей были расположены в таблице под товаром.
Выводите иконки SKU изображением или текстом.
Настраивайте поиск по торговым предложениям.
Настраивайте сортировку отображения торговых предложений в карточке товара.
Подставляйте заголовок SKU в название товара.
Интеграция с Яндекс.Маркет
В Аспро: Next каждое торговое предложение (SKU) имеет свою уникальную ссылку. Благодаря этому в каталог Яндекс.Маркета попадают не только товары, но и торговые предложения. Используйте эту возможность, чтобы повысить конверсию.
Последний шаг к совершению покупки — это оформление заказа. Для тех, кто хочет оформить быстрый заказ, доступна форма покупки в 1 клик. В ней заполняются поля для связи, например, имя и телефон. Оформление заказа с выбором оплаты, доставки, местоположения доступно в 2 вариантах: с открытыми и закрытыми блоками в форме. В форме с закрытыми блоками после заполнения полей в «Регион доставки» необходимо кликнуть на кнопку «Далее», чтобы перейти к заполнению блока «Доставка». Аналогично для блоков «Оплата» и «Покупатель». Выбирайте тот вариант, который удобен для пользователей. О том, как установить вид страницы, читайте в документации.
Личный кабинет решает ключевые потребности пользователей. Здесь клиент может отслеживать статус выполнения заказа, управлять внутренним счетом, профилями заказов и подписками, а также корректировать свои личные данные и менять пароль.
Упрощенная авторизация через социальные сети
В решении доступно 2 способа регистрации: через регистрационную форму и авторизацию через социальные сети. Используйте первый вариант, если вам достаточно просто получить контактные данные пользователя. Подключайте авторизацию через соцсети, если хотите упростить вход на сайт и снизить число отказов.
Несколько аккаунтов – один личный кабинет
Если посетитель сначала зарегистрируется на сайте через форму, а затем зайдет через социальные сети — буден создан единый профиль. Это работает в любой последовательности. Главное, чтобы был единый адрес электронной почты.
Интеграция с CRM-системами
Автоматизировать работу бизнеса стало еще проще – в решениях Аспро реализована легкая интеграция с популярными CRM-системами: Битрикс24, Flowlu. Передавать данные с заполненных веб-форм с сайта в CRM можно в автоматическом режиме — например, вопросы покупателей или заказы звонков. Это позволит хранить в одном месте все данные о лидах, стандартизировать работу менеджеров, анализировать эффективность бизнеса.
И конечно, не стоит забывать о стандартной возможности передачи заказов в Битрикс24 — эта функция также доступна в интернет-магазине. Подробная инструкция по настройке в нашей документации.
Полная поддержка интеграции интернет-магазина с 1С: Предприятие
Если вы работаете в 1С, то для вас есть отличные новости. В решении поддерживается полноценная интеграция 1C с сайтом:
Отправляйте информацию о товарах из 1С в интернет-магазин
Передавайте заказы с сайта в 1С
Выгружайте результаты обработанных заказов на сайт для оповещения клиентов о статусе заказов.
Поддержка различных способов оплаты и доставки:
Автоматизированные: Почта России, EMS, UPS, DHL, СПСР и др.
Настраиваемые: самовывоз, доставка курьером и др.
Оплата с помощью Visa, MasterCard, Яндекс.Деньги, WebMoney, PayPal и другие службы.
Синхронизируйте типы учета в 1 клик и забудьте о зависших на складе товарах. В Аспро: Next предусмотрено 2 вида синхронизации – ручная и автоматическая. В автоматическом режиме добавление товаров, обновление или изменение цены приводит к синхронизации доступного количества. Так доступное количество товара будет всегда актуальным.
Самая популярная доработка в Аспро теперь включена в типовое решение. Создавайте в несколько кликов посадочные страницы с подборками товаров, большим баннером и текстами для SEO. Количество не ограничено!
Спроектированные с учетом интересов пользователей посадочные страницы в каталоге товаров способны увеличить конверсию до 7%. Продвигаться с ними будет проще – вы можете создать лендинг под абсолютно любой запрос и сэкономите на SEO.
Посадочные страницы в поиске
Для конкретного запроса в поиске вы можете создать свою страницу в виде лендинга с уникальным URL. Пользователь попадет на нее, когда введет запрос в поиске сайта или поисковой системе, который соответствует условию перехода на страницу. Вы можете настроить дополнительные условия с помощью фильтра. Также для лендингов в поиске доступна замена поискового запроса, в этом случае по одному запросу можно вывести результаты, которые соответствуют другой фразе.
Покупка в 1 клик способна увеличить выручку на 80%. А все потому, что меньше действий – выше конверсия. Пользователь оставляет только свое имя и номер, а затем менеджер уточняет детали по телефону и помогает оформить заказ.
Перекрестные продажи
Связанные товары в контентных разделах: новость + товар, статья + товар, услуга + товар.
В Аспро: Next вы можете не просто привязывать отдельные товары к детальным контентным страницам. Теперь доступны новые варианты: отображать разделы связанных товаров или разделы и сами товары.
Наборы и комплекты
Допродажи (или upsale) — маркетинговый инструмент, который позволяет предложить покупателю расширения к товару и увеличить средний чек. Например, вы можете допродать наушники и чехлы, привязав их в карточке товара телефона. В редакции «Бизнес» продать сопутствующие товары поможет функционал — комплекты и наборы.
Самые важные письма уже включены в поставку – с готовым универсальным текстом, версткой, кнопками и ссылками:
Письмо с информацией о заказе
Для забытой корзины (с промокодом на скидку и без него)
Запрос отзыва на Яндекс.Маркет
Реактивация пользователей
Шаблон для акций и распродаж с привязкой к соответствующему разделу
Общий шаблон.
Запустите цепочки писем в несколько кликов и увеличьте конверсию вашего интернет-магазина еще на 30%!
6 баннерных позиций с возможностью настроить разделы и страницы для показа. Сверху и под шапкой, боковая, над и под контентом, внизу страницы. Создавайте предложения, от которых невозможно отказаться, и показывайте их только там, где это необходимо.
Настройте систему аналитики в несколько кликов и без программиста. Повышайте эффективность рекламы и увеличивайте отдачу от SEO с помощью одного из самых популярных сервисов аналитики.
Основные цели выведены в админку решения. Вам остается лишь
Настроить их на стороне Яндекс.Метрики или Google Analytics
Общие и отдельные цели для веб-форм «Товар под заказ», «Задать вопрос», «Обратная связь», «Резюме», «Заказать услугу» и «Заказать звонок»
Цели корзины, покупки в 1 клик, быстрого и полного заказа.
Разместите информацию о своем интернет-магазине и расскажите посетителям, чем можете быть им полезны. В Аспро: Next предусмотрены дополнительные разделы:
Разделы «О компании», «Статьи», «Помощь», «Условия оплаты», «Условия доставки», «Гарантия на товар», «Контакты».
Для каждого раздела предусмотрены свои настройки списка элементов: блочный, списком, по разделам. Раздел «Контакты» имеет 5 вариантов оформления для компаний разного масштаба – от варианта с большой картой и минимумом текста для небольшого проекта до страницы с подробной информацией по каждому филиалу.
New! Страница услуги теперь тоже выглядит как лендинг. Большой баннер с кнопками, таблица характеристик, формы обратной связи, фотогалерея и связанные товары – используйте возможности Аспро: Next для продвижения своего сервиса!
1 год бесплатной и неограниченной поддержки. Помогаем с настройкой, отвечаем на вопросы, консультируем по доработкам и развитию функционала
Обучающие материалы: пользовательская документация, база знаний, видео
Регулярные обновления и возможности развития интернет-магазина.
Все настройки в одном месте!
В публичной части основные настройки Аспро: Next собраны в виджете решения. Вы можете перенести их в административную часть в 1 клик с помощью специальной кнопки. Удобный Центр управления Аспро позволит легко изменить их в любой момент. Здесь же находится быстрый доступ к поддержке, документации и базе знаний по решению.
Используйте готовые шаблоны баннеров, изображений для акций, тизеров, товаров и услуг, которые поставляются вместе с дистрибутивом.
Познакомьтесь с возможностями решения и протестируйте сайт изнутри – достаточно обладать базовыми навыками контент-менеджера, чтобы понять принципы работы с сайтом с первого взгляда!
Мы не просто создаем интернет-магазины — мы помогаем построить успешный бизнес в сети Интернет. Рынок интернет-торговли переживает настоящий бум и занять на нем свое место не просто. Наша компания знает как удачно выделиться на фоне конкурентов и на какие преимущества обратить внимание посетителей.
Звоните и пишите – с удовольствием вас проконсультируем!
Электронная почта: info@aspro.ru Телефон для связи: 8 (800) 500-47-11 (звонок бесплатный)
Преимущества для наших партнеров:
Сохраняем стандартные скидки до 50% для участников партнерской программы 1С-Битрикс.
Дарим дополнительные оптовые скидки до 15% на продукты Аспро.
Выделяем демосервер без контактных данных разработчика.
Открываем доступ к обучающему курсу партнеров и оказываем приоритетную техническую поддержку.
Даем доступ в закрытый раздел партнеров на сайте Аспро с маркетинговыми материалами для продвижения услуг студии.
Предоставляем доступ к Центру управления в админке сайтов ваших клиентов.
Отправляем доступ от закрытой группы Telegram для неформального общения между партнерами Аспро.
Партнеры с большим опытом внедрений дополнительно имеют:
Бесплатные NFR-ключи для разработчиков.
Подключение собственных онлайн-чатов на партнерские демосайты.
Удобно модифицировать, легко обновляться! Благодаря новому подходу к архитектуре решения вносить изменения в код шаблона можно быстро и легко. Для модификации предусмотрены отдельные файлы, которые вы можете редактировать по своему усмотрению и затем подключать свои шаблоны. Внесенные изменения не будут затираться при обновлениях решения – больше никаких конфликтов функционала!
Принципиально новая технологическая платформа для интернет-магазинов Аспро и готовый набор элементов для оформления, кнопок, элементов, иконок:
Базовые принципы кастомизации решения в документации для разработчиков
The end of Bitrix24 in Ukraine: the company announced the closure of the service from June 1
Эквайринг от Monobank | Бизнес услуги эквайринга
MonoBank QR cash register: Simple and Convenient Payment Method
Meet GPT-4o mini – New Affordable and Smart Model from OpenAI
Multilingual: Lite - Unified catalog of the Bitrix website in two languages!
Module Market for Bitrix
Nova Post delivery service for Bitrix: Module from Proger for efficient delivery in your store
Multilingual Bitrix
The need to translate the site into multilingual
CopyMaster module for your website
Why are multilingual sites necessary?
How is the universality of multilingual sites achieved?
What to do if the created site should be multilingual?
What technologies are used to design multilingual sites?
What are the benefits of multilingual sites?
Creating unique content for the site
Development of a content concept for the Bitrix website
Writing texts for a blog and articles using the CopyMaster module
Working with keywords and phrases using AI copywriter for Bitrix
What criteria should be taken into account when developing a multilingual site?
For what types of businesses is a multilingual site especially important?
What should you pay attention to when developing a multilingual design?
Performance improvements: How PHP 8 improves the performance of Bitrix applications with a JIT compiler, improved memory optimization and faster serialization.
Bitrix: How PHP 8 improves compatibility with previous versions of the language and facilitates the transition from older versions.
Improved Browser Support: How PHP 8 improves browser support and makes Bitrix applications more stable.
Multiregionality, multilingualism or multilingualism - in a word, full-fledged localization of sites without our module is impossible!
Multiregional site: your key to increasing sales
Multi-regional site: a way to improve the user experience for foreign visitors
Monobank update: Plata
Telegram chat Bitrix Proger Union
Bitrix Mobile Detect
Acquiring module in Monobank for the Bitrix platform
List of updates
1.10.6 (03.10.2024)
Fixed an error when installing the solution on version 1C-Bitrix 24.100.0 (NEXT-2411)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, you MUST perform a full backup of the site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.10.5 (16.09.2024)
Добавлен логотип RUTUBE для социальных сетей (NEXT-2403)
Некорректно отображалась Google reCaptcha v2 в формах (NEXT-2394)
Исправлена ошибка, при которой некорректно сортировались товары в разделе “Обзоры” (NEXT-2199)
При включенной настройке “Скрывать отсутствующие товары в поиске в шапке”, в поиске отображались недоступные торговые предложения. (NEXT-2253)
Исправлена ошибка, при которой у элемента, показывающего обязательные поля к заполнению в форме, не был закрыт тег (NEXT-2283)
Неверно отображался рейтинг у товара, при отсутствии оценок (NEXT-2386)
Некорректно формировались ссылки в карточке товара у блока аналогов товара (NEXT-2170)
Внимание!!! Перед установкой обновления ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО выполните полное резервное копирование сайта. Если вы вносили изменения в шаблон решения, то дополнительно скопируйте всю папку шаблона!
1.10.4 (23.07.2024)
Transitioned to a new personal recommendations component (NEXT-2246)
Fixed banner layout on configuration type 3 (NEXT-2307)
Fixed a bug where the left menu was not displayed when pagination did not exist (NEXT-2351)
A cookie is created for subsequent transfer to checkout with personal recommendations (NEXT-2241)
Improvements have been made to hide missing products from personal recommendations (NEXT-2239)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.1 (19.07.2017)
New in version:
Added a new type of catalog drop-down menu in the second header
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.2 (02.08.2017)
New in version and improvements:
Added an option that determines the position of the column with the internal menu - right or left (NEXT-11)
An option has been added to the solution settings that includes displaying images for catalog sections in the left menu (NEXT-21)
Incorrect link for domains when displaying regions with a drop-down list (NEXT-15)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.3 (03.08.2017)
New in version and improvements:
Added a parameter to the complex catalog component that determines the display of images of subsections in the section
Added an option to the solution settings that determines the display of section images in the catalog drop-down menu (NEXT-29)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.4 (04.08.2017)
The price range was not taken into account when purchasing the product (NEXT-30)
The title of the browser window in the product card was reset (NEXT-31)
The section description was not displayed if in the parameters of the complex catalog component the option “Show elements of section subsections” was set to “Do not show” (NEXT-32)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.5 (21.08.2017)
New in version and improvements:
Improved menu navigation in the mobile version (NEXT-38)
Added a setting to the Control Center that allows you to remove/set the display of the total amount when changing the quantity of a purchased product in the product card and list of items
Added a setting to the Control Center that allows you to remove/install automatic consent to the processing of personal data (NEXT-33)
Added display of the price of a product depending on the price range in the product
Added consideration of the unit of measurement coefficient when setting the maximum value in the “Quantity” field for a product
Added an event for synchronizing the total availability of goods with the availability in warehouses. Enabled/disabled in the Control Center on the “Synchronization” tab
Added display of a drop-down menu with catalog subsections in the navigation chain when linking an element to several sections (NEXT-53)
Product was not added if it was out of stock (NEXT-40)
Non-clickable link from a found product in search with type 2 (NEXT-35)
Non-clickable link in the mobile menu for items with the 3rd nesting level (NEXT-46)
The tooltip for properties in the product card was not displayed (NEXT-48)
The wrong picture was displayed in the pop-up window in the gallery in the product card (NEXT-45)
Subsections in the catalog were incorrectly aligned (NEXT-44)
The discount expiration date was not displayed for products with trade offers (NEXT-54)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.6 (04.09.2017)
New in version and improvements:
Added placeholders for numeric properties to the smart filter
Added a setting to the Control Center that allows you to remove/install substitution of the trade offer title in the product name in the list and on the detail page (NEXT-74)
Added a setting to the Control Center that allows you to remove/set the display of the “Ask a Question” block in the site header (NEXT-69)
A setting has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component, which allows you to remove/set the display of the product article if the trade offers do not have it in the product card and list of items
A setting has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component, which allows you to remove/set the display of units of measurement together with a coefficient when displaying the minimum price of a product with trade offers in the product card and list
Changed default page type from article to website for Open Graph markup
Added the ability to sort by price for a region. To do this, in the “Regions” information block, for each element, select a value in the “Price for sorting” option. In the parameters of the complex catalog component, select the value “Price for sorting in the region” in the “Sorting by price” option (NEXT-62)
Added the ability to add tags for a region. The property code must start with "REGION_TAG_"
Added the OnAsproRegionalityAddSelectFieldsAndProps event to the regionality module, which allows you to expand the selectable fields and properties of the elements of the “Regions” information block
Added the “OnAsproRegionalityGetElements” event to the regionality module, which allows you to change, add, delete existing elements of the “Regions” information block
Added the ability to upload a gallery to the “Blog” section (NEXT-72).
When the internal menu was displayed on the right at a resolution of 1500 and 1700 px, the layout broke (NEXT-57)
The smart filter in the directory was cut off by the site footer if the filtering results were empty (NEXT-66)
Trade offers in the catalog were cut off by the site footer (NEXT-70)
When purchasing a product or adding it to deferred, a block with a basket appeared every other time. Now the cart appears only upon the first purchase/add to deferred (NEXT-60)
The “Ask a question” form was not displayed in the mobile version (NEXT-68)
Values of trade offers that were not available for purchase in the list and product card were not clicked (NEXT-73)
The “1-click purchase” pop-up form was not scrolled (NEXT-67)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.7 (19.09.2017)
New in version and improvements:
Added a setting to the Control Center that allows you to remove/install replacement of the standard captcha with Google reCaptcha
The “Old price for products” setting has been added to the Control Center. It allows you to display a certain type of price (for example, used for a discount in 1C) as crossed out. If you use this setting, disable discounts to ensure prices are displayed correctly in the product card
Added settings to the parameters of the complex catalog component, allowing you to determine the order and direction of sorting warehouses in the product card (NEXT-86)
Added events that allow you to customize the display of prices, display of availability and the “Buy” button. Description and example of the call - in include.php of the solution module
Added additional social media icons to the “Share” block. A Telegram icon has been added to the site footer (NEXT-77)
Added the ability to display region-specific elements from information blocks: news, blog, promotions, services, banners, background images, advertising - internal, advertising - on the main page. To do this, you need to set the “Apply regional filter” option in the Control Center. Also now the address and email are tied to the region (NEXT-8)
Elements were duplicated in the blog when clicking on the “Show more” button (NEXT-78)
The wrong value was displayed for placeholder in the filter on the element list page (NEXT-92)
The “Show” and “Reset” buttons moved out in the filter on the list of elements page when setting “Site width - 1200px” (NEXT-89)
In the Safari browser, when choosing the second and third options for the site header, product links in the search were unclickable (NEXT-90)
When quickly viewing, a sales offer with several properties was not selected (NEXT-79)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.8 (13.10.2017)
New in version and improvements:
The method of identifying a visitor by IP address has been changed - now the standard functionality of 1C-Bitrix (NEXT-166) is used for this
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.9 (08.11.2017)
New in version and improvements:
It is now possible to display an additional photo gallery on the detailed product page either after the characteristics block (when displaying the detailed page without tabs) or on the “Description” tab (with tabs). The photo gallery is configured in the “Detailed View Settings” block of the catalog component. Available settings: ability to display a photo gallery, 2 block types to choose from, ability to select the source of images for the product gallery and sales offers, block title.
Related products (NEXT-135) were not displayed on the blog detail page.
Incorrect city definition for multi-region configured on non-subdomains (NEXT-185).
Incorrect display of the block of viewed products in standard mode (NEXT-123).
The images on the detailed product page did not switch in the “Magnifying Glass” detailed picture display mode (NEXT-148).
Incorrect display of a product when enlarged in quick view mode for the personal recommendations block (NEXT-115).
1.0.10 (01.12.2017)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to subscribe to a product without authorization (NEXT-76). For the functionality to work correctly, it is necessary that the “Use notifications about the arrival of goods” option is enabled in the online store module settings.
Added a parameter to the complex catalog component that allows you to enable/disable the display of a discount counter in the list of items (NEXT-225)
Added display of the shopping cart icon in the adaptive version to the site header when the shopping cart is in flying, side and bottom positions (NEXT-156)
Added https setting for the Host directive in robots.txt for sites with a secure connection (NEXT-161). After the update, you need to re-create robots.txt files for all subdomains on the Aspro page: Next - File generation - robots.txt ("Recreate" button)
Added the ability to search by properties of trade offers (NEXT-98)
Added a setting to the parameters of the complex catalog component that allows you to clear/set the display of the number of values in filter properties
Region tag values were not displayed in micro markup (NEXT-78). Tags are added if regionality is selected on subdomains
Couldn't disable Quick View from Control Center (NEXT-143)
When you turn off social services in your personal account, the menu moved down (NEXT-238)
The promotion counter for products on the main page was displayed incorrectly (NEXT-253)
In the shopping cart on the adaptive version, the selected size of the trade offer was displayed as an empty square (NEXT-241)
The block list of elements was displayed incorrectly with 5 elements (NEXT-178)
On the search page, products were displayed as a tile by default (NEXT-179) Now the display type on the search page is also taken from the settings of the “Catalogue” complex component
Discount was not taken into account in quick order when regionality was enabled (NEXT-124)
The discount in the cart was not taken into account when regionalization was enabled (NEXT-181)
The large gallery slider on the blog did not work correctly (NEXT-121)
The option “Display checkout button (for unauthorized users)” on the checkout page did not work. The button was always displayed (NEXT-102)
The display of units of measurement in viewed products was not disabled in the “quick” viewing mode (vertical and horizontal view) (NEXT-130)
The output of discounts for products with trade offers was duplicated (NEXT-114)
The password in the password recovery form was not changed when the “Use CAPTCHA when recovering password” setting was enabled (NEXT-202)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.11 (04.12.2017)
New in version and improvements:
Added display of tooltips for the properties of trade offers in the product card
The section description is now only displayed on the first page of the item list
There were errors in the micro markup of bread crumbs
The crop function did not work in crop mode (NEXT-196)
Promotions were displayed incorrectly without an announcement in the product card (NEXT-158)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.0.12 (21.12.2017)
New in version and improvements:
The logo has been converted into svg format, the search, cart, and personal account icons are now placed directly in the template code - for ideal display on screens of any size.
Added the ability to go to root items in the mobile menu
A parameter has been added to the complex catalog component that allows you to enable/disable the calculation of the discount validity period for each sales offer
Added the “Use price for filter” option to the complex catalog component. It allows you to display the price in a filter from the "Price Type" parameter in the "Filter Settings" group of settings (NEXT-313)
Added output of the quantity of each item from a set if the number of at least one item in the set is greater than one (NEXT-297)
Added display of prices for products on the comparison page (NEXT-295)
The characteristics were not disclosed when viewing the “List” display when loading goods using the “Show more” button (NEXT-286)
Menu items were not hidden when changing the “Number of visible items in wide menu” option in Control Center (NEXT-247)
Heading search results were not displayed when the header was fixed at “1” (NEXT-140)
Errors occurred in the w3c validator with some types of header and main page (NEXT-122)
SKU icons were displayed incorrectly in the cart if the product had many sales offers (NEXT-118)
Consent to the processing of personal data was not displayed in forms when viewed from a phone (NEXT-287)
The gallery in the product card was displayed incorrectly when viewed from a phone (NEXT-163)
There were difficulties when scrolling the page with a map in contacts on phones with a small screen (NEXT-302)
The name of the product or service was not inserted into the forms when viewing from the phone (NEXT-263)
The button for calling the form was not displayed when viewed from the phone if it was called earlier and the “Back” button was pressed (NEXT-301)
The layout was displayed incorrectly in sections with the “Block” display type when clicking on the “Load more” button and a slow Internet connection (NEXT-314)
The “Postpone” button was not displayed when comparison was turned off for products with trade offers (NEXT-282)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.0 (17.01.2018)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to integrate with CRM systems amoCRM and Flowlu (NEXT-277)
Added the ability to set the SKU display type separately for each section (NEXT-274)
Added output of landing pages based on the property of linking to a section (NEXT-335)
Added social networks to the employee detail page
When quickly ordering from a phone, the cursor jumped in the input fields (NEXT-286)
The block with ordering a call did not turn off when the basket was in the “Bottom” position (NEXT-218)
A quick order from a detailed product card was not processed correctly if products were previously added to the cart (NEXT-356)
The top menu was not displayed on tablets (NEXT-340)
When the “Print” button was turned on, the name of the element in the adaptive was compressed (NEXT-154)
Region properties set via REGION_TAG were not displayed in Quick View (NEXT-347)
Landing pages were not displayed in the catalog after ajax filtering (NEXT-332)
The number of products was not displayed in the counter if there were no properties selected for selecting trade offers (NEXT-343)
When deleting an item from the cart, adding an item from deferred, moving an item to deferred, the counter for the total number of items did not change on the cart page (NEXT-369)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.1 (09.02.2018)
New in version and improvements:
Added a second type of display of catalog subsections in the left menu. Configured in the Control Center (NEXT-409)
Added the ability to edit custom customization files custom.css and custom.js from the module settings in a separate section “For Developers” (NEXT-349)
Improved functionality for authorization on the site via social networks. If a user logs in/registers via social networks and there is already a user with the same email address on the site, a single profile will be created without duplicates
Added a new “Block” display type for related products in the “Manufacturers”, “Promotions”, “News”, “Services”, “Projects”, “Blog” sections. Configurable via component parameters (NEXT-308)
Incorrect display of layout in news with long announcement text when displayed in tiles (NEXT-401)
Incorrect display of layout in attached documents when there are a large number of documents (NEXT-371)
In the adaptive version, some property values were not shown when displayed in the “Flags” smart filter (NEXT-408)
The layout of catalog sections was broken when ajax mode was enabled on pagination pages when naming sections in several lines (NEXT-127)
In the adaptive version, sections that did not have subsections were cut off on the main page when displaying a list of catalog sections “With subsections” (NEXT-407)
Fixed regional logic (NEXT-341)
If products or sections linked to the landing page had SEO settings, then they were applied to the landing page, even if it had its own SEO settings (NEXT-254)
In the adaptive version, tooltip icons for products were not shown (NEXT-308)
When setting the catalog component "Unavailable Trade Offers" to "Do not display", missing trade offers were shown on the search page (NEXT-395)
Incorrect display of the layout of product sections in the “Brands” section with a square brand logo (NEXT-382)
The image zoom icon in the adaptive version was not centered (NEXT-362)
The cursor jumped when using a mask on Samsung phones (NEXT-346)
A quick order from a detailed product card was not processed correctly if items had previously been added to the cart (NEXT-378)
When changing the name of a sticker, the color of the sticker changed on the item list page. Now the output of stickers is brought to the same form for all templates. (NEXT-373)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.2 (20.02.2018)
New in version and improvements:
A parameter has been added to the settings of the complex catalog component that allows you to change the display of the blocks “Personal Recommendations”, “Similar Products”, “Accessories” - not by tabs, but under each other (NEXT-276)
Added the ability to display Captcha in the quick order form (NEXT-128)
Support for the new standard cart template from 1C-Bitrix has been implemented. The new template is enabled by default when updating the platform and solution
Added the ability to sort trade offers in quick view mode (NEXT-324)
Incorrect operation of the mask for phone numbers in the quick order form (NEXT-413)
"All" link was not displayed in pagination navigation (NEXT-412)
The name of the product in the search was cut off in the site header (NEXT-132)
Incorrect display of blocks when selecting site header type 3 (NEXT-348)
Photo gallery was duplicated during quick viewing (NEXT-348)
Sorting for trade offers did not work in the product card (NEXT-390)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.3 (30.03.2018)
New in version and improvements:
Added new options for displaying detailed product cards for individual topics with the ability to select your own card type for each section
Added Instagram feed for first and third home page types (NEXT-307)
Added the “Checkout Success Event Tag in Google Tag Manager” setting to the Control Center. It allows you to transfer a transaction/purchase to Google Analytics
The correct filling of the telephone number using the mask in the “Found cheaper” form (NEXT-108) was not checked.
Reviews were not displayed if they were in the first tab in the product card (NEXT-474)
Special characters were displayed incorrectly in the item name in the product card (NEXT-478)
Additional tabs were not displayed in your personal account if the tab name was written in Cyrillic (NEXT-485)
When I turned off the display of reviews in the product card in the adaptive version, they were still displayed (NEXT-479)
Incorrect sending of reviews in the product card (NEXT-426)
If the services had subsections, they were duplicated in the navigation chain (NEXT-438)
Promotions linked to a region were opened incorrectly when the regional filter was disabled (NEXT-471)
Incorrect display of menu and search in the site header when composite mode is enabled (NEXT-458)
Duplicate savings occurred in the product list for products with trade offers (NEXT-434)
The item card for gifts displayed an incorrect price (NEXT-464)
w3.org validation error occurred when background banner display was enabled (NEXT-420)
Can't navigate to cart from flying cart on iPad (NEXT-492)
The brand name was superimposed on the word “Manufacturer” in the product card. An error occurred if the product had an article number, but the brand did not have a picture (NEXT-422)
When reducing the screen, the block with contact information in the “Contacts” section partially covered the map zoom out button (NEXT-453)
In the mobile version, when you clicked on the “Share” button, you went to the service that was located under the “Share” button (NEXT-454)
When regionalization was enabled, it was not possible to select a city from the list of cities in which the visitor was located (NEXT-472)
Incorrect sorting of trade offers without the oid parameter when going to the detailed product card (NEXT-261)
In the mobile version, benefit teasers were moved up if they had a completed link (NEXT-442).
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.4 (07.05.2018)
New in version and improvements:
For the block template of linked products, pagination has been added to display brand, news, services on the page (NEXT-503)
The “Display products” setting for landing pages has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component (NEXT-534)
A setting has been added to the Control Center that allows you to control the display of the total price of a product in the list and on the detailed page (NEXT-190)
Added the ability to multiple link sections in landing pages
Added the ability to link landing pages in the catalog to specific regions (NEXT-493).
Incorrect links for Yandex reports were generated in the cart (NEXT-236)
The properties of trade offers were not displayed for the “Construction and Repair” and “Clothing and Footwear” product cards (NEXT-236)
Region tags specified in the section description were not replaced when autocompositing was enabled (NEXT-516)
Validation errors occurred in catalog sections when displayed as a list (NEXT-514)
Incorrect rounding of the purchased quantity with a fractional unit of measurement factor (NEXT-505)
If a property with the “Directory” type had a picture removed from one of the values, the remaining values were displayed without pictures (NEXT-251)
When turning on the left block and the “Ask a question” form on the promotion’s detailed page, the left block shifted (NEXT-520)
When selecting the "Show section subsection items:" option for only active subsections, nothing was displayed in the parameters of the complex catalog component (NEXT-441)
An incorrect value was pulled up in the “Product Name” field when calling the “Found Cheaper” form from Quick View (NEXT-515)
Sometimes the height of elements in the catalog product list was incorrectly recalculated during block display (NEXT-169)
In composite mode, a large number of service hits occurred in the product list and product card, leading to the blocking of the site for the user if the “Activity Control” of the “Web Analytics” module (NEXT-558) was enabled.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.5 (08.05.2018)
Correction of quick order in cart
The banner above the header moved when the "Scale" option was selected (NEXT-547)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.6 (18.05.2018)
New in version and improvements:
A setting has been added to the Control Center that allows you to enable/disable the display of products in a fixed header for the “Construction and Repair”, “Designer Products” and “Clothes and Shoes” product cards (NEXT-536)
A setting has been added to the Control Center that allows you to enable/disable the display of missing products in the search in the header (NEXT-476)
When regionalization is enabled, in the search bar of the site header, products are displayed with a price in the current region (NEXT-576)
A setting has been added to the Control Center for properties of the “Directory” type, allowing you to display either a placeholder with an image or the property value if the property does not have an image (NEXT-571)
A setting has been added to the Control Center that allows you to change the text of the “Add to cart”, “In cart” and “Details” buttons (NEXT-551)
Added the ability to link landing pages from the “Reviews” section to specific regions (NEXT-566)
Implemented a transition to a related section with filtered products by brand from the brand's detailed page (NEXT-429)
Implemented the ability to transfer a product article to an order (NEXT-554)
Zero price was displayed for products with trade offers (NEXT-533)
Property values for region tags with the “HTML\Text” type (NEXT-400) were displayed incorrectly
The promotion counter was not displayed in the card for products with trade offers when type SKU 2 and the “Display validity period of the discount for each trade offer” option was enabled (NEXT-568)
When opening the site through the built-in browser, the Instagram application did not process js scripts (NEXT-562)
The sorting order of price types for products did not change when the “Use price display with ranges” option was enabled (NEXT-550)
Selecting multiple property values did not work when adding to cart (NEXT-523)
On the search page, when going to the first page of pagination navigation, a transition was made to the catalog page (NEXT-197)
If the “Login is equal to email” option was not set in the Control Center, then when recovering the password it was not possible to recover it using the login (NEXT-572)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.1.7 (09.06.2018)
New in version and improvements:
A setting has been added to the Control Center that allows you to enable/disable the fixed mobile header, as well as select the display mode: “Always” or “When scrolling up” (NEXT-542)
The “Number of displayed products in a set” setting has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component (NEXT-614)
Added the ability to hide out-of-stock products in a specific region if the “Unavailable products” parameter is set to “Do not display” in the catalog component parameters. For sections with related products, in the parameters of the news component, you must set the option “Do not display products that are out of stock” (NEXT-500)
A setting “Take alt and title for pictures from” has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component, allowing you to choose how to set alt and title: from the description of a detailed picture or an SEO template (NEXT-228)
Added classes that allow you to display tables adaptively (NEXT-231)
Added scroll arrows to the slider on the product comparison page on mobile devices (NEXT-609)
The option “Include information block in the navigation chain” has been added to the catalog component parameters (NEXT-596)
The currency for the site was not set when regionalization was enabled (NEXT-449)
Authorization through social networks on mobile devices did not occur (NEXT-582)
Pictures from the photo gallery of a product with trade offers were not displayed if they were uploaded to the general gallery, and not separately for each TP (NEXT-615)
The transparent image in the trade offer property was displayed incorrectly (NEXT-600)
The name of the “Article” property did not change for products in the list and on the detail page when the catalog component option “Display product article if the TP does not have its own article value” (NEXT-593) was installed.
Through triggered mailings, the logo background was filled in incorrectly in letters (NEXT-605)
The “Text with promotion” sticker was not displayed for products in the “Buy with this product” block if the values of the “Our offers” property were not filled in (NEXT-588)
The “Compare” and “Save” icons were not displayed in the mobile version in the product card (NEXT-608)
If the “Move all Javascript to the bottom of the page” option is disabled, then when switching TP in the product card of the “Construction and Repair” type, the availability of the product was incorrectly determined (NEXT-530)
There were js errors on the page with an empty cart (NEXT-599)
When going to related sections from a brand page, filtering by brand did not occur if there were spaces in its name and the information block character code settings were set to replace the space with a character other than an underscore (NEXT-589)
Directory addresses were hardcoded in the module, which is why when changing the name of a directory folder, the icons in the side menu stopped being displayed (NEXT-556)
When creating a custom template, an error occurred because consent was being checked for the processing of personal data (NEXT-583)
On the product page, when double-clicking the “Buy in 1 click” button, js errors occurred, due to which the page became inactive when closing the form (NEXT-435)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.2.0 (18.07.2018)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to connect any font from the Google Fonts library in the solution settings
Added the ability to pass regional variables to mail templates (NEXT-462)
Added display of the city selection pop-up window on mobile devices (NEXT-612)
Added a new template for a detailed brand page “Catalog View” with a selection of sections, a filter and the ability to load a banner (NEXT-640)
Added the ability to link landing pages to service sections (NEXT-641)
Added the ability to enable/disable display of discount percentage for catalog items (NEXT-284)
Added the ability to set alt and title for brand images in the product card and on the detailed brand page (NEXT-659)
Added a new catalog search page template with section selection and filter (NEXT-661)
Added integration with property groupers (Grupper - property grouper from ALPHA Systems, Utilities from Webdebug, Property grouping + hints with descriptions from ROMZA) (NEXT-661)
Added support for the “SEO smart filter: meta tags, headers, sitemap” module in the catalog (NEXT-634)
The article number of products was not displayed on the search page in the catalog (NEXT-639)
Fixed header was not displayed on iPad (NEXT-627)
When enabling the total amount and displaying it immediately, an error occurred in IE11 (NEXT-619)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.2.1 (18.09.2018)
Images were not displayed in news sections after updating the platform to version 18.0.7
1.2.9 (21.09.2018)
New in version and improvements:
Added a new custom type “Filter to infoblock elements” for infoblock properties. Allows you to set complex element filtering logic in a convenient and visual way.
When there were a large number of regional tags, a database error occurred (the join limit was exceeded) (NEXT-733).
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.3.0 (21.09.2018)
New in version and improvements:
Added landing pages for catalog search. For a specific request, you can create your own page in the form of a landing page with a unique URL.
Multiple search query template values are available with support for Yandex.Direct operators to display a landing page.
It is possible to redirect the user for a specific search query to another page on the site.
It is possible to replace the user's request. For example, using the phrase “Bicycle Forward” you can display the results of the query “Bicycle Forward”.
Added the ability to set conditions for displaying products on the landing page (by category, by property values, etc.)
Added the ability to set a clear and “beautiful” landing page URL and allow or disable its indexing in the site map.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.3.1 (03.12.2018)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to display videos on banners on the main page of the site in the large banner block
Added regionalization to the contacts page. Address, telephone, operating mode, email change depending on the selected region when the “Display contact information depending on the region” option is enabled in the module settings (NEXT-268)
Added the “Display product comparison” setting to the solution module, which allows you to disable product comparisons on the entire site (NEXT-398)
The cache size has been reduced by 4 times on pages with a list of catalog items by eliminating the JSON object for products with trade offers (NEXT-425)
Added the ability to connect your own size table for categories where the “Clothes and Shoes” product card is used (NEXT-731)
Added the ability to set styles for the same blocks on different sites in the “custom.css” file (NEXT-773)
The “I want as a gift” block was not disabled on the detailed product page (NEXT-758)
Switching to deferred items did not work when clicking on the deferred items icon in the header (NEXT-757)
Shopping offer properties were not displayed in the smart filter with faceted index on the search and brand pages (NEXT-761)
Validation errors occurred when using the Accordion display type in the Jobs section (NEXT-801)
When the “Use main section” option was disabled in the parameters of the complex catalog component, the main section was used, which was specified for the element with sales offers (NEXT-688)
The “Ask a question” block overlapped content in services if the side block was turned off (NEXT-759)
Validation errors occurred on the contact page (NEXT-670)
Validation errors occurred on the product detail page if there is an image gallery (NEXT-751)
When checking microdata, Yandex issued a warning for the “Organization” type on the contacts page (NEXT-595)
The default region for search bots was not set if regionalization was enabled on one domain (NEXT-722)
Fixed display of the ruble sign in the total cost block
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.0 (10.12.2018)
New in version and improvements:
Added a compact view for displaying a smart filter in the catalog (NEXT-816)
Added presets for changing a set of solution settings in 1 click
Improved metrics for Google PageSpeed Insights (NEXT-832)
Added display of reviews from Yandex.Market in the detailed product card
Added new order template
When using a magnifying glass in a detailed product card, sometimes the block with the picture did not disappear when you removed the cursor (NEXT-175)
If the store had a long name, the phone numbers on the contacts page were removed (NEXT-690)
In the product card of the “No tabs” type, products with trade offers had an empty block of characteristics if the article and properties for selecting trade offers were displayed (NEXT-655)
With a small number of menu items, the drop-down item had sub-items not in the middle (NEXT-800)
The discount for products with trade offers in the catalog was not rounded (NEXT-845)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.1 (14.12.2018)
The rating and date of publication of reviews was incorrectly calculated for products from Yandex.Market
Added scrolling in the list of drop-down property values for the “Compact” filter template
Fixed bugs in the new checkout component template
Incorrect delivery service description output
Additional services for the delivery service were not displayed
Delivery period was not displayed
The button for selecting a pickup point was not displayed
It was not possible to pay for the order from the user's internal account
Event for Google Analytics did not fire when placing a full order
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.2 (30.01.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to display the “Add to cart” button instead of “Details” for regular products and products with trade offers on the main page in the “Tabs on the main” block (NEXT-372)
Added the “Promotions” property to the product card, which allows you to link promotions (NEXT-428)
Added the properties “Similar products by filter” and “Accessories by filter” to the product card, which allow you to set conditions for displaying products using a visual filter
Added the “Related products by filter” property to promotions and services, which allows you to set rules for displaying products using a visual filter (NEXT-869)
Added a number of improvements to the new checkout template
When disabling a coupon, an empty field remained in the delivery and payment blocks of a new order checkout (NEXT-877)
The menu of the first type of fixed header did not open if the editing mode was enabled (NEXT-657)
With the 13th header, the address did not change depending on the selected region (NEXT-882)
On mobile phones, the filter opened incorrectly in the search and brand detail pages (NEXT-858)
Synchronization of balances did not work when the option “Set synchronization of balances on a product update/add event” was disabled (NEXT-860)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.3 (30.04.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to search by title to set conditions for displaying landing pages in search
Added the ability to display predictions in the product card and quick view
Fixed errors in landing page micro markup (NEXT-748)
In the list of products, the unit of measurement changed when switching to pieces for products with trade offers (NEXT-923)
When switching properties for products with trade offers, the values of the previous trade offer were displayed in the product list (NEXT-928)
The properties of trade offers were not transferred to the cart (NEXT-948)
If a trade offer for a product whose properties do not exist in other trade offers was displayed first, it was not possible to select other trade offers (NEXT-916)
Out-of-stock products were not shown on the search landing page when navigating to a specific section on the left side (NEXT-896)
When changing the city, the ampersand symbol code (NEXT-854) was added to the browser address bar
Canonical link was missing on pagination pages (NEXT-760)
Subdomain was not taken into account for canonical link (NEXT-908)
Fixed errors in accessories and similar products by filter (NEXT-908)
When entering a phone number in checkout on an iPhone, the keyboard was hidden if the phone mask was missing (NEXT-567)
Fixed v1 checkout template errors
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.4 (14.05.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to use a regional filter for directory sections (NEXT-338)
Added the ability to set the display type of the smart filter in individual sections of the catalog (NEXT-905)
In the solution module settings, the “Priority source for section description output” option has been added, which allows you to select which section description to use - from the information block or the “SEO smart filter” module (NEXT-825, NEXT-872)
The option “Display an announcement image of an offer in the properties for selection” has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component, which allows you to display an announcement image of a separate offer in a detailed card and list of products instead of an image from the directory (NEXT-998)
The options “Display the “Popular Categories” block” and “Display the “Related Queries” block” have been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component, which allow you to hide blocks of the same name in the list of products in the catalog section, on the search page, and on the detailed page of the “Reviews” section (NEXT -890)
Fixed a bug where, when autocompositing and regionalization were enabled on the same domain, warehouses in the product card did not change when changing the region (NEXT-904)
Fixed problem with region switching in the mobile version of the site when composite is enabled (NEXT-714)
Fixed a bug where it was possible to click on the quick order form several times from a mobile phone, thereby creating multiple orders (NEXT-1013)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.5 (27.05.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added support for standard functionality for user registration and password recovery by phone number (NEXT-1012).
A new option “Authorization by phone number” has been added to the solution module settings, which allows you to enter the site with an authorization code from SMS. For the functionality to work, the installed version of the main module is at least 18.5.0.
A new option “Location of the Popular Categories block” has been added to the parameters of the complex catalog component in the “Reviews” section. Choose from: before or after the list of products, or after a detailed description (NEXT-808).
Fixed an incorrect link to go to the cart for a trade offer in the list of products on the brand's detailed page, which appears after selecting (switching) a trade offer (NEXT-996).
Fixed an issue where, when the “Show deactivated products” option was checked, the complex catalog component did not display the detailed page of deactivated products (NEXT-1038).
Fixed a bug where there was no link with a pop-up video in the mobile version of the product detail page (NEXT-846).
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.6 (31.05.2019)
New in version and improvements:
New properties have been added to landing pages of all types: “Template for the product title”, “TITLE template for the announcement image of the product”, “ALT template for the announcement image of the product”, “Template for the title of the trade offer”, “TITLE template for the announcement image of the trade offer” ", "ALT template for an announcement image of a trade offer." This will allow you to modify the corresponding SEO templates of the same name applicable to the list of products and trade offers of the catalog on the landing page.(NEXT-1048)
Added a new property “Hide search string input field” to landing pages in search.(NEXT-1049)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.4.7 (09.07.2019)
The personal account did not take into account the parameters of the complex component of the user’s personal section “Allow adding funds to the current user’s account” and “Allow the user to enter an amount” (NEXT-973)
The “Order History” menu item was not highlighted in your personal account (NEXT-740)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.5.0 (31.07.2019)
New in version and improvements:
3 types of adaptability of banners on the main page (NEXT-1095)
Registration on the website with confirmation via SMS for complete and quick ordering (NEXT-1104)
Convenient smart filter in mobile version (NEXT-1102)
Standard and compact view of the list of items in the catalog on a mobile device when displaying products as “tiles”
There is a phone icon in the mobile header. Signatures have been added to company phones (NEXT-1092)
Optimized search performance in the mobile header (NEXT-1098)
Added a compact view of displaying popular categories on the main page in the mobile version (NEXT-1100)
Added a compact view of menu display on a mobile device (NEXT-1096)
Added the ability to display an expanded catalog in the mobile menu (NEXT-1094)
The printed version of the catalog product card has been improved (NEXT-1080)
Some raster icons have been replaced with vector SVG (NEXT-1101)
Added 2 types of display of the list of landing pages in the catalog: with and without background (NEXT-1099)
Added the ability to specify the number of visible related popular categories (NEXT-1132)
Fixed display of kit availability when regionalization is enabled (NEXT-399)
The display of a large number of trade offers on the detailed product page in the mobile version has been adjusted (NEXT-878)
Google e-commerce has been restored on the latest versions of the 1C-Bitrix platform (NEXT-1089)
Optimized layout of banners in IE 11 (NEXT-1130)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.5.1 (31.07.2019)
Minor bugs fixed
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.5.2 (15.08.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Support for the Google reCAPTCHA v3 service (NEXT-1164) has been added to the module settings. Keys from different versions of the service are incompatible.
There was no option to buy the kit on the detailed product page (NEXT-1163)
Products were not displayed in the catalog when regionalization was enabled, unless warehouses were linked to the current region, and the option was set in the component parameters to not display products that were not available for purchase
In the mobile version, the “Order a call” link was always displayed, even if the corresponding option was disabled in the module settings (NEXT-1168)
Sections with nesting depth greater than 2 were not displayed in the mobile menu.
In the mobile menu, when the module option “Catalog menu expanded” was installed, the root sections of the catalog without subsections were displayed as having subsections.
The catalog was not displayed on the product detail page in the mobile menu
A large active image could extend beyond the main banner
Fixed indentation of the text on the main banner with display across the entire width of the site (NEXT-1159)
Fixed display of the main banner in the mobile version when the animation type is “sliding vertically”
Fixed fixation of the mobile menu when scrolling to the top of the page
On the checkout page, the location was reset to the default value specified in the property
A 404 error could occur on landing pages in searches with a given CNC
Fixed an error that occurred when saving an icon for a web application
It was impossible to log in to a product detail page with hidden Google reCAPTCHA enabled
Active side menu items in content sections were cached
The algorithm for integrating and sending AmoCRM fields has been adjusted (NEXT-1178)
If buttons for sorting products were not selected in the catalog parameters, then an empty selection was displayed in the convenient mobile filter.
The convenient mobile filter did not display a selector with options for sorting products on the search page and the brand’s detail page.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.0 (22.08.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added a new way to set up products for cross-selling (NEXT-1097) . Details in the documentation and article.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.1 (27.08.2019)
On the detailed product card of the “With tabs” and “Without tabs” types, accessories and similar products by filter were not displayed. In the “Clothes and Shoes”, “Construction and Repair” and “Designer Products” views, accessories linked by ID were not displayed.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.2 (12.09.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added a function to display only visible images: “Use LazyLoad loading images.” The setting is enabled in the module parameters (NEXT-1106)
For cross-selling, the ability to link products according to the condition “property value of the offered product = property value of the current product” has been added. For example, if you set “brand = brand”, then the product page will display products from the same manufacturer. The operator can be the following conditions: equal, not equal, intersected, not intersected, strictly intersected (NEXT-1205)
Added the ability to hide the full list of sections on the search results page and on the brand detail page. The “Number of visible sections” parameter of the component is responsible for this. The remaining sections are displayed by clicking on the “More” link (NEXT-1220)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.6.3 (01.10.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to display a simplified header and footer on the cart and checkout page to increase conversion (NEXT-1262)
Fixed layout on the successful order page (NEXT-1320)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.0 (16.12.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added calculation of delivery costs in the product card (NEXT-870)
Added the “Fill background in compact filter” option to the parameters of the complex catalog component (NEXT-1155)
The Instagram widget has been adjusted for the new Instagram API conditions (NEXT-1387, NEXT-1361)
Fixed a bug with the navigation chain on the catalog detail page in Google Search Console (NEXT-789)
Pictures were not displayed in the properties of a trade offer when the option “Display announcement picture of the offer in properties for selection” was set on the search page and in the brands section (NEXT-1148, NEXT-1327)
An incorrect image was displayed in the properties of a trade offer when the option “Display announcement image of an offer in properties for selection” was selected (NEXT-1188)
An incorrect image was displayed for a sales offer on the product detail page when the solution option “Use LazyLoad loading of images” was enabled (NEXT-1312)
Data did not go to Yandex and Google e-commerce when placing a full order by an unauthorized user (NEXT-1390)
The composite cache was overwritten due to product ratings and the cart block (NEXT-914, NEXT-1390)
The page title in the product comparison section was set incorrectly (NEXT-1170)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.1 (19.12.2019)
New in version and improvements:
Added auto-update of preliminary delivery cost calculation information after changing the location field value in the detailed calculation pop-up window (NEXT-1426)
On mobile devices, added the ability to return to the previous page when calculating shipping costs and filling out web forms (NEXT-1424)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (NEXT-821, NEXT-1112, NEXT-1416, NEXT-1430)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.2 (30.12.2019)
Fixed an error with product images on the detailed catalog page in Google Search Console (NEXT-1289)
Instagram widget did not display profile video (NEXT-1442)
Delivery calculation was not performed if the product had a fractional measurement factor (NEXT-1449)
The block with delivery calculations in quick view moved out if the product was unavailable or quick purchase was disabled (NEXT-1443)
If the word “class” was found in the name of an element, then the image of the element changed incorrectly when the solution option “Use LazyLoad loading of images” was enabled (NEXT-1434)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.3 (03.02.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added ajax navigation to reviews on the detailed product page: switching pages now occurs without reloading (NEXT-564)
Added the “Display announcement image of the offer in selection properties” setting for tabs on the main page (NEXT-1230)
The “Regions” and “Personal Account” links in the mobile menu have been moved to the top (NEXT-1206)
Added display of a point on the map depending on the region on the contacts page (NEXT-920, NEXT-448)
Added scroll for properties drop-down list in compact menu (NEXT-849)
Improved display of trade offers on the detailed product page when setting “SKU Type 2” (NEXT-933, NEXT-967, NEXT-376, NEXT-835)
Regional tag values were not displayed in the ajax filter results on the catalog page (NEXT-804)
Errors occurred when connecting scripts through the solution settings in the Safari browser (NEXT-884)
In the block with gifts on the detailed product page, the price and purchase button were displayed incorrectly (NEXT-694)
When using a search from a fixed header, search results were not always closed correctly (NEXT-976)
When placing a quick order, user registration using the specified phone number (without specifying an email) has been corrected (NEXT-1414)
Tooltips for properties in the smart filter were displayed incorrectly (NEXT-1370, NEXT-1298, NEXT-855, NEXT-1055)
In composite mode, the Scheme.org rating markup disappeared on the product detail page (NEXT-1480)
Properties for purchasing from trade offers were incorrectly transferred in the product list and on the main page (NEXT-1447)
If a directory section does not have an image loaded, the 4th nesting level of this section was not displayed (NEXT-1065)
The discount price of items in the email newsletter was displayed incorrectly (NEXT-815)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.4 (05.03.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added delay when expanding the main menu (NEXT-883)
The “Scheme.org” micro markup on the detailed product page has been expanded: support for priceValidUntil, url, brand, sku, highPrice has been added (NEXT-951, NEXT-977)
Some detailed product cards were displayed incorrectly when the left block was hidden (NEXT-1488)
The title of the block with social networks in the site footer did not change (NEXT-894)
At a resolution of less than 768px, the drop-down block with subsections in breadcrumbs was not hidden (NEXT-1271)
The image enlargement button was not displayed if the image was loaded only for a sales offer (NEXT-1369)
When the resolution was less than 768px, the block with products in the tiled version was displayed incorrectly (NEXT-1217)
The wrong image was displayed for products with trade offers in Quick View (NEXT-1439)
The properties of the purchased product from the quick order were not transferred if the order was made from the product card (NEXT-1524)
The regional filter was not taken into account when displaying search results (NEXT-767)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.5 (26.03.2020)
The shipping cost calculation did not take into account cart rules that provide a discount on shipping when paying using the selected payment methods (NEXT-1572)
There was no transition to catalog sections in the compact mobile menu (NEXT-1540)
Catalog items were displayed in the articles and news block if the articles or news and the complex catalog component had a filter with the same name specified (NEXT-1373)
The attached picture to the forum topic was not displayed in the pop-up window (NEXT-1400)
Regional tags were not inserted into the quick purchase delivery text (NEXT-1367)
When the resolution was less than 768px, the share icon was hidden on the “Clothing and Shoes”, “Construction and Repair” and “Designer Products” detail cards (NEXT-719)
When switching trade offers in the product list, the product subscription button disappeared (NEXT-1444)
Improved layout of related services on the project detail page (NEXT-1313)
Corrected display of buttons in the smart filter (NEXT-1167,
NEXT-1316, NEXT-1477)
The "Number of items received" setting has been adjusted for the new Instagram API conditions (NEXT-1547)
Corrected display of the cart on mobile devices with a resolution from 400px to 470px (NEXT-1562)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.6 (20.04.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Implemented affiliate assignment in quick order (NEXT-421)
Added accounting of the selected trade offer in quick view (NEXT-421)
Implemented the ability to purchase kits in the product list (NEXT-1594)
The cost of discounted items in the cart in the header and in the bottom cart was not taken into account (NEXT-1427)
The price header was not hidden in the compact smart filter (NEXT-1511)
The name of the trade offer was not switched correctly in Quick View (NEXT-1478)
The identifier of trade offers did not work, except for oid (NEXT-1050)
Tooltips in Quick View were not switching correctly (NEXT-1510)
Display of subsections in the full mobile menu has been adjusted (NEXT-1582)
A validator error occurred in popular sections (NEXT-1570)
The filter was reset when clicking on the “Show more” button in brands (NEXT-1028)
The filter binding property in the stock template did not work correctly (NEXT-1399)
An error occurred when hovering over a block with discount predictions (NEXT-1556)
An error occurred when clicking on the calculate delivery block if the “Brief cost calculation on the page + link to detailed calculation” setting was selected (NEXT-1555)
The authorization popup window hung in the latest version of Bitrix (NEXT-1596)
Delivery calculations were made for an unavailable quantity of goods (NEXT-1607)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.7 (07.05.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to display top and mobile menu items from a separate information block. This will allow you to create thematic collections for each segment of the target audience. To enable this feature, set the option “Upload sections from the Mega Menu information block to the menu” in the solution settings (NEXT-1249)
The option “Compact view of the list of directory subsections” has been added to the solution settings (NEXT-1185, NEXT-1375)
Added the ability to install links to Viber, WhatsApp, Yandex Zen, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn (NEXT-1448)
The option “Load the mobile menu and the menu in the fixed header only when first displayed” has been added to the solution settings. The enabled option allows you to avoid triple duplication of menu items in the source code of each page of the site, thereby reducing the size of the composite cache on projects with a large number of directory sections. On mobile devices, the contents of the mobile menu will be loaded with a separate Ajax request when it is first opened. For devices with a wider screen, the contents of the menu in the fixed header will also be loaded when it first appears (NEXT-1545, NEXT-1621)
When sending a 1-click purchase form on mobile devices, there was no preloader (NEXT-466, NEXT-1025)
Products offered as gifts were displayed without regard to region (NEXT-1160)
In the list of products in a catalog section, the breadcrumb item was duplicated if both products and subsections were simultaneously located at the same nesting level of the catalog, and “do not show” was selected in the “Show elements of catalog subsections” parameter of the catalog component (NEXT-1171)
For products in the accessories block, the button overlapped the savings amount (NEXT-1212)
When making a purchase in 1 click, the buyer's first and last name are saved in the order (NEXT-1215)
In the “Reviews” section, products were displayed without regard to region (NEXT-1472)
The “Item to order” pop-up window did not open when clicking on the “To order” button for a trade offer again after switching to it from another trade offer of the same main product (NEXT-1473).
On the detailed product page, linked promotions and services were displayed without regard to region binding (NEXT-1506)
Google reCAPTCHA was not displayed on the blog detail page in the "Leave a comment" form (NEXT-1518)
In 1 fixed header, the search block did not stretch to the full available width (NEXT-1525)
When saving solution settings, the site favicon was erased, even if the image itself did not change (NEXT-1616)
In the header, the sub-items of the rightmost menu item expanded beyond the screen border (NEXT-1624)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.8 (27.05.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to install compact breadcrumbs in the catalog on mobile devices (NEXT-1224)
Implemented caching of the Instagram block on the main page, which will allow you not to exceed the service limit on the number of requests (NEXT-1637)
For publications in the Instagram block on the main page, a date display has been added (NEXT-1487)
In the solution settings, the ability to configure the display of tabs has been added (NEXT-1198)
Added the ability to display svg icons in the catalog drop-down menu (NEXT-1243)
In the detailed product card, when the “Ask a question” tab was displayed and there was no other information, the feedback form was not displayed (NEXT-726)
Fixed errors in the 1C-Bitrix security scanner “Static vulnerability analysis” (NEXT-1625)
The cart page was not displayed correctly in Internet Explorer (NEXT-1193)
Fixed validation errors (NEXT-1515)
When using the property grouper in Quick View, the product name was displayed instead of group names (NEXT-1642)
When LazyLoad was enabled, some of the images on landing pages were not loaded in Sites24 (NEXT-1654)
With 3, 4, 5 types of detailed product card, the discount percentage was not displayed in related products (NEXT-1609)
When using regional pricing with user group restrictions, pricing types were not determined correctly (NEXT-1622)
With type sku 2, the total quantity of the product (NEXT-1560) was displayed on the detailed product page of trade offers (NEXT-1560)
Corrected display of the symbolic currency sign in the quick order email template (NEXT-1657)
When using multisite on one domain, the link to the comparison page was formed incorrectly in the flying cart (NEXT-1590)
Under certain conditions in the adaptive version, prices for products with trade offers were not displayed on the product list page (NEXT-1643)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (NEXT-1564, NEXT-1573, NEXT-1610)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.9 (10.06.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added options for displaying a block with the presence of “list”, “list/map” and “map” on the product detail page (NEXT-1481)
Implemented display of information about the trade offer in a fixed header on the detailed product page (NEXT-1425)
Implemented accounting of the available quantity of goods in regional warehouses in the cart (NEXT-1076)
When the “Display cart on all pages” setting is enabled, updating of counters, amounts, headers for cart types “Flying”, “Side”, “In the header” and “Bottom” has been added (NEXT-1007, NEXT-1504, NEXT-1577)
Added Yandex.Maps styles, clustering and tooltips (NEXT-1446, NEXT-635, NEXT-440)
Improved display of gifts in the cart (NEXT-778)
The order status rights to display the order payment button in your personal account were not taken into account (NEXT-664)
The catalog did not display a pop-up window with the selection of properties for purchase when displaying products as a “list” and “table” (NEXT-1667)
The layout in the “Blog” section and on the main page in the “Technoblog” block has been adjusted (NEXT-1669)
Slider arrows were displayed when displayed vertically in the “You looked before” block (NEXT-1548)
If a property had a character code filled in in the form of a number and it was set to add to cart, an error occurred when adding a product with this property to the cart (NEXT-1305)
The counter for the total number of items in the cart was displayed incorrectly when setting “Cart from below” (NEXT-1039)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.10 (23.06.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to display product availability in warehouses in a pop-up window (NEXT-1415)
The ability to automatically convert WhatsApp and Viber numbers into a link has been implemented. For WhatsApp, you can additionally specify the message text through the solution settings (NEXT-1673)
The price did not change depending on the price interval in the tabs on the main page if the product had extended prices (NEXT-1056)
If an item that is a gift is in the cart, then when purchasing from the detail page of this item in 1 click, it will be added to the order with a zero price (NEXT-737)
If the manufacturers did not have a picture, then an empty block was displayed (NEXT-970, NEXT-1158, NEXT-1083)
The product tab on the main page remained active when hiding out-of-stock items (NEXT-1344)
On the main page in the promotions block for elements, the link did not change depending on the completion of the “Redirect” property (NEXT-1003)
The quick product purchase form was cut off if the form extended beyond the edges of the visible part of the browser window (NEXT-1681)
Missing "itemListElement" field in breadcrumbs on product detail page (NEXT-1684)
Product activity is not taken into account in popular categories (NEXT-965)
If an item was added to the deferred list, and then became unavailable for purchase (out of stock or simply deactivated), then the “deferred” tab disappeared in the side cart and the “out of stock” tab appeared with empty content (NEXT-1634)
Corrected display of “Print” and “Share” icons on mobile devices (NEXT-1671, NEXT-1679, NEXT-1694)
Corrected display of images for small banners in type 3 main (NEXT-1451)
The “Subscribe” button and some selection properties disappeared when switching trade offers in the list of catalog products and in tabs on the main page (NEXT-1385)
If a product with a trade offer has properties marked for display not in the main product, but in the trade offer, then the block with the characteristics was empty (NEXT-1376)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.11 (15.07.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added functionality for moving blocks on the detailed product page (NEXT-535)
The solution has been tested to work on PHP 7.4
In the list of products for the “List” and “Table” display types in the availability modal window, an incorrect link to the detailed product page was generated (NEXT-1056)
The search page was not displayed correctly when using the regional filter (NEXT-1704)
On the detailed product page for the properties of trade offers, the tooltip was displayed incorrectly when “Type SKU-2” was enabled (NEXT-1705)
On the detailed product page, when the regional filter was enabled, the availability of the product was not taken into account depending on the warehouse associated with the region (NEXT-1691)
The “Ask a question” form was displayed incorrectly without a completed description in the right column of the “News” section (NEXT-629)
In the Mozilla Firefox browser, the “Magnifier” mode for viewing a detailed image only worked at a distance (NEXT-1630)
The delivery calculation functionality has been adjusted when payment system restrictions are enabled (NEXT-1709)
If the login is in Cyrillic, then if there was an authorization error on the form, it was displayed in the wrong encoding (NEXT-1406)
Property hints for selecting trade offers in the detailed product card were displayed incorrectly (NEXT-972)
If there was a colon in the property value, then the names of the trade offer properties did not change when switching trade offers (NEXT-1543)
On mobile devices, the “Next project” button was not displayed correctly on the project detail page (NEXT-1412)
On the detailed order page in your personal account, payment system and delivery icons were displayed incorrectly if they were large (NEXT-1452)
The operation of the “Clear comparison” button on the product comparison page has been adjusted to take into account the change in catalog directory (NEXT-1172)
When displaying warehouses from the information block, deactivated items displayed a link on the detailed product page (NEXT-1082)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (NEXT-1655, NEXT-1505, NEXT-577, NEXT-1379, NEXT-1688)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.7.12 (16.07.2020)
Fixed an error on the detailed product page that occurred when there was no services information block
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.0 (30.07.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added a new type of top menu “Large” for sites with a large catalog (NEXT-1242)
For tabs on the main page, the functionality of loading goods using the “Show more” button has been implemented (NEXT-419, NEXT-1081)
Added gallery viewing functionality for the product list (NEXT-1235, NEXT-1386)
A new type of product reviews has been implemented. New fields have been added: rating, disadvantages, advantages, comment. When changing the type, reviews need to be transferred (More details in the documentation https://aspro.ru/docs/) (NEXT-1253, NEXT-1413)
The option “Show the first available offer image if the product image is not filled in” has been added to the solution settings (NEXT-1532)
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the “Delay” button in the solution settings for the entire online store (NEXT-1341, NEXT-1574)
Added the ability to load svg icons for the mega menu (NEXT-1732)
The functionality of disabling LazyLoad on certain pages of the online store has been added to the solution settings (NEXT-1708)
Added the ability to specify a custom link for Viber and WhatsApp (NEXT-1714)
For the first type of product card, the display of the “Characteristics” block has been improved (NEXT-1267)
Added the ability to download individual logos for a fixed header and mail template (NEXT-1144, NEXT-1366)
Synchronization with amoCRM did not work. Integration needs to be reconfigured (NEXT-1712)
When using user group restrictions in a regional pricing type, the main price was added to the cart instead of the minimum price (NEXT-1717)
When the composite was turned on, the “All characteristics” button in the detailed product card did not work (NEXT-1738)
The number of filtered products was not updated after removing the selected values in the smart filter in ajax mode (NEXT-1623, NEXT-1736)
The “Description” tab was not displayed in the first type of product card (NEXT-1735)
The property grouper did not work in the first type of product card (NEXT-1739)
For SKU type 2, discount predictions were not displayed in the detailed product card (NEXT-1703)
When using the side basket in editing mode, the top tabs were cut off (NEXT-1723)
When linking products to a promotion using a filter, the promotion was not displayed in the detailed product card (NEXT-1731)
The regionality of warehouses was not taken into account in the “Availability” tab
with the option “Show general information on warehouses” enabled
Personal recommendations were not disabled for product cards 1 and 2
Under certain conditions, a console error occurred after switching trade offers with the display of availability on the map enabled
The compact breadcrumb functionality did not work correctly when the “Include item name in navigation chain:” option was disabled.
In the third type of product card, the “Characteristics” block was not hidden if they were all displayed at the top of the card (NEXT-1742)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (NEXT-1315, NEXT-1503, NEXT-1519, NEXT-1122, NEXT-1652)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.1 (25.08.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added a “Reviews” section, the ability to leave reviews through a form and a block with reviews on the main page (NEXT-788, NEXT-1779)
Stabilized region switching when using regionality with a dropdown list (NEXT-1743)
The “Number of visible items in the wide menu” parameter did not work (NEXT-1753)
Shopping offers were displaying incorrect availability information in Quick View (NEXT-1759)
If a product with trade offers did not have properties selected for selection in the list of products, then the “Add to Cart” button appeared on them (NEXT-1775)
The detailed product view did not take into account the “Prohibit order cancellation” option (NEXT-1750)
Long property values were not trimmed correctly in Quick View (NEXT-1368)
For favicon, adding a get parameter when creating a link is disabled (NEXT-1776)
The top menu consisting of catalog sections (NEXT-1752, NEXT-1770) was displayed incorrectly
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.2 (21.09.2020)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to sort results by relevance to the search page (NEXT-1792)
Implemented the ability to close the region definition window (NEXT-781)
Improved display of the personal account page, search page, and detailed product page on mobile devices (NEXT-1225, NEXT-1285, NEXT-1223)
Flying cart was displaying php warnings (NEXT-1746)
For header search results, added consideration for the “Show the first available offer image if the product image is not filled in” setting (NEXT-1749)
On the detailed product page of a trade offer, the option “Display an announcement image of the offer in the properties for selection” was not used (NEXT-1757)
The link to “All posts” on Instagram on the main page did not work (NEXT-1757)
It was impossible to disable the “Name” and “Phone” fields for the 1-click purchase form (NEXT-1767)
Added micro markup for the extended type of reviews in the product card (NEXT-1774)
Noimage was not displayed for products without a picture in the product list table (NEXT-1790)
Incorrect display of the long name of the property value in the selection by trade offers on narrow screens (NEXT-1795)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.3 (05.10.2020)
Technical update.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.4 (08.10.2020)
New in version and improvements:
In the “Instagram” block on the main page, the text of posts is now displayed with line breaks preserved (NEXT-1784)
Tooltips with long text were not displayed correctly on mobile devices (NEXT-1542)
The block of related products in the product card was not hidden if no products were found by condition (NEXT-1659)
The phone number did not change when placing an order when using different profiles (NEXT-1812)
The quick view icon was not displayed in the product list if the gallery in the list was enabled and compare and favorites were disabled (NEXT-1798)
In the fixed header on the product detail page, the “No photo” plug was not displayed when there was no picture (NEXT-1355)
When the option “Load mobile menu and menu in the fixed header only when first displayed” was enabled, the large menu in the fixed header did not work correctly (NEXT-1816)
The “Prices” tab was not displayed in the detailed product card if the SKU 2 type was selected and there were no other tabs (NEXT-1751)
The headline on the detailed news page was not displayed correctly on mobile devices (NEXT-1777)
If there were no icons in the top menu of the catalog, nested subsections were displayed incorrectly (NEXT-1741)
Title replacement did not work on the store detail page (NEXT-658)
Indents in a large menu have been adjusted if a subsection does not have an image specified (NEXT-1760)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (NEXT-1604, NEXT-1815, NEXT-1441)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.5 (16.11.2020)
New in version and improvements:
The option “Does your online store operate under a public offer?” has been added to the solution settings. When activated, on the checkout page and the 1-click purchase form, a checkbox of agreement with the offer will be displayed (NEXT-1847, NEXT-1850)
Added new templates for Black Friday mailings (NEXT-1849)
The favicon now supports the SVG format (NEXT-1828)
Button color did not change in mailing templates (NEXT-1825)
When displaying the cart in the header, the region confirmation window was displayed incorrectly (NEXT-1820)
Products with trade offers were hidden if regionalization was enabled and the “Do not display unavailable products” option was set (NEXT-1755)
If properties were not selected for selecting trade offers in the list, then when the products were displayed in a compact form on mobile devices, the price was not displayed (NEXT-1826)
The functionality for replacing regional tags in ajax mode has been adjusted (NEXT-1840)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.6 (18.11.2020)
The solution’s operation has been adapted to the new platform requirements from the 1C-Bitrix update version 20.100.0 - remove the value “mbstring.func_overload” (NEXT-1864)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.7 (21.01.2021)
New in version and improvements:
In the footer of the site, support for displaying payment systems Tinkoff, YuMoney, YuKassa, and Mir has been added. Sberbank logo updated (NEXT-397, NEXT-1683)
Added support for SEO settings for the browser title and header when switching trade offers in the product card (NEXT-1535)
Improved performance of composite mode (NEXT-1880, NEXT-1879, NEXT-1829)
Optimized the “Landing pages in the catalog” functionality for a large number of landing pages (NEXT-1899)
When the “Do not display products that are out of stock” option was enabled in the promotions section of related products, page navigation did not work correctly (NEXT-1804)
Warehouse activity was not taken into account when displaying product availability status and included regionality (NEXT-1901)
When the “Do not display products that are out of stock” option was enabled in the brands section of the “Catalogue” view, item counting in sections did not work correctly (NEXT-1874)
The “Postpone” icon was displayed for items that were unavailable for purchase (NEXT-1870)
Under some conditions, the news title overlapped the print and share buttons (NEXT-1841)
When the “Protect user logout from CSRF” option was enabled in the main module settings, the “Logout” button in the personal account did not work (NEXT-1894)
In the list of products, under certain conditions, the picture in the gallery was duplicated (NEXT-1773, NEXT-1896)
Fixed validation errors on the site (NEXT-1862, NEXT-1863)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (NEXT-1856, NEXT-1859, NEXT-1858, NEXT-1866, NEXT-1823, NEXT-1861, NEXT-1857)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.8 (24.06.2021)
New in version and improvements:
A “Map” block has been added to the main page of the site (NEXT-1618)
Added the ability to automatically scroll products in the catalog when scrolling through the page (NEXT-1394)
The page loading speed has been increased - the recalculation of the height of cards in the tile-type product list has been switched to standard browser recalculation (css) (NEXT-1962)
The height of some elements was calculated incorrectly after clicking on the “Show more” button in the news list (NEXT-1848)
When regionalization was enabled and the “Do not display unavailable products” option was active, page navigation was not generated correctly on the search page (NEXT-1964)
Filling out the "Properties of offers added to cart" parameter was causing an error (NEXT-1907)
Calculation of ratings in extended reviews did not work on infoblocks 2.0 (NEXT-1945)
The product comparison button was not displayed in personal recommendations and related products (NEXT-1860)
In the quick view in the availability block there was an incorrect link near the “Details” button (NEXT-1905)
For non-existent pagination pages, 404 status was given only if there was no cache (NEXT-1111, NEXT-1324)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (NEXT-1917, NEXT-895, NEXT-1509, NEXT-1953)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.9 (06.09.2021)
New in version and improvements:
Added buttons for sorting by properties in the catalog (NEXT-1943)
Sorting options in the product list have been moved to one common drop-down list (NEXT-1256)
The ability to embed items from the “Mega Menu” information block into the catalog structure has been implemented (NEXT-1697)
On the detailed product page, the display of prices in a fixed header has been improved: for compactness, trade offers now display only the minimum price (by analogy with simple products) (NEXT-1690)
A new “Block” display type has been added for related products on the product detail page (NEXT-1269)
Added the ability to hide the “Ask a question” form in news and promotions (NEXT-1402)
Added display of the announcement description in the 3rd detailed product card (NEXT-1980)
Optimized landing pages in services with a large number of landing pages (NEXT-1912)
Filtering by brand did not work when going to the catalog section from the brand's detailed page (NEXT-1959)
The site name was not escaped during a clean installation (NEXT-1979)
The “You must change your password at next login” setting did not work (NEXT-1972)
On types 3 and 4 of the main page, the indents of the block with teasers have been adjusted (NEXT-1867)
Stickers on products were not displayed in the block of similar products (NEXT-1975)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.10 (25.10.2021)
New in version and improvements:
Improved display of a compact list of products on mobile devices - the display of “Our Offers” stickers is hidden (NEXT-1891)
Increased the width to 500 px with which the main banner will be hidden when the “Hide on narrow screens” option is activated (NEXT-1886)
The “Default” parameter has been added to the list of fields for sorting products (NEXT-1992)
For versions of 1C-Bitrix above 20, sorting will now occur by product availability instead of total quantity (NEXT-1986)
Expanded icons for attached files (NEXT-1536, NEXT-1911)
Fixed check for consent to the processing of personal data on sites where the Aspro solution is not installed (NEXT-1928)
For new installations, directory ID substitution for categories on the main page has been fixed (NEXT-1985)
Fixed the operation of the regional filter for the list of landing pages in the catalog (NEXT-1982)
In footers 6 and 7, the display of the block with telephones has been adjusted (NEXT-1936)
The basket in the 5th header shifted if the composite mode was enabled (NEXT-1984)
For new installations, a typo in the “Navigation Points Color” property has been corrected (NEXT-1187)
Added automatic resizing of the announcement image in the product list when the gallery is disabled (NEXT-1882)
Fixed a validation error in the main banner if the banner text was set to the center (NEXT-1946)
The regional filter did not work in the services section, in the list of sections and menus (NEXT-1948)
When the option “Display announcement image of an offer in selection properties” was enabled, the announcement image was replaced for all properties of the “Directory” type (NEXT-1884)
The total cost was not displayed after filtering if the total cost was shown immediately (NEXT-1892)
Filtering did not work when displaying the properties “Drop-down list with names and pictures” (NEXT-1951)
When the “Compact view of the list of catalog subsections” option was enabled for mobile devices, the subsections in the desktop version were shifted (NEXT-1976)
On devices with IOS and MAC, when placing an order and entering a phone number, it was transferred to the block with the phone (NEXT-1143, NEXT-1974)
News section was not honoring end dates when moving to the next item (NEXT-1941)
The Instagram widget slider did not work on mobile devices (NEXT-1903)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.11 (02.12.2021)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to disable review moderation in the “About the company” section (NEXT-1854)
The functionality of the “Back to Top” button has been adjusted. Added the ability to specify bottom and right margins (NEXT-1166)
Added the ability to display page navigation for branches in the “Contacts” section (NEXT-1026)
The VKontakte social network logo has been updated for the footer and header (NEXT-2000)
Added the ability to edit the parameters of the map component on the main one (NEXT-1966)
Added the ability to disable the ikSelect plugin (NEXT-2010)
Fixed display of the announcement image for the properties for selecting trade offers (NEXT-1998)
Fixed LazyLoad working if exceptions are specified incorrectly (NEXT-1933)
The drop-down list of branches on the contacts page for IOS has been adjusted (NEXT-1631)
The personal account CNC has been adjusted to switch to an order from a postal letter (NEXT-1766)
The functionality of links in the mobile menu has been fixed; the link now opens in a separate tab (NEXT-2010)
Fixed display of the number of reviews left on the detailed product page in the adaptive version (NEXT-1833)
Fixed display of subsections in the "Blog" section when using the ELEMENT_ID parameter for the CNC settings of the detailed page (NEXT-1994)
Corrected display of the branch name on the contacts page (NEXT-1996)
Fixed display of the 404 error page in the “Brands” section for the adaptive version (NEXT-1791)
The display of the old price for goods with trade offers has been adjusted (NEXT-2003)
Fixed VAT accounting in the cart in the “Personal Recommendations” block (NEXT-2004)
Adjusted the height of elements in the “Reviews” section (NEXT-1957)
Improved layout and other minor changes (NEXT-1453)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the option “Substitute the title of the trade offer in the name of the product on the detail page” (NEXT-598)
Indents on the main page of the site have been adjusted (NEXT-2020)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.13 (21.01.2022)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to flip through products in quick view (NEXT-165)
Added display of the article in the tabular view of the product list (NEXT-134)
Fixed substitution of the site name when installing multisite. Now the name of the site will not change in this case. (NEXT-2027)
The background was not displayed in the city selection form (NEXT-2029)
Adjusted the switching of the availability of fields with the names of the “To Order” and “Subscribe” buttons for a missing product when changing the values for this field (NEXT-1851)
The sort selection on the search page did not work correctly (NEXT-2022)
In personal recommendations in the cart, the display of the “More details” button has been adjusted (NEXT-2017)
In the adaptive version, when you clicked on menu items, the links opened in a new window (NEXT-2026)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.14 (21.02.2022)
New in version and improvements:
The ability to change the map type from Yandex to Google has been added to the solution settings (NEXT-689)
Added "Show from current section" option for recommended products to the catalog component template (NEXT-1932)
Added the ability to replace the map from Yandex to Google on the detailed product page (NEXT-2006)
Added the ability to view the entered password (NEXT-2036)
Added quick viewing of a catalog item in the cart (NEXT-2037)
Going to the “description” tab did not work when clicking on the “more details” link on the detailed product page (NEXT-104)
An empty directory section was not added to the breadcrumb chain (NEXT-813)
Fixed image blinking effect for the same images on mobile devices (NEXT-1234)
Fixed display of product characteristics in the tab in the “Construction and Repair” template for the detailed product page (NEXT-1266)
Navigation was displayed at the top gallery with one picture in projects (NEXT-1395)
Redirect for news in the side menu did not work (NEXT-1780)
Fixed Title for points on Google map (NEXT-1796)
An image stub for micro markup in products with TP was connected if the “Add detailed image to slider” option was disabled in the component parameters (NEXT-1813)
Changed sorting of popular products on the main page by sorting index (NEXT-1846)
The fractional quantity of goods in stock was not displayed in the “availability” tab on the detailed product page (NEXT-1960)
Fixed extra indentation for landings in the catalog list (NEXT-1989)
Stickers were not displayed for products in the services section without regionality (NEXT-2024)
Not all reviews were included in microdata (NEXT-2031)
Removed the “Default” sorting direction if this sorting is not displayed in buttons (NEXT-2033)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.15 (25.02.2022)
Fixed the work of the contacts section for the “Compact” type (NEXT-2049)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.16 (21.03.2022)
New in version and improvements:
Added a drop-down list of products for the “In the header” cart display type (NEXT-1248)
Added drop-down menu for personal account (NEXT-1279)
Added the ability to set a title for linked products on the blog detail page (NEXT-2040)
Added the ability to hide unavailable trading offers on the main page in the “Our offers” block (NEXT-2043)
The map view on mobile devices has been improved; it is now possible to expand the map to full screen (NEXT-742)
Corrected display of items in the landing list in reviews (NEXT-2047)
The "Email" field could not be made optional during registration (NEXT-1339)
Fixed display of trade offers in the “Our Offers” block on the main page when regionality is turned off (NEXT-2042)
The “Order a project” form did not open if the project name used a double quote (NEXT-2041)
The display of “Our Offers” stickers in the product list has been adjusted (NEXT-2048)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.17 (05.04.2022)
New in version and improvements:
Implemented the ability to add a signature under the product name in the block list of items (NEXT-1529)
Added the ability to select Bitrix24 forms in the solution settings (NEXT-1938)
For the slide panel (gallery) in the product list, a return to the first picture is implemented when moving the cursor away (NEXT-2063)
Added new cart template v2 with support for product stickers (NEXT-1022)
On the search result page, catalog sections are sorted by sorting index (the first sorting field). If the index matches, the sorting will be performed by the section name (second sorting field) (NEXT-1075)
Fixed API class name in contacts (NEXT-2070)
Rating was not displayed on the search result page with enhanced reviews (NEXT-1772)
17 header shifted on narrow screens (NEXT-2057)
Search did not work in header 9 (NEXT-2064)
Corrected display of the button in the gifts block on mobile devices (NEXT-2067)
Fixed display of the personal account drop-down menu with a site width of 1700 px in headers 17, 15, 10, 8, 6, 5 (NEXT-2061)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.8.18 (17.05.2022)
New in version and improvement:
Added support for villages in choosing a location for a region (NEXT-1934)
The field with search results in 6, 8, 10, 17 headers is placed across the entire width of the screen under the header (NEXT-2013)
Added the ability to exclude pages and sections for internal banners (NEXT-2078)
Added the ability to disable the “This is interesting” block in the blog (NEXT-288)
Added a button to go to the detailed page in the quick product view (NEXT-488)
Opening forms has been converted to pop-up windows on mobile devices (NEXT-1929)
Fixed long delay when switching items in a large catalog menu (NEXT-1787)
Fixed logo loading from the media library and from the structure (NEXT-1887)
In the 1-click purchase email template, the wrong quantity of the product was received if a fractional unit of measurement factor was used (NEXT-1893)
Removed extra zeros after the dot in the filter. Added the ability to specify the number of characters after the period for each property (NEXT-2046)
Fixed markup warning "Invalid object type in the 'brand' field and in the 'author' field" (NEXT-2054)
Header banner was displayed above the header on mobile devices (NEXT-2059)
The “This is interesting” block displayed the path for the missing picture (NEXT-2062)
Fixed tiled properties display on catalog detail page (NEXT-2066)
Fixed display of contact information depending on the region on Yandex.Map (NEXT-2071)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.9.0 (25.08.2022)
New in version and improvements:
Schema.org micro markup has been added for:
Extended review type (NEXT-2032)
Services section (NEXT-2110)
News and blog section (NEXT-2111)
Question-answer section (NEXT-2112)
Organizations on the main page(NEXT-2109)
Reviews section and for reviews on the main page (NEXT-1802)
Store section (NEXT-1474)
Improved functionality of extended reviews:
Block with all user photos (NEXT-2108)
Filter reviews by rating, presence of photo and comment text (NEXT-2107)
Ability to leave reviews without text (NEXT-2106)
Mark “Product purchased in store” to highlight reviews from real customers (NEXT-2102)
Ability to leave multiple files in review (NEXT-1970)
Ability to change files when editing a comment (NEXT-2113)
Added “VKontakte” block on the main page (NEXT-2103)
Added add to cart, save and compare notifications (NEXT-2117)
Added integration functionality with Aspro.Cloud (NEXT-2104)
Added Yandex Campaign Wizard widget for setting up advertising (NEXT-2105)
Added rel="alternate" attribute to link between desktop and mobile versions (NEXT-2099)
Added the ability to group landing pages in the catalog by sections (NEXT-581)
Added the ability to use search by location in the property type “Aspro:Next location binding”(NEXT-2114, NEXT-2115, NEXT-2116)
Added the ability to customize the sorting of related products on the brand's detailed page (NEXT-907)
Added the ability to hide ratings for related products in promotions (NEXT-959)
Added display of the number of reviews next to the rating (NEXT-1764)
Fixed micro markup error in the contacts section (NEXT-1196)
Adjusted block styles with region selection in the mobile version (NEXT-418)
Fill styles and print icons in the header block have been adjusted (NEXT-2101)
Corrected display of the unit of measure in the v2 cart template when recalculating the price (NEXT-2068)
Corrected the sort by relevance button on the catalog search page (NEXT-2058)
The text block overlapped the pagination when there was a bulleted list in the detailed description of the catalog section (NEXT-1961)
Adjusted rounding of product ratings (NEXT-2021)
The link to a brand was not hidden when the “Hide link if there is no detailed description” option was enabled in the list of brands (NEXT-2093)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.9.1 (23.09.2022)
New in version and improvements:
Added notification about successful user authorization (NEXT-2123)
Improved display of unavailable trade offers with pictures - now instead of fading them, they will be crossed out (NEXT-383)
Added “Share” block for landing pages in the catalog (NEXT-1576)
The solution's operation has been adapted for the update of 1C-Bitrix version 22.200.100 - authorization, location determination (NEXT-2131, NEXT-2132)
Fixed hiding the tab with characteristics if there are fewer properties in the top block than needed to display the tab (NEXT-2126)
Fixed cross-selling on infoblocks 2.0 (NEXT-2091)
When opening the search bar 1 type, focus was not automatically set to the search query input field (NEXT-1710)
Corrected display of the amount in the forgotten mail cart template (NEXT-1110)
The display height of the property values of trading offers in the product card has been adjusted (NEXT-1950)
Optimized price recalculation for products with trade offers in the product list (NEXT-2084)
Detail cards for og:image used preview image instead of detailed image (NEXT-1663)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.9.2 (17.10.2022)
New in version and improvements:
For the vertical filter, the ability to display a block with selected filters above the products has been added (NEXT-1255)
Links have been added for images of catalog sections in the top menu (NEXT-912)
Fixed display of the section image in the Open Graph markup (NEXT-769)
The output of the product article with trade offers has been adjusted for type SKU 2 (NEXT-2081)
Fixed display of the “Ask a question” tab if other tabs are hidden (NEXT-2073)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.9.3 (15.11.2022)
New in version and improvements:
Added note to required fields on forms (NEXT-1914)
The article was not displayed in the detailed product card if SKU 2 (NEXT-2139) was included
When clicking on “Show more” news was duplicated (NEXT-2128)
Clicking “Show more” duplicated services and blog articles (NEXT-2143)
Fixed adding an item to the cart when using the advanced price management mode (NEXT-1963)
In the detailed product cards “With tabs” and “Construction and repair” the tab with extended reviews was not displayed if the forum module (NEXT-2130) was removed
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.9.4 (30.01.2023)
New in version and improvements:
The solution and installer have been tested on PHP 8.1 (NEXT-2156, NEXT-2157)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.9.5 (24.03.2023)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to display banners in the product list (NEXT-2169, NEXT-2172)
jQuery update (NEXT-2167):
Support for jQuery 3 has been implemented. An option has been added to the solution settings to switch between versions 2 and 3
Updated jQuery UI library
Added a message about the successful submission of a review when pre-moderation is enabled in standard reviews (NEXT-1758)
Added regional filter for pick-up warehouses in checkout (NEXT-1811)
Fixed some solution errors on PHP 8.1 version (NEXT-2163):
In the contacts section
In the solution settings, if payer types were not selected for one of the sites
For the VKontakte block on the main page
In the catalogue, the sum of the review ratings was not filled in
When creating a sitemap
When deleting a product
On a blog, if article tags were not filled in
In the sorting block in the catalog section
When using a flying cart with products that do not have a filled-in announcement image
Fixed warnings when running cron
Fixed error sending response to review(NEXT-2165)
Gifts in the cart were not displayed (NEXT-2154)
Other minor edits (NEXT-2149, NEXT-2171)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The price in the compact filter was always displayed as selected (NEXT-2178)
The “Show more” button in the tabs on the main page did not work (NEXT-2186)
Critical security update
Attention!!! We strongly recommend installing the update.
1.9.7 (22.05.2023)
New in version and improvements:
The design of the comparison page has been updated, a comparison of products from the same category has been added (NEXT-1173, NEXT-2192)
Social networks from the footer are displayed on the detailed contact page (NEXT-2191)
Fixed notification about adding to cart for product type SKU2 (NEXT-2184)
Fixed 404 error in the console on the cart page (NEXT-2176)
The rel=alternate attribute was removed according to Yandex recommendations (NEXT-2152, NEXT-2187)
Fixed layout of product names with long names (
Parameters for calling the smart-filter component have been adjusted (NEXT-2188)
Adjusted change in the minimum value of the quantity of goods when selecting a range > 1 piece (NEXT-2190)
Adjusted underlining of the old price for browsers based on Google Chrome (NEXT-2180)
Corrected display of menu items in 8, 9, 10 headers and when zooming in on the page (NEXT-2183)
Fixed some bugs on PHP-8.1 version (NEXT-2181)
Corrected tile display for long product names (NEXT-2198)
Corrected display of the button in the product tile with long text (NEXT-2185)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you contributed
changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Attention!!! We strongly recommend installing the update.
1.9.8 (02.06.2023)
The display of prices in the list of products has been adjusted after updating 1C-Bitrix 23.300.0 (NEXT-2219)
The menu cache was not generated correctly (NEXT-2221)
Some information blocks were not installed on clean installations (NEXT-2220)
In the fixed header in the Firefox browser, the drop-down list of the personal account menu in the fixed header was not displayed (NEXT-2203)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.9.9 (21.07.2023)
Fixed errors in the search algorithm for catalog sections (NEXT-2164)
The call to the quick purchase form has been changed to open only in a modal window (NEXT-2244)
Redesigned functionality for adding files when leaving a review (NEXT-2236)
The area for adding files to a review via Drag'n'Drop now displays a limit in MB (NEXT-2237)
The ability to add files to a review has become available to all users (NEXT-2238)
Added wrapper for unserialize call (NEXT-2211)
Fixed a number of PHP 8 bugs (NEXT-2213)
The display of product codes and trade offers on the comparison page has been adjusted (NEXT-2206)
Fixed display of the ruble symbol in the header for the cart and pending items (NEXT-2212)
The first sticker from the list of stickers has been added to the compact display of product cards (NEXT-2150)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.10.0 (05.09.2023)
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to display related articles for catalog sections (NEXT-1579)
Implemented e-commerce support for Google Analytics 4 (NEXT-2050)
Added the ability to load phone icons in the site header (NEXT-1349)
Implemented the ability to limit the number of downloaded files in reviews (NEXT-2259)
The display of the icon for successfully applying a promotional code in the cart has been adjusted (NEXT-2208)
The Yandex.Metrica goal “Complete order successfully completed” sometimes worked repeatedly when the page for successful checkout was reloaded. Option "Use full order targets" was not disabled (NEXT-1949)
Fixed W3C validation errors in template_styles.css (NEXT-776, NEXT-799)
Acceptable file formats in product reviews have been adjusted - now you can only upload images of the image type (NEXT-2260)
Fixed duplicate images when editing a review in a product (NEXT-2271)
Product stickers on the home page were not selected to display on new installations of the solution (NEXT-2274)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.10.1 (15.11.2023)
New in version and improvements:
In the detailed product card, the ability to output video from a file has been added (NEXT-2056)
In the detailed product card, the ability to display tabs “Delivery”, “Payment”, “How to buy” has been added for all cards (NEXT-2312)
The price of products was not displayed in the drop-down search (NEXT-2291)
The functionality of Yandex goals on the ordering page has been adjusted (NEXT-2298, NEXT-2311)
Fixed PHP8 errors (NEXT-2303, NEXT-2323)
The “Order a call” form did not work in the mobile version (NEXT-2308)
“Quick View” did not turn off in cart v2 (NEXT-2299)
The layout has been adjusted when displaying the cart in headers 4, 7, 16 (NEXT-2305)
Fixed incorrect centering of the map in the Contacts section (NEXT-2320)
Fixed a bug in trigger mailing (NEXT-2217)
The layout of the “Clear” button in the cart has been adjusted (NEXT-2279)
Fixed PHP error when the region address is not filled in when filling out forms on the site (NEXT-2310)
The layout of the printed version of the site pages has been adjusted (NEXT-1270)
Fixed page markup for multiple phone values (NEXT-2297)
Fixed an issue where the image was loading as a file in Quick View (NEXT-2200)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.10.2 (13.03.2024)
Added the ability to display the characteristics of sales offers in the purchase letter template in 1 click (NEXT-1606)
Fixed an error on the contacts page when using the “Remove stores from warehouses” option (NEXT-2321)
Fixed a PHP error in the product availability pop-up window if the “Show general warehouse information” option is enabled (NEXT-2348)
Fixed adding an item to the cart on its detail page if quantity accounting is enabled and purchasing is allowed with a negative quantity of the item (NEXT-2341)
Fixed long loading of search results when regionalization is enabled (NEXT-2337)
Corrected display of the “Buy in 1 click” button in the detailed product card when the left block is turned off (NEXT-2339)
Active filters were not displayed in the catalog when the ajax mode of the filter was turned off (NEXT-2342)
Added scrolling to the store information popover on the map (NEXT-2340)
Fixed errors in the browser console that occurred when using standard reviews (NEXT-2344)
The display of your personal account on mobile devices has been adjusted (NEXT-2343)
For new installations in the title search component, the “Show category other” setting is deactivated for correct operation of search area restrictions (NEXT-2346)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
1.10.3 (29.05.2024)
Fixed PHP error when there is no aspro-regions folder (NEXT-2350)
Adjusted warning display for unavailable items in the side cart (NEXT-2367)
Fixed a bug in cross-selling when using the Catalog on infoblocks 2.0 (NEXT-2349)
Auto-loading of products in pagination on the search page did not work (NEXT-2360)
Fixed Captcha error when purchasing in 1 click (NEXT-2363)
Fixed an error on the detailed brand page if the “Description” field of the banner is not filled in” (NEXT-2369)
The noimage stub was not displayed in the product list (NEXT-2365)
Fixed a bug where the block with additional information from the included area was not displayed on the product detail page (NEXT-2370)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!