Аспро: Максимум — универсальный интернет-магазин, разработанный с учетом пожеланий пользователей, современных тенденций и технологий для быстрой загрузки. Работает на опережение, решает реальные задачи бизнеса, идеально отображается на всех устройствах.
Покупатели больше не хотят просто просматривать интернет-магазин, им нужно получить эмоции. О товаре, магазине или уровне сервиса. В Аспро: Максимум был пересмотрен каждый блок, с которым столкнутся ваши клиенты. Мы проанализировали сотни пожеланий пользователей, изучили современные тенденции и применили все это в новом решении.
Построить успешный бизнес в онлайне помогут:
Расчет стоимости доставки в карточке товара;
Мега-меню для индивидуальной настройки под вашу аудиторию;
Начните бизнес в Интернете — запустите сайт на готовом решении! Найдите новые точки роста и повышайте конверсию в покупки без знаний программирования. Подробная документация и специалисты технической поддержки помогут выполнить базовые настройки и быстро запустить проект.
В Аспро: Максимум встроена система готовых тематик Аспро.Kit. Это преднастроенные готовые сайты, которые адаптированы под задачи бизнеса.Универсальный сайт для запуска интернет-магазина любой тематики.
Активный отдых — для магазинов в одном регионе и федеральной сети.
Электроника — для розничных магазинов техники для дома и отдыха.
Одежда и обувь — для розничных магазинов женской, мужской и детской одежды, обуви и аксессуаров.
Товары для дома — для розничных магазинов товаров для дома, офиса и дачи.
Конфигурации — набор настроек оформления под определенную тематику. Структура сайта, комбинации блоков на главной странице, вид разделов, товаров и другие настройки помогут быстро запустить интернет-магазин.
Оформление тщательно продумано маркетологами и UX-дизайнерами. Выгодное сочетание блоков, их вид отображения и красочные баннеры привлекут внимание клиентов и создадут нужное впечатление о компании. А готовый набор контента поможет запустить интернет-магазин еще быстрее!
Посетители сайта обращают внимание на скорость загрузки проекта в первую очередь. Если на телефоне сайт загружается более 3 секунд, 53% клиентов покинет страницу. Такие данные приводит Google. Также скорость влияет на ранжирование поисковыми системами. Поэтому нужно заниматься оптимизацией сайта на регулярной основе для привлечения и удержания клиентов.
За быструю загрузку в Аспро: Максимум отвечает технология LazyLoad. Она направлена на загрузку изображений и блоков сайта по мере просмотра. Сначала загружается только та часть, которую увидит пользователь на первом экране. А по мере пролистывания страниц — остальной контент.
Новая технология идет рука об руку с вашей работой на сайте. Мы создали инструмент, который дает возможность ускорить загрузку страниц. Используйте LazyLoad, оптимизируйте изображения, подберите оптимальные настройки хостинга, структурируйте каталог и получите максимум от вашего онлайн-проекта. Опережайте конкурентов вместе с Аспро!
В 2019 году самое распространенное разрешение экрана — 1920x1080 px (по статистике ScreenResolution.org). За последние 7 лет процент таких интернет-пользователей вырос с 6% до 19%. Поэтому сегодня интернет-магазин должен идеально смотреться на мониторах более 23 дюймов с высоким разрешением.
Все блоки в решении Аспро: Максимум увеличены для комфортного просмотра на больших мониторах. При этом идеальное отображение сохраняется и на меньших экранах: ноутбуках, планшетах и смартфонах.
Заголовки, баннеры, карточки товаров и другие элементы цепляют взгляд и помогают легче воспринимать информацию. Передавайте нужное настроение и побуждайте клиентов к принятию решения о покупке!
39% покупателей руководствуются результатами поиска, по данным Think With Google. Это говорит о том, что SEO-продвижение — актуальный и рабочий инструмент. Поэтому мы реализовали гибкий функционал для автогенерации посадочных страниц — Умный SEO. Для создания посадочных страниц по фильтру не нужно владеть навыками программирования или привлекать дополнительных специалистов.
Функционал уже внедрен в Аспро: Максимум с версии 1.4.0 и решает задачи бизнеса. Подробнее разобраться с настройками поможет пользовательская документация и видеообзор. Просто настройте SEO, все остальное продумали мы!
Адаптивная версия сайта — новый стандарт отношений между покупателем и продавцом. Удобный сайт и понятная навигация увеличивают вовлеченность пользователей, уменьшают количество отказов и повышают продажи. Однако сегодня недостаточно просто сделать адаптивную версию. Все функции интернет-магазина должны быть доступны без лишних движений.
Решение Аспро: Максимум не просто идеально отображается на всех устройствах. Оно удобно для использования одним пальцем. Ничто не помешает вашим клиентам совершить покупку!
Карточка товара — место, где покупатель принимает окончательное решение. Здесь важно сфокусировать внимание в нужном месте, подтвердить мотивацию покупки, ответить на все интересующие вопросы и сделать желаемое действие очевидным.
В Аспро: Максимум настроить карточку товара можно под любую тематику. Магазину одежды и бижутерии подойдет вариант с акцентом на изображение в центральной части экрана и выводом основной информации сбоку. А магазину электроники — карточка товара, состоящая из трех блоков: изображения слева, торговых предложений и характеристик по центру, выделенной областью покупки справа.
Используйте все возможности для вашего проекта:
Расчет стоимости доставки в карточке товара;
Выбор типа карточки в соответствии с тематикой;
Настройка формата изображения: квадратное, вертикальное или горизонтальное;
Порядок отображения блоков — например, установка рекомендуемых товаров выше описания;
Дополнительные табы с информацией об условиях доставки и оплаты.
Выход в регионы не обходится без доставки товаров. Еще на этапе выбора посетители хотят узнать, привезут ли товар в их город, в какие сроки и сколько это стоит.
Предварительный расчет стоимости доставки играет важную роль в интернет-магазине:
Повышает лояльность покупателей. Расчет стоимости доставки экономит их время, ведь для этого не нужно обращаться к менеджерам за уточнением информации.
Уменьшает количество брошенных корзин. Бывают ситуации, когда клиент выбирает товар по привлекательной цене, но при оформлении заказа узнает о высокой стоимости доставки. Его мнение меняется, и заказ остается незавершенным.
Сокращает бюджет на рекламу. Ретаргетинг на брошенные корзины станет эффективнее — в аудиторию не будут попадать те, кто передумал совершать заказ из-за неподходящей стоимости доставки.
В Аспро: Максимум доставка рассчитывается прямо в карточке товара. Информация берется из подключенных служб доставки и зависит от их условий. Вы можете сами выбрать, какие отображать варианты — самовывоз, почта или курьер. Учитывается местоположение клиента, тип плательщика и способ оплаты. Стоимость доставки отображается как для отдельного товара, так и для всей корзины целиком.
Мега-меню — удобный способ презентации товаров и контента на сайте. Гибкие настройки позволяют создавать меню под интересы каждой целевой аудитории. Это гарантирует быструю навигацию для покупателей и выгодную подачу ассортимента для владельца.
В Аспро: Максимум настроить пункты меню в шапке можно индивидуально для каждого раздела. Создавайте подборки с помощью фильтра, ведите на самые востребованные товары или популярные запросы. Дополнительно можно включить правый блок. В нем могут быть логотипы брендов или яркие баннеры для привлечения внимания. Выбирайте сами, из каких пунктов будет состоять меню вашего интернет-магазина!
Массовая покупка в интернет-магазине отличается от розничной. Как правило, это быстрые транзакции по персональным ценам. Поэтому добавление товара в корзину должно быть предельно удобным и простым.
В Аспро: Максимум реализован новый функционал добавления нескольких товаров по галочке. Он доступен в табличном виде отображения списка товаров и позволяет сформировать заказ в несколько кликов. Ваши оптовые покупатели смогут выделить все товары или выбрать несколько, а затем массово добавить их в корзину, сравнение или список желаний.
Подбирайте свои комбинации блоков, отображение разделов, товаров и других элементов интернет-магазина. Презентуйте компанию в вашем фирменном стиле, адаптируйте + под свои задачи и расставляйте акценты там, где этого требует ваш проект.
В вашем распоряжении:
18 настраиваемых блоков на главной странице;
21 баннер для презентации преимуществ на главной странице;
29 вариантов шапок сайта и 8 видов футера;
Активация/деактивация бокового меню отдельно для каждого раздела;
8 вариантов оформления разделов каталога;
Настройка цвета оформления сайта;
Поддержка шрифтов Google Fonts.
И это только малая часть всех возможностей. Оцените все варианты на нашей демо-версии, получите доступ для редактирования, задайте свои настройки и посмотрите, как будет выглядеть ваш интернет-магазин.
Посетители вашего интернет-магазина увидят актуальную информацию для их города: контакты, каталоги, остатки товаров, баннеры, цены, акции и другой контент. При этом геолокация определится вручную. А если ее нужно будет изменить, можно воспользоваться удобным выбором города.
Используйте все возможности для успешного продвижения:
Настройте показ контента для определенных регионов;
Создайте теги для автозамены информации — например, названия города в заголовках или условия доставки в описании товара;
Включите автоматическую генерацию файлов robots.txt и sitemap для каждого региона.
Настроить мультирегиональность просто. Достаточно выполнить настройку один раз, и функционал будет работать в автоматическом режиме. Каждому региону будет доступно свое SEO-продвижение. Сократите ресурсы на запуск интернет-магазина в нескольких городах!
Соберите главную страницу под свои предпочтения — включите только нужные блоки, настройте порядок их отображения и выберите подходящий дизайн. Цепляйте взгляды и презентуйте товары с помощью ярких баннеров.
Оформите главную страницу стильно:
Выберите подходящий вариант из 10 шаблонов оформления главного баннера;
Разместите баннер-товар для презентации продукта с первых минут посещения интернет-магазина;
Рекламируйте популярные товары с помощью 3 разных блоков с баннерными позициями: картинками с текстом на сером фоне, только изображениями или изображениями с текстом;
Презентуйте товар дня в специальном блоке;
Выделите товар из лучших предложений — загрузите яркое изображение для большого блока;
Отображайте коллекции с подборкой сезонных товаров и другое.
Количество вариантов бесконечно! Размещайте видео на большом баннере, рассказывайте об акциях и новостях, делитесь отзывами. Увеличивайте аудиторию и получайте больше лидов с помощью виджета Instagram* на главной странице.
Создавайте неограниченное количество посадочных страниц: подборки сезонных товаров, специальные условия для рекламной кампании или запрос в поисковой системе. Ведите на них рекламный трафик и экономьте на SEO-продвижении.
В Аспро: Максимум доступно три вида посадочных страниц:
Расскажите больше о вашем интернет-магазине с помощью продуманных контентных разделов. Знакомьте посетителей с вашими сотрудниками и привлекайте новых. Взаимодействуйте с клиентами с помощью блога и новостей.
В Аспро: Максимум включены контентные разделы под любые задачи:
Отдельная страница отзывов;
Полезная информация о покупке, доставке и другое.
Для тех, кто присутствует в нескольких регионах, есть возможность привязывать посадочные страницы к определенному городу. Посетители вашего интернет-магазина будут всегда видеть актуальную для них информацию.
Все контентные разделы переработаны для удобства пользования. Идеальное отображение и удобный функционал расширит границы ваших возможностей. Покажите опыт и компетенции!
Простая интеграция с Яндекс.Метрикой, Google Analytics и социальными сетями
Подключить счетчики популярных систем аналитики и пиксели социальных сетей просто. Достаточно вставить код в специальное поле. Отслеживайте статистику и запустите ретаргетинг в социальных сетях в несколько кликов.
Для Яндекс.Метрики предусмотрено простое отслеживание целей веб-форм «Товар под заказ», «Задать вопрос», «Обратная связь», «Резюме», «Заказать услугу» и «Заказать звонок». А также цели корзины, покупки в 1 клик, быстрого и полного заказа.
Перекрестные продажи для повышения конверсий
Настраивайте связи в контентных разделах, устанавливайте похожие товары и аксессуары в каталоге. Выполняйте настройку для каждого товара или настраивайте правила показа перекрестных продаж по определенным условиям.
Простая интеграция с CRM-системами
Интеграция с системой управления бизнесом Аспро.Cloud позволит автоматизировать рабочие процессы. Передавайте данные заполненных веб-форм, храните лиды в одном месте, отслеживайте воронку продаж и анализируйте показатели бизнеса.
Покупка в 1 клик
Совершить покупку можно везде — по дороге на работу, на даче или во время тренировки. Ведь оформить заказ можно с помощью быстрой покупки. Для этого достаточно оставить свое имя и номер телефона. С остальным поможет менеджер интернет-магазина.
Торговые предложения
Торговые предложения (SKU) — вариации одного и того же товара. Например, футболка может быть представлена в нескольких цветах, а парфюм — в объемах. Каждое торговое предложение в Аспро: Максимум может иметь свою уникальную ссылку. Доступно два вида отображения: на карточке с товаром в виде превью или таблицы с характеристиками.
Бонусные и реферальные программы для покупателей
Повышайте лояльность клиентов и увеличивайте продажи с помощью бонусов. В решении реализована поддержка модуля «2в1 Накопительная система бонусов (кэшбэк) + Реферальная система» от LogicTim. Устанавливайте условия бонусной программы и подключайте ее на сайт в пару кликов. Модуль приобретается отдельно.
Наборы, комплекты и подарки
Возможности платформы 1С-Битрикс позволяют повышать вероятность совершения покупки и допродажи с помощью наборов, комплектов и подарков.
Допродажи — маркетинговый инструмент, который позволяет предложить покупателю расширения к товару и увеличить средний чек. Например, в редакции «Бизнес» вы можете допродать наушники и чехлы, привязав их в карточке товара телефона.
Преимущества для наших партнеров:
Сохраняем стандартные скидки до 50% для участников партнерской программы 1С-Битрикс.
Дарим дополнительные оптовые скидки до 15% на продукты Аспро.
Выделяем демосервер без контактных данных разработчика.
Открываем доступ к обучающему курсу партнеров и оказываем приоритетную техническую поддержку.
Даем доступ в закрытый раздел партнеров на сайте Аспро с маркетинговыми материалами для продвижения услуг студии.
Предоставляем доступ к Центру управления в админке сайтов ваших клиентов.
Отправляем доступ от закрытой группы Telegram для неформального общения между партнерами Аспро.
Партнеры с большим опытом внедрений дополнительно имеют:
Бесплатные NFR-ключи для разработчиков.
Подключение собственных онлайн-чатов на партнерские демосайты.
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What should you pay attention to when developing a multilingual design?
Performance improvements: How PHP 8 improves the performance of Bitrix applications with a JIT compiler, improved memory optimization and faster serialization.
Bitrix: How PHP 8 improves compatibility with previous versions of the language and facilitates the transition from older versions.
Improved Browser Support: How PHP 8 improves browser support and makes Bitrix applications more stable.
Multiregionality, multilingualism or multilingualism - in a word, full-fledged localization of sites without our module is impossible!
Multiregional site: your key to increasing sales
Multi-regional site: a way to improve the user experience for foreign visitors
Monobank update: Plata
Telegram chat Bitrix Proger Union
Bitrix Mobile Detect
Acquiring module in Monobank for the Bitrix platform
Fixed an error when installing the solution on version 1C-Bitrix 24.100.0 (MAX-5009)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, you MUST perform a full backup of the site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Реализован функционал добавления дополнительных блоков на главную страницу сайта с произвольным содержимым (например, текст или компонент) (MAX-2755, MAX-2772, MAX-2750)
В оформлении заказа v2 добавлена возможность вывода иконок платежных систем и служб доставки (MAX-3030, MAX-2926)
Маркетинговые окна вынесены в модуль:
Добавлено условие показа по GET-параметрам (MAX-4574)
Добавлено дополнительное условие показа окна «Уход с сайта» (MAX-4512)
Улучшен вид в темной теме (MAX-4581)
Умный SEO (обновление загружается отдельно):
Добавлена новая функция «Привести к верхнему регистру первый символ каждого слова». Опция будет полезна для корректного склонения названий городов и стран, содержащих дефис (SEO-136)
Добавлены групповые действия активации и деактивации в списках элементов ЧПУ, карты сайтов, тегов и условий в поиске (SEO-152)
Добавлена настройка для скрытия части текста или полного отображения в табах или блоках «Описание», «Оплата», «Как купить», «Доставка», «Дополнительно» в детальной карточке товара (MAX-4861)
Добавлена настройка для вывода характеристик товара в одну или две колонки в детальной карточке товара (MAX-4877)
Улучшен вид характеристик в детальной карточке товара: скорректирован цвет и разделительные линии (MAX-4865)
Не выводилась нижняя панель с иконками на мобильных устройствах, если на хостинге был включен модуль PageSpeed (MAX-3933)
Долго прогружалось видео в попапе на детальной странице товара (MAX-4034)
Скорректирована работа Google ReCaptcha v3 на странице оформления заказа (MAX-4568, MAX-4846)
При использовании Google ReCaptcha v3 не отправлялись отзывы в карточке товара (MAX-4873)
Исправлена ошибка при отправке формы в 1 клик, если включена Google Recaptcha 3 (MAX-4818)
Исправлено отображение активного состояния иконки сравнения товара при AJAX-загрузке списка товаров (MAX-4879)
В выпадающей корзине в шапке сайта скорректировано отображение старой цены для связанных с товаром услуг, если старая цена совпадала с текущей ценой (MAX-2417)
Скорректирован падеж города в расчете стоимости доставки в карточке товара. Для правильного падежа должен быть установлен Аспро: Умный SEO (MAX-4425)
Скорректирован вывод свойства «Наличие на складах», если не было выбрано ни одного склада в параметрах компонента «Каталог» (MAX-4748)
При переключении торговых предложений не работал функционал общей суммы в карточке товара (MAX-4825)
Скорректированы языковые фразы текстовых блоков в детальной карточке товара для английской версии сайта (MAX-4854, MAX-4852)
Не было возможности редактировать ответ на оставленный комментарий в отзывах в детальной карточке товара (MAX-4860)
При переключении торговых предложений не работал функционал пересчета цены согласно диапазонам цен (MAX-4867)
В логах сайта возникали ошибки из-за обращения к несуществующему классу (MAX-4874)
Не показывались маркетинговые окна для сайта с определенным идентификатором (MAX-4923)
Скорректирован функционал определения города по IP при неудачном ответе от сервиса (MAX-4891)
Не пересчитывалась сумма в нижней корзине (MAX-4899)
Умный SEO (обновление загружается отдельно):
Исправлен вывод списка посадочных странице в облаке тегов в разделах каталога при нахождении на одной из посадочных страниц (SEO-66, SEO-99)
Исправлено некорректное название типа инфоблока в диалоге выбора инфоблока при английском языке интерфейса (SEO-132)
Исправлено автоматическое обновление индексного файла карты сайта после его генерации модулем «Поисковая оптимизация (seo)» (SEO-159)
Добавлены операторы «содержит» и «не содержит» в конструктор условия фильтра элементов инфоблока на форме редактирования SEO-текстов для свойств типа HTML/Текст (SEO-161)
Исправлены ошибки обновления текстов элементов инфоблока при сохранении формы редактирования SEO-текстов, если свойства инфоблока типа HTML/Текст выбраны на форме к обновлению или используются в конструкторе условия фильтра элементов (SEO-160, SEO-162, SEO-163)
Внимание!!! Перед установкой обновления ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО выполните полное резервное копирование сайта. Если вы вносили изменения в шаблон решения, то дополнительно скопируйте всю папку шаблона!
Characteristics in the detailed product card are now displayed in two columns if there are more than 2 (MAX-4516)
For compactness, it is possible to hide part of the text in tabs or blocks “Description”, “Payment”, “How to buy”, “Delivery”, “Additional” in the detailed product card if the text is more than 3 lines (MAX-4517)
Switching of trade offers in the detailed product card has been adjusted (MAX-4805)
The background did not darken when hovering over menu items in headers 28 and 29 (MAX-4522)
Fixed installation of the English version of the site (MAX-4426)
Adjusted font sizes from 12px on mobile devices according to Yandex recommendations (MAX-4602)
Fixed an error that occurred when trying to transfer the property of a sales offer to the cart with SKU2 (MAX-4610)
Fixed display of the “Select analogue” button in the product list in a compact catalog view (MAX-4832)
Tooltips were displayed incorrectly in the smart filter in the catalog for a property with one value (MAX-3517)
Corrected display of properties with one value in the smart filter in the catalog (MAX-4342)
Image output has been adjusted - a check has been added for storing images in cloud storage (MAX-4775)
Corrected cache formation when automating stickers (MAX-4843)
Fixed transition to the “Availability” tab in the detailed product card when clicking on availability near the price and the fixed header is turned off (MAX-4701)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added setting to dim the site when hovering over the top menu
Improved product card metrics for Google PageSpeed Insights
Added the “Site width 1,200 px” setting
Installation of site themes and presets has been stabilized
In the product banner on the main page, the “Add to Cart” and “Set aside” buttons were not reset after emptying the cart
For new installations, the link to the order in the letter received after making a purchase in 1 click has been corrected (MAX-546)
In the pop-up window for availability by warehouse, regionality was not taken into account
Improved layout and made other minor changes
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added two new options for displaying a detailed product card
Added two new fixed header options
Added setting to exclude display of advertising banners for sections and individual pages
Added functionality for authorization and registration via SMS
In the quick view of the product of the day on the main page, properties with multiple values were incorrectly displayed (MAX-593)
The title was not displayed in the product card in the recommendations block (MAX-557)
In the adaptive version, the “From - to” slider in the filter did not work (MAX-614)
Corrected display of drop-down items in header type 28 (MAX-585)
Fixed file encoding when installing the solution (MAX-594)
In the adaptive version, the darkening of the drop-down list of phones in the header has been fixed (MAX-573)
When installing the solution, demo email addresses for regions were filled in incorrectly (MAX-582)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-575, MAX-592)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
A new type of product reviews has been implemented. New fields have been added: rating, disadvantages, advantages, comment. When changing the type, reviews need to be transferred (More details in the documentation https://aspro.ru/docs/course/course46/lesson2330/) (MAX-542)
Added a new type of display of product availability on the map on the detailed catalog page (MAX-169)
Added “Marketing Windows” functionality (MAX-687)
Added display of information about trade offers in the fixed product header (MAX-148, MAX-674)
Added functionality for switching quick viewing of products in catalog sections and when selecting by filter (MAX-728)
For the “Compact” contact type, the ability to specify regional data has been added: map mark, image, operating mode, text (MAX-574)
Adaptive banners on the main page (MAX-347)
On mobile devices, added the ability to return to the previous page when calculating shipping costs and filling out web forms (MAX-543)
Added compact footer in mobile version (MAX-568)
Added display of the number of products in subcategories (MAX-631)
The ability to load icons has been added to the top menu from the information block (MAX-708)
In the parameters of the catalog component, an option has been added to change the resize of images in the gallery on the detailed product page (MAX-725)
For new installations in the catalog, a region binding property has been added (MAX-653)
During a new installation, the tabs on the main page indicated an incorrect catalog information block (MAX-678)
When installing the solution, the “Questions and Answers” information block was not created (MAX-675)
When installing the solution again, the form to leave a review did not work correctly (MAX-718)
Catalog partitions had an incorrect region binding property type (MAX-684)
The show more in catalog button did not work correctly (MAX-681)
In quick view, it was possible to specify special characters in the “Quantity” field (MAX-641)
When switching options for displaying products in the list, the filter properties did not have a scrollbar (MAX-726)
When displaying products as a list, the 1-click buy button did not work (MAX-635, MAX-709)
When using a fixed header with region selection, the city confirmation window was duplicated (MAX-649, MAX-694)
Icons in the left menu were displayed incorrectly when expanding the drop-down menu down (MAX-673)
Corrected display of “Add to Cart” and “Set aside” icons (MAX-644, MAX-688)
The operation of the “From - to” slider in the filter on mobile devices has been adjusted (MAX-691)
When hovering over elements of the top menu, some elements were displayed without dimming (MAX-570, MAX-578)
Fixed delivery calculation with fractional quantities (MAX-744)
When displaying products as a list in the preview of the mobile version, they were displayed incorrectly (MAX-627)
With type 4 detailed product page in composite mode, trade offer options were not displayed (MAX-682)
Corrected display of icons for downloaded files (MAX-630)
When selecting a region with the “city only” type, the list of cities was displayed incorrectly (MAX-652)
Price was not converted in related products (MAX-666)
Improved operation of the wholesale purchase functionality (MAX-647)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-680, MAX-640, MAX-665, MAX-664, MAX-663, MAX-643, MAX-669, MAX-717, MAX-759, MAX-683, MAX- 648, MAX-618, MAX-670)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added new configuration "Household Goods" (MAX-722)
The icons were not painted in the theme color in header 28 (MAX-743)
The video on the main banner played incorrectly if it was the first slide (MAX-739)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-713, MAX-733, MAX-781, MAX-779, MAX-695, MAX-775, MAX-771)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
In the “Popular Categories” block on the main page, the ability to display catalog subsections of more than 2 levels has been added (for templates 1-8) (MAX-797)
In the detailed product card in the “Availability” block, the ability to customize the display of fields has been added (MAX-777)
Related products by filter were not always displayed with type 2 detailed catalog page (MAX-796)
When using a vertical filter in the adaptive version, scrolling properties did not work (MAX-795)
Fixed a problem with selecting offers in the detailed product card (type 2 and type 3) when composite is enabled (MAX-802)
When composite was enabled, the name of the region in the header did not change (MAX-788)
Price layout in the “You looked before” block has been adjusted (MAX-806)
Improved work of the new type of reviews on the detailed catalog page (MAX-798)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-785, MAX-730, MAX-800, MAX-773, MAX-806)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added a simplified view of the list of products in catalog sections (MAX-869)
In the content sections, filtering of products by category has been implemented, a “Show more” button has been added (MAX-765, MAX-845)
Added the ability to close a tag in catalog sections (MAX-833)
Improved adaptive layout of banners on the main page (MAX-736)
The scroll in the header drop-down menu has become more visible (MAX-823)
Stabilized tab scrolling on the detailed catalog page (MAX-847, MAX-829)
In promotions and brands, the old price for related products was not displayed (MAX-876)
Corrected display of video from iFrame in the “About the company” block on the main page (MAX-827)
When going to the catalog section from a brand page, there was no filtering for this brand (MAX-814)
When placing a quick order and quantitative accounting was disabled, the goods were written off from the warehouse (MAX-794)
Currency conversion did not work in related products in brands (MAX-894)
The landing page in the catalog was not highlighted in color (not detected as active) under certain filtering conditions (MAX-712)
In headers 28 and 29, scrolling in the drop-down menu did not work correctly if it was too large (MAX-873)
Rounding off the discount percentage on the main page in the “Catalog Items” block (MAX-818) did not work
When repurchasing an item via bulk purchase, the item in the cart was duplicated (instead of increasing the quantity) (MAX-642)
The layout of the “About the company” block on the main page has been adjusted (MAX-850)
Fixed display of characteristics as tiles on the product detail page (MAX-632)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-834, MAX-722, MAX-843, MAX-841, MAX-769, MAX-837, MAX-826, MAX-824, MAX-825, MAX-891, MAX- 840, MAX-813, MAX-838, MAX-839, MAX-801, MAX-799, MAX-671, MAX-622, MAX-817)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Expanded setting of warehouse availability in the product list (MAX-882)
For extended reviews, added micro markup property “AggregateRating” (MAX-880)
Added regional filter support for related products (MAX-828)
Improved display of the list of catalog sections in the adaptive version (MAX-715)
The transfer of a quick order to CRM has been adjusted for the edition of “1C-Bitrix24: Online store + CRM” (MAX-716)
When using the bulk purchase functionality, the missing product was not added to the comparison (MAX-742)
The option to display a warehouse when there is no product in it did not affect the type of display of balances “On the map” (MAX-913)
The layout has been adjusted when there are tooltips for properties for selecting trade offers (MAX-875)
Improved performance of extended reviews (MAX-886, MAX-934, MAX-948)
The subscription button was displayed incorrectly in the product list (MAX-919)
Prices were not converted when switching trade offers in the list of products near price ranges (MAX-849)
The price unit was not displayed if the coefficient output was used (MAX-746)
The “Show number of items in section” option did not affect the product list (MAX-808)
The link from the teaser did not work (MAX-704)
The list of products was displayed incorrectly in Internet Explorer (MAX-881)
The layout has been improved and other minor corrections have been made (MAX-930, MAX-780, MAX-782, MAX-950, MAX-944, MAX-989, MAX-923, MAX-639, MAX-945, MAX-911, MAX- 890, MAX-908, MAX-679, MAX-816)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added a new type of top menu “Large” for sites with a large catalog (MAX-554)
Implemented the “Display block with current filters above products” option for the vertical filter (MAX-571)
Added the ability to display related articles for catalog sections (MAX-550)
A new type of marketing windows “Text” has been implemented for notifications - for example, about cookies (MAX-855)
For the mobile version, the ability to dock the panel with the purchase button has been added (MAX-749)
Added the option “Transparent top for a banner with a bump” for some types of headers (MAX-1073)
Tab arrows on the main page were displayed incorrectly (MAX-1002)
The video was displayed incorrectly on the main banner when the fill to size option was disabled (MAX-969)
Spaces and quotes in the image title were not taken into account when Lazyload (MAX-1025)
The “Found in sections in search” block was not hidden when searching from the menu (MAX-689)
The calculation of delivery costs has been adjusted for certain rules for working with the cart (MAX-1114)
The appearance of the “With menu” search page has been adjusted when the side menu is disabled in the product list (MAX-1010)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-720, MAX-786, MAX-809, MAX-836, MAX-1014, MAX-1034, MAX-877, MAX-978, 1071)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Micro-marking of the detailed product card has been expanded (MAX-905)
Added a new website section and information block “Images” (MAX-1156, MAX-1157, MAX-1118, MAX-1154, MAX-1155)
Implemented the ability to display products vertically on the website (MAX-1119)
Added display of brand logos in the menu with catalog sections (MAX-926)
Improved usability of the mobile version: flying forms and the basket are hidden at a resolution of 600 pixels (MAX-754)
Added the ability to enable resizing of images from the gallery in the product list depending on the settings of the information block for the announcement image (MAX-1053)
Added the ability to choose where to display the name of a catalog section: from the title or SEO (MAX-1105)
Added the ability to specify a blog for use in extended reviews (MAX-1140)
Improved display of the size table on mobile devices: the picture is placed above the text (MAX-1104)
Improved display of footers 7 and 8: the block with payment systems has been moved under the social networks block (MAX-1063)
Added transparent top menu color (MAX-1223)
Improved layout of a large block without a banner in the product list on the main page (MAX-1226)
Added the option “Transparent search in the header for a banner with a bump” (MAX-1224)
Added the “Tall Banner” option for banners 5 and 6: when activated, the banner height increases by 100 px (MAX-1227)
The main banner toggle arrows become dark when the top menu color is selected dark (MAX-1229)
Updated and expanded demo content and configurations for the “Fashion” theme (MAX-1120)
Fixed header overlapped the review tab when clicking on the anchor (MAX-985, MAX-1137)
Menus are wrapped in noindex (MAX-1179)
The display of a large number of TP options has been adjusted - there is now a setting in the module that allows you to specify the quantity to be displayed, and a scroll has been added to the detailed product page (MAX-1134, MAX-1096)
Sometimes the logo and phone numbers were not displayed in aspro_max_mail mail templates (MAX-1144)
Some custom blocks did not work (MAX-1008)
reCaptcha did not work in extended reviews (MAX-1108)
Corrected display of the product list in Mozilla Firefox (MAX-1130)
The layout of the top menu has been adjusted (MAX-1124)
In the English version in the administrative part there was no name for one menu item (MAX-965)
When LazyLoad was enabled and warehouse images were displayed on the detailed product page, the map did not load, the layout was also corrected (MAX-1096, MAX-1094)
SEO keywords and descriptions did not work for blog sections, projects (MAX-963, MAX-1186, MAX-1190)
One-click purchase settings in solution settings were always displayed for an individual, regardless of the type selected (MAX-961)
Added space for cart bottom when using 28 or 29 headers (MAX-1032)
Added indentation for fixed tabs on the detailed product card if headings 28 or 29 are used (MAX-832)
In type 1 of the detailed product card on the mobile version, it was not possible to see the characteristics of the product that did not fit on top. Now they are placed in a separate tab (MAX-853)
The 4th nesting level was not displayed in the top menu if the sections did not have pictures (MAX-848)
In some cases, the code on the product list page could get into SEO (MAX-1036)
Menu operation has been stabilized if the directory is not the first item (MAX-1166)
In type 1 of the detailed product card, the recalculation of the cost of the product depending on its quantity and price ranges did not work (MAX-1043)
The authorization popup window was frozen in the latest version of Bitrix (MAX-1199)
In 20 the menu header overlapped the phones (MAX-1065, MAX-1175)
In the characteristics of the TP in the list type, an extra symbol “<” was displayed (MAX-1033)
Headers 28 and 29 had no scrolling (MAX-1060, MAX-1142)
Delivery calculations were made for an unavailable quantity of goods (MAX-857, MAX-933)
In content sections, headers 28 and 29 were displayed incorrectly if there was a light banner (MAX-1244)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The description was duplicated on the detailed partners page (MAX-1258)
Fixed phone validation on the main page (MAX-1255)
Corrected search by titles (MAX-1260)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the ability to install compact breadcrumbs in the catalog on mobile devices (MAX-553)
Added support for subsections in the blog (MAX-819, MAX-935)
In composite mode, a fixed product header error occurred in the console, and viewed products did not appear (MAX-1194, MAX-1249)
The filter was reset when changing the sorting in the mobile version (MAX-1107)
When selecting a region using the drop-down list, the list of regions was not visible on light banners (MAX-1289)
When LazyLoad and the “Magnifying Glass” detailed image type were enabled, the detailed image of the main product was not loaded for products with trade offers if it was not filled in (MAX-954)
The incorrect price was displayed for products with trade offers in the tabs on the main page (MAX-1035)
The favicon was frayed when saving solution settings (MAX-1247)
When linking a catalog section to a region, it was not hidden in the menu, catalog and popular categories (MAX-1038)
When placing an order in 1 click, the buyer's first and last name were formed incorrectly (MAX-979)
The price header was not hidden in the smart filter in compact display (MAX-1116)
On the search page, search results based on the value of the TP properties were not displayed if the TP infoblock was not in the same type of information blocks as the catalog infoblock (MAX-1016)
A block with current filters was displayed above the products even when the option was disabled (MAX-1212)
Corrected layout in 24, 27, 28 headers (MAX-846, MAX-1210, MAX-1241)
The “High” setting for the banner was not saved through the administrative part (MAX-1273)
There was no indentation on the button in the product banner if the product name was short (MAX-1279)
The video icon in the product card No. 3 moved out on mobile devices if a vertical gallery was selected (MAX-1015)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The functionality of the menu from the information block has been added:
All types of menus are supported, including 28,29 headers and headers with catalog sections (MAX-901, MAX-755)
Nesting level 4 supported (MAX-1215)
The option “Load the mobile menu and the menu in the fixed header only when first displayed” has been added to the solution settings. The enabled option allows you to avoid triple duplication of menu items in the source code of each page of the site, thereby reducing the size of the composite cache on projects with a large number of directory sections. On mobile devices, the contents of the mobile menu will be loaded with a separate Ajax request when it is first opened. For devices with a wider screen, the contents of the menu in the fixed header will also be loaded when it first appears (MAX-1317)
Implemented caching of the Instagram block on the main page, which will allow you not to exceed the service limit on the number of requests (MAX-1312)
Implemented the ability to link products in landing pages using a filter (MAX-552)
Added the ability to adjust the number of main banners and additional ones in the component settings (MAX-1290, MAX-1218)
For ease of use, the visual editor is disabled in the solution settings when adding a logo in svg format (MAX-1075)
The price was not displayed in the vertical filter if, in addition to the price, there were no properties for filtering (MAX-1213)
When you clicked on a tab in the catalog elements on the main page, the content in the “Images” block disappeared in the view with tabs (MAX-1282)
User registration did not work on the checkout page (MAX-1292)
The operation of captcha in reviews, old and new, was checked and corrected (MAX-740, MAX-946)
The functionality of reviews has been adjusted: now users with limited rights will receive a corresponding notification (MAX-737)
Blog articles were not displayed in the section with subsections if the list view was selected (MAX-1304)
In the settings of landing pages in reviews, the option “Include VAT in price” was missing (MAX-1169)
The minimum price was displayed incorrectly if the price type was limited by user group (MAX-1003)
Adjusted block styles on the main page when the side column is enabled (padding and borders) (MAX-903)
The multi-price display type "Advanced prices - in a pop-up window" did not work on the detailed page of the trade offer (MAX-1346)
Setting up banners as a separate image on mobile devices did not work if the main banner did not have side banners, but they were provided by the template (MAX-1211)
Fixed delay when working with the product list page in the catalog section when composite caching is enabled (MAX-1311)
The layout of the “Subscribe” form on mobile devices has been adjusted (MAX-1284)
When I tried to scroll in the search in the mobile version, I went to the section (MAX-1150)
If captcha was enabled in the user group settings, then after several attempts to enter the password, captcha was not displayed (MAX-1070)
The layout has been adjusted when switching TP on mobile devices in a non-compact catalog view (MAX-1230)
The block with the quantity of goods was hidden incorrectly on mobile devices (MAX-955)
If there was only a large block in the tabs with catalog items on the main page, an error occurred in JS (MAX-1265)
For trade offers, the “Add to cart” button appeared instead of “Details” when the cart button was turned on on the side for the block version, on mobile devices, in the compact version (MAX-1275)
Switching arrows in quick view did not take into account product activity (MAX-1276)
The discount expiration time was displayed for products not included in the discount (MAX-1277)
When quick view was disabled in the solution settings, it did not disappear in some blocks (MAX-949, MAX-866)
The display of the symbolic currency sign in the quick order email template has been adjusted (MAX-1189)
An expanded property in a compact filter overlapped the drop-down list of the left menu in the catalog (MAX-1285)
The properties of the “Dark menu color” banner were not taken into account when displaying the banner in the first position (MAX-916)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Fixed errors when composite is enabled and the option “Give search robots a lite version” is installed in the module (MAX-1366)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The work of the solution has been adjusted taking into account the latest update 1C-Bitrix iblock 20.0.500: section images, links and the number of products included in the section have been stabilized (MAX-1388)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added setting for sorting cross-selling in all sections to which products can be linked (MAX-724)
The convenience of comparing products on mobile devices has been improved: products are now arranged 2 in a row (MAX-939, MAX-545)
Added a filter by sections and product properties on the search page when using 28, 29 headers (MAX-1353)
Improved display of characteristics in the detailed product card on mobile devices (MAX-952, MAX-856)
Implemented the ability to open and scroll to certain tabs of a detailed product card (MAX-956)
Added display of the old price of the product (excluding discount) in the side and top cart (MAX-807)
Added the ability not to use the “FooTable” (adaptive tables) and “bxSlider” (additional slider type) plugins. By default, they are not used in the solution; disabling them will slightly speed up the loading of site pages
When autocomposite was enabled, warehouse availability in goods with TP was not loaded (MAX-1375)
When composite and compact filter were enabled, the list of values for filtering did not open (MAX-1337)
When autocomposite was enabled, after successful authorization, a second login window appeared (MAX-1380)
Currency was not taken into account in the minimum purchase amount (MAX-1341)
The layout of the version for printing the cart page has been adjusted (MAX-1357)
On the search and brand page, product TPs did not switch when displayed as a list (MAX-1370, MAX-1356)
Products with the “Large Block” option enabled did not display TPs in the product list (MAX-1404, MAX-1368)
On landing pages, linking products by filter did not work if a rule with a group of conditions was specified (MAX-1372)
Authorization did not work if the login was specified in Cyrillic (MAX-1028)
The ellipsis has moved out in extended prices in the second product card (MAX-984)
The “Apply” button in the solution settings was not fixed in the administrative part (MAX-752)
The layout of the site pages has been adjusted taking into account 28 headers (MAX-846)
On the detailed product page, the detailed product image was cut off at some screen resolutions (MAX-1253)
The logo in the menu when clicking on a burger was not limited in size (MAX-1351, MAX-1300)
The layout of the main banners has been adjusted if the text position is “Right” (MAX-1135)
If a link was installed from the main banner, clicking on buttons and turning the slider with the mouse did not work (MAX-1336)
There was no inscription in the “Login” field in the password recovery form (MAX-1331)
Limiting related products by filter did not work (MAX-1280)
If a product had a lot of TP on the main page, then when you hovered over the element it would be covered with banners with a background (MAX-1391)
The tooltip for the TP property (MAX-990) with a large number of characters was cut off
In the detailed product card, the tooltip was not displayed in the top list of properties (MAX-1359)
In the detailed product card, the hint note marked in the section was not displayed if there were no properties to display (MAX-1287)
A hint note was displayed in the list of characteristics on the detailed product card (MAX-1239)
Tooltips for product properties and TP are now displayed on the right, and they are also displayed in the list of products in the catalog (MAX-842)
Fixed tabs had too much left indentation when header 29 was installed (MAX-1305)
The indentation disappeared in the first product card when header 28 was installed and the site width was 1700 px (MAX-1333)
The indents of the “Catalog” item in the 11th header have been adjusted for site widths of 1200 px, 1500 px and 1700 px (MAX-924, MAX-1188)
On mobile devices, the arrows for scrolling through the product gallery when viewing in a detailed card have been reduced (MAX-767)
There was no arrow at the 3rd level of the top menu if there were sub-items (MAX-1303)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added new options for displaying catalog subsections on product list pages (MAX-925)
Implemented the ability to display sorting separately from the filter on mobile devices (MAX-1386)
For cross-selling, added the ability to set the condition of equality/inequality between the section of the offered product and the section of the main product (MAX-1248, MAX-1214)
Implemented the ability to choose where to display the “Order a call”, “Ask a question”, “Leave a review” buttons (MAX-787, MAX-1316)
The functionality of disabling LazyLoad on certain pages of the online store has been added to the solution settings (MAX-1029)
Implemented the ability to display the side menu only in the last subsection of the catalog (MAX-889)
Added the ability to download a separate logo for a fixed header (MAX-1013)
For a compact display of contacts, captions have been added to regional points (MAX-1009)
On mobile devices, the display of the map on the main page has been improved: the map area has been reduced for easier page scrolling (MAX-803)
On mobile devices, the display of the Instagram block has been improved: descriptions of posts are hidden for easier scrolling of the main page (MAX-1288)
Updated and expanded demo content and configurations for the “Household Goods” theme (MAX-1432)
Corrected work of the compact filter in the Safari browser (MAX-1443)
When using a regional filter, services that were not available in the region were displayed in the left and top menus (MAX-851)
On the detailed project page, if there was no image or displayed at the top, the button text did not fit (MAX-1048)
Scrolling in the drop-down list of warehouses did not work (MAX-1272)
Sorting of trade offers did not work for SKU 2 (MAX-1389)
The operation of the ajax filter mode on the brands page has been adjusted (MAX-1415)
The filter on the search page was different from the filter on the catalog pages (MAX-1238)
When changing the quantity of an item on the cart page, the currency disappeared from the bottom cart (MAX-1257)
The background image of the banner was not displayed in the adaptive version if the text position of the banner was set to “Image only” (MAX-1395)
For product detail page type 1, predictions for simple products (without sales offers) were not displayed (MAX-862)
When the sidebar on the main banner was turned on, an indent appeared on the main banner on mobile devices (MAX-904)
In the catalog section, breadcrumbs and the number of items were not painted when the banner text color was dark (MAX-721)
Discount prediction was not displayed in product quick view (MAX-861)
The price filter in collections (landing pages) did not work (MAX-1272)
Corrected display of banner type 10 (MAX-1445)
Corrected scrolling behavior in the “Map” block on the main page (MAX-929)
Under certain conditions, the defer button was not displayed in the tabs on the main page (MAX-1307)
Different product ratings were displayed in the main banner and in the detailed product card (MAX-860)
On the comparison page, product names were cut off when switching to “Differences only” (MAX-1402)
On the main page, the display of the “Blog” block type 6 (MAX-1431) has been corrected
On the main page, the operation of the “Show more” functionality in the “Blog” block (MAX-1420) has been adjusted
Fixed validation errors on the main page of the site (MAX-1149, MAX-1417)
Fixed micro markup errors on the product page (MAX-1007)
In the “Reviews” section, if there were no reviews, the button to leave a review was not displayed (MAX-1146)
Corrected the formation of image links for trade offers without the oid parameter (MAX-1037)
The display of the product page has been adjusted when the site width is 1700px and a wide side menu is enabled (MAX-1051)
Corrected field names in the megamenu item editing form when installing the solution (MAX-912)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-867, MAX-783, MAX-1393, MAX-998, MAX-1310)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
New options for displaying tags (landing pages) in the catalog have been implemented: in a carousel, in a filter, above products. The number of initially visible tags is now set separately for desktop and mobile devices (MAX-1377, MAX-1479, MAX-1480)
Added the ability to automatically scroll products in the catalog section when scrolling through the page (MAX-1313, MAX-1379)
On mobile devices, the display of the map on the main page, in contacts, and in the catalog has been improved. Now, when scrolling through the page, the scrolling of the map will not work. Using a special button, the card opens in a pop-up (MAX-1354)
Added the “I want as a gift” form to types 1-4 of detailed product cards (MAX-692)
For service sections, the ability to filter using a regional filter has been added (MAX-1464)
Improved display of the large menu - added altitude calculation algorithm (MAX-1390)
Improved display of the “Product of the Day” block on mobile devices (MAX-898)
The “I want as a gift” form was not disabled in the 5th product card (MAX-897)
Search in headers 28 and 29 overlapped the administrative panel of 1C-Bitrix (MAX-844, MAX-738)
In the fixed header on the detailed product page, the purchase button did not change its status when switching the trade offer (MAX-1040)
In the fixed header on the detailed product page, the discount prediction disappeared when switching a trade offer (MAX-1472)
On the detailed page of content sections, the title of related products was displayed if the products were not found by the specified filter conditions (MAX-1298)
The filter and sorting layout in the catalog on mobile devices has been adjusted when displaying products in a non-compact version (MAX-1487, MAX-1495)
In the registration form, the "Phone" field was displayed as required regardless of the setting in the main module (MAX-943)
The tooltip in the smart filter was revealed and immediately hidden (MAX-1469)
The layout on mobile devices has been adjusted when using reCaptcha v2 (MAX-920)
When increasing the quantity of goods in the cart, regionality was not taken into account (MAX-1448)
The “Add to cart” button for gifts was painted completely in the theme color after purchase (MAX-1222)
Setting the number of products in the “Recommend” block in detailed product cards did not work (MAX-1423)
Corrected display of discount prediction on mobile devices in the fixed “Add to Cart” button (MAX-1176)
The regional filter for landing pages in the catalog did not work (MAX-1001)
Long document titles extended beyond the screen on mobile devices (MAX-918)
Switching trade offers in the product list did not work if the information block module option “Use property parameters in components and forms” was active (MAX-1446)
Canceling a filter above a list of products when the “Display block with current filters above products” option was enabled did not work when the property output type was “With pictures” (MAX-1470)
The contents of the cart in the header were not updated when purchasing a product (MAX-1454, MAX-1441)
Scrolling through the product of the day using arrows did not work (MAX-1453)
The layout of the personal account page has been adjusted (MAX-811)
Adjusted price layout in the product list (MAX-1468)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
A new “Stories” block has been added to the main page of the site (MAX-1582, MAX-1583, MAX-1584)
Implemented the ability to display icons next to phone numbers in the header and footer of the site (MAX-1122, MAX-1434, MAX-1435)
On mobile devices, added the ability to display a fixed bottom menu (MAX-1399, MAX-11550)
Added two new mobile header options “With search” and “Compact” (MAX-1554)
Improved appearance of the main page on mobile devices (MAX-1378, MAX-762)
The “Promotions” block on the main page on mobile devices is implemented in two display options - “Compact” and “Carousel” (MAX-1567)
The “Instagram” block on the main page on mobile devices is implemented in two display options - “Compact” and “Carousel” (MAX-1561)
The “Catalog Items” block on the main page on mobile devices has been improved and added with the “Carousel” display option (MAX-1557, MAX-1558)
The “Teasers” block on the main page on mobile devices has been supplemented with the “Compact” display option (MAX-1556)
The “Catalog Sections” block on the main page on mobile devices has been improved and a new “Compact” display type has been added (MAX-1562)
The bottom row of banners under the main banner on mobile devices is implemented in two display options - “Compact” and “Carousel” (MAX-1555)
The “Reviews” block on the main page on mobile devices is now displayed as a carousel (MAX-1559)
The “Banners with background” block on the main page on mobile devices is now displayed as a carousel (MAX-1560)
The “Banners with text” block on the main page on mobile devices is now displayed as a carousel (MAX-1566)
The “Collections” block on the main page on mobile devices is now displayed as a carousel (MAX-1565)
The “Blog” block on the main page on mobile devices is implemented in two display options - “Compact” and “Carousel” (MAX-1564)
Improved display of the “Images” block on the main page on mobile devices; in types 2-4 the block is displayed as a carousel (MAX-1569)
The “Product of the Day” block on the main page on mobile devices is now displayed as a carousel (MAX-1573)
The “News” block on the main page on mobile devices is implemented in two display options - “Compact” and “Carousel” (MAX-1571)
Improved display of the “About the company” block on mobile devices (MAX-1572)
Improved display of the “Brands” block on the main page on mobile devices (MAX-1559)
Improved display of the “Banners with pictures” block on the main page on mobile devices (MAX-1559)
Added a new type of display of bread crumbs "Carousel" on mobile devices (MAX-1459)
Added the ability to view discount predictions on mobile devices (MAX-1177)
Added functionality for generating product titles for landing pages (MAX-792)
The option “Show the first available offer image if the product image is not filled in” has been added to the solution settings (MAX-1542)
Improved display of mailing templates on mobile devices (MAX-871)
Implemented functionality for linking articles to catalog sections through an article (MAX-1170)
Added the ability to hide the search bar for landing pages (MAX-791, MAX-1473)
For the flying (side) basket, the functionality for recalculating the available quantity of goods has been improved (MAX-1400)
Added the ability to display a simplified header and footer on the cart and checkout page to increase conversion (MAX-323)
Added the ability to embed items from the “Mega Menu” information block into the catalog structure (MAX-1505)
If there was no text in the file, an icon remained for the “Notes on the product detail page” block (MAX-1433)
Adding the get parameter was not disabled when viewing a trade offer (MAX-1502)
When opening the “I want as a gift” form on the sales offer page, the product picture was not displayed (MAX-1528)
The smart filter was displayed incorrectly on the search page when headers 28 and 29 were enabled (MAX-1497)
When linking products by filter to news, the “Or” condition did not work for a multiple property of the “String” type (MAX-1477)
The display of trade offers for type SKU 2 on mobile devices has been adjusted (MAX-896)
The functionality of related landing pages in search has been adjusted (MAX-1461)
The delivery calculation functionality has been adjusted when payment system restrictions are enabled (MAX-1533)
Title replacement did not work on the store detail page (MAX-1350)
In the quick view of a product with trade offers, the modal window with availability information did not open (MAX-1067)
If the default sorting value was set to price, the sort name was not displayed (MAX-1207)
The functionality for accounting for regional availability on the cart page has been adjusted (MAX-1553)
Under some conditions, a fixed column entered the site footer (MAX-1471)
The option “Side column position when scrolling the page” in the list of categories in the catalog did not work (MAX-1019)
When using the #SECTION_CODE# marker to generate URLs for products, incorrect links were displayed in the “Images” block on the main page (MAX-1596)
The layout has been improved and other minor corrections have been made (MAX-1563, MAX-1592, MAX-1546, MAX-991, MAX-983, MAX-1106, MAX-1545, MAX-1547, MAX-1486, MAX-1052, MAX- 1449, MAX-1514, MAX-1526, MAX-1585)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
On the detailed product page, an option has been added to display availability in warehouses “by Card” (MAX-1613, MAX-914)
Implemented the ability to enable/disable the “Delay” button in the solution settings for the entire online store (MAX-1110, MAX-774)
Added the ability to close popup stories using the “Esc” key (MAX-1619)
The solution has been tested to work on PHP 7.4
Saving of “Or” conditions in the “Cross-selling” information block has been adjusted (MAX-1615)
The “Add to Cart/Add to Cart” button in the fixed header for trade offers did not change when purchasing/removing an item from the cart (MAX-1518)
Fixed Yandex.Maps console errors on the detailed product page when switching trade offers (MAX-1577)
Integration with amoCRM (MAX-1644) has been adjusted
If a colon was used at the end in the name of a property for selecting a trade offer (directory type), then the names of property values were not displayed in the public part of the site (MAX-1330)
The comparison button was displayed in the tabular version of the list with “wholesale purchase” when the option in the solution settings “Display comparison of products” was disabled (MAX-1109)
When ajax mode was enabled, regional tags were not added to the catalog in the title and breadcrumbs, and the banner in the section did not change (MAX-906, MAX-879)
The operation of the “Clear comparison” button on the product comparison page has been adjusted to take into account the change in catalog directory (MAX-1147)
For products with trade offers, the “Number of images in gallery” parameter was not taken into account when the gallery was initially displayed in the item list (MAX-1262)
When LazyLoad was disabled and banners were displayed on the main page with the type “With a margin at the bottom for the title and text”, the background was duplicated on mobile devices (MAX-1628)
When placing an order on the v1 template, the Yandex.Maps key was not transmitted (MAX-1522, MAX-1597)
If a vertical filter was selected in the catalog, then when expanding the properties in the filter, the left block “ran over” the footer (MAX-1522, MAX-1597)
The display of the “Add to cart” button in the block version of the “With a button on the side” view after adding an item to the cart has been adjusted (MAX-1649, MAX-1665, MAX-1646)
Stabilized the display of the “Add to Cart” button for related tiled products (MAX-1674)
Corrected display of a vertical filter with a large number of characteristics for selection (MAX-1638)
Fixed currency symbol in fractional discount prediction (MAX-1625)
The display of the background image of the main banner in edit mode has been adjusted if a link from the banner is specified (MAX-1192)
Removed service information in the solution code (MAX-1671, MAX-1630)
The product availability status was not displayed in the detailed product card if the compact view of the product list was installed on mobile devices (MAX-1633)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Technical update.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented the ability to share the cart: send a link and download the file (MAX-1600)
For search results by headings and for the “I want as a gift” form, support for the option “Show the first available offer image if the product image is not filled in” has been added (MAX-1648)
The promotion end timer was not displayed for products with trade offers if the discount was configured for individual trade offers (MAX-1604)
The parameter responsible for displaying the validity period of the discount in the list of products did not work (MAX-1645, MAX-973)
When mass adding products to a comparison, the comparison counter in the header is not updated (MAX-1406)
Disabling the “Buy in 1 click” button in the form of buttons “With buttons below” for a list of products did not work (MAX-1532)
Scrolling to the “Reviews” block on the detailed product page did not work correctly in the version without tabs (MAX-1428)
In the list of catalog subsections, the “Do not display unavailable products” parameter was not taken into account when displaying the number of products (MAX-931)
Fixed a validation error when using the "all" button in page navigation (MAX-1587)
In project sections, the title coincided with the page title (MAX-1348)
In the “Popular Categories” block on the main page, when using the slider and the number of categories was less than 6, duplicate elements occurred (MAX-1643)
Adding a get parameter when creating a link is disabled for favicon (MAX-1694)
The parameter “Link text “I want as a gift”” did not work (MAX-1635)
When using header 29 and the “Move all Javascript to the bottom of the page” option was disabled, the site footer was displayed incorrectly on the product detail page (MAX-1527, MAX-1507)
For the “With buttons at the bottom” type of cart buttons, when adding an item to the cart, the button was displayed incorrectly (MAX-1731)
For new installations, the order form for the “Projects” section has been adjusted (MAX-1672)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented the ability to close the region definition window (MAX-1710)
For banners to the left and right of the main banner on mobile devices, two display options are implemented - compact and carousel (MAX-1632)
For new installations, the link to the detailed order page has been adjusted (MAX-1680)
The email template “Web form “SEND_GIFT” has been completed” had the wrong theme set (MAX-1770)
Under some conditions, the fixed left column went into the site footer (MAX-1650)
The banner with the product did not display the video playback button; after playing the video, the product data was hidden (MAX-1664)
Video autoplay did not work on type 5 large banners (MAX-1728)
Fixed php warnings on search page (MAX-1675)
When switching trade offers in the list, the text of the selected SKU (MAX-1670) was not updated
With a certain combination of solution settings, the display of properties with pictures for the directory type in the list and on the detailed page was different (MAX-1490)
The “Prohibit order cancellation” option was not taken into account in the personal section (MAX-1653)
When the "Display city search string only" option was checked, the drop-down list of cities was cut off (MAX-1741)
There was no height limit in the filter for the List property type (MAX-1202)
In the “Information Blocks” module, when the “Use property parameters in components and forms” option was enabled, an “Add to Cart” button appeared for related products with trade offers (MAX-1614, MAX-1693, MAX-1657)
The unused option “Display related products in separate blocks” has been removed from the parameters of the catalog component (MAX-1712)
When regionality was disabled, the presence of a recycle bin in the downloaded file was incorrectly calculated (MAX-1781)
Fixed incorrect display of options for selecting the type of saved recycle bin file in the solution settings when using multisite on different domains (MAX-1803)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Improved display of your personal account on mobile devices: icons are now displayed in two columns (MAX-1776)
Added the ability to install links to Viber, WhatsApp, Yandex Zen, Pinterest, TikTok, Snapchat, LinkedIn (MAX-942)
Added support for displaying payment systems MIR, JCB, PayPal, Maestro (MAX-1836) in the site footer
The option “Do not display subscription on the site” has been added to the solution settings (MAX-1050, MAX-941)
Smart SEO. Added settings for property substitution when generating landing pages (MAX-1790)
Smart SEO. Masculine and feminine grammes have been added to the morphology functionality (MAX-1859)
Filtering by availability in warehouses has been adjusted when regionalization is enabled (MAX-1834)
The promotions did not take into account the service property “Redirect” (MAX-951, MAX-1062)
Corrected video display in the main banner on mobile devices (MAX-1673)
When there was page navigation after ajax filtering in the catalog, the number of items in the section was incorrectly counted (MAX-1666)
When switching fits in the catalog, the value in the upper filters was not filled in (MAX-1637)
When the “Do not show section subsection elements” option was set, some sections had duplicate names in the navigation chain (MAX-1501)
In the product list, the picture in the product gallery was duplicated if the images were loaded only into the picture property, and not the announcement (MAX-1219)
The search page displayed a horizontal filter when the sidebar was disabled (MAX-1660)
When placing an order, the navigation chain overlapped the location drop-down list (MAX-1607)
If there were goods from information blocks 2.0 in the cart, the “Share cart” and “Download file” functionality did not work (MAX-1835)
Smart SEO. Landing pages were not created correctly if a product was linked to several sections (MAX-1792)
Smart SEO. The properties of trade offers were missing in the selection condition when the “Show in smart filter” option was installed (MAX-1780)
Smart SEO. The morphology functionality did not work in the site encoding UTF-8 (MAX-1824)
Smart SEO. Fixed an error with saving forms in the Mozilla Firefox browser (MAX-1825)
Other minor changes made (MAX-1849)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
In the “Instagram” block on the main page, the text of posts is now displayed with line breaks preserved (MAX-1717)
The solution's operation has been stabilized when using HTTP/2 (MAX-1876)
The phone number did not change on the ordering page when using different order profiles (MAX-1813)
Quick view in the product of the day on the main page did not work when the “Use property settings in components and forms” option was enabled in the information block module settings (MAX-1658)
The link to the trade offer in the product of the day on the main page did not work when the “Use property settings in components and forms” option was enabled (MAX-1734)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented the ability to show personal recommendations on the search page if nothing was found for your query (MAX-1801)
On mobile devices, added display of the old price and savings percentage for a compact list of products (MAX-1256)
The compact view of the product list did not display availability on mobile devices (MAX-1679, MAX-1743)
Headings and navigation chain of smart SEO did not change when clicking on a tag (MAX-1848)
Smart SEO breadcrumbs were not reset with new filtering on the landing page (MAX-1831)
Fixed the “Content is wider than the screen” error when checking optimization using the Google mobile-friendly search engine algorithm. An error occurred when using the "Carousel" view of displaying blocks on the main page on mobile devices (MAX-1682)
If a product had a lot of sales offers on the main page, then when you hovered over the element it was overlapped with the blocks “Map”, “Stories”, “Product of the Day” (MAX-1699, MAX-1618)
On mobile devices, the block with a selection of trade offers was not always displayed if the composite mode was enabled in the first product card (MAX-1897)
The title and description were not displayed in the main banner when playing a video (MAX-1755)
When executing ajax requests, errors sometimes occurred in the console (MAX-1914, MAX-1883)
Integration with the sotbit.seometa module (MAX-1832) has been adjusted
On mobile devices, the “Popular Categories” block was displayed incorrectly if the slider display type was selected (MAX-1816)
The top menu did not take up all the available space (MAX-1909)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The solution’s operation has been adapted to the new platform requirements from the 1C-Bitrix update version 20.100.0 - remove the value “mbstring.func_overload” (MAX-1926)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The option “Does your online store operate under a public offer?” has been added to the solution settings. When activated, on the checkout page and the 1-click purchase form, a checkmark of agreement with the offer will be displayed (MAX-1956)
Added buttons for sorting by properties in the catalog (MAX-1367, MAX-2000)
The favicon now supports the SVG format (MAX-1882)
Added new templates for Black Friday mailings (MAX-1969)
In the footer of the site, support has been added for displaying payment systems Tinkoff, Halva, YuMoney, Belkart, YuKassa. Sberbank logo updated (MAX-2009)
The properties of trade offers were not displayed in the upper block of characteristics in the 4th and 5th product cards (MAX-1962)
In Smart SEO, pagination navigation was not displayed for the list of conditions (MAX-1920)
The functionality of updating the site map with Smart SEO has been stabilized (MAX-1992, MAX-1888)
In the Mozilla Firefox browser, the “Save” button did not work in the block for editing and creating tags in Smart SEO (MAX-1944)
Email templates for forms were not created if an e-mail was not specified during solution installation (MAX-1938)
Fixed the operation of the “Cross-sell” functionality when using the “OR” condition for two or more sections (MAX-1751)
In the catalog section, with the “List” display type, availability on mobile devices was displayed twice for some products (MAX-1963)
In the “Documents” section the incorrect weight (size) of the document was displayed (MAX-1381)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
A new type of marketing windows “With a web form” has been implemented (MAX-633, MAX-2054)
Added the ability to display banners in the product list (MAX-2055, MAX-1581)
For banner positions “Above Content” and “Below Content”, the ability to display banners with a slider has been implemented (MAX-1162, MAX-1985)
Marketing windows were not displayed when composite mode was enabled (MAX-2029)
The condition for connecting the SKU table in Smart SEO (MAX-2030) has been adjusted
The promotion was incorrectly attached to the product card if the link was made through the promotion using a filter by product name (MAX-2042)
The functionality of the “Show the first available offer image” solution has been adjusted taking into account the enabled setting “Use property settings in components and forms” (MAX-1893)
Main banner arrows overlapped edge of text (MAX-1465, MAX-1539)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-909, MAX-1416)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Technical update.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added functionality for purchasing services through the shopping cart. Before starting work, you need to transfer the services information block to the trade catalog and switch the cart template to v1. More details in the documentation: https://aspro.ru/docs/course/course46/lesson2816/ (MAX-858, MAX-1361)
Purchasing a separate service through the cart
The ability to add services to the cart along with the product - in the product card, related services will be displayed next to the purchase buttons
Optimized the “Landing pages in the catalogue” functionality for a large number of landing pages (MAX-2048)
Smart SEO. Added SEO field function “Uppercase first character” (MAX-1949)
Smart SEO. The “SEO texts” tool has added a step-by-step element update function (MAX-1993)
The regional filter in the tabs on the main page did not work. The “Regional catalog” option has been added to the regional settings (MAX-2127)
The video recorded by the web viewer in Yandex.Metrica (MAX-2194) could not be played back
In the “Contacts” section, the link for the phone (MAX-1898) was generated incorrectly
When the “Protect user logout from CSRF” option was enabled in the main module settings, the “Logout” button in the personal account did not work (MAX-2105)
Fixed the operation of the option “Allow specifying the quantity of goods added to the cart on the catalog product page” (MAX-1822)
The display of banners in the product list has been stabilized when the regional filter for the catalog is enabled (MAX-2130)
When composite mode was enabled, banners and articles in the product list were sometimes not displayed (MAX-2091)
The banner in the product list moved when the wide menu was enabled (MAX-2083)
Fixed PHP warnings (MAX-2086, MAX-1814)
When clicking on the “All characteristics” link again, the wrong tab opened (MAX-1168)
When adding a new element, the cache for the “Stories” block on the main page was not reset (MAX-2109)
When the “No tabs” display type was enabled, the gallery was not displayed on the product detail page (MAX-1530)
The gallery was not displayed if the product description was not filled out and documents were not loaded (MAX-1401)
The sound of the video in the large banner on the main page was not muted (MAX-1148)
Redefining web forms to CRM forms did not work on mobile devices (MAX-1491)
When multi-sited on domains, sorting extended reviews in a product did not work (MAX-1491)
Rating was not displayed on search results page when rich reviews were enabled (MAX-1685)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (MAX-1791, MAX-2100, MAX-2149, MAX-1952, MAX-2040, MAX-2137, MAX-2099, MAX-1829, MAX-1843)
Smart SEO:
Added functionality for resetting the cache if there was a change in information in a property or section of the infoblock (MAX-2129)
The output of plural phrases for the SEO function of morphology {=aspro_morphy} (MAX-1961) has been worked out
Fixed Indexing Control tool crashing when working with multiple conditions (MAX-2101)
Fixed an error in opening editing forms if an apostrophe or quotation marks were specified in the element name (MAX-2066)
The standard links in the interface of the bitrix:catalog component did not change to new ones (MAX-1866)
The standard links of the smart filter were not changed to new ones in Ajax mode (MAX-2073)
OG meta tags on landing pages were not changed (MAX-2160)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Technical update.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Smart SEO. Added support for infoblocks 2.0 (MAX-1839)
Smart SEO. The link was not replaced via ajax if there was a Cyrillic alphabet in the page address (MAX-2242)
Corrected video banner operation (MAX-2240)
Minimum width set for marketing windows (MAX-2276)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented own functionality of the product set (MAX-2331)
Added the ability to include light text in the block on the main “About the company” in type 3 (MAX-2393)
Optimizing site loading speed:
Improved recalculation of card heights in the tiled product list (MAX-2390)
Added the ability to use self-hosted fonts (MAX-2380)
Fixed the solution working in Internet Explorer 11 (MAX-2290, MAX-2245)
The form for editing the promotion element for new installations has been adjusted (MAX-2263)
Fixed the operation of the “Add to Cart” button in a fixed header when using SKU 2 (MAX-1953)
External code was displayed instead of value when switching trade offers when using directory type (MAX-2340)
All price types were displayed in search recommendations when regionalization was enabled (MAX-2392)
The image in the “Product of the day” block was incorrectly sized in the Safari browser (MAX-2347)
Added display=swap attribute for Google fonts (MAX-2272)
In the fixed header, the purchase button changed when adding a related product to the cart (MAX-1692)
The price on the detailed service page has shifted (MAX-2370)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The library for the main slider on the main page has been replaced (MAX-2383)
Changed loading of some CSS and JS files (MAX-2382)
The minimum quantity of goods did not change when using a price range (MAX-2403)
Properties of trade offers without values were displayed for the option “Trading offer type SKU-2” (MAX-609)
Tabs in the image block on the main page were shifted when the product block was disabled (MAX-2074)
In the cart, the “Download file” button was displaced on mobile devices when the print button was disabled (MAX-1910)
The article number of trade offers in the list of catalog products did not change when displayed as a list (MAX-2386)
In a compact smart filter template in a catalog product list, when displayed as a table or list in drop-down blocks, the value options went beyond the block (MAX-2428)
When CNC was disabled in the complex catalog component, a filter page was displayed in the product list when opening a quick view, and the root sections of the catalog were displayed on the detailed product page in a block with related products (MAX-1959)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Product comparison was not displayed on version 1C-Bitrix 21.300 (MAX-2472)
Popular categories were not displayed by the slider on the main page under certain conditions (MAX-2490)
The image slider was not initialized on the image detail page (MAX-2471)
With quantity accounting enabled and the ability to buy a negative quantity of goods on the detail page and in the product list, it was impossible to buy more goods than were available in stock (MAX-2376)
Vertical pictures were stretched in the “You looked before” block and in related products (MAX-2474, MAX-2485)
On mobile devices, the block with the purchase of goods was not displayed on the first detailed page of the catalog (MAX-2453)
Errors when working with extended prices for products:
In the first product card, when the quantity of a product changed, the price of related products changed (MAX-2496)
The shipping calculation on the product detail page did not take into account the minimum quantity when using extended price ranges (MAX-2460)
The cart did not take into account the minimum quantity of goods specified in the price ranges (MAX-2443)
When the setting was disabled in the parameters of the “Use price display with ranges” component, product prices were not displayed if extended price ranges with a minimum value other than 0 were used (MAX-2451)
Fixed display of the phone when selecting a header with a search bar (MAX-2505)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Changed the display of scrollable areas for the header, pop-up windows, blocks on the main page, maps, reviews, phone numbers and catalog sections (MAX-2548)
Security scanner bug fixed (MAX-2466)
On site pages without a list of items, an error occurred in the recalculation of goods in the flying cart (MAX-2504)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The magnifying glass in the product card has been improved: the viewing area has been increased and a pop-up window can be opened by clicking (MAX-1349)
In the pop-up window for viewing product images, the click area and icons for closing the window, left and right arrows have been enlarged
Improved speed of the solution settings widget: display of scrollable areas has been changed (MAX-2559)
Smart SEO. Fixed selection of conditions in SEO texts and landing pages (MAX-2570, MAX-2568)
Fixed errors in micro-marking of goods with a trade offer (MAX-2219)
Fixed display of sections in the header drop-down menu when the “Load mobile menu and fixed header menu only when first displayed” setting is disabled (MAX-2586)
Trade offers were not added to the cart from the list of products if properties for purchase were selected in the component parameters, and these properties were not filled in in the trade offer (MAX-2150, MAX-2575)
Changes made to dark theme
Fixed the color of the block of mobile banners on the main view “With a field at the bottom for the title and text” (MAX-2553)
On detailed content pages, the background of the top banner of the “Half Banner” view has been adjusted (MAX-2565)
The background of the fixed header in the product card has been adjusted (MAX-2569)
Fixed search color in header 6 (MAX-2574)
On mobile devices, the color of the directory section block on the main page in a compact form has been corrected (MAX-2581)
In main banner type 10, the video was displayed across the entire content width (MAX-2566)
On the detailed brand page, the display of products in the “List” view has been adjusted (MAX-2583)
For new installations of the solution, the unused mail template aspro_mail (MAX-2589) has been removed
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Technical update of the solution installer
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The work of trade offers on the detailed product page has been switched to Ajax mode (MAX-1711)
The loading speed of products with a large number of trade offers has been increased. Now the weight of the page does not depend on their number
Added support for the “Display description for each sales offer” option (MAX-2552, MAX-1786)
Now, when you go to the detailed product page, information about the selected trade offer is displayed immediately without “blinking”
The speed of switching trade offers in the product list has been increased. The number of requests to the server has been optimized - now only when switching a trade offer for the first time within the same product (MAX-2585)
Added a new “Tile” display type for sections, subsections and list of services (MAX-2677, MAX-2678)
The ability to limit the total number of services displayed in the list of sections and subsections has been implemented. And also set the number of services that will be displayed above the “Expand” button (MAX-2676)
Added the ability to limit the number of properties displayed in the list of services (MAX-2680)
Improved display of one phone number without icons and description - the drop-down list has been removed (MAX-1704)
Improved indexing of landing pages in type 2 directory - removed span in the link (MAX-2344)
When using a magnifying glass, a small picture of the product was displayed if the cursor was hovered over the center of the picture when the page loaded. In a subsequent update, the solution to the problem will be supplemented
Fixed display of vertical images when using a magnifying glass (MAX-2643)
When using information blocks 2.0, after switching a trade offer, pictures of the main product from the gallery disappeared from the list (MAX-2477)
Sales offer properties were not displayed when the "Use property settings in components and forms" setting was enabled (MAX-1840)
The parameter “Insert sales offer title into product name” did not take into account SEO settings (MAX-2577)
The display of extended prices and the type of prices in the fixed header have been adjusted - they are now displayed in a pop-up window (MAX-2395)
When choosing to display extended prices as a list on the detailed product page with trade offers, a button to open a pop-up window remained (MAX-2184, MAX-1484)
The old price was displayed in the “I want as a gift” form in a product with trade offers (MAX-2685)
On the catalog detail page, there was an indent under the left column when Ajax mode was enabled, even if the left column was disabled (MAX-1117)
Corrected link color when highlighting in bold in the text editor (MAX-1297)
On the contacts page with the “Markers and List 2” type, the email field was shifted if the “Metro” field was not filled in (MAX-1517)
Corrected display of a wide side menu in the product list when the site width is 1200 px (MAX-1620)
When Ajax mode was enabled in brands, the filter was reset when switching pages with products (MAX-1700)
The active image in the main banner was shifted when there was long text above the title - added text area limitation (MAX-1753)
The number of products in the list of sections took into account unavailable products (MAX-1793)
The display of several emails in the footer has been adjusted - now they are displayed below each other (MAX-1964)
There was no link to the phone number in the mobile menu (MAX-1976)
Fixed the output of images with names in Cyrillic and with spaces in the product list when the option in the main module “Save original names of downloaded files” is enabled (MAX-2023)
VAT was not displayed in the cart when regionalization was enabled (MAX-2122)
The images of the sales offer were not displayed in the slider in the tabs on the main page under certain conditions (MAX-2188)
The text in the cart was not visible in 14, 15, 18 headers if a bump banner with a transparent top and light text was used (MAX-2215)
Fixed duplication of product availability on mobile devices in the product list (MAX-2243)
Custom mobile header was not selected (MAX-2295)
Fixed accounting for the cost of goods when adding services on the detail page when the “Total amount of goods in the list and on the detail page” parameter is enabled (MAX-2309)
The “You looked before” block was not displayed when the composite site was disabled under an unauthorized user (MAX-2436)
The video was not displayed in the main banner if there was only one banner (MAX-2458)
The light logo was not displayed if there was one main banner (MAX-2488)
The display of the “Collapse/Expand” button in the list view of service sections has been adjusted (MAX-2536)
Adjusted text color for search in the mobile header (MAX-2622)
The “Picture targeting type” setting did not work (MAX-2624)
Corrected display of the right column on the first detailed product page with a site width of 1200 px and a wide menu type (MAX-2665)
Removed extra icon from successfully applied coupon (MAX-2667)
Adjusted top margin in burger menu (MAX-2669)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented the ability to display the developer's logo in the site footer (MAX-2698)
Connecting the footer menu has been moved to the files /include/footer/menu/ - now there is a choice of where to connect menu items, setting the nesting level and template without losing updates (MAX-2836)
The display of announcement pictures of trading offers in the properties for selection has been adjusted (MAX-2797, MAX-2355, MAX-2136)
Fixed the formation of properties for selecting trade offers (MAX-2812)
The characteristics did not change when switching trade offers in the 4th product card with the left column enabled (MAX-2825)
The active image of the main banner was displayed on the left if the "Image Only" text display option was selected (MAX-2588)
Banner was not displayed on mobile devices when Image Only or Centered Text was selected (MAX-2560, MAX-2776)
The left block was displayed incorrectly on the detailed service page (MAX-2808)
Output of services without subsections did not work (MAX-2803)
Font Awesome icons were not displayed in your personal account (MAX-2724)
Adjusted canonical links on pages with pagination that were generated by the SEO smart filter (MAX-2329)
The mail.ru icon was not displayed in the authorization window (MAX-1574)
The coloring of the headers has been adjusted when using a banner with a collision in the content sections of the site (MAX-2614, MAX-2809, MAX-2615)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added a new simplified checkout and cart view (MAX-821)
Implemented a pop-up notification when adding an item to the cart (MAX-2697, MAX-2378, MAX-2558)
Added category icons to the mobile menu (MAX-1204)
Implemented the ability to display a large “Quick View” button (MAX-793)
Added viewing of the entered password when clicking on the eye icon (MAX-2775)
Implemented a page scroll indicator in a fixed header (MAX-2855)
Added the ability to disable the ikSelect plugin for styling List fields on individual pages (MAX-2798)
In the fixed header of the site, the name of the product changed incorrectly when switching trade offers on the detailed page of the product (MAX-2892)
On the search page, when selecting a characteristic in the filter, the scroll bar in the drop-down list did not work (MAX-2875)
In the dark theme, when hovering over a gift card on the catalog detail page, the right block border was missing (MAX-2860)
The background color of the service included in the product card has been adjusted (MAX-2857)
The drop-down list of properties in the product quick view was not styled (MAX-2345)
Adjusted the color of footer 3 in the light theme (MAX-2854)
The drop-down window for product availability has been removed from the main banner (MAX-2524)
The “To order” button was displayed incorrectly on mobile devices in the “Product of the Day” block on the main page (MAX-2359)
In type 2 of the product detail page, the video icon was displayed incorrectly if there was no image slider and vertical display of gallery thumbnails was enabled (MAX-2034)
The bottom border of the block with products was not displayed on the main page when the side column was enabled (MAX-2326)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The “select” tag was displayed incorrectly in edit mode (MAX-2892)
The minimum price in the cart was not taken into account (MAX-2922)
The indent from the header in the total block in the cart and order was incorrectly set (MAX-2923)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Ability to display product properties: in columns or in a row (MAX-2850, MAX-2945)
Displaying the product code (MAX-1220)
For the V2 checkout template, a scroll has been added for pickup points (MAX-2925)
In the “Product of the Day” block on the main page, a display of the product gallery, “Buy in 1 click” and “Set aside” buttons, as well as the ability to specify the number of products to be added to the cart have been added (MAX-2877)
For the slide panel (gallery) in the product list, a return to the first picture is implemented when moving the cursor away (MAX-2165, MAX-2807, MAX-2510)
Improved scrollbar visibility in header and search dropdown menu (MAX-2141)
Implemented display of the product gallery in the detailed image viewing window (MAX-1371, MAX-2940)
Added include area for editing "Payment and Shipping" text for new installations (MAX-2858)
Updated VKontakte icon (MAX-2774)
Added Zoom and Bitrix24 icons for the login window (MAX-2584)
In the V2 checkout template, pickup points were incorrectly displayed when the “Show nearest pickup points” option was enabled (MAX-2927)
In the V2 checkout template, the button for selecting a pickup point was hidden in the tooltip if it was in the same field as the description. Now, when choosing a delivery method, the description will be displayed at the bottom of the block, and not in the tooltip (MAX-2928, MAX-2954)
LazyLoad did not work when composite mode was enabled (MAX-2930)
Regional tags were not displayed when composite mode was enabled (MAX-2952)
Video viewing in product quick view opened on a new page rather than in the gallery (MAX-2884)
Fixed an error in displaying the main page when entering the special character "(double quote) in the solution installer (MAX-2596)
The quantity of goods in warehouses was not displayed with a fractional number (MAX-2899)
The deferred items button was not hidden in the burger menu, side forms and some headers (MAX-1844, MAX-2307)
Fixed check for consent to the processing of personal data on sites where the Aspro solution is not installed (MAX-2241)
On mobile devices, it was impossible to follow the link from the banners to the left, to the right of the main one when choosing the text location “Image only” (MAX-1973)
Text was not visible in the region confirmation window with a transparent header (MAX-2722)
Product ratings in images and brands were calculated incorrectly when extended reviews were enabled (MAX-2456)
Phone validation mask did not work on js (MAX-2961)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The speed of opening and closing forms for call back, 1-click purchase and authorization on mobile devices has been increased - forms now open in pop-up windows (MAX-556)
Added support for sorting products and trade offers by availability for version 1C-Bitrix: Site Management above 20.0 (MAX-2108, 2125)
Implemented sorting by relevance on the search page (MAX-1804, MAX-2498)
Open Graph image markup (MAX-2896) has been added for catalog sections
In the v2 ordering template, the button for selecting order pick-up points for OZON and SDEK (MAX-2976) was not displayed
Fixed v2 checkout page loading due to user profile error (MAX-2986)
Checkout template v2 did not display payment method block after switching to delivery service limited to one payment method option (MAX-2958)
Fixed an error in displaying services in the cart when information blocks 2.0 are enabled (MAX-2991)
In the checkout template v2 in the block, the output of unnecessary text for delivery has been corrected (MAX-2973)
On mobile devices, large navigation arrows were displayed near the product gallery (MAX-2980)
On the search page, the standard 1C-Bitrix template was connected with the “Regional catalog” option enabled in the solution settings (MAX-2231)
The “You must change your password at next login” setting did not work (MAX-2526)
Corrected display of drop-down menu items in header 27 (MAX-2681)
In the fixed header on the detailed product page, the “Buy” button was displayed instead of “To order” and “Subscribe” (MAX-1777)
The width of the “Add to Cart” button changed incorrectly when the “Allow specifying the number of items to be added to the cart on the catalog product page” setting was enabled (MAX-1263)
When the setting “Display the value of a reference type property if there is no picture” was enabled, the value of the characteristic was not displayed before the product name (MAX-1669)
Main banner played YouTube video sound when swiping, even if sound was muted (MAX-2544)
The display of the set on the detailed product page has been adjusted (MAX-2906, MAX-2606)
Deferred items were not opened on mobile devices in the cart v2 (MAX-2987)
The cart button type 2 was displayed incorrectly in the block view of the list of products with a price range (MAX-2484)
In the dark theme on the detailed product page, when hovering over the characteristics block, the table color was white (MAX-2975)
The fixed header did not hide the buy button for products with an inaccessible price (MAX-2843)
Re-selecting properties with a drop-down list in the filter did not work after a reset (MAX-3004)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added e-commerce support for Google Analytics 4 (MAX-2942)
The ability to indicate the price in text rather than in numbers has been implemented. For this purpose, the setting “Display the price of a product with a zero/absent price” has been added to the solution settings (MAX-1783)
Automatic loading of products when scrolling a page has been expanded for search, brands, collections and images (MAX-1723)
The “Insert sales offer title into product name” setting is divided for the list of products and the detailed product page (MAX-2878)
Added a hint for the option in the solution settings “Login is equal to email address” (MAX-2965)
Logo loading via solution settings has been adjusted (MAX-1738)
On the detailed product page in the “Availability” block, the message about the product being out of stock has been corrected (MAX-1759)
Fixed operation of the AJAX filter if the property value contained a percent symbol % (MAX-2595)
Stabilized saving settings from the solution widget (MAX-2687)
Fixed the icon color for the “Ask a question” button when hovering in a light theme (MAX-2688)
Fixed w3c validation errors on main page (MAX-2799)
Corrected display of the map on the main page if not all fields are filled in (MAX-2811)
On the detailed service page, the image to the side of the text was shifted on mobile devices (MAX-2820)
The white cart icon was painted incorrectly at the bottom in the light theme (MAX-2853)
Fixed adding sales offer properties to the cart when the "Use property settings in components and forms" setting is enabled (MAX-2861)
Corrected display of cart and checkout v2 (MAX-2915)
Stickers were not displayed for products with trade offers in the cart v2 (MAX-2916)
In the properties of trade offers from the directory, an external code was displayed instead of a name if the property was not involved in the selection of trade offers (MAX-2966)
The “Buy” button icon was displayed incorrectly in the quick product view (MAX-2968)
When switching trade offers in the product list and then opening Quick View, the first trade offer was always selected (MAX-2733)
Fixed colors of pickup points in dark theme (MAX-2969)
If a site was already installed before installing the solution, the solution overwrote the site name in the main module (MAX-2990)
The “Share Cart” button was moved in the cart with template v1 (MAX-3011)
The presence of a trade offer was displayed incorrectly when switching a tariff plan with an unavailable price type (MAX-3014)
The product counter block in the “Product of the Day” block on the main page did not round off (MAX-3031)
In the dark theme, the text of the successful form submission window was not visible (MAX-3033)
Fixed a typo in the “Collections display view” setting (MAX-3006)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the ability to group landing pages in the catalog (MAX-2153)
Added the ability to group tags for the SEO smart filter (MAX-2170)
Added the ability to add a signature under the product name in the block list of items (MAX-2839)
For the “List” type with one value, the display in the smart filter in one line has been changed (MAX-2462)
Added a “Share on social” button. networks" in the catalog section (MAX-2845)
Added the ability to hide the Buy button in 1 click in the Product of the Day block through component settings (MAX-3002)
Added processing of GET parameters in the setTheme.php file to improve security (MAX-3040)
The coupon input field was not disabled in checkout v2 (MAX-3018)
On headers 28 and 29, the “Expanded smart filter” option did not work correctly (MAX-3029)
Registration functionality in checkout v2 (MAX-3034) has been adjusted
In order template v2, the collapsed block did not take into account the shipping discount (MAX-3053)
Corrected display of availability when there are no selected warehouses in the regions (MAX-2691)
The notification was not displayed during registration if confirmation by e-mail was enabled (MAX-962)
In the mobile version, the popup with extended prices did not open on the product detail page (MAX-1659)
Corrected behavior of the location dropdown list (MAX-2167)
In Safari, autofocus on the "Phone" field when changing the value in the "Location" field on the checkout page has been fixed (MAX-1987)
Fixed indentation in the drop-down menu in the header (MAX-2675)
Access rights to prices in related products were not taken into account (MAX-2934)
The regional filter for landings in the catalog has been improved. Previously, the list of popular categories did not take into account the regional filter and only worked on landing page content (MAX-2373)
The substitution of the trade offer title into the product name in the “Collections”, “Brand”, “Images” sections has been adjusted (MAX-2511)
The cart at the bottom with fonts 13 and 14 was displayed incorrectly (MAX-2120)
For trade offers, the “Details” button was not displayed on mobile devices when viewing the cart button “With a button on the side” (MAX-3045)
Property tooltip text overlapped with other elements (MAX-2298)
Fixed display of the text of the “To order” button when the price is missing (MAX-3073)
The Smart SEO landing page did not open if a slash was specified in the property value for the page generation condition (MAX-3073)
On mobile devices, the display of elements in the compact header on the checkout page has been adjusted (MAX-2908)
Other minor fixes (MAX-2226)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Fixed display of the vertical filter on the search page (MAX-3018)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Improved tag cloud functionality for Smart SEO. The following features have been added:
Generating tag cloud elements
Activate, delete, or change individual tag cloud elements
Sorting Items in a Tag Cloud (MAX-2110)
Fixed display of the drop-down list of property values in the compact filter (MAX-3146)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Switching products in Quick View did not work (MAX-3131)
On mobile devices, the display of pictures in the image block on the main page has been fixed (MAX-2713)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
On the results page for filling out web forms and ordering, the ability to send information to CRM has been added
Added page navigation for the list of form and order results
Added display of images of trading offers on the product comparison page (MAX-1808, MAX-745)
The display of trade offers on the detailed product card for type sku 2 on mobile devices has been adjusted (MAX-3135)
In Safari, arrows were displayed incorrectly in the gallery pop-up window (MAX-3024)
The video link in the “About the company” block did not open on mobile devices (MAX-1841)
Custom regional tags were not displayed. Corrected caching of regional tags (MAX-3160)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added support for the module “2in1 Accumulative bonus system (cashback) + Referral system” from LogicTim
Added the ability to upload a logo for an email template (MAX-1774)
Added thumbnails in the popup for the gallery with a magnifying glass (MAX-3170)
Added thumbnails in popup on mobile devices (MAX-3169)
A detailed image was loaded in the product list instead of the announcement one (MAX-2972)
Product article with TP was not displayed in quick view (MAX-2886)
Quick view in cart was not disabled when using template v2 (MAX-3098)
The mobile header was not displayed in the catalog section with a banner in the 28th header (MAX-3178)
Step-by-step location selection in checkout in dark theme was incorrectly colored (MAX-3173)
Fixed location confirmation coloring on mobile in dark theme (MAX-2657)
When switching TP selection properties, property values were not transferred to the order when purchasing in 1 click (MAX-2939)
The functionality of the minimum price of goods with trade offers has been adjusted when regionalization and quantitative accounting are enabled. Added the option “Check the availability of a trade offer when calculating the minimum price” (MAX-3177)
Zero and missing price was not replaced with text in the “Previously viewed” and “Recommended” blocks (MAX-3145)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added Yandex Campaign Wizard widget for setting up advertising (MAX-3243)
Pictures of sets and kits were not displayed (MAX-3246)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Filter reviews by rating, presence of photo and comment text (MAX-2172)
“Item purchased in store” mark to highlight reviews from real customers (MAX-3220)
Improved micro markup:
Blog and news sections (MAX-3218)
Reviews section (MAX-988)
Services section (MAX-3216)
Questions and Answers Section (MAX-3217)
Block about the company on the main page (MAX-3215, MAX-1418)
Accelerated loading of Aspro sets: added the ability to load sets of goods gradually or all at once (MAX-2602, MAX-2610)
Integration with VKontakte has been implemented: automatic publication of the latest posts from the VKontakte group on the main page of the site (MAX-3165)
On the search page in the smart filter for a property of the “List” type with one value, the display in one line has been changed (MAX-3158)
Implemented Hide city selection on V2 checkout page if location field is inactive (MAX-2946)
The item in the solution settings has been renamed from “Campaign Master” to “Advertising in Yandex” (MAX-3251)
The text in the side basket was shifted when using the bonus system “2in1 Cumulative bonus system (cashback) + Referral system” (MAX-3237)
The display of reviews in the “Reviews” section on mobile devices has been adjusted (MAX-1951)
The ajax filter did not work with properties that had one value (MAX-3274)
Fixed error when deleting solution module (MAX-3211)
The list of blogs for reviews was limited to one site (MAX-2619)
Telegram was not displayed in the header (MAX-3194)
Fixed display of city selection in checkout when changing block order (MAX-3175)
The name of the “To order” button has not changed (MAX-1970)
Fixed micro-marking of availability in the product card when the price range is disabled (MAX-1863)
Fixed micro-marking of availability in the product card when quantitative accounting is disabled (MAX-2730)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the ability to group products by sections on the comparison page (MAX-1939)
Added output of the unit of measurement coefficient in the basket with the v2 template, if it is different from one (MAX-3203)
Added the ability to display a web form in the main banner buttons (MAX-3267)
On the product comparison page, a block has been added to go to the catalog if only one product has been added to the comparison (MAX-3278)
Improved picture quality for the VK block (MAX-3284)
Improved operation of the VK block with third-party links (MAX-3285)
Loading of products with trade offers in the product list has been optimized. Reduced number of database queries (MAX-3287)
Added the ability to display icons in the mega menu from the information block (MAX-1977)
Added support for villages in choosing a location for a region (MAX-2280)
Improved markup for extended reviews (MAX-1000)
A block with all user photos has been added to extended reviews (MAX-2173)
In extended reviews, a button has been added to upload another image (MAX-3138)
In extended reviews, the date display has been adjusted and a slider with a pop-up for images in the review has been added (MAX-3268)
Configured transition to deferred items on the cart page (MAX-1429)
The display of the thumbnail gallery in the product card has been adjusted (MAX-2267)
The bottom border was not displayed in the catalog menu if the section had no subsections (MAX-2914)
The link to the “Delayed Items” button is disabled if there are none (MAX-2918)
The comparison and deferred buttons did not work correctly in the fifth product card when switching trade offers (MAX-3180)
Removed “Quick view” of the product of the day in the adaptive version (MAX-3222)
Added colon after article number in quick view (MAX-3240)
The product name was not displayed in the notification about adding to cart when the selected type was SKU2 (MAX-3241)
Fixed work of the block with current filters if the filter did not have properties with the number type (MAX-1818)
In mailing templates for mailing in the “Output of products for mail” block, the display of the price block has been corrected (MAX-2611)
Fixed selection of Bitrix24 forms without the installed web form module (MAX-2977)
The number of selected products in the filter was incorrectly colored (MAX-3266)
The delivery calculation window on a mobile device did not close when clicking on the "Calculate delivery" block multiple times (MAX-3309)
The price was not displayed in the search if a price range other than 1 was set (MAX-2413)
The transmission of the https protocol to the blog and news micro-markup has been adjusted (MAX-3326)
In the adaptive on the detailed product page, the size of the window with the promotion was calculated incorrectly (MAX-3254)
Reviews that were moderated were included in micro markup (MAX-3016)
Fixed brand markup (MAX-3118)
In the product of the day block, the quick order button was not hidden in the adaptive (MAX-3234)
The price was not displayed in the images on the main page in the slider type without regionalization enabled (MAX-3275)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added notification about authorization in your personal account (MAX-2844)
The ability to enable menus from the megamenu information block has been moved to a separate setting. Now for any type of menu you can configure the display of the menu from the megamenu information block (MAX-1971)
Added the ability to specify multiple phones for warehouses (MAX-1697)
For tabs on the main page, an arrow was added too early in the Firefox browser (MAX-1828)
In the product card on mobile devices, the appearance of the “Articles”, “News”, “Services”, “Employees” and “Vacancies” blocks has been improved. Now blocks are displayed with a slider (MAX-2193)
Share cart button was not disabled in cart v2 (MAX-3273)
In the dark theme, the “More” button in the menu was not colored (MAX-3198)
The color of the promotion title changed without a detailed description (MAX-3341)
The date in the blog section on mobile devices has shifted (MAX-2308)
Photos attached to reviews were not displayed in the product card without tabs (MAX-3363)
Reviews were displayed incorrectly on the main page on a mobile device (MAX-3283)
The footer displayed text from the contacts section (MAX-3350)
The number of selected products in the filter was incorrectly colored (MAX-3354)
Fixed a bug in email templates for Email marketing - fixed outdated CAllCurrencyLang class (MAX-3406)
All headers have been optimized: SVG icons have been moved to sprites, outdated layout has been replaced and some scripts have been removed (MAX-2514)
Fixed display of the active image in the main banner when using 19, 20, 22 and 24 headers (MAX-2538)
In integration with Aspro.Cloud, custom fields were displayed that were not related to the transactions module (MAX-3420)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented Aspro property grouper for a detailed product card (MAX-2684, MAX-2301, MAX-2282)
Improved title search:
Added choice of search area: throughout the site or by catalog. When you select Sitewide Search, the results will display all results found, and the Full Results page will become the Standard Search Page component. When searching a catalog, only catalog sections and products will be displayed, and the page with full results will be the “Catalog Search” component (MAX-1072)
Improved appearance of search results by title. It has become more compact (MAX-884), and has also added the display of partition images and a caption of the partition name (MAX-3488)
Search settings have become more convenient. Now they are located in the module settings and allow you to set restrictions separately for searching the catalog and separately for searching the entire site. In the list of restrictions, static files, information blocks, blogs and forums are available for multiple selection (MAX-3511)
Added functionality for removing products from sale. Now the purchase button can be replaced with “Choose an analogue” with the required link to the site. And also display an analogue product in a special block on the detailed product page (MAX-2434, MAX-3453, MAX-3454)
Added a new type of display of brands in alphabetical order. Implemented an agent for accelerating sites with a large number of brands (MAX-1631)
In the block with product availability, the ability to show the number of stores that have the product has been added. Displayed on product detail page and quick view (MAX-1538)
Added the rel="alternate" attribute for the connection between the desktop and mobile versions of the site according to the recommendations of Yandex.Webmaster (MAX-3433)
On mobile devices, the number of products in comparison was not displayed in the bottom panel (MAX-3252)
The display of the price type name on mobile devices in the product list with a compact catalog view has been adjusted (MAX-3386)
The display of the total price in the forgotten cart, the main price and the old price in personal recommendations in e-mail marketing templates has been adjusted (MAX-3396)
Promotions on mobile devices when viewing “With text inside” became horizontal instead of vertical (MAX-2605)
Corrected display of the icon in the “Add to cart” button on mobile devices when the list of items is displayed in a compact form (MAX-2522)
In the dark theme, the color of the gifts did not change to white (MAX-3184)
There was no picture in the notification about adding an item to the cart on mobile devices (MAX-3041)
Corrected display of employee phone link (MAX-2573)
In the menu from the information block, SVG icons were not displayed in the left menu; the maximum sizes of PNG images were not taken into account (MAX-3411)
Fixed display of delivery services when filtering by location in the v2 checkout template (MAX-3084)
Micro markup output has been adjusted (MAX-3461)
Fixed duplication of items from a previously opened item in the mobile menu (MAX-3414)
Fixed hiding zero and missing prices in the “You looked before” block (MAX-3207)
The work of the “Show more” functionality in related products on the detailed product card has been fixed. Added option to limit the output of the maximum number of items received for cross-selling (MAX-3060)
The functionality for calculating the additional top menu in the site header has been adjusted (MAX-2735)
Fixed delivery calculation in the product card when quantitative accounting is enabled (MAX-2913)
VAT was not taken into account in the cart for the personal recommendations block (MAX-3330)
Fixed display of the logo in a fixed header with type 29 of the main header (MAX-2296)
The value of the property type “Phone for region” has been adjusted when exporting an information block to a CSV file (MAX-1867)
Fixed an error loading a new icon into the set for a property like “Phone for region” in the Firefox browser (MAX-1667, MAX-1875)
Corrected the behavior of search results by headings in the fixed drop-down panel when pressing the Esc key (MAX-2209, MAX-3498)
The phone mask output has been adjusted to take into account shielding when entering a number in the authorization form (MAX-3020)
Fixed preview of Smart SEO condition meta tag value as it is entered (MAX-3120)
Fixed the display of the list of properties in the macro menu for the values of meta tags of the smart SEO condition (MAX-3121)
If the catalog component worked in AJAX mode, then when selecting values in the smart filter for which there is a landing page in smart SEO, the landing page address did not immediately replace the standard filter page address, but only after the page was reloaded (MAX-2696)
When selecting in the smart filter the values for which a landing page exists in smart SEO, in the title of the page and browser window, in the section description, the macros of custom regional tags were not replaced with their corresponding values immediately, but only after reloading the page (MAX-2476, MAX- 3116, MAX-3422)
When generating a sitemap through smart SEO, the activity of landing page rules is taken into account (MAX-2478)
Fixed an error in re-connecting the phpmorphy library when used together with third-party modules for SEO, etc. (MAX-2805)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The main gallery in the detailed product card did not change when switching trade offers (MAX-3539)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented a large type of image display in a detailed product card (MAX-2139)
Brands have been updated in alphabetical order: popular brands have become more compact, and scrolling has been added on mobile devices. In the component parameters for popular brands, settings for outline on mobile devices and display of color brand images have been added (MAX-3535)
Improved display of unavailable trade offers with pictures - now instead of fading they will be crossed out (MAX-1636, MAX-3551)
For the main banner, access rights are taken into account. Allows you to show the correct product prices for different user groups (MAX-3527)
Added the ability to disable the display of units of measurement in the main banner (MAX-885)
Implemented the ability to hide subsections in the list of catalog products (MAX-2738)
Fixed delivery calculation in the product card when the CDN module is installed (MAX-1933)
If a product with trade offers had different announcement and detailed pictures loaded, then when switching trade offers, the detailed picture was displayed instead of the announcement one (MAX-3415)
Access to landing pages in CNC search has been adjusted (MAX-3405)
Corrected transfer of long words in the menu in header 28 (MAX-2442)
Removed empty areas in the previously viewed products slider (MAX-1278)
The display height of the property values of trading offers in the product card has been adjusted (MAX-1537)
Pagination on the search page has been adjusted (MAX-1765)
Removed setting the regional component from the public part of the site through the gear icon (MAX-3389)
Added to the main page code when loading shares (MAX-3382)
The exit icon from your personal account was not visible in the dark theme (MAX-3388)
The “Description” tab was not hidden if the product description, gallery and documents were not filled in (MAX-2251)
When editing a product review, attached photos disappeared (MAX-3495)
V1 checkout page showed extra bar when selecting more than 2 payer types (MAX-2189)
Corrected the path to the brand component file in alphabetical order when multisite on subfolders (MAX-3591)
Authorization on the site-wide search page did not work (MAX-3600)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The work of the solution has been adapted for updating 1C-Bitrix version 22.200.100 - error when using regionality (MAX-3621), authorization error (MAX-3622)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The solution's work has been adapted for updating 1C-Bitrix version 22.200.100 - error when using Smart SEO (MAX-3628)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Technical update.
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Attention!!! For the Smart SEO functionality, the structure of the program code was changed. If you use custom templates and components, you may need to adapt them.
Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site!
New in version and improvements:
Added the ability to use an international phone mask (MAX-1735)
Added the ability to install different types of smart filter for different sections (MAX-719)
Added regional filter consideration for related elements. To disable the regional filter for linked elements, delete or rename the LINK_REGION property in the linked elements info block. (MAX-2408)
Properties for displaying trade offers have been moved to the solution module. The setting now affects all sections of the site. (MAX-741)
Added display of the “Product discontinued” block in quick view (MAX-3540)
Added the ability to use location search in the “Aspro:Max” property type. location binding" (MAX-3401, MAX-3361)
Fixed display of thumbnails in vertical type in the product card for vertical images (MAX-3615)
Corrected switching of payer type if there are more than two for ordering template v2(MAX-3325)
The site headers have been optimized - the menu structure in the headers has been updated, unnecessary code for the top menu has been removed (MAX-3474)
Rules for robots and sitemap in htaccess have been adjusted (MAX-3429)
Adjusted the style for the sort field in the mobile version when the catalog filter is disabled (MAX-3338)
The display of the field for sorting by relevance on the catalog search page has been adjusted (MAX-3153)
Fixed display of the “Under Content” advertising banner on the main page (MAX-2372)
Fixed rule generation for sitemap in htaccess (MAX-3430)
Fixed display of the main banner in the mobile version when the “Transparent top for a banner with a bump” option is selected (MAX-3571)
When the display of the price range was disabled, the unit of measurement was not displayed when loading for the first time for products with trade offers (MAX-2866)
In the adaptive version, the footer was centered when the page was refreshed (MAX-2549)
Announcement images were displayed incorrectly in the properties for selecting trade offers on the product page with the kit (MAX-3368)
Corrected display of the “Map” block in the “Marker and List 2” type in the adaptive version (MAX-2833)
The drop-down list in promotions in the dark theme was painted incorrectly (MAX-3467)
The block of shares on the main page has been adjusted when the dark theme is enabled (MAX-3358)
Feedback forms were not opened if the element name included a backslash (MAX-2270)
Information about the minimum order value in the cart with template v2 was not displayed when deferred updating was disabled (MAX-3409)
In the adaptive version, the display of elements on the detail page in type 3 (MAX-3608) has been adjusted
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented mass upload of files in product reviews (MAX-3538)
Added tab scrolling in the Q&A section (MAX-1408)
Implemented the ability to set a limit on the number of processed smart SEO tags (MAX-3642)
Added note for required fields on forms and checkout page (MAX-2199)
In product reviews, a scroll has been added to the error if not all required fields are filled in (MAX-3727)
Fixed the main menu freezing if the mouse cursor was hovering over the menu when loading the page (MAX-1903)
The “Buy in 1 click” form opened incorrectly in the cart on mobile devices (MAX-3672)
Trade offers in the block with catalog products on the main page were not switched (MAX-3687)
Not all settings were displayed in the parameters of the component of the block with products on the main page (tabs on the main page) (MAX-3662)
In the content of related products with trade offers, incorrect links to the product card were displayed, quick view did not work (MAX-3699)
When switching trade offers, their characteristics did not change if the Aspro property grouper (MAX-3739) was enabled
Authorization did not work when connecting the standard 1C-Bitrix template (MAX-3663)
The phone mask was not displayed when placing an order for an unauthorized user (MAX-3671)
Cross-selling did not work correctly on information blocks 2.0 (MAX-3462)
Adding a review to a product has been adjusted - accounting for infoblock ID has been added (MAX-3704)
In the fixed header of the product card, the quantity of the product with the trade offer was incorrectly displayed for SKU2 (MAX-3199)
The directory subsection dropdown arrow was displayed even if the section had no subsections (MAX-2123)
Smart filter prompts were not disabled (MAX-3630)
The display of bonuses on the checkout page on mobile devices has been adjusted (MAX-3552)
Corrected the path to the brand component file in alphabetical order when multisite on subdomains (MAX-3607)
Smart SEO (update downloaded separately):
Fixed case declension functionality (SEO-64)
The list of available properties was not displayed in the meta tag fields (SEO-92)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
When you create a region in a location group, you can determine which cities, regions, and other parts of the country belong to the region
A display of the city determined by the client’s IP has been added to the site header. Regional information (prices, tags, etc.) will be displayed from the region to which the location is linked
Delivery cost calculations take into account the customer's IP location, not the region's location.
In the region selection window “With regions and districts” and “Only with cities”, a step-by-step display of cities has been added to optimize popup loading (MAX-2592)
Added the ability to display a city defined by IP without using regionality (MAX-3832)
Added indication of district, region and country in region search results (MAX-2041)
Optimizing site loading speed:
Implemented support for jQuery 3 (MAX-2739)
Reduced Bootstrap size
Icons in svg format transferred to sprite
Loading the bottom panel on mobile devices has been switched to ajax mode
Loading the side column when enabled via the settings widget has been switched to ajax mode
Added the ability to display different properties of trade offers in the product list and on the detailed product card (MAX-3700)
The personal recommendations block on detailed product cards has been converted to the catalog.section component. Added the ability to install the block either at the bottom or on the right (MAX-2768, MAX-947, MAX-893, MAX-2284)
Smart SEO protection has been changed - now the antivirus will not detect a possible threat (MAX-3752)
Added system language files in English (MAX-1733, MAX-3819, MAX-2095)
The “Darken background when hovering over menu” option did not work (MAX-3764)
Adjusted the block order setting on the main page (MAX-3803)
The region confirmation window was hidden under the site header (MAX-3778)
Adjusted link color in dark theme (MAX-2651)
If a banner was displayed in the product list, the fifth product in the line was shifted to another line at some screen resolutions (MAX-3529)
Corrected display of the sorting drop-down list on mobile devices (MAX-2617)
H1 in the main banner did not take into account the text color setting in the dark theme of the site (MAX-3707)
Corrected display of the blog in a compact form on the main page (MAX-3718)
The banner in the top menu was not displayed if only directory sections were displayed (MAX-3842)
The 404 page was not displayed in the stores section when exiting the information block (MAX-3842)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The work of the solution installation wizard has been adjusted (MAX-3844)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
<b>Новое в версии:</b>
- Добавлен раздел Фотогалерея (MAX-2757)</li>
- Изменены заголовки для блоков на главной странице с h3 на h2 (MAX-3805)</li>
- Скорректированы параметр свойств в компонентах и формах (MAX-4688)</li>
- Исправлена ошибка токена Google ReCaptcha при длительном заполнении веб-формы (MAX-3097)</li>
- Скорректировано отображение торговых предложений в списке, вид «Плитка», если доступно только одно предложение (MAX-4704)</li>
- Исправлен переключатель языков во второй шапке (MAX-3790)</li>
- Исправлен учёт связанной с товаром услуги в корзине на iOS (MAX-4691)</li>
- Исправлен некорректный отступ в шапке в корзине (MAX-4774)</li>
<br />
<b>Внимание!!! Перед установкой обновления ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО выполните полное резервное копирование сайта. Если вы вносили изменения в шаблон решения, то дополнительно скопируйте всю папку шаблона!</b>
- Не переключались торговые предложения на jquery 2.x.x (MAX-4702)
Внимание!!! Перед установкой обновления ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО выполните полное резервное копирование сайта. Если вы вносили изменения в шаблон решения, то дополнительно скопируйте всю папку шаблона!
- Скорректирована работа фильтра по складам — теперь выводятся не только активные склады, но еще и склады со статусом «Пункт выдачи» (MAX-4492)</li>
- Исправлена работа перекрестных продаж при типе инфоблока каталога 2.0 (MAX-4679)</li>
- Не скрывались недоступные товары в услугах, проектах и других контентных разделах в блоке связанных товаров (MAX-3870)</li>
- Не отображалась кнопка регистрации на странице оформления заказа для неавторизованного пользователя (MAX-4632)</li>
- Исправлена PHP-ошибка, если для торгового предложения не выбрано ни одно свойство для вывода и включена настройка «Использовать параметры свойств в компонентах и формах» (MAX-4657)</li>
- Скорректировано отображение баннеров с текстом при использовании варианта «В произвольном порядке» (MAX-3995)</li>
- Скорректирован отступ от фиксированной шапки при использовании якоря (MAX-1475)</li>
- Некорректно отображалась иконка телефона, если ее размеры были равны или меньше требуемых (MAX-4578)</li>
- Служебные свойства торговых предложений перенесены в дата-атрибут для исключения их индексации поисковыми системами (MAX-4654)</li>
- Скорректированы отступы у блока «О компании» на главной странице сайта (MAX-3991)</li>
- Скорректировано отображение множественного свойства типа «Список» в разделе «Услуги» (MAX-4017)</li>
- Скорректировано отображение блога на главной странице сайта при выводе одного элемента (MAX-4057)</li>
- Скорректировано отображение заголовка главного баннера, если в нем указана ссылка (MAX-3939)</li>
- Исправлено отображение иконки корзины на мобильных устройствах в виде отображения кнопки корзины «С кнопкой сбоку» и некомпактном списке товаров (MAX-4590)</li>
<br />
<b>Внимание!!! Перед установкой обновления ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО выполните полное резервное копирование сайта. Если вы вносили изменения в шаблон решения, то дополнительно скопируйте всю папку шаблона!</b>
- The display of prices in the list of goods has been adjusted after updating the 1C-Bitrix platform 23.300.0 (MAX-4110)</li>
- The order was not placed after updating the 1C-Bitrix platform 22.600.300 (MAX-4104)</li>
- The menu cache was formed incorrectly (MAX-4111)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! We strongly recommend installing the update. Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
- Fixed display of elements in the “Reviews” section (MAX-4045)</li>
- Corrected the output of the stub in the small gallery (MAX-4043)</li>
- The “real buyer” mark in reviews was not edited (MAX-4042)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
<b>New in version and improvements:</b>
- Improved display of vertical and horizontal images in a small gallery on the detailed product and news pages (MAX-3698)</li>
- Added SVG authorization notification icon with the ability to switch colors (MAX-3703)</li>
- In the “Recommend” block on the detailed product page, only products in stock are now displayed (MAX-2768)</li>
- Bugs fixed on PHP 8.1 version (MAX-3945, MAX-3967)
- In reviews on the main page and in the reviews section, if a fractional rating was indicated</li>
- In stores, if they were removed from warehouses</li>
- When saving regions under certain conditions</li>
- In the reviews section under certain conditions</li>
- In the menu in the site footer, if certain parameters were set for the first menu block in the component settings</li>
- On the 2nd detailed product card, if news was linked</li>
- Error in the console in the list of products and on the detailed product card</li>
- On the stores page and on the store detail page</li>
- In recommended products with the price range turned off</li>
- Price conversion did not work in search by titles (MAX-3966)</li>
- Removed the rel=alternate attribute according to Yandex recommendations (MAX-3993, MAX-3673)</li>
- Disabling the “Add detailed picture to slider” option removed the announcement picture from the list (MAX-3956)</li>
- Adjusted display of prices including VAT when switching trade offers (MAX-3760)</li>
- Import of phones into the regional information block has been adjusted (MAX-3813)</li>
- Removed unused "main_vertical" template in aspro:catalog.viewed.max component (MAX-3583)</li>
- Fixed opening stories on the main page in jQuery 3.XX (MAX-3759)</li>
- Fixed the output of marketing windows with a web form (MAX-3838)</li>
- Corrected the link to the product in the “Recommended” block when using SECTION_CODE in CNC (MAX-3887)</li>
- The price range was not displayed when switching trade offers in the product list (MAX-3851)</li>
- Corrected incorrect call of the bonus component when there are no goods (MAX-3955)</li>
- Landing pages were not displayed in searches in smart SEO (MAX-3917)</li>
- Fixed display of product quantities on the search page (MAX-3964)</li>
- Corrected the output of 404 pages in the stores section in the “Withdrawal from warehouses” template (MAX-3825, (MAX-3850)</li>
- Response was not sent in extended reviews (MAX-3938)</li>
- Adjusted the output of the fixed mobile header at a width of 401 px - 991 px (MAX-3982)</li>
- Fixed replacement of #SITE_DIR# markers in the template when re-running the solution installation wizard (MAX-3753)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
<b>Attention!!! Critical security update.</b><br />
- The price in the compact filter was always displayed as selected (MAX-3969)
- Optimized display of phone icons - unnecessary queries removed (MAX-3957)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! We strongly recommend installing the update. Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
<b>New in version and improvements:</b>
- Added improvements for the “Catalog Sections” block on the main page for slider types (MAX-3912):
- Added the ability to round images for the image slider</li>
- The choice of the number of categories displayed is now available - 6 or 8</li>
- Now you can display a link to the entire catalog as the last element of the slider</li>
- Improved slider performance in the adaptive version</li>
- When placing an order, accounting for pick-up points (warehouses) tied to the region is implemented when regionality is enabled (MAX-1730)</li>
- Bugs fixed on PHP 8.1 version (MAX-3898):
- On the detail page of elements, if employees are linked</li>
- When deleting directory sections</li>
- On the detail page of the element if the video is filled out incorrectly</li>
- When opening the parameters of the news component</li>
- On the stores page, if several metro stations are full or images are not loaded</li>
- When saving solution settings</li>
- Fixed warnings when running cron</li>
- The “Show more” button in the news and blog did not work correctly (MAX-3793)</li>
- The detailed picture was duplicated in the product list when using the gallery (MAX-3863, MAX-3874)</li>
- No image pictures were not displayed in the product list when using the gallery (MAX-3865, MAX-3885)</li>
- Fixed an error in the console when using jquery v2 (MAX-3923)</li>
- The scrollbar for trade offer options did not work on the product detail page (MAX-3924)</li>
- On some headers there was an incorrect text color in the drop-down menu of the personal account (MAX-3775)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
- Bugs corrected for PHP 8.1 version (MAX-3893)</li>
- The banner on the right side of the catalog drop-down menu was shifted on some headers (MAX-3897)</li>
- Adjusted text color with background dimming disabled when hovering over a menu item (MAX-3847)</li>
- In the list of service sections, displaying elements when clicking on an expandable area did not work (MAX-3894)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
- The drop-down list with search results was displayed incorrectly (MAX-4638, MAX-4635)</li>
- The results dropdown was not displayed in the mobile search header (MAX-4636)</li>
- In the mobile version, the page twitched near the footer when scrolling (MAX-4405, MAX-4449)</li>
- The counter for the number of services in the cart did not work correctly (MAX-4479)</li>
- Services were not added for trade offers in the cart (MAX-4597)</li>
- The size table did not open if there were symbolic links or extra slashes in the path (MAX-4100)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
<b>New in version and improvements:</b>
- Added functionality of marketing windows: (MAX-1767):
- Implemented a new type of window “Picture” - only the image without text is displayed (MAX-1011)</li>
- For the marketing window of the “General” type, the ability to make the window mandatory for confirmation has been added - for example, for the 18+ window (MAX-4504)</li>
- Added the ability to stop re-displaying a window based on a specific user action (MAX-2591)</li>
- Implemented the ability to limit display on certain types of devices: desktop, smartphone, tablet (MAX-3062)</li>
- Added output of countdown timer for the end of the promotion (MAX-4508)</li>
- Implemented coupon withdrawal (MAX-4509)</li>
- Added the ability to specify the type of link transition: in the current or new window (MAX-4506)</li>
- Implemented the ability to load a background image and select the background color (MAX-4511)</li>
- Added the ability to hide the title bar in all types of windows (MAX-4245)</li>
- The list of window positions has been expanded and the ability to specify a position in all types of windows has been added (MAX-4510)</li>
- Added the ability to display a window without dimming (MAX-4565)</li>
- Implemented the ability to provide links to external sites (MAX-4505, MAX-3117)</li>
- Added a map to the “Projects” section (MAX-4273)</li>
- Updated Swiper v11.0.4 slider library (MAX-4188)</li>
- Favorite products were saved incorrectly after user authorization on the site (MAX-4467)</li>
- The phone icon was not hidden in the mobile version when there were no numbers for regions (MAX-3866)</li>
- Fixed the output of alt and title in the miniature gallery on the detailed product card (MAX-2821)</li>
- Fixed alt and title output for the announcement image in the product list (MAX-3413)</li>
- Corrected connection of the search template when storing infoblock properties in a separate table (MAX-4515)</li>
- Fixed a bug where missing products were displayed in the search (MAX-1794)</li>
- Corrected the output of the SVG icon in the “Subscribe” block in the catalog (MAX-4166)</li>
- Fixed the mega menu output when connecting the directory structure from the information block (MAX-4438)</li>
- Corrected functionality for automatically inserting the “Promotion” sticker (MAX-4576)</li>
- Fixed default display of the second button for marketing windows if the button class was not set to a value (MAX-2339)</li>
- Corrected names for button classes in marketing windows (MAX-1806)</li>
- Fixed an error that occurred when linking a marketing window to several sections (MAX-4493)</li>
- The current page was opened in the authorization window if the user had previously logged in in another tab (MAX-1778)</li>
- The current page was opened in the authorization window if the user was on the registration page (MAX-4472)</li>
- The search page did not hide the property in the compact smart filter (MAX-4482)</li>
- Fixed the error “arBasketAspro is not defined” that occurred when composite mode was enabled (MAX-3602)</li>
- Fixed a typo in the “Address” field when placing an order in V2 (MAX-4476)</li>
- Replaced the image on the page after removing the module (MAX-548)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
<b>New in version and improvements:</b>
- Improved type of detailed product picture “Square large” (MAX-4353, MAX-4354)
- Increased area of the picture</li>
- Increased gallery thumbnails</li>
- Rating, article, brand, “Add to Favorites” and “Compare” buttons have been moved to the side menu to raise the product picture higher</li>
- Removed the stroke near the main product image</li>
- Improved technical part of the gallery on the detailed product page (MAX-4348)</li>
- The catalog has a restriction on entering symbols and letters in filters with a numeric value (MAX-3676)</li>
- Currency conversion from the solution settings has been expanded to all pages of the site (MAX-2253)</li>
- In the 28th header there was no scroll for the list of subsections (MAX-3895)</li>
- When regionalization was turned off, IP location detection was not disabled on the ordering page (MAX-3976)</li>
- The current region was displayed incorrectly in the header when displaying regions in the “Drop-down list” view (MAX-4480)</li>
- The side menu was displayed incorrectly in the root of the catalog and on the brand page (MAX-4307, MAX-4287)</li>
- Catalog subsections were displayed with a delay when hovering over the root menu item in headers 28 and 29 (MAX-4481)</li>
- The side column overlapped the content on the page when the site width was 1200 px (MAX-3890)</li>
- Fixed incorrect rating generation after deleting a review (MAX-4074, MAX-2647)</li>
- Corrected rating output in reviews (MAX-3542)</li>
- Corrected description output for banners with a background on the main page of the site (MAX-3921)</li>
- The selection of pick-up points in cart V2 (MAX-3245) was displayed incorrectly</li>
- Fixed display of the search bar in the header when the site page resolution is 992-1291 px (MAX-3974)</li>
- Comments to reviews from the public part of the site were not deleted (MAX-4013)</li>
- Fixed an error in the “Recommend” block if the product was linked to several sections (MAX-4121)</li>
- Corrected the output of the “Top under the header” banner (MAX-4167)</li>
- Corrected display of drop-down elements (search, phone, etc.) in some site headers (MAX-4408), (MAX-4189)</li>
- Fixed incorrect centering of the map in the “Contacts” section (MAX-2098)</li>
- Fixed incorrect display of ratings on the detailed product page in tabs and in the product header (MAX-4347)</li>
- Fixed incorrect deletion and restoration of goods on iOS in the cart (MAX-4444)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
- Adjusted logo output depending on the theme (MAX-2578)</li>
- Corrected filling of the “Employee” field in the “Ask an employee a question” form on the employee’s detailed page (MAX-4398)</li>
- The region selected in the mobile menu was not applied when regionalization was enabled on one domain (MAX-4414)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
<b>New in version and improvements:</b>
- Optimized switching of trade offers. The logic of operation of products with a large number of trade offers has been changed (MAX-3940, MAX-2201)</li>
- Added a new type of display of the catalog drop-down menu in the side column - “Combined”. Depending on the proximity of the menu to the footer, the items will be pushed to the top or remain at the level of the active link (MAX-4339)</li>
- Implemented adding products to favorites on the product comparison page (MAX-2551)</li>
- Added the ability to limit the number of downloaded files in product reviews (MAX-4267, MAX-4266, MAX-4265)</li>
- Implemented the ability to disable file downloads in product reviews (MAX-4164, MAX-4077)</li>
- Added a notification when adding a product to the cart on the product comparison page (MAX-4320)</li>
- Corrected sorting by letters in the “Brands” section (MAX-3738)</li>
- On 28-29 headers, when you hover over the left menu, items from the top menu of the header disappeared (MAX-4258)</li>
- When there were a large number of side menu items, there was empty space under the footer (MAX-3915)</li>
- Trade offers were not switched if only regional tags were filled in the description (MAX-3935)</li>
- Product availability was shown incorrectly if it had more than 10 trade offers. Added a new parameter to the solution settings “Maximum number of offers to display (0 - all)” (MAX-3367)</li>
- Linked products with trade offers did not display all images from the gallery. Added a new parameter to the solution settings “Additional offer pictures” (MAX-3746)</li>
- In the first detailed product card, the description of the catalog section was displayed if BigData was configured to display from the current section (MAX-3963)</li>
- An unauthorized user saw all menu items in his personal account when going to the favorites section (MAX-4276)</li>
- In the cart, when quickly viewing a product with a trade offer for the selected SKU, another trade offer was displayed (MAX-4293)</li>
- The text of the property value for selecting the “Directory” type did not change if it was not the first in sorting (MAX-3327)</li>
- When switching a trade offer, the announcement picture of the main product disappeared if only the announcement picture was loaded for the product, and a detailed image was loaded for the trade offer (MAX-3584)</li>
- Downloading a recycle bin by file did not work when using multi-site folders (MAX-4346)</li>
- Corrected display of the selected trading offer when reloading the page (MAX-4317)</li>
- Fixed syntax error in auth.php file (MAX-4330)</li>
- Fixed a typo in the settings of the user’s personal section component in the “User Orders Page” field (MAX-3728)</li>
- Acceptable file formats in product reviews have been adjusted - now you can only upload images of the image type (MAX-4268)</li>
- Optimized the work of regionalization on one domain (MAX-4015)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
<li>Corrected getting and setting component parameters for selected products</li>
<li>Fixed error "Incorrect infoblock id" under certain conditions of selected products</li>
<li>Removal of products from favorites has been corrected</li>
<li>Changed the number of displayed products on the favorites page from 999 to 20 - pagination will speed up page loading</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, ALWAYS perform a full backup of the site. If you have made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
<b>New in version and improvements:</b>
<li>Added a separate section of selected products without reference to the basket (MAX-2316, MAX-567)</li>
<li>Implemented automation of stickers for sale items (MAX-3873)</li>
<li>Implemented sticker automation for new products (MAX-735)</li>
<li>Added ability to share cart using QR code (MAX-2576)</li>
<li>Implemented filling in the phone number in the profile data from the 1-click purchase form (MAX-2576)</li>
<li>Share settings functionality added (MAX-3466, MAX-3298)</li>
<li>Fixed errors on PHP 8 version with some site settings (MAX-3998)</li>
<li>The display of the block with services on the checkout page V1 (MAX-4003) has been corrected</li>
<li>On the first product card, when switching a trade offer, the prices in the side block of personal recommendations changed incorrectly (MAX-4233)</li>
<li>Adjusted the display of the "Under Content" banner on the search page (MAX-4018)</li>
<li>Fixed console error in the list of products when the "Share" block is disabled (MAX-3840)</li>
<li>Brand details page with 'Catalogue view' display option did not show title of sales offer (MAX-3590)</li>
<li>Details disclosure arrow was not visible on the dark theme order details page (MAX-4229)</li>
<li>The display of the "Upload file" tab has been corrected when editing an element from the public part (MAX-1046)</li>
<li>Fixed disabling "Snooze" button (MAX-1873)</li>
<br />
<b>Attention!!! Before installing the update, ALWAYS perform a full backup of the site. If you have made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!</b>
Implemented product filter by warehouse (MAX-4052)
Added arrow animation for dropdown lists (MAX-3835)
Smart SEO (update download separately):
Implemented the ability to disable canonical installation (SEO-119)
Added display of information about module updates (SEO-93)
Improved the work of the module with the English language in the admin panel (SEO-108)
Fixed error when downloading a basket file - updated Dompdf library (MAX-4020)
The display of phone icons in the site header has been corrected if the first phone had no icon loaded (MAX-3282)
Checkboxes and radiobuttons were displayed incorrectly in web forms (MAX-2104, MAX-4157)
The display of the "Date and time" field has been corrected in web forms (MAX-4156)
Link rel="next" was missing on pagination pages in the catalog (MAX-2374)
Corrected search display in mobile header (MAX-3836)
Site headers 1-3, 7-11, 14-16, 18 overlapped dropdown cart (MAX-3926)
The display of slider arrows on the product detail page on mobile devices has been corrected (MAX-3510)
The display of the blog on the main page on mobile devices has been corrected when the block "1 large and 3 sideways in a column" is viewed (MAX-3941)
Fixed display of directory root with sidebar enabled (MAX-2796)
The arrow near the discount prediction in the dark theme in the product detail card was not painted dark (MAX-3726)
Side internal banners were displayed without padding if there were several of them (MAX-3755)
An extra dash was displayed in the catalog sections block on the main page if the number of sections exceeded the set limit on the number (MAX-3311)
The display of testimonials on the main page of the site has been corrected when the screen resolution is from 768 px to 1199 px (MAX-3949)
Corrected display of licenses without loaded detailed image (MAX-3159)
On the main page of the site, the display of the "About the company" block of the display type "picture on the left, text and icons on the right" has been corrected in the absence of a block title (MAX-2268)
The display of teasers on mobile devices in the sections of the site has been corrected (MAX-1520)
Smart SEO (update download separately):
Hide tags with grouping worked incorrectly (SEO-124)
Section did not display Activity in Smart SEO (SEO-121)
The landing page was available at two URLs due to underscores (SEO-68, SEO-70)
The condition was not created if the offer properties and product properties were selected in PHP 8 (SEO-112)
The condition was not created if the offer properties and the "Price" properties were selected (SEO-113)
Indexing control on property with numeric type did not work (SEO-122)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, ALWAYS perform a full backup of the site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!