Модуль "Аспро: Корпоративный сайт 3.0" - инновационное решение для создания мощного и стильного корпоративного сайта на платформе Битрикс. Современный дизайн, удобная адаптивность, множество функциональных возможностей и безграничные возможности для кастомизации. Создайте сайт своей мечты с легкостью и эффективностью!
Аспро: Корпоративный сайт 3.0 — технологически продвинутая платформа Аспро для создания веб-сайта. Ее возможности позволяют создать и запустить онлайн-проект в любой отрасли, а тематики помогут это сделать быстрее.
В платформе детально проработаны и представлены на выбор 8 конфигураций универсального сайта. При этом количество возможных представлений настроек приближается к бесконечности. Все это помогает закрывать реальные задачи бизнеса. Создайте сайт компании любой сферы: от инженерных систем и агентств по недвижимости до косметологии и дизайнерской мебели. Продвигайте личные услуги: юридические, бизнес-образование, курсы и другие. Или создайте сайт для промышленной компании и предлагайте оборудование.
Продвигайте бренд, продавайте товары, услуги и тарифы, получайте онлайн-оплату через специальные модули. Выходите за рамки регионов на международные рынки — впервые в продукте Аспро реализована версия сайта на английском языке.
Миллионы комбинаций настроек для самых требовательных заказчиков. Преднастроенные сайты в Аспро.Kit для быстрого старта и лучшего результата. Один для всех. Для каждого свой!
В платформу Аспро: Корпоративный сайт 3.0 встроена система готовых тематик Аспро.Kit. Это преднастроенные готовые сайты, которые адаптированы под задачи бизнеса.
Готовая тематика — это не просто товары, картинки и тексты, а отдельная разработка. Для выпуска мы провели аналитику рынка, разобрались в отрасли и продумали каждую деталь: от структуры сайта, целей посадочных страниц до настроек каталога, главной и детальных страниц. Это готовый сайт, где все глубже и лучше проработано под специфику бизнеса.
Знаем, что нужно вашей целевой аудитории для совершения покупки. Собрали настройки сайта в готовые конфигурации для разных сегментов. Больше не нужно думать, какое сочетание настроек подойдет вам, и тестировать миллионы комбинаций. Выбирайте конфигурацию и наполняйте проект контентом — сайт готов к работе!
Мы будем добавлять лучшие практики отраслевых сайтов. Сосредоточьтесь на развитии проекта, а технологии мы возьмем на себя.
Дизайн на опережение — это Аспро: Корпоративный сайт 3.0. Какой будет онлайн-проект: наполненный воздухом, сдержанный, в лучших традициях лендинга? Решать вам! Мы добавили еще больше инструментов для самовыражения. Отличайтесь от всех.
У вас 3 эксклюзивных товара и одна топовая услуга или несколько категорий с ассортиментом из 500 позиций? Неважно, любой каталог будет смотреться гармонично! Выбирайте большие блоки на главной в формате лендинга для презентации отдельных позиций. Выводите популярные категории и подборки товаров для навигации по каталогу и завоевания доверия.
Сохраняйте фирменный стиль, запоминайтесь пользователям и влияйте на конверсию. Сайт может выглядеть стильно, даже если вы продаете металлические балки.
Новый конструктор элементов для гибкой настройки сайта. Раньше в наших решениях можно было выбирать тип отображения страниц и элементов. В Аспро: Корпоративный сайт 3.0 мы расширили возможности для персонализации. Теперь настройки стали гибче — их можно задавать внутри типа отображения. Продумайте каждую деталь сайта и настройте сайт под себя через виджет.
Темная тема помогает сконцентрироваться на важном, снижает нагрузку на глаза и смотрится стильно. Подстраивайтесь под предпочтения клиентов, включайте светлую тему или ночной режим. Если хотите дать выбор пользователям, переходите в автоматический режим. Тогда внешний вид сайта будет зависеть от настроек операционной системы и времени суток посетителя.
Базовый и дополнительный цвета сайта добавлены для тех, у кого в основе фирменного стиля заложено 2 оттенка. Сохраняйте корпоративный стиль компании в Сети и будьте в тренде.
Региональность помогает продвигать бизнес в нескольких городах. Но что делать дальше? Чтобы выйти в новые страны и континенты, мы создали английскую версию сайта. Теперь ваш сайт готов к общению с клиентами на языке международной торговли и бизнеса. Весь сайт уже переведен: кнопки, заголовки, меню и другие элементы — вам остается наполнить только свой контент. Выходите на международный уровень и продвигайте проект в новых масштабах!
Наша английская версия также связана с языком платформы 1С-Битрикс, который выбирается при установке. Если вы выбрали этот язык при запуске сайта, то при установке английской версии будет переведено все: название виджета, админка, опции, свойства, настройки виджета. Это позволит иностранным коллегам/партнерам/администраторам управлять сайтом на английском без знаний русского языка.
Стираем границы между интернет-магазинами и корпоративными сайтами. Теперь корпоративный сайт тоже умеет зарабатывать деньги. Принимайте авансовые платежи, оплату за запись на прием, доставку и обучение на семинаре. Получайте не просто заявки в форме, а реальный доход. Для приема платежей реализована поддержка модуля оплаты, который приобретается отдельно: «Интернет-эквайринг Тинькофф прием платежей». Подключайте печать чеков в платежном агрегаторе и принимайте безналичные платежи.
В версии решения 1.1.0 добавлена прямая интеграция с системой приема платежей ИнвойсБокс. Теперь в решении есть специальный компонент для работы с этим сервисом. Поэтому подключение сайта к системе бесплатное.
Аспро: Корпоративный сайт 3.0 — не интернет-магазин! Интеграция с системами учета, многоскладовость, подключение служб доставок — доступны только в интернет-магазинах. На платформе вы можете запустить корпоративный сайт, который по технологиям соревнуется с интернет-магазином, но не является им.
Ваш проект будет соответствовать требованиям законодательства для сайтов государственных учреждений, медицинских и образовательных организаций, а также ГОСТ Р 52872-2012 — в решении изначально доступна версия для слабовидящих. Функция активируется в 1 клик — кнопка переключения расположена в шапке и футере сайта. Пользователь сможет выбрать размер шрифта и подходящую цветовую схему.
Карта сайта поможет пользователям найти нужный раздел. Разместите сканы лицензий и сертификатов — повышайте доверие пользователей и защитите себя от возможных штрафах.
Формируйте правильный имидж — сайт поможет создать положительное впечатление. Покажите, что вы та компания, которая способна решить задачи клиента и построить крепкие отношения. Для этого наполните сайт качественным контентом. Пишите о пользе, расскажите об экспертизе, убеждайте работать с вами.
Покажите экспертизу на детальных страницах услуг: расскажите про условия работы, добавьте товары, отзывы, фотогалерею и портфолио. Подключайте онлайн-оплату, чтобы увеличить продажи типовых работ. Теперь услуги можно не только заказать, но и сразу оплатить.
Предлагайте клиентам пакеты услуг для разного формата сотрудничества. Тарифы обычно отличаются одним или несколькими параметрами. Например, от количества ремонтных работ зависит часовая ставка. Чем больше часов, тем выгоднее нормо-час для клиента. Также тарифы помогают стандартизировать нетиповые услуги.
Покажите реальные кейсы о достижении результатов. Используйте формат сторителлинга, показывайте фотографии работ и оценивайте результат в цифрах. Чтобы сделать акцент на визуале, добавляйте фотографии работ в отдельный раздел «Галерея». Портфолио станет гордостью для вас и покажет профессионализм клиенту.
Мы вышли за рамки привычного. Каталог корпоративного сайта создан в лучших традициях интернет-магазина. Теперь сайт не просто презентует ассортимент, а продает товары любой сложности.
Расскажите о новых событиях, удерживайте внимание и собирайте контакты с помощью маркетинговых окон. Отображайте попап-окна по заданным сценариям: выбирайте адреса страниц, время и периодичность показа. Экспериментируйте и закрывайте задачи бизнеса.
Cookie — это файлы со служебной информацией о пользователях сайта. Эти данные упрощают работу владельцу проекта и посетителям. В России уведомление об использовании cookie через всплывающее окно стало признаком хорошего тона, а в Европе это обязательное условие с 2018 года.
Детально продуманные страницы стимулируют клиента совершить целевое действие. Создавайте посадочные страницы в каталоге и обзорах, чтобы рассказать о преимуществах, показать пользу и ответить на вопросы посетителей.
Пользователи общаются, работают и отдыхают в социальных сетях. Чтобы привлечь клиентов в свои аккаунты и призвать общаться через мессенджеры, вы можете добавить блок Instagram* на главной, разместить ссылки в шапке и футере.
Компактный, удобный, современный — так выглядит сайт на планшетах и смартфонах. Сайт адаптируется под размер устройства, а навигация и кнопки целевых действий закрепляются на одном экране.
Аналитика поведения посетителей на сайте и клиентского сервиса станет фундаментом развития компании. Оценивайте динамику продаж в системе управления бизнесом Аспро.Cloud, считайте количество заявок в админке, собирайте аудитории для ретаргетинга и анализируйте поведение пользователей в сервисах аналитики. Принимайте взвешенные решения о развитии бизнеса на основе фактов.
Создавать проекты под пожелания заказчика проще! Раньше разработчики кастомизировали проекты через специальные файлы. Доработки сохранялись после обновлений, но улучшения не применялись для этих файлов. Мы углубили настройки блоков, чтобы шаблон стал гибче. Теперь большинство улучшений настраивается через модификаторы в виджете или админке. Забудьте файлы для кастомизации, доработка проектов без потери обновлений стала ближе!
Создавайте произвольные блоки на главной, чтобы показать все преимущества. Берите за основу любой из типов отображения баннеров или блока о компании. Скопированный блок сохранит настройки, появится в виджете и будет получать улучшения из обновлений. Вы также можете использовать блок с главной для произвольной верстки. Он будет отображаться в виджете для управления: перемещения или отключения.
В решении миллионы комбинаций настроек. Собрать идеальный сайт легко, но повторить на другом проекте — сложнее. Сохраняйте настройки в виджете, чтобы демонстрировать и загружать лучшие комбинации на сайт в 1 клик.
Делимся экспертизой в e-commerce, помогаем запустить проект и развивать его в дальнейшем. Используйте полезные ресурсы и инструменты Аспро, чтобы управлять бизнесом грамотно.
*Деятельность Meta Platforms Inc. (Facebook, Instagram) запрещена на территории Российской Федерации
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На главной странице заголовки H3 заменены на H2 для SEO оптимизации (ALLCORP3-799)
Добавлено поле для вывода ссылки на соцсеть Rutube в шапке и футере сайта (ALLCORP3-560)
Скорректирована работа регионального фильтра для подсчета товаров в каталоге и на главной странице. Добавлена настройка в модуле для регионального фильтра в каталоге и связанных товарах (ALLCORP3-1096)
Добавлен региональный фильтр для элементов в корневом разделе услуг (ALLCORP3-1231)
Для связанных товаров добавлена карусель swiper в рамках оптимизации кода (ALLCORP3-1246)
Исправлены ошибки валидации (ALLCORP3-285)
Дублировался заголовок H1 в главном баннере (ALLCORP3-877)
Скорректирован размер логотипа на мобильных устройствах (ALLCORP3-1005)
Скорректирована работа регионального фильтра для мобильного меню (ALLCORP3-1053)
У неавторизованного пользователя был некликабелен выпадающий список свойств в умном фильтре (ALLCORP3-1095)
Пропадали характеристики товара при переключении торгового предложения, если не было выбрано ни одного свойства для вывода у товара (ALLCORP3-1125)
Скорректировано сохранение настроек в виджете (ALLCORP3-1139)
Скорректирован цвет текста адреса на светлой теме в разделе контактов в компактном виде (ALLCORP3-1163)
Пропускался шаг выбора тематики при новой установке сайта (ALLCORP3-1207)
Долго прогружалось видео в попапе на детальной странице товара и на других страницах контента (ALLCORP3-1214)
Скорректирована установка английской версии сайта (ALLCORP3-1215)
Скорректирована работа URL фильтра товаров в посадочных страницах в обзорах на новых установках (ALLCORP3-1221)
Скорректировано отображение главных баннеров с типом «Карусель» (ALLCORP3-1236)
Внимание!!! Перед установкой обновления ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО выполните полное резервное копирование сайта. Если вы вносили изменения в шаблон решения, то дополнительно скопируйте всю папку шаблона!
Fixed an error where a 500 response was returned when trying to open the parameters of a catalog component in the public part of the site (ALLCORP3-1199)
Attention!!! We strongly recommend installing the update. Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The operation of the “Share settings” functionality has been stabilized (ALLCORP3-196)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The shadow effect did not work when hovering over reviews, rates (ALLCORP3-206)
Fixed Google reCAPTCHA v3 (ALLCORP3-188)
The operation of the “Custom Blocks” functionality on the main page (ALLCORP3-220) has been stabilized
The display of the “Ask a question” block in the “Question-Answer” section has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-198)
The icon was not displayed in the navigation chain in the “Search” section (ALLCORP3-202)
Opening images in some views of the “Gallery” section did not work (ALLCORP3-197)
Improved layout and other minor corrections (ALLCORP3-162, ALLCORP3-208, ALLCORP3-205, ALLCORP3-192, ALLCORP3-209)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The list of regions was not displayed when displayed as a drop-down list (ALLCORP3-234)
The “Logout” button in the menu did not work when the “Protect user logout from CSRF” option was active (ALLCORP3-271)
The “You must change your password at next login” setting did not work (ALLCORP3-272)
Sending goals to Yandex has been adjusted. Metrica (ALLCORP3-239)
Removed rounding of transparent images in services (ALLCORP3-290)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added an include area for SEO text in the directory root (ALLCORP3-329)
Implemented the ability to customize buttons in banners on the detailed page of the catalog and services (ALLCORP3-345)
In the “Stories” section, the ability to display the period for elements has been implemented (ALLCORP3-344)
The price field for the tabular list of products in the catalog has been expanded (ALLCORP3-257)
Corrected display of the catalog on mobile devices when the menu on the right is enabled (ALLCORP3-255)
Two pluses were displayed in the phone link on the contact page (ALLCORP3-330)
There was no “Partner Logo” option in all footer settings except the first one (ALLCORP3-288)
Corrected link to logo for Open Graph microdata (ALLCORP3-327)
The H1 header was duplicated in the main banner for mobile and desktop devices (ALLCORP3-334)
When the cart was disabled, the “Add to cart” button was displayed for related products (ALLCORP3-235)
The active banner image in the header was not displayed when LazyLoad was disabled (ALLCORP3-243)
The active image in the main banner was stretched to the maximum size of the container, which caused loss of image quality (ALLCORP3-227)
The light logo was not displayed in the main banner (ALLCORP3-322)
Fixed check for consent to the processing of personal data on sites where the Aspro solution is not installed (ALLCORP3-342)
The SEO title was not used in the banner on the service detail page (ALLCORP3-343)
On mobile devices, opening the map in full screen on the main page and in contacts did not work (ALLCORP3-247)
The video from the file was not displayed in the product card and in the content sections (ALLCORP3-237)
It was not possible to display custom tariff properties in the product card (ALLCORP3-338)
The operation of the regional filter for the services section has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-240)
Bitrix24 forms were not displayed (ALLCORP3-347, ALLCORP3-348)
For new installations in mail templates, the value in the “To” field has been corrected to #EMAIL_RAW# (ALLCORP3-336)
During a new installation, the catalog information block was not included in the custom filter (ALLCORP3-267)
During a new installation, elements of the Highload block of the region (ALLCORP3-266) were not installed
For new installations, a typo in the subject of the quick order email template has been corrected (ALLCORP3-326)
The name for the “Button in the header and menu” group was not displayed in the form tab in the solution settings (ALLCORP3-273)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
For the “List” type with one value, the display in the smart filter in one line has been changed (ALLCORP3-242)
Corrected display of the “Add to cart” button when there is no price in the product (ALLCORP3-298)
Added the ability to edit custom customization files custom.css and custom.js from the module settings in a separate section “For Developers” (ALLCORP3-308)
The logic of inheritance of custom properties for sections has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-389, ALLCORP3-352, ALLCORP3-303)
The “Order a call” button was not displayed in header types 6 and 10 when the “By content width” option was activated (ALLCORP3-300)
Some parameters were not disabled in the solution module settings (ALLCORP3-282, ALLCORP3-332)
When filling out a link on the main banner with Lazy Load enabled and edit mode enabled, a white screen was displayed instead of the banner background (ALLCORP3-341)
The display of the block with reviews on the main page has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-250)
Corrected the work of the composite mode in the site switcher component and the form block on the main page (ALLCORP3-366)
A subsection was not displayed in the navigation chain if the section's subsection elements were not displayed (ALLCORP3-374)
The “Submit CV” form did not work if web forms were installed on information blocks (ALLCORP3-325)
When linking a service to several sections without setting a canonical link, an incorrect link to the element was formed (ALLCORP3-340)
The drop-down list with phone number was not displayed if only one phone number was filled in (ALLCORP3-319)
The forms were missing the "TOTAL_SUMM" service property (ALLCORP3-370)
In the adaptive version, the indents of the product block on the main page have been adjusted (ALLCORP3-339)
Corrected display of the blog section for the “List” type without indentation (ALLCORP3-367)
When the smart filter was disabled, the sorting buttons in the catalog section in the adaptive version moved (ALLCORP3-356)
The site name was not substituted when installing the solution (ALLCORP3-350)
Fixed an error in the browser console when placing an order (ALLCORP3-373)
LazyLoad operation logic has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-365, ALLCORP3-376)
For new installations, the necessary libraries have been added to the features page: font awesome and fancybox (ALLCORP3-385, ALLCORP3-390)
Fixed integration with AmoCRM (ALLCORP3-371)
Corrected operation of settings switches in the solution settings widget for custom blocks (ALLCORP3-381)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Implemented product comparison functionality - part 1 (ALLCORP3-392)
Adding products to comparison from the product list, quick view, product detail page
Product comparison page: all characteristics or only differences
Go to the comparison page from the site header, product, side icons, bottom bar on mobile devices and mobile menu
For the services section, a connection with tariffs has been added (ALLCORP3-225)
The “Ask a Question” button in the “Questions and Answers” section was not disabled (ALLCORP3-337)
The position of the text in the main banner did not change when the “Fit to content width” option was enabled (ALLCORP3-375)
With the contact type “With branches and region selection”, scrolling the drop-down list of regions did not work on mobile devices (ALLCORP3-305)
More than five images were not displayed on a detailed product card in a small gallery (ALLCORP3-278)
The video in the “About the company” block on the main page did not play on mobile devices (ALLCORP3-313)
There were extra blocks in the services section in the component parameters (ALLCORP3-399)
The “Write a message” button on the employee’s detailed page was moved if the detailed description was not filled out (ALLCORP3-315)
The “Back to Top” button was cut off in the Safari browser (ALLCORP3-18)
At font sizes 16 and 17, tabs in the projects section were cut off (ALLCORP3-380)
In feedback forms, the display of properties such as radio and checkbox, the name of the field for adding a file (ALLCORP3-286) have been adjusted
Corrected display of tabs in the tariff block on the main page when displaying the title on the left, description on the right (ALLCORP3-275)
The text on the “Order a service” button was shifted at font size 16 or 17 (ALLCORP3-306)
On the manufacturer's detail page, an empty frame was displayed if the image and link were not filled in (ALLCORP3-293)
The drop-down list of phones did not fit in the fixed header if only the phone was included in the header (ALLCORP3-386)
For new installations, coloring of 404 pages in the theme color has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-297)
Corrected display of the arrow in the side cart in the dark theme (ALLCORP3-287)
Selecting a theme through the solution settings widget followed by installation did not work (ALLCORP3-263)
On the main page, the background color of the banner block with a background in a dark theme has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-292)
Corrected display of long names on product order buttons (ALLCORP3-357)
Self-hosted font Montserrat (ALLCORP3-364) was not connected
Extra stripes were added on some types of hats (ALLCORP3-226)
Products did not display the “Ask a Question” button if the cart was disabled (ALLCORP3-317)
In the “Place an order” form on the information block, the display of text in the comment field has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-396)
On the detailed product card of the video, the play button was moved (ALLCORP3-397)
The link to an employee was not hidden if a detailed description was not filled in (ALLCORP3-425)
When enabling the Literata title font, some letters were cut off (ALLCORP3-314)
Updated VKontakte icon (ALLCORP3-353)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Corrected display of long catalog section names in the drop-down menu (ALLCORP3-324)
The file with counters after the opening body tag was not connected when regionalization was disabled (ALLCORP3-444)
The display of the Tinkoff payment icon in the footer has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-442)
In the dark theme, when hovering the cursor, the color of the characteristics table in the detailed product card was displayed incorrectly (ALLCORP3-438)
In the catalog section it was not possible to disable the “Share on social networks” block (ALLCORP3-369)
If there were a large number of promotional product stickers, they were not moved to the second line (ALLCORP3-446)
Announcement text was displayed incorrectly in related projects (ALLCORP3-416)
Removed double call of included area in services section (ALLCORP3-323)
Adjusted the display of the toggle element on the capabilities page (ALLCORP3-368)
The rounding of buttons for switching products in quick view did not work (ALLCORP3-316)
The design of some blocks on the main page in the dark theme has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-291)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the ability to pay through the Invoicebox system
The text of the comparison button did not change when clicking and reloading the page (ALLCORP3-456)
The picture in the news block with a large block on the main one in the mobile version was cut off (ALLCORP3-277)
The active icon in the block view of the product list was not highlighted (ALLCORP3-457)
When closing the mobile menu, active menu items did not turn off (ALLCORP3-433)
Fixed horizontal scrolling when the phone description is long on mobile devices (ALLCORP3-473)
The name of the product was not displayed in the notification about adding to cart when product comparison was enabled (ALLCORP3-443)
Nested settings from the widget were not saved (ALLCORP3-391)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The library for the main slider on the main page has been replaced with swiper (ALLCORP3-496)
Changed loading of some CSS (ALLCORP3-375)
Changed recalculation of items in the top menu (ALLCORP3-497)
Added notifications when adding a product to comparison (ALLCORP3-432)
Implemented a comparison in a compact form of displaying a list of products with a mass purchase (ALLCORP3-453)
Added the ability to display a custom sticker for a product (ALLCORP3-439)
Added YouTube block on the main page (ALLCORP3-394)
Added the ability to view the entered password (ALLCORP3-4987)
Support for table adaptability has been implemented. For new installations, an example table is located in the solution capabilities section (ALLCORP3-467)
Fixed indentation for items in the drop-down menu of the site header (ALLCORP3-447)
The light logo for the mega menu did not work (ALLCORP3-469)
Corrected display of checkboxes in forms on information blocks (ALLCORP3-472)
The drop-down list of phones in the fixed header was displayed incorrectly (ALLCORP3-474)
The display of the example form on the solution capabilities page for mobile devices has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-487)
Corrected display of properties on the comparison results page (ALLCORP3-458)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the ability to group products by sections on the comparison page (ALLCORP3-455)
Added a fixed header with products on the comparison page (ALLCORP3-454)
Improved speed of the solution settings widget (ALLCORP3-249)
Added the ability to display the “Download file” button for sections of the site (ALLCORP3-195)
The region was not selected from the bottom panel with icons on mobile devices if the drop-down list view of displaying regions was used (ALLCORP3-488)
Corrected the appearance of tabs with links in the projects section (ALLCORP3-484)
Fixed the regional filter for the map block on the main page (ALLCORP-517)
Photos from inactive elements were displayed in the gallery section (ALLCORP-486)
Corrected redirect operation in related services (ALLCORP3-513)
Removed links to trade offers when seeing SKU 2 in the product card (ALLCORP-505)
Adjusted footer display (ALLCORP3-478)
The “1-click purchase” form did not open if a currency variable was not specified in the product price field (ALLCORP3-551)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
A version for the visually impaired has been implemented (ALLCORP3-546, ALLCORP3-562)
Added site map (ALLCORP3-547)
The warranty icon remained in the product card if the text was not filled in (ALLCORP3-549)
Adjusted the indentation in the menu at the top in the 12th header (ALLCORP3-537)
The picture of the associated tariffs went beyond the block boundaries (ALLCORP3-545)
The mobile banner was not blocked from indexing (ALLCORP3-553)
Fixed signature generation for payment via Invoicebox (ALLCORP3-544)
In the main banner on mobile devices, video playback did not work when using the “fade” animation (ALLCORP3-539)
Flipping the main banner slider did not work (ALLCORP3-531)
The composition of the fixed header was not saved through the solution settings widget (ALLCORP3-550)
In your personal account, the color of the subscription status text in the dark theme has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-526)
Pictures of service sections on mobile devices shifted (ALLCORP3-532)
The display of the banner on mobile devices has been adjusted for the type “With a field at the bottom for the title and text” (ALLCORP3-527)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
A new type of product card has been added, and our own product set functionality has been implemented.
Improved integration with Aspro.Cloud (ALLCORP3-591)
Added the ability to set vertical or horizontal image type in products (ALLCORP3-582)
Integration with VKontakte has been implemented: automatic publication of the latest posts from the VKontakte group on the main page of the site (ALLCORP3-598)
Improved display of horizontal images in the “Licenses and Certificates” section (ALLCORP3-466)
In the services section, the ability to display text under the list of subsections has been added (ALLCORP3-580)
On mobile devices, the last item in the menu disappeared (ALLCORP3-564)
Pagination points were displayed incorrectly when there were a large number of elements in the main banner (ALLCORP3-543)
The comparison button for products with a trade offer did not always work (ALLCORP3-561)
Removed extra zeros after the dot in the filter. Added the ability to specify the number of characters after the period for each property (ALLCORP3-523)
Related products were not displayed by filter in the employees section (ALLCORP3-571)
If the web form id and the form information block id matched, an incorrect message about successful form submission was displayed (ALLCORP3-418)
Fixed integration with the sotbit:seo.meta component (ALLCORP3-577)
The image for banners was stretched incorrectly by half and for banners “With a margin at the bottom for the title and text” on mobile devices (ALLCORP3-556, ALLCORP3-596)
Fixed display of characteristics on the detailed product page (ALLCORP3-585)
Menu item arrows are not displayed in the footer on mobile devices (ALLCORP3-600)
The language files of the YouTube block on the main page have been adjusted (ALLCORP3-587)
Enabling the YouTube block on the main page did not always work (ALLCORP3-552)
The notification about adding a product to the comparison list on the detailed page of the catalog did not work (ALLCORP3-593)
On mobile devices, the slider in the “Employees” block on the main page has been fixed (ALLCORP3-588)
The display of teasers in the “About the Company” block has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-535)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the ability to create custom tariff offers. They will be displayed instead of the periods of the tariff (ALLCORP3-569)
The “Display description for each sales offer” option has been added to the parameters of the catalog component. When the option is installed, a description of the selected trade offer is displayed on the detailed product page (ALLCORP3-655)
The options “Insert the title of the trade offer into the name of the product in the list” and “Insert the title of the offer into the name of the product on the detail page” have been added to the module parameters. Using new parameters, you can display the name of the specific selected trade offer instead of the product name. (ALLCORP3-655)
Disabled the ability to hide the pop-up window in the header if only one phone number was filled in (ALLCORP3-533)
Added the rel="alternate" attribute for the connection between the desktop and mobile versions of the site according to the recommendations of Yandex.Webmaster (ALLCORP3-681)
On the detailed tariff page, when the shopping cart was disabled, buttons were duplicated when selecting a tariff period (ALLCORP3-690)
In some cases, when switching cities in the contacts section, an error occurred (ALLCORP3-667)
When clicking on the search bar, proximity was triggered on IOS devices (ALLCORP3-640)
The successful form submission window was not translated (ALLCORP3-676)
In the adaptive version, city switching did not work (ALLCORP3-643)
When the cart was disabled and trade offers were switched in the list, a quick order button appeared (ALLCORP3-662)
The parameter “Display only the city search string” did not work correctly (ALLCORP3-521)
The logo was stretched in the adaptive version (ALLCORP3-629)
The work of the solution has been adapted for the update of 1C-Bitrix version 22.200.100 - an error in the tabs on the main page (ALLCORP3-729), an error when using regionality (ALLCORP3-728), an authorization error (ALLCORP3-730)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The solution has been adapted for updating 1C-Bitrix version 22.200.200 - jQuery connection error (ALLCORP3-756)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the ability for trade offers to specify a property with the “Directory” type for selecting elements (ALLCORP3-741)
Added a light-dark theme switch to the header and mobile menu (ALLCORP3-684)
Added accounting for light logo in dark theme (ALLCORP3-294)
Added regional filter for related items (ALLCORP3-312)
Added pop-up notification about authorization in your personal account (ALLCORP3-393)
The YouTube block on the main page has been optimized (ALLCORP3-650)
Added the ability to set attributes for buttons in the main banner, for menu items, for buttons in the header (ALLCORP3-701, ALLCORP3-705, ALLCORP3-706)
Added the ability to set different tab tab text additionally on the detailed product card (ALLCORP3-648)
A scroll for tabs with dates has been added in the news and articles section (ALLCORP3-726)
Improved work of the settings widget - the save button did not always appear (ALLCORP3-363)
Added centering to the brands block on the main page with a small number of elements (ALLCORP3-703)
Fixed display of the picture on the detailed contacts page when lazyload is disabled (ALLCORP3-653)
Adjusted scrolling for forms with a large number of fields (ALLCORP3-739)
Corrected display of the video start button in the main banner when there are no other buttons (ALLCORP3-718)
In the adaptive version, the block after the main banner was displayed incorrectly if types 3-5 and the “Narrow” option were used (ALLCORP3-722)
Fixed the menu being misaligned under the dots when the page first loads (ALLCORP3-586)
Fixed video stopping error in the main banner (ALLCORP3-735)
The active image in the banner in the element was displayed incorrectly when lazyload was disabled (ALLCORP3-669)
The work of the regional filter in search has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-688)
Corrected the shift of the arrow in the menu to a separate line with a long name (ALLCORP3-691)
Fixed horizontal scrolling on the main page in the adaptive version when using the “Banners with text” block (ALLCORP3-719)
In the third and fourth types of detailed product cards, the SEO header was not displayed (ALLCORP3-671)
The detailed product picture with the Russian file name was not displayed (ALLCORP3-694)
The language switching icon was not displayed when multisite on different domains (ALLCORP3-755)
Tabs like “Filter by year (links)” in the projects section did not switch (ALLCORP3-711)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Fixed search functionality in the site header (ALLCORP3-772)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
For new installations, 404 status is enabled in component parameters for all content sections (ALLCORP3-763)
Adjusted switching between dark and light logos depending on the site theme (ALLCORP3-771)
Fixed a conflict between the operation of the solution “Aspro: Corporate website 3.0” and its licenses when installed in multi-site mode (ALLCORP3-788)
Corrected the appearance of the drop-down menu when hovering over the phone in the header and footer of the site (ALLCORP3-814)
For new installations, the import of solution settings via the settings widget has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-786)
The generation of web forms and the creation of email notifications have been adjusted (ALLCORP3-769, ALLCORP3-794)
Fixed error in calling the comparison component (ALLCORP3-765)
Fixed display of the active image when loading a video into the main banner (ALLCORP3-768)
In the settings widget, the operation of the light and dark theme switch in the site header has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-777)
Display of site footers 3 and 4 has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-780)
The display of the ordering page on mobile devices has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-813)
Corrected the color of the gray mobile header (ALLCORP3-784)
Adjusted display of characteristics in tariffs (ALLCORP3-708)
The display of characteristics in the detailed product card and on the service page has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-721)
Fixed registration confirmation links in email templates (ALLCORP3-807)
The display of linked social network accounts in your personal account has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-801)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The solution and installer have been tested on PHP 8.1 (ALLCORP3-826, ALLCORP3-827, ALLCORP3-830)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
On the detailed catalog page if the “Link to video” field is filled in incorrectly (ALLCORP3-841)
When creating a user through the administrative part (ALLCORP3-846)
In the “Contacts” section for empty points on the map (ALLCORP3-845)
On the tariffs page (ALLCORP3-839)
Fixed opening the parameters of the news component in the "Projects" section (ALLCORP3-835)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Fixed an error when switching properties for selecting trade offers (ALLCORP3-893)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
The list of subdomains was not displayed when generating the robots.txt file (ALLCORP3-910)
The dark and light theme of the site was not saved after refreshing the page if it was switched in the site header (ALLCORP3-898)
Fixed an error in the blog when properties were not selected for display in the component settings (ALLCORP3-896)
Fixed ReCaptcha in your personal account when registering a new user (ALLCORP3-897)
Technical update
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added the ability to load icons in the drop-down list of phones (ALLCORP3-210, ALLCORP3-993)
Implemented sorting of display of tariff proposals (ALLCORP3-434)
Added a product gallery size of 520 px in the product card and on the main page of the site in the second type of block “Catalogue Elements” (ALLCORP3-223)
Added the ability to display catalog section images if there is no product image (ALLCORP3-248, ALLCORP3-995)
Added connection of tariffs with promotions, news, articles and projects (ALLCORP3-630)
Added display of “Add to cart” and “Order” buttons for services on the main page of the site and in the services section (ALLCORP3-299, ALLCORP3-1008)
Implemented the ability to rename the “Buy in 1 click” button (ALLCORP3-485)
Removed the rel="alternate" attribute for the connection between the desktop and mobile versions of the site according to the recommendations of Yandex.Webmaster (ALLCORP3-889)
Fixed micro markup errors in the product card (ALLCORP3-939)
Errors fixed on PHP 8 version (ALLCORP3-847, ALLCORP3-859):
In the gallery block on the main page, if the photo property was missing
In the contacts section
In the product card
In a blog, if the articles were in the parent section
At the root of a directory with deactivated partitions
When running cron
In a blog, if related elements have not been completed
On the projects detail page, if the video was loaded from a file
The 1-click buy button was not displayed in related products (ALLCORP3-991)
The logic for dimming/lighting the main banner on mobile devices has been adjusted - now it will only work for the mobile banner type “Without an active image” (ALLCORP3-927)
Removed extra padding from the map block on the main page (ALLCORP3-966)
The display of the block of related employees on the detailed product page on small screens has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-955)
The display of the employee block on the main page in 4K resolution has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-943)
Removed outdated technical warning for video in the product card in the source code (ALLCORP3-932)
After filtering products and returning back to the previous page, the values in the filter were not reset (ALLCORP3-958)
Corrected display of the “Ask a Question” form on iOS mobile devices (ALLCORP3-982)
Removed duplicate H1 header in product card 3 (ALLCORP3-988)
Fixed incorrect side menu caching (ALLCORP3-947)
Fixed export of solution settings (ALLCORP3-945)
The dark theme does not take into account the text color in banners with a “No description” background (ALLCORP3-942)
The search block type in the bottom panel with icons did not work on mobile devices (ALLCORP3-954)
Corrected links in multisite mode for the menu in the header of a topset type site (ALLCORP3-959)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Fixed a site error when using regionality and empty phone numbers for regions (ALLCORP3-1062)
Fixed an error on the detailed product page when there were no images for the kits (ALLCORP3-1051)
Fixed an error on the integration page with AmoCRM (ALLCORP3-1052)
Fixed error generating sitemap for subdomains (ALLCORP3-994)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added display of the “Add to cart/order” button for the related services block (ALLCORP3-1011)
Added tooltip for the "Price for Filter" property (ALLCORP3-1097)
Added feedback for the “Services” and “Employees” sections (ALLCORP3-815)
Added two color schemes to low vision mode (ALLCORP3-899)
Added micro markup for the “Q&A” section (ALLCORP3-933)
Fixed a bug in the search in the module settings (ALLCORP3-1069)
Corrected video autoplay on one banner on the main page of the site (ALLCORP3-790)
Fixed an error that occurred when the “Description” field on the contact page was empty (ALLCORP3-1033)
Removed extra closing tag in svg icon (ALLCORP3-1059)
Fixed layout errors in web forms near fields (textarea, radio) (ALLCORP3-1043)
Fixed display of the Date field in web forms (ALLCORP3-639)
Fixed functionality for transferring the kit price to the cart (ALLCORP3-961)
Changes have been made to the solution styles so that the image is not hidden when selecting the “With a collision with the header” option in the adaptive (ALLCORP3-770)
Fixed a bug when selecting checkbox type options in a web form, the data fields came empty (ALLCORP3-1030)
Fixed a bug where only existing files were connected when using tabs in a detailed product card (ALLCORP3-1044)
In the phone number field on the map in the contacts section, when regionalization was enabled, when hovering, an array (ALLCORP3-1055) was displayed instead of a link
Editing the drop-down list of contacts in the header, footer and Megamenu did not work (ALLCORP3-1065)
The “Order a service” form did not open on the information block in the detailed news card (ALLCORP3-960)
Changed the image on the site pages when removing the solution module (ALLCORP3-1088)
Corrected href attribute on the contacts page in the phone list (ALLCORP3-1074)
Fixed display of video previews if the playlist ID is specified in the YouTube block on the main page (ALLCORP3-832)
Corrected the form output for the button in the header for new installations (ALLCORP3-975)
Fixed a bug where a horizontal scroll appeared on the main page when using the “Carousel” banner type (ALLCORP3-970)
Fixed a bug in the banner type on the main “Half”, in which the size of the video container was incorrectly determined (ALLCORP3-1020)
Fixed a bug where the “Product” field was not displayed on information blocks in web forms (ALLCORP3-1034)
Fixed a bug where the header was not displayed in linked tariffs (ALLCORP3-1021)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Fixed verification of consent to the processing of personal data when registering on the site (ALLCORP3-903)
The quick order email did not contain the purchase currency (ALLCORP3-695)
In the detailed product card, properties at the top were not hidden if the setting was set to zero (ALLCORP3-670, ALLCORP3-934)
The product image was not displayed in the search when the “Display section image if there is no product image” setting was active (ALLCORP3-1072)
The display of detailed product images on mobile devices has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-816)
Fixed incorrect character code for the “Name” field for feedback forms in mail templates (ALLCORP3-665)
The title for the letter in the “Order a call” mail template has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-675)
The indentation in the 3rd and 4th headers for the second item drop-down menu has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-778)
Corrected closing of popup form from quick view (ALLCORP3-680)
Fixed incorrect addition of images to fancybox on the detailed product card in related products (ALLCORP3-1061)
Fixed opening calendar in form fields (ALLCORP3-1092)
Fixed cart operation if site ID is numeric (ALLCORP3-1113)
The checkout block was not displayed in the second detailed product page if the “Display section image if there is no product image” option was enabled (ALLCORP3-1126)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, be SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!
Added a new detailed product card with kit selection in the side column (ALLCORP3-626)
Implemented a universal widget for solving business problems: placement of a cost calculator, weather widget and more (ALLCORP3-224)
Optimizing site loading speed: added the ability not to paint svg icons of catalog sections and services in the theme color (ALLCORP3-989)
Implemented communication between employees and contacts (ALLCORP3-1108)
Added the ability to select a feedback form for the “Ask a question” button in a detailed product card by specifying the form ID in the component parameters (ALLCORP3-1136)
Added accounting for property sorting in the “Characteristics” block on the detailed service card (ALLCORP3-1014)
Added the ability to sort tabs on the detailed tariff card (ALLCORP3-981)
The version for the visually impaired has been adjusted: the text size of the address in the footer, price, promotion end timer, and more has been increased (ALLCORP3-1104)
Setting up an alternative header for the “Tariffs” block in the detailed article card did not work (ALLCORP3-1130)
When adding an item to the cart from a detailed item card, the notification displayed a picture of the associated item, not the item (ALLCORP3-1141)
The display of elements in the services section when clicking on the “Load more” button has been adjusted (ALLCORP3-1070)
The name of the parameter “Form ID for ordering a service” in the settings of the service component has been changed to “Character code of the form for ordering a service” (ALLCORP3-1103)
Fixed closing the list of numbers in headers when clicking outside the window (ALLCORP3-1151)
Additional banners were not displayed in the sidebar if the banners component and the on-page component had the same regional variable name (ALLCORP3-1131)
In the detailed product card for the “Demo site address” property, nofollow has been added for a link to the demo site (ALLCORP3-919, ALLCORP3-1038)
Attention!!! Before installing the update, BE SURE to perform a full backup of your site. If you made changes to the solution template, then additionally copy the entire template folder!