5.5.0 (22.07.2024)Updated CSS parser library
After the update, clear the module's CSS cache in the menu Services -> Ammina.Optimizer -> Statistics -> Cache Statistics
5.4.0 (04.07.2024)1. Small bug fixes
2. The minimum PHP version for the module is 8.2
3. The minimum version of the main module is 24.0.0
1.0.2 (25.03.2019)Added the ability to preload using browser tools (styles, scripts, fonts)
1.0.4 (25.03.2019)Added the ability to compress PNG and GIF files from the /upload/ folder into JPG format
1.0.6 (26.03.2019)Added the ability to clear the cache of CSS and JS files on the module settings page
1.0.8 (27.03.2019)1. Added processing of ajax and json requests
2. Fixed an imagick error where the image would break
3. Minor improvements and fixes
1.0.10 (27.03.2019)Added default exceptions for optimizing Bitrix administrative pages in the /bitrix/admin/, /bitrix/services/, /bitrix/activities/, /bitrix/gadgets/, /bitrix/panel/, /bitrix/tools/, /bitrix/wizards directories /
1.0.13 (01.04.2019)Added automatic reset of the current page cache (if there is a parameter in the request clear_cache=Y)
1.0.14 (05.04.2019)Added support for Node modules UglifyJS, YUI JS/CSS Compressor, HTML-Minifier. We recommend using these modules if it is possible to install them on your hosting.
1.0.15 (06.04.2019)- Improved processing of image selection in HTML code
- Added the ability to automatically specify font-display:swap; for web fonts
2.0.0 (12.04.2019)Added page monitoring to Google PageSpeed Insight. On the module settings page, add the service API key.
2.0.2 (14.04.2019)Added the ability to add various parameters to the @font-face property font-display
2.0.6 (24.04.2019)1. Minor fixes
2. Added check for the presence of the PHP Imagick module for image optimization on the module settings page
2.0.8 (01.05.2019)Added additional processing for connecting JavaScript files not via the 1C-Bitrix API
2.0.9 (02.05.2019)Added a module technical support form directly from the module's administrative pages. The function can be enabled/disabled on the module settings page.
2.5.0 (03.05.2019)1. Added optimization of CSS, JS and image files from remote servers.
2. Added optimization of Google Fonts files. Attention! When enabling this feature, ensure that the optimization overhead does not exceed the optimization benefit.
2.6.0 (24.05.2019)1. Minor changes to the minification of JS files
2. Improved algorithm for minifying JS and CSS files
3. Added support for minification libraries Uglify-JS2, Terser-JS, Babel-Minify and UglifyCSS
4. Added support for the old Bitrix ORM core
5. Improved caching mechanism for CSS and JS files
6. Other minor changes and improvements
2.6.1 (25.05.2019)1. Added the ability to send prefetch headers along with preload (to improve browser support)
2. Added the ability to add preload tags to the HTML in the head block in the link (improving compatibility with composite)
3. Minor improvements
2.6.5 (30.05.2019)Added the ability to process the data-src attribute of the img tag (if the site uses lazyLoad)
2.6.6 (30.05.2019)Added support for CDN 1c-Bitrix. After turning on/off or changing the CDN settings, resave the settings of the Ammina.Optimizer module
3.0.0 (17.07.2019)Big module update.
1. Added testing of available optimization libraries
2. Added the ability to optimize CSS, JS files and images on Ammina servers
3. New interface for managing optimization settings (the settings are in the Services menu. Global parameters are in the module settings)
4. Separation of settings for desktop devices and mobile devices, separation of settings by site, separation of settings for different pages
5. Critical CSS support
6. Added automatic generation of headers for preloading font files
7. Added basic optimization debugging functionality (module operating time)
8. Improving the page parsing algorithm for optimization
9. Optimization of JPG, PNG, GIF, SVG images.
10. Improved detection of browser support for WebP format and preload headers.
11. Improved compatibility with composite mode
12. Added automatic LazyLoad of images
13. Added an interface for obtaining a key for optimization on Ammina servers
14. Added a basic reset of the optimization cache in the public part of the site
15. Added the ability to Inline images in HTML pages
16. Other minor fixes.
Dear friends! The module has been almost completely redesigned. Compared to previous versions, performance has been significantly improved.
Currently version 3.0.0 is released in beta mode.
Please wait for the stable version 3.1, or contact our technical support to update to the current version of the module.
In the coming days, additional module functionality will be added, the module settings interface will be improved, hints will be added, and it will be transferred to stable version mode.
3.0.3 (20.07.2019)Added handling of encoding errors for some CSS and JS files (observed on Aspro solutions)
Improved Critical CSS functionality
3.0.5 (22.07.2019)1. Added an interface for displaying module cache statistics in the administrative part
2. Added an interface for displaying original and module-optimized files in the administrative part
3.0.6 (22.07.2019)1. Added the ability to enable/disable processing of tag identifiers in CriticalCSS
2. Added the ability to exclude individual classes and tag IDs in CriticalCSS
3. Added the ability to use only individual classes and tag IDs in CriticalCSS
4. Added a limit on the number of CriticalCSS variants
3.0.7 (23.07.2019)1. Added processing of CSS from third-party sites
2. Added Google Fonts processing
3.0.9 (23.07.2019)Handling an error in determining the composite mode for the 17th version of Bitrix
3.0.10 (26.07.2019)1. Bug fix and improved handling of script tags
2. Optimized sending requests for optimization to the AmminaServer optimization server
3.0.11 (28.07.2019)1. Bug fix and improved handling of script tags
2. Optimized sending requests for optimization to the AmminaServer optimization server
3. Improved procedure for collecting statistics about original and optimized files
4. Added background image optimization agent. Activated in the module settings
3.1.0 (29.07.2019)1. Added processing of AJAX, JSON requests
2. Added experimental support for autocomposite mode
3. Improved interface for viewing statistics about original and optimized files
4. Transferring the version 3 module to stable mode.
ATTENTION!!! After updating the module, you need to check and, if necessary, create at least one module setting in me services.
If you have any questions, please contact our technical support service support@ammina.ru
3.1.1 (29.07.2019)Added the ability to block the module's operation programmatically on individual pages. To do this, you can define the constant AMMINA_OPTIMIZER_STOP with the value true
3.1.2 (30.07.2019)1. Added processing of files in CSS from a remote server
2. Renamed the Mobile_Detect class to prevent conflicts in class names on some sites
3. Added an experimental encoding correction function (for UTF-8 sites, if the page code contains WINDOWS-1251 characters, then after them DOMDocument changes the entire text encoding. This function corrects this shortcoming)
4. For critical CSS, it is now possible to include required classes and identifiers to highlight critical CSS
3.1.3 (31.07.2019)1. Fixed an error when saving binary files using the Bitrix function $APPLICATION->SaveFileContent
2. Added highlighting in the module menu of settings items for which there are settings
3. Fixed an error in optimizing files that have spaces and Russian characters in their names
3.1.4 (01.08.2019)1. Optimized the work of critical CSS
2. Fixed an error with encodings for certain types of ajax requests
3.2.0 (11.08.2019)1. The algorithm for determining the type of request has been optimized
2. Added processing of component ajax
3. Added accounting for already loaded JS files in component ajax
4. Improved autocomposite mode (Unlocked frame update script movement to move to the end of the page)
5. Added pre-optimization mode for code blocks - component ajax (requires adding function calls to the code of component templates.
To connect the functionality you need:
- In the file /bitrix/php_interface/init.php add the line include_once($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . "/bitrix/php_interface/ammina.optimizer.init.php");
- In the template.php files necessary for pre-optimization of component templates, place 2 functions: AMOPTStartComponentTemplate(); at the beginning of the template and AMOPTEndComponentTemplate(); at the end of the template. Keep in mind that the component template must be cached (the corresponding component setting must be set) and the module optimization settings must be set to process the appropriate type of request.
6. Added the ability for JS scripts on sites with windows-1251 encoding to carry out double encoding conversion (before and after minification). Applies when JS files contain language strings in an encoding other than UTF-8
7. Added the ability to move all inline CSS (except critical CSS) to the end of the page
3.2.1 (16.08.2019)1. Disable WebP support for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad) for all browsers
2. Fixing an error in loading remote files whose URL does not contain a protocol indication (//)
3.2.2 (17.08.2019)Fixed an error in generating critical CSS rules when using the font-family property value with spaces without quotes in @font-face rules. It is recommended to clear the CSS cache after updating the module
3.2.4 (19.08.2019)Added checking for optimized image files. If the file length is 0 bytes, it is recreated.
3.2.6 (26.08.2019)1. Added the “Move all JavaScript to the bottom of the page” parameter - an analogue of the parameter of the main 1C-Bitrix module. Allows you to perform this function more quickly when the page size is large. (ATTENTION!!! Resave the optimization settings and check the correctness of the settings on the "Check libraries" page of the module)
2. Improved automatic detection of critical fonts for preload headers
3. In the admin panel in the public part, functions have been added to reset the cache of CSS, JS, images (separately) for the current page
3.2.7 (30.08.2019)Added experimental option "Check for invalid tag start characters". Required if there are unsafe characters in the HTML code
3.2.8 (31.08.2019)Added the ability to specify multiple domains when optimizing on Ammina servers
3.2.10 (03.09.2019)Adding ajax pages of Bitrix system components to standard module exceptions (sender.*, report.* and some others)
3.2.11 (03.09.2019)1. Added option Unblock data-skip-moving for scripts located in the body tag
2. Added option Replace special character • to valid. Used, for example, in the Bitronic 2 solution
3. Fixed a script processing error when using pre-optimization of component templates
3.2.14 (14.09.2019)1. Added global module settings: Do not use module on pages, allowing you to disable the module globally on specified pages/sections (in addition to the system list)
2. Added global module settings: Do not use the module in edit mode in the public part (disables the module from working in edit mode in the public part)
3.2.15 (28.10.2019)Improved handling of Critical CSS when using CSS selectors like :not(.class)
After updating, you need to clear the module's CSS cache
3.2.17 (17.11.2019)Added automatic clearing of the module cache (by the agent). The function is enabled in the module settings
3.2.19 (20.11.2019)Fixed CSS and JS cache growth bug.
After updating the module, you need to clear the CSS and JS cache on the module page Services -> Ammina Optimizer -> Statistics -> Cache Statistics -> Clear Cache tab. There is no need to clear the image cache.
3.2.20 (28.12.2019)1. Fixed a bug with duplicating cache clearing agents. After updating the module, resave the module settings in the Settings - Product Settings - Modules Settings - Ammina Optimizer: Site Optimization (CSS, JS, HTML, images) section
2. Added the ability to rewrite unprocessed HTMLEntity to HTMLCodes (for example, DOMDocument does not process + correctly. It is necessary to replace it with HTML code +. These replacements are entered in the optimization settings section Basic settings - Other parameters. Correspondences can be found on the website https://www.toptal .com/designers/htmlarrows/symbols/
3.3.0 (08.02.2020)Full support for the composite mode of the site has been implemented along with an optimization module (browser support for WebP images is taken into account). Details of setting the mode are described in the documentation for the module https://www.ammina.ru/documentation/course4/lesson139/?LESSON_PATH=97.98.139
3.3.4 (07.03.2020)1. Added the ability to unlock the movement of scripts in head
2. Added the ability to convert InlineCSS into files and combine them into a single assembly. Necessary, for example, for Intec solutions
3. Added the ability to convert InlineJS into files and combine them into a single assembly. Necessary, for example, for the correct operation of LazyLoad in the Aspro.Max solution
4.Small improvements
3.3.7 (17.03.2020)Added logging of erroneous and slow requests to external resources (Enabled by default. Disabled in the module settings)
3.3.10 (09.05.2020)Improved detection of Apple devices to exclude conversion to WebP image format
3.3.12 (16.05.2020)Added the ability to disable optimization of some frames in composite mode (by adding a construct to the frame)
3.4.0 (15.06.2020)1. CSS minification libraries have been removed, except for Sabberworm.
2. Removed PHP JS minification libraries.
3. Added automatic receipt of the AmminaAPI asynchronous optimization key.
4. Added simplified quick optimization settings
5. Added short instructions to the module menu
3.4.1 (16.06.2020)Added lazy loading of Yandex Metrica, GoogleTagManager, Google Analytics, Google Recaptcha scripts, Roistat.com, Bitrix.info - site speed script, Bitrix spread - script for distributing cookies across domains, Bitrix24 - bitrix24 and corporate portal widgets, JivoSite - online chat widget , Regmarkets.ru - service scripts, LiveTex.ru - online chat, Talk-Me.ru - online chat, Yandex chat - online chat, SendPulse.com - service scripts, Mail.ru rating, Rambler.ru - TOP 100, Scripts Yandex maps, Facebook.com to speed up site loading.
After updating the module, enable lazy loading in the optimization settings in the Basic parameters - Lazy loading block (either by default or specify the necessary settings)
3.5.0 (20.06.2020)1. Added 3 models for processing JS scripts.
2. A default model for processing JS scripts has been installed with full preservation of the order of all files
3. Improved handling of critical CSS for preloading priority fonts
3.5.4 (27.06.2020)1. Added defer attribute for JavaScript tags
2. Added preloading of images
3.5.8 (14.07.2020)Fixed an error with the double Ajax hit of the composite mode in the demo version of the module, which appeared on some configurations.
3.5.9 (16.07.2020)1. Added automatic preloading of all declared scripts
2. Added removal of link tags with the rel=preload and prefetch attribute (If the site was previously optimized to avoid double preloading)
3. The operation of defer scripts has been normalized. Allows you to postpone the execution of scripts until the end of rendering of the HTML page. Currently in beta mode. Enabled in the optimization settings in the JavaScript section - Additional JS settings - Set the Defer attribute. The stable mode and "Enabled by default" state will be transferred after detailed testing.
3.6.0 (29.07.2020)1. Added unicode-range support for fonts
2. Improved GoogleFonts support
3. Added a correction to the order of specifying font types in the font-face rules
4. Added image search in all HTML tag attributes
5. Improved performance of the Defer script algorithm. Please note that defer does not work on all sites. When enabled, check for Javascript errors in the console and the functionality of the site.
6. Added moving scripts of dynamic blocks in composite mode to the bottom of the page
7. In the menu of the administrative panel of the public part of the site, an option has been added to temporarily disable the module on the page (using a parameter in the URL)
8. Added caching of settings, independent of the use of 1C-Bitrix kernel autocaching
After the update, enable the default image search model in the optimization settings (or specify the necessary options).
3.7.0 (09.10.2020)1. Added automatic optimization settings when installing the module.
2. Minor fixes and improvements.
3.8.0 (18.11.2020)Added support for mbstring.func_overload=0 (for main module version 20.100.0 and higher)
3.8.4 (25.11.2020)1. Improved performance of composite mode
2. Improved detection of webp support for transitional versions of macOS (from 10 to 11) / iOS (from 13 to 14)
3. A ban on image inlineization has been added for the href attribute of tags
3.8.6 (26.11.2020)Composite mode improvements (defining webp support for transitional versions of safari)
3.9.0 (15.01.2021)1. A check for the existence of the original image file has been added to the cache autocleanup agent. If the file does not exist, then the optimized file is deleted
2. Improved work with anti-caching parameters for connecting JS and CSS files
3. In the optimization settings section Images - Other settings, the option has been added not to optimize original (jpg, png, gif) files. When this option is enabled, only images are optimized in webp format
3.9.1 (26.01.2021)For optimization settings Only classes/identifiers, Ignored classes/identifiers in the CSS->Critical CSS group, the ability to specify the PART prefix has been added: for comparison by the occurrence of the specified text in the filtered class/identifier
3.10.0 (26.06.2021)1. Added unlocking of aspro scripts in the latest updates
2. Added removal (translation into inline format) of an additional request to the setTheme.php file for aspro solutions
3. Added the ability to move the Bitrix speed script (which is shown on the desktop in the admin panel) to the header to collect indicators that are more relevant to reality. (Please note: when deferring this script, the counter produced incorrectly increased values due to the fact that it is executed later. But there was no additional request to the Bitrix servers during the initial rendering. When this function is disabled and deferring of this script is enabled, the counter begins to produce inflated values site speed).
3.10.2 (26.07.2022)Support for BitrixCDN has been removed due to the discontinuation of support for this technology 1C-Bitrix
5.0.0 (02.10.2022)The first stage of updates for the 5th version of the module. Please read this information carefully:
Before updating, be sure to make a backup of the site.
New in version:
1. All images on the site are displayed either in webp format or in the original format.
2. All optimizations of static files are carried out on the servers of the solution manufacturer. This will reduce the load on client sites.
3. Added technology for delayed background loading of all JS scripts
4. Added technology for lazy background loading of CSS styles.
5. For full operation of the module from version 5.0, a current license for the module is required.
Details about the update can be read at this link: https://www.ammina-shop.ru/ammina.optimizer.5.0/
5.0.3 (10.10.2022)Added the ability to skip image optimization for img tags. For such tags you need to add the attribute data-skip-optimize="true"
5.1.0 (05.11.2022)1. Implemented lazy loading of images, iframes.
2. Improved background loading of the main site scripts
3. Improved background loading of CSS files
5.1.3 (06.11.2022)Added the ability to disable lazy loading of local scripts for some user groups
5.1.4 (05.12.2022)1. Added parameters for displaying optimization statistics.
2. Added a time limit for requests to the optimization server on 1 hit
5.2.0 (12.01.2023)1. Added the ability to asynchronously decode images for img tags (enabled by default)
2. Added blur type for lazyLoad images
3. Added conversion of images in CSS to WebP format (enabled by default)
4. Improved compatibility with PHP 8.1
5.3.0 (13.02.2023)1. For lazy images, the data-origin attribute has been added (for SEO promotion).
2. Added saving the history of changes to optimization settings.
3. Added import/export of optimization settings.
4. Added removal of lazyload images (if it is impossible to disable this functionality normally).
5. Additional processing of Javascript styles only for tags that do not contain the type attribute, or contain text/javascript or application/javascript in this attribute.
5.3.2 (31.05.2023)Error correction after updating the main Bitrix module to version 23.300.0